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File metadata and controls

148 lines (106 loc) · 3.91 KB


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This project is a simple tools to deserialize SQLite data to Java Bean on Android.

For java ResultSet also see SQLDataSet

implementation 'io.github.yeamy:sqlitedataset:1.2'

1. Annotation

public class Fruit {

    public String name;      // the column in database is "Name"

    public String fullName;  // the column in database can be "fullName" or "full_name"

    public String count;     // ignore this field

    public FruitType type;   // the name of the column is the same as the field
    // regist as custom type (see DsAdapter)

    public Skin skin;        // this field no DsColumn treat as extra type

2. DsReader

Generally, using DsReader is an easy and fast way.

Statement stmt = ...;                                 // the source
String sql = "SELECT ...";                            // the sql
Fruit apple =, sql, Fruit.class);  // read one
ArrayList<Fruit> list = r DsReader.eadArray(stmt, sql, Fruit.class);

3. DsFactory<T> & DsAdapter

In order to deserialize custom field type, you may define a DsFactory and register a type with DsAdapter.

java.sql.ResultSet rs = ...;                           // the data source

DsFactory<Fruit> factory = new DsFactory(Fruit.class); // build a factory

DsAdapter adapter = new DsAdapter() {

     * @param t
     *           any other base type field has been deserialized
     * @param field
     *           using field.getName() to distinguish same type.
     * @param rs
     *           jdbc select result,
     * @param columnIndex
     *           the index of the target column in ResultSet.
    public void read(Object t, Field field, ResultSet rs, int columnIndex) throws SQLException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
        FruitType type = new FruitType(....);
        field.set(t, type);

factory.addAdapter(Type.class, adapter);               // add custom type

Fruit apple =;                        // read one

factory.readArray(list, rs);                           // read array

List<Fruit> list = new ArrayList<Fruit>();
factory.readArray(list, rs);                           // read array with custom list

4. DsObserver

If you want to do anything after the Bean read, you can implement DsObserver.class, and do it in onDsFinish().

public class Vegetables implements DsObserver {

    public String name;
    public void onDsFinish(){}

5. Extra Field

Data come from same row of ResultSet can deserialize into an extra field.

source table:

UserName Province CityName ...
Nike Guangdong Shantou ...

Usually, deserialize like this:

public class User {

    public String name;

    public String province;

    public String city;

to package province and city into same field location, see below:

public class User {

    public String name;

    // NOTICE:must without annotion DsColumn, field name cannot as same sa column,
    // otherwise using DsAdapter instead
    public City location;

public class City {

    public String province;

    public String city;