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Sparc(k) for Arduino compiler

Online test:

Sparklang (aka Spark) is an open source programming language for Arduino The language compiler consists of 3 parts:

  • Parser - generted by peg.js, which produces a parse tree for further analisys
  • Evaluator - checks the semantics of the parse tree, produces AST
  • Code Generator - produces C++ code based on the AST


You will need node v5+ and npm (comes with node) -


  • clone repo git clone
  • cd to project directory cd spark-lang
  • run npm install to install dependencies

Using the Sparc compiler

From the project bin directory run sparc [input file] [commands] input file - optional, file to read sparc code from

If the input file is not specified - you can supply inline input string with -i command


  • -i - process input, for example sparc -i "a = 1; b = a + 3"
  • -o - output file, where the program will be saved, for example sparc hello.sprk -o hello.cpp


  • Improve everything

Quick Language Spec (to be improved)

Variable initialization - inferred types, (also - optional semicolons) foo = 10 // int bar = "Hello" // str

Parenthesis in if and for statements are optional, but the curly brackets are mandatory.

if a < 5 { ... }

Alias keywords for common operators - and, or, xor

if bar < 500 and foo > 100 { ... }

There are alias for equality operators - is and is not (convert to - '==' and '!=')

if reading is not 0 { ... }
if ledPin is HIGH { ... }

Loops - there are only for loops in the language. They can take just the testing condition:

for i < 10 { ... }

Otherwise they work the same way as regular for loops:

for i = 0; i < 10; i++ { ... }

You can use break and continue statement, there is also an alias for 'continue' - skip

Functions can have docstrings:

/// This is the function description
int readPin ( int number ) { ... }

Aliases for the built-in Arduino functions:

println() - Serial.println()
pinRead() - digitalRead()
now()     - millis()

How to hack the language

Building the compiler

  • from project root run gulp build_browser to build all compiler modules
  • alternatively you can run gulp parser, gulp evaluator or gulp generator to build compiler modules separately
  • after you built all the compiler modules - you can build the binary compiler with gulp build_sparc

Running tests

  • run gulp test from the project root directory (this will generate markdown reports in the /test/reports/ folder)
  • alternatively you can run jasmine or jasmine-node with custom options from the test/ directory

Project directory structure

[bin] - 'binary' version of the compiler
[build] - browser version of the compiler
[src] - project sources
|__ [parser] - parser source
|__ [evaluator] - evaluator source
|__ [generator] - generator source
[test] - test suites
|__ [resources] - additional resources for tests
|__ |__ [code] - code samples
|__ [spec] - test specifications

###Many thanks to:

  • PEGjs project for an awesome parser generator and grammar examples [1]
  • Philippe Sigaud for his pegged grammar tutorial and examples [2]

[1] [2]

###License: GPLv2.0 -