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Why FSDP2?

PyTorch's fully sharded data parallelism (FSDP) API, FullyShardedDataParallel, looks to offer a performant eager-mode implementation, including communication bucketing and communication/computation overlap. It defines a FlatParameter by flattening and concatenating a group of parameters to represent a communication bucket. However, this FlatParameter complicates applying different behaviors to individual parameters within the FlatParameter, e.g. parameter freezing, parameter casting, etc., hurting composability, and it complicates the internal implementation, e.g. making state dict logic thousands of lines and requiring additional communications.

With these limitations in mind, we designed and implemented an FSDP rewrite removing the FlatParameter. We refer to this rewrite as FSDP2 and the original as FSDP1. FSDP2 targets the same use cases as FSDP1 plus more, and FSDP2 still strives for good performance in eager mode, using several of the same techniques.

Compared to FSDP1:

  • FSDP2 represents sharded parameters as DTensors sharded on dim-0, allowing for easy manipulation of individual parameters, communication-free sharded state dicts, and a simpler meta-device initialization flow.
  • FSDP2 implements an improved memory management system that achieves lower and deterministic GPU memory by avoiding recordStream and does so without any CPU synchronization.

In the future, FSDP2 will offer an extension point to customize the all-gather (e.g. for fp8 all-gather for fp8 linears) and improved torch.compile support.

We have validated FSDP2 numerics and performance using torchtitan (e.g. see this PR). For example, on some Llama-7B runs on 8x H100s, FSDP2 achieves higher MFU with 7% lower peak memory than FSDP1, matching the same loss curve.

For more details on motivation, API, and system design, refer to here. In this README, we try to provide more user-facing info and less system design details.

FSDP1 <> FSDP2 API Differences

We go over some API differences between FSDP1 and FSDP2. Overall, we hope to minimize the API surface (including the number of arguments) to avoid having a monolithic API.

def fully_shard(
  module: nn.Module,
  mesh: Optional[DeviceMesh] = None,
  reshard_after_forward: Union[bool, int] = True,
  mp_policy: MixedPrecisionPolicy = MixedPrecisionPolicy(),
  offload_policy: OffloadPolicy = OffloadPolicy(),
) -> nn.Module:  # returns `module` for `contract` checks
module module
process_group/device_mesh mesh
sharding_strategy reshard_after_forward
cpu_offload offload_policy
auto_wrap_policy removed
backward_prefetch removed
mixed_precision mp_policy
ignored_modules/ignored_states not yet implemented
param_init_fn removed
device_id removed
sync_module_states removed
forward_prefetch not yet implemented
limit_all_gathers removed
use_orig_params removed
  • fully_shard(module) is similar to FullyShardedDataParallel(module), constructing one communication bucket from module.parameters() except those already assigned to a nested fully_shard/FullyShardedDataParallel call.
    • fully_shard(module) adds an FSDPState object on module, accessible via fully_shard.state(module), instead of being an nn.Module wrapper. This is done via the @contract decorator.
    • Calling model.named_parameters() for a model with FSDP2 applied returns unchanged parameter names and DTensor sharded parameters. This means that the optimizer and gradient norm clipping see DTensors.
    • fully_shard(module) performs a dynamic class swap on module. E.g., if type(module) is Transformer, then FSDP2 constructs a new class FSDPTransformer that inherits from a class FSDP and Transformer and sets module.__class__ to be FSDPTransformer. This allows us to add new methods and override methods via FSDP without constructing an nn.Module wrapper.
  • FSDP1's sharding_strategy and process_group/device_mesh maps to FSDP2's mesh and reshard_after_forward.
    • mesh should be 1D for FSDP and 2D for HSDP. For HSDP, we assume replication on the 0th mesh dim and sharding on the 1st mesh dim. If mesh is None, then FSDP2 initializes a 1D global mesh over the default process group.
    • reshard_after_forward=True or False determines whether parameters are resharded (freed) after forward. If True, then they are re-all-gathered in backward. This trades off saving memory at the cost of extra communication.
    • (Experimental) reshard_after_forward: int means that parameters are resharded to a smaller world size after forward (e.g. reshard_after_forward=8 can mean intra-node) so that the backward all-gather is over a smaller world size.
    • FSDP1 FSDP2 DeepSpeed
      1 process_group + FULL_SHARD 1D mesh + reshard_after_forward=True ZeRO-3
      1 process_group + SHARD_GRAD_OP 1D mesh + reshard_after_forward=False ZeRO-2
      2 process_groups/2D device_mesh + HYBRID_SHARD 2D mesh + reshard_after_forward=True MiCS
      2 process_groups/2D device_mesh + _HYBRID_SHARD_ZERO2 2D mesh + reshard_after_forward=False -
      - 1D/2D mesh + reshard_after_forward=8 (int) ZeRO++ hpZ
  • FSDP2 maps mixed_precision to mp_policy and cpu_offload to offload_policy.
    • For mp_policy, we remove buffer_dtype, simplify cast_forward_inputs and cast_root_forward_inputs into just cast_forward_inputs, and add an output_dtype.
    • For offload_policy, we add a pin_memory option to avoid pinning CPU memory. (This feature may not have landed yet.)
  • FSDP2 removes auto_wrap_policy, backward_prefetch, param_init_fn, device_id, sync_module_states, limit_all_gathers, and use_orig_params.
    • auto_wrap_policy provides a syntactic sugar for calling FullyShardedDataParallel on modules based on a predicate given by the policy and assigning the wrapped module to its parent. FSDP2 is no longer an nn.Module wrapper, so there is need to assign the module back to its parent. We prefer for this functionality to exist above fully_shard, and we may provide a utility like auto_wrap_policy in the future.
    • FSDP2 always follows backward_prefetch=BACKWARD_PRE without option since that is the only way to overlap collectives in backward correctly. BACKWARD_POST can prefetch incorrectly in nested-module cases.
    • FSDP2 supports a new meta-device initialization flow that does not require materializing a module on GPU before sharding it, removing the need for param_init_fn. See Meta-Device Initialization for more details.
    • FSDP2 always moves managed parameters/buffers to the mesh's corresponding device, removing the need for device_id. For example, if mesh.device_type is "cuda", then FSDP2 uses the current CUDA device.
    • FSDP2 uses a new memory management system that preserves communication/computation overlap while achieving deterministic and lower memory usage than FSDP1. This system does not require any CPU synchronization, so there is no need for limit_all_gathers.
    • FSDP2 always "uses the original parameters" since there is no more FlatParameter, removing the need for use_orig_params.
  • How to implement ignored_modules/ignored_states and forward_prefetch in FSDP2 is under discussion.
model.state_dict(): full state dict model.state_dict(): sharded state dict (no communication)
optim.state_dict(): local state dict optim.state_dict(): sharded state dict (no communication)
summon_full_params() use DTensor APIs like full_tensor()
FSDP.clip_grad_norm_() nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_()
ShardedGradScaler not yet supported

Meta-Device Initialization

Before with FSDP1:

from torch.distributed.fsdp import FullyShardedDataParallel as FSDP
with torch.device("meta"):
    model = Transformer()
policy = ModuleWrapPolicy({TransformerBlock})
# Call `reset_parameters()` on every module
model = FSDP(model, auto_wrap_policy=policy)
# Call `param_init_fn` on every module
def param_init_fn(module: nn.Module) -> None: ...
model = FSDP(model, auto_wrap_policy=policy, param_init_fn=param_init_fn)

After with FSDP2:

with torch.device("meta"):
    model = Transformer()
for module in model.modules():
    if isinstance(module, TransformerBlock):
for tensor in itertools.chain(model.parameters(), model.buffers()):
    assert tensor.device == torch.device("meta")
# Allocate buffers and sharded parameters on GPU
# Run user-defined initializers
model.init_weights() # or `model.apply(init_weights)`

FSDP1 requires either reset_parameters or param_init_fn to materialize a module onto GPU immediately before sharding. To do this correctly without re-initializing any tensors requires care and can be unwieldy. However, FSDP2 allows materializing tensors onto GPU after sharding (taking advantage of DTensor and a new swap_tensors path for nn.Module._apply methods).