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GSEA long time no response #659

Xingsongli opened this issue Jan 15, 2024 · 23 comments

GSEA long time no response #659

Xingsongli opened this issue Jan 15, 2024 · 23 comments


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Describe your issue

I run GSEA() for a goat RNAseq differention analysis results.
the prepare code is follow:

      genelogFC <- as.numeric(gene_diff$logFC)
      names(genelogFC) <- gene_diff$gene_name
      genelogFC <- sort(genelogFC,decreasing = T)

the main code is follow:

      gseakegg <- GSEA(geneList = genelogFC,
                       pvalueCutoff = 0.05,pAdjustMethod = 'BH',
                       TERM2NAME = Pathways[['KEGG']][,c('TermID','TermName')],
                       TERM2GENE = Pathways[['KEGG']][,c('TermID','Genesnames')]

while, the main command still no response after 24 hours!

the R version is 4.3.2, the version of clusterProfiler is 4.10.0.

Can you help me solve this problem?

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I notice you are using subset input for genelogfc, TERM2NAME and TERM2GENE.

Especially regarding the last 2: are you sure that the inputs for TERM2NAME and TERM2GENE are a data.frame with only 2 columns?

Thus: what is the output from class(Pathways[['KEGG']][,c('TermID','TermName')]) and head(Pathways[['KEGG']][,c('TermID','TermName')]). Idem for TERM2GENE input and genelogfc.

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Yes, I run a "subset" command for "genelogFC" to select the genes only in KEGG database.
the inputs for TERM2NAME and TERM2GENE are data.frame.
the data class and head of each inputs are as follow:

40 hours ago, but the GSEA command still no response, and no errors.

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Mmm, such long runtime is indeed not expected at all!

How many gene sets are you analyzing?
Also, if you would like me to double-check, feel free to upload your input files.

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Thank you very much!
I upload a zip file of a R data, which contains two objects, genelogFC and KEGGdb (KEGGdb <- Pathways[['KEGG']]).

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guidohooiveld commented Jan 16, 2024

For me the analysis takes just few seconds....

Note the warnings on ties and duplicate entries. The warning on ties means that in genelogFC you have entries that have the same value of the ranking metric, and the duplicate entries means that at least one gene symbol is present multiple times.

Also note that I set the significance cutoff at 1 (to make sure any result is obtained).

> library(clusterProfiler)
> load("GSEA.Rdata")
> ## check input
> head(genelogFC)
    DKK1     GPD2 CYB561A3   ACVR1B C15orf48   FRRS1L 
15.38154 15.21665 14.98970 14.95542 14.72364 14.42049 
> head(KEGGdb)
  Genesnames                        TermNAME   TermID dbType
                      TermName                                 curl
1 Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis
2 Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis
3 Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis
4 Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis
5 Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis
6 Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis
> ## run universal GSEA function, but do NOT apply sign. cutoff!
> ## this is to show it works.
> res <- GSEA(geneList = genelogFC,
+             minGSSize = 10,
+             maxGSSize = 500,
+             eps = 0,
+             pvalueCutoff = 1,
+             pAdjustMethod = "BH",
+             TERM2GENE = KEGGdb[, c("TermID","Genesnames")],
+             TERM2NAME = KEGGdb[, c("TermID","TermName")]
+             )
preparing geneSet collections...
GSEA analysis...
leading edge analysis...
Warning messages:
1: In preparePathwaysAndStats(pathways, stats, minSize, maxSize, gseaParam,  :
  There are ties in the preranked stats (0.11% of the list).
The order of those tied genes will be arbitrary, which may produce unexpected results.
2: In preparePathwaysAndStats(pathways, stats, minSize, maxSize, gseaParam,  :
  There are duplicate gene names, fgsea may produce unexpected results.
> res
# Gene Set Enrichment Analysis
#...@organism    UNKNOWN 
#...@setType     UNKNOWN 
#...@geneList    Named num [1:10772] 15.4 15.2 15 15 14.7 ...
 - attr(*, "names")= chr [1:10772] "DKK1" "GPD2" "CYB561A3" "ACVR1B" ...
#...pvalues adjusted by 'BH' with cutoff <1 
#...293 enriched terms found
'data.frame':   293 obs. of  11 variables:
 $ ID             : chr  "chx01523" "chx04927" "chx03320" "chx00670" ...
 $ Description    : chr  "Antifolate resistance" "Cortisol synthesis and secretion" "PPAR signaling pathway" "One carbon pool by folate" ...
 $ setSize        : int  19 33 46 12 25 18 65 37 52 83 ...
 $ enrichmentScore: num  0.722 0.646 0.617 0.765 0.658 ...
 $ NES            : num  1.67 1.64 1.64 1.61 1.6 ...
 $ pvalue         : num  0.00215 0.00304 0.00155 0.0083 0.007 ...
 $ p.adjust       : num  0.297 0.297 0.297 0.37 0.37 ...
 $ qvalue         : num  0.293 0.293 0.293 0.364 0.364 ...
 $ rank           : num  1515 842 1773 1515 1516 ...
 $ leading_edge   : chr  "tags=37%, list=14%, signal=32%" "tags=21%, list=8%, signal=20%" "tags=43%, list=16%, signal=36%" "tags=50%, list=14%, signal=43%" ...
 T Wu, E Hu, S Xu, M Chen, P Guo, Z Dai, T Feng, L Zhou, W Tang, L Zhan, X Fu, S Liu, X Bo, and G Yu.
 clusterProfiler 4.0: A universal enrichment tool for interpreting omics data.
 The Innovation. 2021, 2(3):100141 

               ID                         Description setSize enrichmentScore
chx01523 chx01523               Antifolate resistance      19       0.7218598
chx04927 chx04927    Cortisol synthesis and secretion      33       0.6458605
chx03320 chx03320              PPAR signaling pathway      46       0.6165491
chx00670 chx00670           One carbon pool by folate      12       0.7653581
chx04610 chx04610 Complement and coagulation cascades      25       0.6583045
              NES      pvalue  p.adjust    qvalue rank
chx01523 1.673002 0.002152638 0.2973276 0.2926810 1515
chx04927 1.644100 0.003044310 0.2973276 0.2926810  842
chx03320 1.642999 0.001550212 0.2973276 0.2926810 1773
chx00670 1.612934 0.008299682 0.3702470 0.3644608 1515
chx04610 1.600897 0.007001891 0.3702470 0.3644608 1516
chx01523 tags=37%, list=14%, signal=32%
chx04927  tags=21%, list=8%, signal=20%
chx03320 tags=43%, list=16%, signal=36%
chx00670 tags=50%, list=14%, signal=43%
chx04610 tags=36%, list=14%, signal=31%
chx01523                                                                                       FOLR2/GART/ABCG2/NFKB1/TYMS/ATIC/MTHFR
chx04927                                                                               STAR/PDE8A/CREB3L2/CACNA1G/NR4A1/CREB5/CACNA1D
chx00670                                                                                           GART/MTFMT/TYMS/ATIC/ALDH1L2/MTHFR
chx04610                                                                       ITGB2/SERPINC1/F13A1/PLAUR/SERPINE1/F2/THBD/C1QB/C5AR1

> packageVersion("clusterProfiler")
[1] ‘4.10.0’

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I reinstall the R (version 4.3.2) and clusterProfiler(4.10.0). But the issue is still exist!
I can't find out where is the wrong!

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To confirm: you copied/pasted my code above, and takes more than few seconds?

Also, how long does the code take below that uses the included example data? Again, for me this is just a few seconds...

> library(clusterProfiler)
> data(geneList, package="DOSE")
> gene <- names(geneList)[abs(geneList) > 2]
> kk <- enrichKEGG(gene         = gene,
+                 organism     = 'hsa',
+                 pvalueCutoff = 0.05)
Reading KEGG annotation online: ""...
Reading KEGG annotation online: ""...
> head(kk)
hsa04110                   Cellular Processes
hsa04114                   Cellular Processes
hsa04218                   Cellular Processes
hsa04061 Environmental Information Processing
hsa03320                   Organismal Systems
hsa04814                   Cellular Processes
                                 subcategory       ID
hsa04110               Cell growth and death hsa04110
hsa04114               Cell growth and death hsa04114
hsa04218               Cell growth and death hsa04218
hsa04061 Signaling molecules and interaction hsa04061
hsa03320                    Endocrine system hsa03320
hsa04814                       Cell motility hsa04814
hsa04110                                                    Cell cycle
hsa04114                                                Oocyte meiosis
hsa04218                                           Cellular senescence
hsa04061 Viral protein interaction with cytokine and cytokine receptor
hsa03320                                        PPAR signaling pathway
hsa04814                                                Motor proteins
         GeneRatio  BgRatio       pvalue     p.adjust       qvalue
hsa04110    15/106 157/8659 6.013440e-10 1.280863e-07 1.265987e-07
hsa04114    10/106 131/8659 4.141010e-06 4.410176e-04 4.358958e-04
hsa04218    10/106 156/8659 1.951667e-05 1.385683e-03 1.369591e-03
hsa04061     8/106 100/8659 2.834762e-05 1.441085e-03 1.424349e-03
hsa03320     7/106  75/8659 3.382828e-05 1.441085e-03 1.424349e-03
hsa04814    10/106 193/8659 1.192644e-04 4.233885e-03 4.184714e-03
hsa04110 8318/991/9133/10403/890/983/4085/81620/7272/9212/1111/9319/891/4174/9232
hsa04114                          991/9133/983/4085/51806/6790/891/9232/3708/5241
hsa04218                           2305/4605/9133/890/983/51806/1111/891/776/3708
hsa04061                                 3627/10563/6373/4283/6362/6355/9547/1524
hsa03320                                       4312/9415/9370/5105/2167/3158/5346
hsa04814                   9493/1062/81930/3832/3833/146909/10112/24137/4629/7802
hsa04110    15
hsa04114    10
hsa04218    10
hsa04061     8
hsa03320     7
hsa04814    10
> system.time({
+ kk <- enrichKEGG(gene         = gene,
+                 organism     = 'hsa',
+                 pvalueCutoff = 0.05)
+  })
   user  system elapsed 
   0.24    0.00    0.24 

elapsed is the time that is relevant

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guidohooiveld commented Jan 16, 2024

sorry, that was for the overrepresentation (ORA) function, not GSEA....

For KEGG-based GSEA it takes my computer ~14 seconds.

> library(clusterProfiler)
> data(geneList, package="DOSE")
> kkk <- gseKEGG(geneList = geneList,
+               eps = 0,
+               organism     = 'hsa',
+               pvalueCutoff = 0.05)
preparing geneSet collections...
GSEA analysis...
leading edge analysis...
> head(kkk)
               ID                  Description setSize enrichmentScore      NES
hsa04110 hsa04110                   Cell cycle     139       0.6637551 2.825343
hsa03050 hsa03050                   Proteasome      43       0.7094784 2.448400
hsa03030 hsa03030              DNA replication      33       0.7227680 2.371262
hsa04657 hsa04657      IL-17 signaling pathway      85       0.5622094 2.197537
hsa05169 hsa05169 Epstein-Barr virus infection     193       0.4335010 1.926386
hsa01230 hsa01230  Biosynthesis of amino acids      62       0.5890512 2.158711
               pvalue     p.adjust       qvalue rank
hsa04110 2.693644e-20 9.131453e-18 6.748287e-18 1155
hsa03050 8.494620e-09 1.439838e-06 1.064063e-06 2516
hsa03030 1.182146e-07 1.127374e-05 8.331474e-06 1905
hsa04657 1.662794e-07 1.127374e-05 8.331474e-06 2880
hsa05169 1.623063e-07 1.127374e-05 8.331474e-06 2820
hsa01230 1.697239e-06 9.589398e-05 7.086715e-05 2918
hsa04110  tags=36%, list=9%, signal=33%
hsa03050 tags=65%, list=20%, signal=52%
hsa03030 tags=64%, list=15%, signal=54%
hsa04657 tags=49%, list=23%, signal=38%
hsa05169 tags=39%, list=23%, signal=31%
hsa01230 tags=55%, list=23%, signal=42%
hsa04110                                                                                                                                  8318/991/9133/10403/890/983/4085/81620/7272/9212/1111/9319/891/4174/9232/4171/993/990/5347/701/9700/898/23594/4998/9134/4175/4173/10926/6502/994/699/4609/5111/26271/1869/1029/8317/4176/2810/3066/1871/1031/9088/995/1019/4172/5885/11200/7027/1875
hsa03050                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       5688/5709/5698/5693/3458/5713/11047/5721/5691/5685/5690/5684/5686/5695/10213/23198/7979/5699/5714/5702/5708/5692/5704/5683/5694/5718/51371/5682
hsa03030                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           4174/4171/4175/4173/2237/5984/5111/10535/1763/5427/23649/4176/5982/5557/5558/4172/5424/5983/5425/54107/6119
hsa04657                                                                                                                                                                 4312/6280/6279/6278/3627/2921/6364/8061/4318/3576/3934/6347/727897/1051/6354/3458/6361/6374/2919/9618/5603/7128/1994/7124/3569/8772/5743/7186/3596/6356/5594/4792/9641/1147/2932/6300/5597/27190/1432/7184/64806/3326
hsa05169 3627/890/6890/9636/898/9134/6502/6772/3126/3112/4609/917/5709/1869/3654/919/915/4067/4938/864/4940/5713/5336/11047/3066/54205/1871/578/1019/637/916/3383/4939/10213/23586/4793/5603/7979/7128/6891/930/5714/3452/6850/5702/4794/7124/3569/7097/5708/2208/8772/3119/5704/7186/5971/3135/1380/958/5610/4792/10018/8819/3134/10379/9641/1147/5718/6300/3109/811/5606/2923/3108/5707/1432
hsa01230                                                                                                                                                                                                             29968/26227/875/445/5214/440/65263/6472/7086/5723/3418/7167/586/2597/5230/2023/5223/5831/6888/50/5315/3419/10993/2805/22934/3421/5634/3417/5232/221823/2027/5211/384/5832
> system.time({
+ kkk <- gseKEGG(geneList = geneList,
+               eps = 0,
+               organism     = 'hsa',
+               pvalueCutoff = 0.05)
+  })
preparing geneSet collections...
GSEA analysis...
leading edge analysis...
   user  system elapsed 
   1.28    0.11   14.06 

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Xingsongli commented Jan 16, 2024

Yes, I run GSEA function, no result or any error output for a long time (more than 1 hour).
I restart my computer, reinstall R(v4.3.2) and clusterProfiler(v4.10.0).
then run the follow code:

data(geneList, package="DOSE")
gene <- names(geneList)[abs(geneList) > 2]
kkk <- gseKEGG(geneList = geneList,eps = 0,organism     = 'hsa', pvalueCutoff = 0.05)

no results or any errors output for more than 5 minutes.

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guidohooiveld commented Jan 16, 2024

Well, there is not much anymore I can come up with... other than that the issue seems to be specific to your system. Sorry.

Some last suggestions:
Also reinstall fgsea (because clusterProfiler uses this under the hood for execution of GSEA).
Check nothing is reported when running BiocManager::valid().

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Thanks very much for your patience.
I reinstall fgsea, but the problem still exist!
I need to spend some more time on this issue, before deciding to reinstall my computer system!

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Maybe you could try this on another computer, e.g. from a colleague? Anyway, please report back.

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I tried GSEA in another computer, it taken my computer few seconds and then got the results.
I restalled my computer system, R, and clusterProfiler package. But, the issue is still exist!
what's wrong with my computer? I really don't know!

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Your question is strange and I can't figure out the reason. Please provide your sessionInfo() so I can see if there are any conflicts.

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@huerqiang @guidohooiveld
Thanks for your attentions!
I found the problem of this issue!
The “BiocParallel” packages was not installed successfully, when i reinstalled 'BiocParallel' successfully, the GSEA function was done soon!
thanks very much!

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Happy to hear you found the culprit!
Also thanks for reporting back since others may find this useful information when experiencing the same behavior.

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Hmm, I am also having the same problem, but it is on a server and I cannot upgrade to a newer version of R than 4.2. I have been able to install devtools versions of the mentioned packages:


But still it hangs forever. On a local installation with R/4.3.3 it works in minutes. The only cryptic error I get is after I cancel is

1: In preparePathwaysAndStats(pathways, stats, minSize, maxSize, gseaParam,  :
  There are ties in the preranked stats (1.93% of the list).
The order of those tied genes will be arbitrary, which may produce unexpected results.
2: In fgseaMultilevel(...) :
  There were 8 pathways for which P-values were not calculated properly due to unbalanced (positive and negative) gene-level statistic values. For such pathways pval, padj, NES, log2err are set to NA. You can try to increase the value of the argument nPermSimple (for example set it nPermSimple = 10000)

however I get this on the local machine when it runs successfully, as well as

3: In fgseaMultilevel(pathways = pathways, stats = stats, minSize = minSize,  :
  For some of the pathways the P-values were likely overestimated. For such pathways log2err is set to NA.

When I try to exit R on the server it also gives me another error:

Error while shutting down parallel: unable to terminate some child processes

Which makes me think it is maybe related r-lib/processx#236 ?

> sessionInfo()
R version 4.2.2 (2022-10-31)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: CentOS Linux 7 (Core)

Matrix products: default
BLAS/LAPACK: /usr/lib64/

 [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C
 [3] LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8
 [7] LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C
 [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base

other attached packages:
 [1] clusterProfiler_4.11.0.002 lubridate_1.9.3
 [3] forcats_1.0.0              stringr_1.5.1
 [5] dplyr_1.1.4                purrr_1.0.2
 [7] readr_2.1.5                tidyr_1.3.1
 [9] tibble_3.2.1               ggplot2_3.4.4
[11] tidyverse_2.0.0            data.table_1.15.0

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
  [1] nlme_3.1-164           bitops_1.0-7           fs_1.6.3
  [4] ggtree_3.6.2           enrichplot_1.18.4      bit64_4.0.5
  [7] HDO.db_0.99.1          RColorBrewer_1.1-3     httr_1.4.7
 [10] GenomeInfoDb_1.34.9    tools_4.2.2            utf8_1.2.4
 [13] R6_2.5.1               lazyeval_0.2.2         DBI_1.2.2
 [16] BiocGenerics_0.44.0    colorspace_2.1-0       withr_3.0.0
 [19] tidyselect_1.2.1       gridExtra_2.3          bit_4.0.5
 [22] compiler_4.2.2         cli_3.6.2              Biobase_2.58.0
 [25] scatterpie_0.2.1       shadowtext_0.1.3       scales_1.3.0
 [28] digest_0.6.34          yulab.utils_0.1.4      gson_0.1.0
 [31] R.utils_2.12.3         DOSE_3.24.2            XVector_0.42.0
 [34] pkgconfig_2.0.3        fastmap_1.1.1          rlang_1.1.3
 [37] RSQLite_2.3.5          gridGraphics_0.5-1     generics_0.1.3
 [40] farver_2.1.1           jsonlite_1.8.8         vroom_1.6.5
 [43] BiocParallel_1.37.1    R.oo_1.26.0            GOSemSim_2.29.1.001
 [46] RCurl_1.98-1.14        magrittr_2.0.3         ggplotify_0.1.2
 [49] GO.db_3.16.0           GenomeInfoDbData_1.2.9 patchwork_1.2.0
 [52] Matrix_1.6-5           Rcpp_1.0.12            munsell_0.5.0
 [55] S4Vectors_0.36.2       fansi_1.0.6            ape_5.7-1
 [58] viridis_0.6.5          R.methodsS3_1.8.2      lifecycle_1.0.4
 [61] stringi_1.8.3          ggraph_2.2.1           MASS_7.3-60.0.1
 [64] zlibbioc_1.48.0    plyr_1.8.9
 [67] qvalue_2.30.0          grid_4.2.2             blob_1.2.4
 [70] parallel_4.2.2         ggrepel_0.9.5          crayon_1.5.2
 [73] lattice_0.22-5         graphlayouts_1.1.1     Biostrings_2.66.0
 [76] cowplot_1.1.3          splines_4.2.2          hms_1.1.3
 [79] KEGGREST_1.38.0        pillar_1.9.0           fgsea_1.29.1
 [82] igraph_2.0.3           reshape2_1.4.4         codetools_0.2-19
 [85] stats4_4.2.2           fastmatch_1.1-4        glue_1.7.0
 [88] ggfun_0.1.4            treeio_1.22.0          png_0.1-8
 [91] vctrs_0.6.5            tzdb_0.4.0             tweenr_2.0.3
 [94] gtable_0.3.4           polyclip_1.10-6        cachem_1.0.8
 [97] ggforce_0.4.2          tidygraph_1.3.1        tidytree_0.4.6
[100] viridisLite_0.4.2      aplot_0.2.2            AnnotationDbi_1.60.2
[103] memoise_2.0.1          IRanges_2.32.0         timechange_0.3.0

And here is a very long list that causes the error:

hgene_list = c(
  ENSG00000205358 = 1.71683940669309, ENSG00000125144 = 1.71683940669309,
  ENSG00000198417 = 1.71683940669309, ENSG00000187193 = 1.71683940669309,
  ENSG00000205364 = 1.71683940669309, ENSG00000125148 = 1.71683940669309,
  ENSG00000205362 = 1.71683940669309, ENSG00000169715 = 1.71683940669309,
  ENSG00000244020 = 1.71683940669309, ENSG00000169688 = 1.71683940669309,
  ENSG00000096060 = 1.58210699810033, ENSG00000124172 = 1.56478671893789,
  ENSG00000130770 = 1.50489216813329, ENSG00000134202 = 1.4698373866362,
  ENSG00000088808 = 1.45257637875652, ENSG00000145425 = 1.41691142032016,
  ENSG00000135940 = 1.41157935078444, ENSG00000136888 = 1.40997333880743,
  ENSG00000198780 = 1.39218974734849, ENSG00000159335 = 1.33989954922064,
  ENSG00000157103 = 1.31187195713168, ENSG00000143013 = 1.30950611847576,
  ENSG00000004799 = 1.30855178958263, ENSG00000127824 = 1.30472362014152,
  ENSG00000169567 = 1.29165080859847, ENSG00000267855 = 1.27803991562272,
  ENSG00000240972 = 1.26230382371467, ENSG00000004779 = 1.26110297584081,
  ENSG00000241468 = 1.24973962015288, ENSG00000118680 = 1.24189049178607,
  ENSG00000250479 = 1.2290980994999, ENSG00000058600 = 1.2189458331349,
  ENSG00000128524 = 1.21400011594497, ENSG00000113387 = 1.21309005897879,
  ENSG00000122643 = 1.19382226160572, ENSG00000118181 = 1.18676908232996,
  ENSG00000155368 = 1.18431904256576, ENSG00000131495 = 1.18372136338783,
  ENSG00000140990 = 1.17993858009166, ENSG00000154620 = 1.17715959801855,
  ENSG00000109390 = 1.17007350551137, ENSG00000169020 = 1.1590926116663,
  ENSG00000197457 = 1.15321897659215, ENSG00000189058 = 1.15196520022997,
  ENSG00000182774 = 1.14986875810197, ENSG00000090266 = 1.14943495157358,
  ENSG00000184076 = 1.14154277485098, ENSG00000142541 = 1.13878222287575,
  ENSG00000173660 = 1.13619263950671, ENSG00000233954 = 1.13619263950671,
  ENSG00000189043 = 1.13520387056302, ENSG00000106153 = 1.12253762353348,
  ENSG00000047346 = 1.10748620418603, ENSG00000186010 = 1.10277323529468,
  ENSG00000154518 = 1.10013533789727, ENSG00000165566 = 1.09675173574042,
  ENSG00000163041 = 1.09481260012913, ENSG00000164919 = 1.09138805618581,
  ENSG00000109107 = 1.08462844585209, ENSG00000154277 = 1.08326209690974,
  ENSG00000088986 = 1.07596580130532, ENSG00000167863 = 1.07259478461746,
  ENSG00000123349 = 1.07079287809007, ENSG00000174748 = 1.06555268203012,
  ENSG00000099795 = 1.05660882612913, ENSG00000126432 = 1.05573858837322,
  ENSG00000008018 = 1.05506605208459, ENSG00000151366 = 1.0510722308243,
  ENSG00000164405 = 1.05047504386488, ENSG00000167468 = 1.04736720402617,
  ENSG00000264364 = 1.0400844592654, ENSG00000131469 = 1.03765052638906,
  ENSG00000198242 = 1.0373267455021, ENSG00000171867 = 1.03345400320414,
  ENSG00000120885 = 1.02839631477, ENSG00000105711 = 1.026952566807,
  ENSG00000243678 = 1.02653453677618, ENSG00000172020 = 1.02633565558673,
  ENSG00000142168 = 1.02524551959899, ENSG00000184368 = 1.02355603676229,
  ENSG00000105372 = 1.01774720430099, ENSG00000154146 = 1.01449901095248,
  ENSG00000128609 = 1.01367267397957, ENSG00000170889 = 1.01328393124836,
  ENSG00000184752 = 1.01202546828799, ENSG00000147604 = 1.01068420038509,
  ENSG00000108298 = 1.00801357713455, ENSG00000109906 = 1.00778551465831,
  ENSG00000128245 = 1.00655544230756, ENSG00000138326 = 1.00597643492615,
  ENSG00000166136 = 1.00217680963951, ENSG00000118271 = 0.998216890295532,
  ENSG00000277586 = 0.997406304816246, ENSG00000005022 = 0.991042093450574,
  ENSG00000130255 = 0.983850243829826, ENSG00000198918 = 0.981628359376579,
  ENSG00000198668 = 0.98124610511013, ENSG00000188846 = 0.976122867008785,
  ENSG00000196230 = 0.97403463846453, ENSG00000176788 = 0.959614771690516,
  ENSG00000198755 = 0.958360274755523, ENSG00000110700 = 0.957416744487928,
  ENSG00000204070 = 0.956290177087009, ENSG00000112695 = 0.95619054396824,
  ENSG00000103363 = 0.955881765818307, ENSG00000137154 = 0.949847985232563,
  ENSG00000198898 = 0.947549387257647, ENSG00000107317 = 0.933188620343763,
  ENSG00000092841 = 0.932520998058313, ENSG00000086061 = 0.932430902434278,
  ENSG00000156482 = 0.93024868928054, ENSG00000122026 = 0.922963541853578,
  ENSG00000143947 = 0.910705564018422, ENSG00000183020 = 0.90678491522015,
  ENSG00000166681 = 0.905865834164069, ENSG00000099624 = 0.90385268572363,
  ENSG00000197756 = 0.901653980794598, ENSG00000100387 = 0.899066616994884,
  ENSG00000018625 = 0.898582529205119, ENSG00000104205 = 0.895151478533651,
  ENSG00000156976 = 0.885344384481689, ENSG00000114391 = 0.883815776348761,
  ENSG00000155096 = 0.8820621933923, ENSG00000126267 = 0.880035595392117,
  ENSG00000154723 = 0.879861513070172, ENSG00000182154 = 0.877708751118269,
  ENSG00000138653 = 0.877162598278632, ENSG00000133169 = 0.876076348753623,
  ENSG00000133134 = 0.876076348753623, ENSG00000163032 = 0.874915566404603,
  ENSG00000170315 = 0.866269376657286, ENSG00000186468 = 0.865480123374759,
  ENSG00000167815 = 0.862653832563597, ENSG00000178741 = 0.86124082663996,
  ENSG00000127540 = 0.859694705548441, ENSG00000164587 = 0.859455657078407,
  ENSG00000111674 = 0.85055397316065, ENSG00000149806 = 0.848637613873069,
  ENSG00000111640 = 0.847967863038925, ENSG00000163584 = 0.846244311194419,
  ENSG00000065518 = 0.843806114555286, ENSG00000118515 = 0.838778236843058,
  ENSG00000105643 = 0.836059873928644, ENSG00000119013 = 0.829434227465623,
  ENSG00000166441 = 0.825263013728464, ENSG00000205609 = 0.814733273882907,
  ENSG00000184110 = 0.814733273882907, ENSG00000249222 = 0.814011236988932,
  ENSG00000167283 = 0.814011236988932, ENSG00000142937 = 0.806846742334718,
  ENSG00000174886 = 0.804418904169854, ENSG00000135404 = 0.798275437872406,
  ENSG00000105193 = 0.798025568830705, ENSG00000105649 = 0.796056192817841,
  ENSG00000171552 = 0.79187175647075, ENSG00000149925 = 0.790861961638248,
  ENSG00000213585 = 0.790756056209095, ENSG00000160014 = 0.789568864893087,
  ENSG00000101439 = 0.784903854898716, ENSG00000129559 = 0.783937467683231,
  ENSG00000006831 = 0.781283243920701, ENSG00000161970 = 0.77979980554161,
  ENSG00000171314 = 0.777611557575216, ENSG00000226784 = 0.777611557575216,
  ENSG00000198034 = 0.776334171327362, ENSG00000196531 = 0.773998383640009,
  ENSG00000112576 = 0.771703319815717, ENSG00000122873 = 0.769786928064695,
  ENSG00000146701 = 0.769227048741036, ENSG00000131143 = 0.766541797967176,
  ENSG00000162545 = 0.766086909605517, ENSG00000041357 = 0.764541530079218,
  ENSG00000127184 = 0.755619304061734, ENSG00000137267 = 0.753326192710662,
  ENSG00000109971 = 0.752547729940137, ENSG00000213741 = 0.75190559046006,
  ENSG00000150347 = 0.748817345571019, ENSG00000100442 = 0.747575788072623,
  ENSG00000100554 = 0.746492015285674, ENSG00000106976 = 0.744364816299835,
  ENSG00000124097 = 0.742121828872076, ENSG00000179295 = 0.741967201528654,
  ENSG00000136854 = 0.741451332623213, ENSG00000173726 = 0.732427321005484,
  ENSG00000166165 = 0.728043616995587, ENSG00000176340 = 0.722106752097768,
  ENSG00000173915 = 0.721542521683674, ENSG00000111229 = 0.720684113738838,
  ENSG00000119138 = 0.719578078002091, ENSG00000151729 = 0.717179843837198,
  ENSG00000104435 = 0.71700135304277, ENSG00000168461 = 0.715450234503149,
  ENSG00000131100 = 0.713787964483889, ENSG00000132639 = 0.710242338127823,
  ENSG00000101182 = 0.69823829484491, ENSG00000087460 = 0.692615121435034,
  ENSG00000130653 = 0.691806497485637, ENSG00000014641 = 0.690309325202624,
  ENSG00000198832 = 0.689843830912719, ENSG00000165795 = 0.688468660645414,
  ENSG00000176956 = 0.685598770573672, ENSG00000171863 = 0.67892038373738,
  ENSG00000147684 = 0.677160105901183, ENSG00000183778 = 0.67573071812169,
  ENSG00000171858 = 0.67534713302416, ENSG00000136521 = 0.674946953395345,
  ENSG00000143933 = 0.674560174445621, ENSG00000072864 = 0.672521580643962,
  ENSG00000187094 = 0.670610785551464, ENSG00000125868 = 0.6704652297299,
  ENSG00000182899 = 0.669610201960632, ENSG00000161016 = 0.668803728401979,
  ENSG00000183049 = 0.665653758106857, ENSG00000178127 = 0.664589075309924,
  ENSG00000109846 = 0.664315212098902, ENSG00000088832 = 0.663167749437362,
  ENSG00000198225 = 0.663167749437362, ENSG00000255302 = 0.661736217255527,
  ENSG00000154380 = 0.661031577854085, ENSG00000165629 = 0.658458860280495,
  ENSG00000111716 = 0.657726823722792, ENSG00000166913 = 0.656843511166158,
  ENSG00000167614 = 0.649837720249374, ENSG00000116285 = 0.649515604962034,
  ENSG00000101079 = 0.647718240049054, ENSG00000107223 = 0.647544843915408,
  ENSG00000010017 = 0.64716723238648, ENSG00000080824 = 0.645491848709252,
  ENSG00000078668 = 0.642588329677346, ENSG00000125827 = 0.64249813436689,
  ENSG00000165637 = 0.641536639035641, ENSG00000151065 = 0.641354187895147,
  ENSG00000172809 = 0.639850067565377, ENSG00000125691 = 0.639083445863694,
  ENSG00000131711 = 0.63794933753896, ENSG00000143158 = 0.637402309880651,
  ENSG00000167658 = 0.636237193732656, ENSG00000219200 = 0.630681952015169,
  ENSG00000150593 = 0.62688491946592, ENSG00000143156 = 0.625540505781098,
  ENSG00000099715 = 0.622622594733952, ENSG00000102290 = 0.622622594733952,
  ENSG00000232119 = 0.621891741089043, ENSG00000139112 = 0.619239975346181,
  ENSG00000089009 = 0.618874244360398, ENSG00000087495 = 0.618229252418347,
  ENSG00000150991 = 0.617152755429491, ENSG00000166313 = 0.616230675092185,
  ENSG00000113811 = 0.61488177803593, ENSG00000100316 = 0.613439206096115,
  ENSG00000188612 = 0.611537236741843, ENSG00000173812 = 0.607353623578334,
  ENSG00000138071 = 0.606274806573902, ENSG00000149218 = 0.605380291747905,
  ENSG00000124614 = 0.603307737511832, ENSG00000159377 = 0.597474157032013,
  ENSG00000070808 = 0.594854190078605, ENSG00000167526 = 0.592849251359786,
  ENSG00000172794 = 0.58958649157425, ENSG00000014824 = 0.589457448307512,
  ENSG00000011376 = 0.589214360088615, ENSG00000006468 = 0.586110689939697,
  ENSG00000015479 = 0.578002580650854, ENSG00000165704 = 0.577683665508465,
  ENSG00000116288 = 0.572214065695759, ENSG00000168653 = 0.572156712009325,
  ENSG00000134265 = 0.569899503155923, ENSG00000128739 = 0.56715861631521,
  ENSG00000114942 = 0.566222308534295, ENSG00000109586 = 0.56618489593554,
  ENSG00000083845 = 0.565297207859678, ENSG00000168734 = 0.564933255372328,
  ENSG00000167996 = 0.564921714083318, ENSG00000106615 = 0.563593633620315,
  ENSG00000286190 = 0.56247851901073, ENSG00000142676 = 0.560240240774335,
  ENSG00000127922 = 0.557115107504169, ENSG00000110436 = 0.556213051132284,
  ENSG00000110076 = 0.553470658703568, ENSG00000124507 = 0.550816647909464,
  ENSG00000143324 = 0.549879672480258, ENSG00000166033 = 0.549321851996933,
  ENSG00000184009 = 0.547811231076056, ENSG00000156411 = 0.54689666733599,
  ENSG00000075624 = 0.545911253763364, ENSG00000063177 = 0.54541122567823,
  ENSG00000178980 = 0.543655250083094, ENSG00000102109 = 0.540921074253515,
  ENSG00000064652 = 0.54037157571446, ENSG00000125977 = 0.53850817550969,
  ENSG00000101460 = 0.537536781343169, ENSG00000003509 = 0.532945936198797,
  ENSG00000204227 = 0.532671942528247, ENSG00000023516 = 0.532560132498917,
  ENSG00000130203 = 0.531678104082989, ENSG00000100380 = 0.531400537729726,
  ENSG00000130558 = 0.53096807737187, ENSG00000069275 = 0.527698527547871,
  ENSG00000132475 = 0.527072333887064, ENSG00000133112 = 0.523519418529247,
  ENSG00000104131 = 0.522452636728328, ENSG00000163349 = 0.520739358111275,
  ENSG00000129562 = 0.519818838755396, ENSG00000145592 = 0.519767584295496,
  ENSG00000112697 = 0.519498064725236, ENSG00000164741 = 0.51849442351223,
  ENSG00000060982 = 0.517148837906418, ENSG00000233927 = 0.516252336513734,
  ENSG00000096384 = 0.514391424631541, ENSG00000284546 = 0.512827356334461,
  ENSG00000284438 = 0.512827356334461, ENSG00000230268 = 0.512827356334461,
  ENSG00000284018 = 0.512827356334461, ENSG00000284306 = 0.512827356334461,
  ENSG00000283873 = 0.512827356334461, ENSG00000154917 = 0.510373254352224,
  ENSG00000231500 = 0.510372578288197, ENSG00000156467 = 0.51004038789735,
  ENSG00000056586 = 0.508980376749709, ENSG00000008988 = 0.508824947253746,
  ENSG00000171530 = 0.507486748636725, ENSG00000198961 = 0.507300916259816,
  ENSG00000132963 = 0.507115316582433, ENSG00000055163 = 0.503336999645257,
  ENSG00000111669 = 0.502991669072115, ENSG00000179218 = 0.502944938734941,
  ENSG00000143614 = 0.50098470746692, ENSG00000140391 = 0.499971912878254,
  ENSG00000075415 = 0.498941125496671, ENSG00000177432 = 0.495977852796171,
  ENSG00000169247 = 0.495948514410451, ENSG00000109472 = 0.495075796348016,
  ENSG00000142459 = 0.49380779661571, ENSG00000118200 = 0.493504678200475,
  ENSG00000074211 = 0.49350319677391, ENSG00000147123 = 0.493316972645278,
  ENSG00000142534 = 0.492684398219218, ENSG00000147799 = 0.49263654755935,
  ENSG00000031698 = 0.491577535640624, ENSG00000140600 = 0.49116125955334,
  ENSG00000197535 = 0.490403022434505, ENSG00000163001 = 0.487397787662556,
  ENSG00000170456 = 0.486707432463838, ENSG00000135968 = 0.48411826076365,
  ENSG00000172348 = 0.482393626627077, ENSG00000113369 = 0.482114668267551,
  ENSG00000108953 = 0.481297795542058, ENSG00000167552 = 0.480990419719817,
  ENSG00000110955 = 0.480902116435615, ENSG00000168314 = 0.48080654380769,
  ENSG00000143153 = 0.479756752584201, ENSG00000169891 = 0.478859527280509,
  ENSG00000122126 = 0.477987923909406, ENSG00000241837 = 0.472216660989418,
  ENSG00000167323 = 0.471502061746741, ENSG00000185883 = 0.470478167819432,
  ENSG00000079950 = 0.469922027297816, ENSG00000044574 = 0.469467443420105,
  ENSG00000187605 = 0.468859724904227, ENSG00000114573 = 0.46572084282474,
  ENSG00000169926 = 0.465646170398208, ENSG00000102547 = 0.465044084667409,
  ENSG00000156875 = 0.462244027891772, ENSG00000204178 = 0.461620762565735,
  ENSG00000166266 = 0.461146888757085, ENSG00000139651 = 0.45672997964129,
  ENSG00000122705 = 0.456520925437346, ENSG00000151292 = 0.456518011586655,
  ENSG00000084710 = 0.455808960728448, ENSG00000162734 = 0.454766617290812,
  ENSG00000070831 = 0.45420945949915, ENSG00000179222 = 0.453323001733404,
  ENSG00000128872 = 0.45011630506962, ENSG00000177614 = 0.449427580271004,
  ENSG00000114784 = 0.449095681766683, ENSG00000253729 = 0.44876369918966,
  ENSG00000074755 = 0.448191739310729, ENSG00000105220 = 0.447943208106845,
  ENSG00000020426 = 0.445905108765799, ENSG00000165280 = 0.445458756217747,
  ENSG00000100412 = 0.445349608400753, ENSG00000187109 = 0.443117685583095,
  ENSG00000090238 = 0.44254466462137, ENSG00000177954 = 0.437462629564048,
  ENSG00000164258 = 0.437296764613936, ENSG00000138439 = 0.436881176286519,
  ENSG00000146122 = 0.436792539984295, ENSG00000122257 = 0.435628805837432,
  ENSG00000132824 = 0.435122232733287, ENSG00000165802 = 0.432008831135537,
  ENSG00000099797 = 0.430590974320645, ENSG00000184220 = 0.430036172941408,
  ENSG00000172247 = 0.427810099989071, ENSG00000288920 = 0.427466188694133,
  ENSG00000168028 = 0.427466188694133, ENSG00000171951 = 0.427054465020533,
  ENSG00000181163 = 0.42331543645547, ENSG00000155506 = 0.423266197475742,
  ENSG00000143776 = 0.419440269539974, ENSG00000067560 = 0.418406422943007,
  ENSG00000239672 = 0.41638687377705, ENSG00000136156 = 0.415991851361407,
  ENSG00000183726 = 0.414332203500754, ENSG00000140988 = 0.413229871276864,
  ENSG00000196562 = 0.412839391453398, ENSG00000068697 = 0.412714516319373,
  ENSG00000152234 = 0.411283302834372, ENSG00000197694 = 0.41004608937977,
  ENSG00000136448 = 0.409955902080405, ENSG00000135390 = 0.409922119904939,
  ENSG00000105993 = 0.40962891756316, ENSG00000107863 = 0.40915717564763,
  ENSG00000145087 = 0.408424940946198, ENSG00000008952 = 0.407667694492301,
  ENSG00000197958 = 0.405304482485134, ENSG00000170027 = 0.404922756227907,
  ENSG00000187398 = 0.401776375114584, ENSG00000170365 = 0.401093966188542,
  ENSG00000135821 = 0.40064501602636, ENSG00000115268 = 0.397682393468391,
  ENSG00000183597 = 0.394519932071362, ENSG00000129625 = 0.393770178143189,
  ENSG00000158079 = 0.393612747552484, ENSG00000114030 = 0.392866695026236,
  ENSG00000111897 = 0.392812618348287, ENSG00000168906 = 0.392542998290157,
  ENSG00000172270 = 0.392049679368549, ENSG00000130227 = 0.391966697426409,
  ENSG00000123416 = 0.391460107499614, ENSG00000108107 = 0.389395294620248,
  ENSG00000079805 = 0.389011544544533, ENSG00000139990 = 0.387867122240832,
  ENSG00000147416 = 0.386202372845066, ENSG00000197746 = 0.385761758869065,
  ENSG00000248905 = 0.385742449425222, ENSG00000115053 = 0.385122660348813,
  ENSG00000078369 = 0.384454738791145, ENSG00000100078 = 0.384343246122715,
  ENSG00000173482 = 0.383622745750389, ENSG00000157152 = 0.381088180103773,
  ENSG00000087053 = 0.380783828646849, ENSG00000111775 = 0.379718513810153,
  ENSG00000104388 = 0.379320849432911, ENSG00000110651 = 0.379172035052705,
  ENSG00000119396 = 0.378858382005474, ENSG00000164924 = 0.378730830734111,
  ENSG00000139173 = 0.378167564595084, ENSG00000117632 = 0.376990199984692,
  ENSG00000103034 = 0.376585567044357, ENSG00000101849 = 0.37644787227581,
  ENSG00000092377 = 0.37644787227581, ENSG00000101558 = 0.376376357430657,
  ENSG00000163681 = 0.375798714780073, ENSG00000104888 = 0.373966655607982,
  ENSG00000185787 = 0.373241152604336, ENSG00000112983 = 0.371674751948809,
  ENSG00000161677 = 0.371473898075783, ENSG00000076513 = 0.371287823170218,
  ENSG00000144369 = 0.370329184779751, ENSG00000135916 = 0.370253849024371,
  ENSG00000091039 = 0.3691888002875, ENSG00000130939 = 0.367367556588175,
  ENSG00000172380 = 0.366786362057647, ENSG00000107372 = 0.364177850383596,
  ENSG00000133121 = 0.363608186338585, ENSG00000089199 = 0.36201648359092,
  ENSG00000107816 = 0.36198810944364, ENSG00000244274 = 0.361799773101586,
  ENSG00000125814 = 0.361770147870489, ENSG00000136636 = 0.361553005918218,
  ENSG00000089123 = 0.359027518174037, ENSG00000075945 = 0.357963909021516,
  ENSG00000141279 = 0.357595277908807, ENSG00000004864 = 0.356252530217515,
  ENSG00000154845 = 0.355289380400629, ENSG00000139644 = 0.355056578111634,
  ENSG00000177156 = 0.354373394327453, ENSG00000116209 = 0.353553165522674,
  ENSG00000057608 = 0.353530657856416, ENSG00000080546 = 0.352643518507166,
  ENSG00000187764 = 0.352641520098289, ENSG00000152583 = 0.352231864298509,
  ENSG00000123933 = 0.35127014308246, ENSG00000196547 = 0.350350842448288,
  ENSG00000140992 = 0.349802324564476, ENSG00000064651 = 0.348686072927815,
  ENSG00000108021 = 0.348683368405851, ENSG00000123066 = 0.348083312703661,
  ENSG00000186472 = 0.343419928019843, ENSG00000135679 = 0.343248086585835,
  ENSG00000136205 = 0.342278924694083, ENSG00000077157 = 0.342257783966711,
  ENSG00000127616 = 0.341592299832759, ENSG00000093010 = 0.340802606837981,
  ENSG00000112339 = 0.340607217029492, ENSG00000183172 = 0.34045133433926,
  ENSG00000173064 = 0.339934799301677, ENSG00000140740 = 0.337274008397968,
  ENSG00000186487 = 0.337001602378155, ENSG00000120438 = 0.335279582695288,
  ENSG00000114646 = 0.335219241078228, ENSG00000181195 = 0.334906250380362,
  ENSG00000162521 = 0.333940814548298, ENSG00000116030 = 0.331364801457887,
  ENSG00000170540 = 0.330759233756811, ENSG00000278540 = 0.329870913777113,
  ENSG00000220205 = 0.329332489764938, ENSG00000082269 = 0.328673178951111,
  ENSG00000150782 = 0.327527626085786, ENSG00000166912 = 0.327155162541627,
  ENSG00000011405 = 0.326904887528618, ENSG00000134369 = 0.323419946561672,
  ENSG00000008441 = 0.323015422388149, ENSG00000102753 = 0.321621525474667,
  ENSG00000180776 = 0.320435812134615, ENSG00000166225 = 0.317587007250696,
  ENSG00000164610 = 0.31681092801149, ENSG00000138650 = 0.316265555029104,
  ENSG00000036257 = 0.312498525421759, ENSG00000092108 = 0.311515063446711,
  ENSG00000047249 = 0.310951623366743, ENSG00000264522 = 0.310758717455747,
  ENSG00000165487 = 0.309779667712706, ENSG00000119231 = 0.309126518197564,
  ENSG00000129315 = 0.308963415643387, ENSG00000115839 = 0.306752328805861,
  ENSG00000197555 = 0.306367832751931, ENSG00000148180 = 0.306175138182169,
  ENSG00000100605 = 0.305595003811027, ENSG00000102230 = 0.302348586338209,
  ENSG00000145526 = 0.302243550266355, ENSG00000101265 = 0.30151350520762,
  ENSG00000157005 = 0.301491785851392, ENSG00000189079 = 0.300986868425446,
  ENSG00000109670 = 0.299828826071909, ENSG00000151690 = 0.298781956373414,
  ENSG00000066117 = 0.298549405067491, ENSG00000198420 = 0.298368398121946,
  ENSG00000100330 = 0.297795843539271, ENSG00000121067 = 0.296980267720723,
  ENSG00000166707 = 0.29691135170334, ENSG00000134255 = 0.295564157776726,
  ENSG00000134440 = 0.295458482823129, ENSG00000166348 = 0.295339880356873,
  ENSG00000137601 = 0.29510529493649, ENSG00000166439 = 0.294508816199069,
  ENSG00000147526 = 0.293449083485374, ENSG00000250722 = 0.291627528922183,
  ENSG00000114166 = 0.291600962484081, ENSG00000070214 = 0.291289529609186,
  ENSG00000188229 = 0.290186210443932, ENSG00000008282 = 0.290010485434582,
  ENSG00000174306 = 0.288735377894159, ENSG00000187189 = 0.288333619690138,
  ENSG00000198300 = 0.288078385392038, ENSG00000060762 = 0.287229114030481,
  ENSG00000182670 = 0.285998726156314, ENSG00000204138 = 0.284927091499279,
  ENSG00000075239 = 0.284596169085963, ENSG00000205302 = 0.28451220806042,
  ENSG00000012660 = 0.284421209303483, ENSG00000110172 = 0.283343580885995,
  ENSG00000144320 = 0.281916898047685, ENSG00000170348 = 0.281581335873705,
  ENSG00000184371 = 0.281338134367179, ENSG00000032219 = 0.279626544414788,
  ENSG00000145335 = 0.27830437384893, ENSG00000071991 = 0.27436031621992,
  ENSG00000103978 = 0.274237348327073, ENSG00000065548 = 0.273998822902265,
  ENSG00000088448 = 0.272953891965649, ENSG00000175198 = 0.271466197358145,
  ENSG00000018510 = 0.270052456103171, ENSG00000169918 = 0.269757744434199,
  ENSG00000157827 = 0.269410114781768, ENSG00000160179 = 0.269094373951361,
  ENSG00000166501 = 0.268865656697552, ENSG00000109738 = 0.268856107556919,
  ENSG00000163590 = 0.268831722356409, ENSG00000064115 = 0.268645858020253,
  ENSG00000117450 = 0.267723571372447, ENSG00000058404 = 0.266470838726584,
  ENSG00000138760 = 0.265188697178814, ENSG00000198160 = 0.263940405034928,
  ENSG00000213639 = 0.263067439345516, ENSG00000142864 = 0.262801033296493,
  ENSG00000166963 = 0.262527507935149, ENSG00000141298 = 0.26230469751279,
  ENSG00000153147 = 0.261987349415818, ENSG00000198929 = 0.261236405138927,
  ENSG00000111262 = 0.261125974651247, ENSG00000258947 = 0.261048669955147,
  ENSG00000163956 = 0.26035106651325, ENSG00000175582 = 0.260036823440435,
  ENSG00000127946 = 0.259908173858876, ENSG00000115306 = 0.258864079004749,
  ENSG00000143669 = 0.258690975861389, ENSG00000150867 = 0.258668061468694,
  ENSG00000127483 = 0.258552296573013, ENSG00000185261 = 0.257116103387585,
  ENSG00000101150 = 0.256418587738267, ENSG00000197329 = 0.256353165446286,
  ENSG00000170846 = 0.25634955562828, ENSG00000179010 = 0.25634955562828,
  ENSG00000178988 = 0.25634955562828, ENSG00000011566 = 0.25619223281429,
  ENSG00000149177 = 0.255383423472219, ENSG00000136754 = 0.255259229362866,
  ENSG00000155849 = 0.255234673948177, ENSG00000180104 = 0.253681561710323,
  ENSG00000151466 = 0.253356420659826, ENSG00000115904 = 0.252969957439778,
  ENSG00000170634 = 0.252897217057664, ENSG00000083896 = 0.249755785885707,
  ENSG00000099194 = 0.249332460234047, ENSG00000185896 = 0.248882486718157,
  ENSG00000013297 = 0.248830482098254, ENSG00000174891 = 0.248349599207646,
  ENSG00000105894 = 0.248278534216594, ENSG00000156687 = 0.248098330513148,
  ENSG00000107929 = 0.247855556559601, ENSG00000148655 = 0.24758614063135,
  ENSG00000139970 = 0.246958962476722, ENSG00000092096 = 0.246331400933645,
  ENSG00000172461 = 0.246148950215587, ENSG00000196782 = 0.246100419844844,
  ENSG00000145725 = 0.246015474574142, ENSG00000144711 = 0.24434265429894,
  ENSG00000156831 = 0.244181675798479, ENSG00000121904 = 0.244031497513322,
  ENSG00000067141 = 0.243290677538307, ENSG00000028528 = 0.242556383358178,
  ENSG00000101266 = 0.24169399384338, ENSG00000254598 = 0.24169399384338,
  ENSG00000100991 = 0.241188661848842, ENSG00000116574 = 0.240871338884495,
  ENSG00000138834 = 0.240504346477085, ENSG00000183530 = 0.240185285037607,
  ENSG00000113578 = 0.239925543372982, ENSG00000108061 = 0.239791409646301,
  ENSG00000213079 = 0.23920535275344, ENSG00000137642 = 0.239142689565305,
  ENSG00000275052 = 0.238933521734951, ENSG00000152894 = 0.23866751523406,
  ENSG00000101752 = 0.237536533925905, ENSG00000089486 = 0.236580978202492,
  ENSG00000113712 = 0.234150695632688, ENSG00000072518 = 0.233485766175307,
  ENSG00000115896 = 0.233205508140588, ENSG00000030419 = 0.232922961350479,
  ENSG00000185432 = 0.232471881242, ENSG00000070501 = 0.230452762126975,
  ENSG00000062650 = 0.230309850650089, ENSG00000101557 = 0.229879164329999,
  ENSG00000184203 = 0.229561263593676, ENSG00000231989 = 0.229561263593676,
  ENSG00000171798 = 0.229485459737632, ENSG00000137269 = 0.229320442080332,
  ENSG00000082898 = 0.22802064312108, ENSG00000078018 = 0.227446271218581,
  ENSG00000120727 = 0.226688107503543, ENSG00000062725 = 0.226014852809575,
  ENSG00000178719 = 0.225889022457626, ENSG00000153201 = 0.225728496295945,
  ENSG00000067900 = 0.225138987255731, ENSG00000073969 = 0.225045588896774,
  ENSG00000164985 = 0.224573716067118, ENSG00000198586 = 0.224521405797279,
  ENSG00000115286 = 0.224169895619138, ENSG00000048828 = 0.223719570099222,
  ENSG00000151746 = 0.22348446747484, ENSG00000212710 = 0.222660375505818,
  ENSG00000289604 = 0.222660375505818, ENSG00000236761 = 0.222660375505818,
  ENSG00000271321 = 0.222660375505818, ENSG00000150527 = 0.222660375505818,
  ENSG00000288784 = 0.222660375505818, ENSG00000271079 = 0.222660375505818,
  ENSG00000128585 = 0.222552230134033, ENSG00000074054 = 0.221492399316676,
  ENSG00000154305 = 0.22121557751434, ENSG00000078140 = 0.220722419397634,
  ENSG00000163029 = 0.21937715109927, ENSG00000234545 = 0.218895634494229,
  ENSG00000117600 = 0.218474427387716, ENSG00000126351 = 0.218410432929321,
  ENSG00000121879 = 0.217969832191565, ENSG00000108055 = 0.217943789572153,
  ENSG00000097021 = 0.217457103664407, ENSG00000153774 = 0.217176774468138,
  ENSG00000122565 = 0.216299237379809, ENSG00000102804 = 0.215477110649348,
  ENSG00000165861 = 0.214304668184708, ENSG00000143870 = 0.214037146294562,
  ENSG00000149970 = 0.213642781780807, ENSG00000204217 = 0.212722598846281,
  ENSG00000124920 = 0.211685405491941, ENSG00000120694 = 0.211349676108319,
  ENSG00000100697 = 0.210587209586683, ENSG00000170759 = 0.210487580647099,
  ENSG00000077097 = 0.210450708791823, ENSG00000187735 = 0.2104344149564,
  ENSG00000126091 = 0.209936164241454, ENSG00000214517 = 0.208249640080972,
  ENSG00000145734 = 0.206859513681784, ENSG00000169714 = 0.206789674137934,
  ENSG00000145050 = 0.206260949143612, ENSG00000107679 = 0.205934468034094,
  ENSG00000166347 = 0.205857721703159, ENSG00000168280 = 0.205103350223388,
  ENSG00000077380 = 0.205086273773266, ENSG00000087365 = 0.205023438857517,
  ENSG00000100567 = 0.204529432199158, ENSG00000067225 = 0.204462335714669,
  ENSG00000100014 = 0.204153598190623, ENSG00000135678 = 0.20367494391967,
  ENSG00000086015 = 0.201901180301043, ENSG00000047410 = 0.201807994647408,
  ENSG00000125675 = 0.201777581261229, ENSG00000109756 = 0.20135629402687,
  ENSG00000198648 = 0.200259370163321, ENSG00000172995 = 0.200095593143999,
  ENSG00000183023 = 0.199133845842198, ENSG00000070366 = 0.198922617876606,
  ENSG00000006715 = 0.198824755888184, ENSG00000198563 = 0.198811716517415,
  ENSG00000112379 = 0.198116346830728, ENSG00000174437 = 0.197507803118717,
  ENSG00000184983 = 0.196823156347972, ENSG00000125821 = 0.19596989516546,
  ENSG00000131069 = 0.195262884333663, ENSG00000128607 = 0.194826128256038,
  ENSG00000102024 = 0.193695481134605, ENSG00000133318 = 0.190519712220036,
  ENSG00000011426 = 0.190277610519285, ENSG00000165424 = 0.189902345512545,
  ENSG00000156642 = 0.189648150177909, ENSG00000174839 = 0.189039370210855,
  ENSG00000157500 = 0.188649974409681, ENSG00000104904 = 0.188223734241207,
  ENSG00000126067 = 0.187657085427508, ENSG00000164074 = 0.185930823088589,
  ENSG00000007001 = 0.185221509687178, ENSG00000141376 = 0.184917186552646,
  ENSG00000147853 = 0.184774845432286, ENSG00000084234 = 0.184160740059739,
  ENSG00000115947 = 0.184122042888211, ENSG00000127022 = 0.183835213977338,
  ENSG00000214944 = 0.183094766092274, ENSG00000055130 = 0.182887070964494,
  ENSG00000100997 = 0.182728233063536, ENSG00000068305 = 0.181899967314193,
  ENSG00000154096 = 0.181660694296184, ENSG00000181804 = 0.181155234531994,
  ENSG00000198399 = 0.18087702014064, ENSG00000136267 = 0.180422452794633,
  ENSG00000127990 = 0.180241070069897, ENSG00000062716 = 0.179309897152938,
  ENSG00000100852 = 0.178693880196568, ENSG00000086289 = 0.176455609773934,
  ENSG00000263001 = 0.17645477082878, ENSG00000198900 = 0.17620726979192,
  ENSG00000143797 = 0.175602840384031, ENSG00000164124 = 0.175448006007225,
  ENSG00000068650 = 0.175304060738392, ENSG00000114098 = 0.174207029997864,
  ENSG00000169116 = 0.17269286822437, ENSG00000138398 = 0.172067521161552,
  ENSG00000115128 = 0.172024688785278, ENSG00000152229 = 0.169770697428049,
  ENSG00000143033 = 0.169479799869653, ENSG00000205659 = 0.169082876702882,
  ENSG00000189367 = 0.168739790123909, ENSG00000010322 = 0.168579650341978,
  ENSG00000138311 = 0.168503937095431, ENSG00000163904 = 0.16832535992557,
  ENSG00000068903 = 0.168159734014289, ENSG00000204569 = 0.168108908958317,
  ENSG00000100422 = 0.167708253382304, ENSG00000174373 = 0.166184015601359,
  ENSG00000018189 = 0.165478639327354, ENSG00000102531 = 0.164819445279954,
  ENSG00000176463 = 0.16424569792664, ENSG00000168785 = 0.164037697056161,
  ENSG00000141627 = 0.163471737763698, ENSG00000016864 = 0.163035761069241,
  ENSG00000182220 = 0.162969427986664, ENSG00000102910 = 0.162626523084381,
  ENSG00000174738 = 0.162097268842523, ENSG00000100596 = 0.161627971921333,
  ENSG00000173230 = 0.161048538504321, ENSG00000145743 = 0.160875590406186,
  ENSG00000166016 = 0.160259561832702, ENSG00000149294 = 0.159828690302801,
  ENSG00000138757 = 0.159777260036534, ENSG00000171603 = 0.159374053790333,
  ENSG00000140153 = 0.158821011013295, ENSG00000143995 = 0.15823589760878,
  ENSG00000035681 = 0.157704567038325, ENSG00000166794 = 0.157447521513118,
  ENSG00000100664 = 0.157420223996367, ENSG00000135069 = 0.156786755973357,
  ENSG00000106049 = 0.156553324646631, ENSG00000157654 = 0.156217081700576,
  ENSG00000196814 = 0.156160619037362, ENSG00000155511 = 0.154429058225677,
  ENSG00000139974 = 0.154026710128945, ENSG00000058091 = 0.153796967507295,
  ENSG00000102271 = 0.153782998669289, ENSG00000185950 = 0.153763010696181,
  ENSG00000153317 = 0.15376069669474, ENSG00000115183 = 0.153375951072886,
  ENSG00000175928 = 0.15318495234999, ENSG00000139668 = 0.152649746261561,
  ENSG00000278505 = 0.150757276654542, ENSG00000156876 = 0.15061704335775,
  ENSG00000106682 = 0.149509767623689, ENSG00000114120 = 0.149220671157524,
  ENSG00000156931 = 0.148869913688592, ENSG00000107331 = 0.148284444510105,
  ENSG00000007392 = 0.148158266260586, ENSG00000063245 = 0.147483792327558,
  ENSG00000038219 = 0.147102349249628, ENSG00000089737 = 0.146156712680411,
  ENSG00000110321 = 0.145875973792404, ENSG00000084764 = 0.145338432129605,
  ENSG00000126012 = 0.144893662974478, ENSG00000159658 = 0.144533290198108,
  ENSG00000175104 = 0.144369280239058, ENSG00000124151 = 0.143525801048078,
  ENSG00000113318 = 0.143400437298363, ENSG00000197323 = 0.143310224370587,
  ENSG00000144847 = 0.1422025098818, ENSG00000118217 = 0.141916270238627,
  ENSG00000169851 = 0.141488594354303, ENSG00000108443 = 0.141211843166938,
  ENSG00000107581 = 0.14113265347536, ENSG00000184613 = 0.141011556589301,
  ENSG00000138593 = 0.140985688693812, ENSG00000198513 = 0.140399299037427,
  ENSG00000107362 = 0.140166371555554, ENSG00000135241 = 0.140153414643407,
  ENSG00000134851 = 0.14003527571922, ENSG00000085224 = 0.139757368948191,
  ENSG00000102786 = 0.138441535353823, ENSG00000054356 = 0.138322077980715,
  ENSG00000184005 = 0.137537512627485, ENSG00000189195 = 0.137457932751472,
  ENSG00000146676 = 0.136751604865908, ENSG00000181827 = 0.13674770560787,
  ENSG00000113269 = 0.136287875962054, ENSG00000066032 = 0.136018017998656,
  ENSG00000184007 = 0.135982114555698, ENSG00000182175 = 0.135510883127723,
  ENSG00000166747 = 0.135234606944927, ENSG00000028203 = 0.134858927646111,
  ENSG00000106993 = 0.134820598271454, ENSG00000189337 = 0.134334252700023,
  ENSG00000253719 = 0.134238241592075, ENSG00000163848 = 0.134110643249975,
  ENSG00000100519 = 0.133773920402329, ENSG00000157540 = 0.133412252460156,
  ENSG00000186260 = 0.13330323598329, ENSG00000122952 = 0.133187110159179,
  ENSG00000144674 = 0.133122899805159, ENSG00000173175 = 0.132428425618915,
  ENSG00000073910 = 0.132395876967018, ENSG00000100201 = 0.131696775362156,
  ENSG00000110721 = 0.131383302749175, ENSG00000107295 = 0.130723191712755,
  ENSG00000115540 = 0.130177734526143, ENSG00000171843 = 0.129906731199997,
  ENSG00000131238 = 0.129878716221004, ENSG00000083642 = 0.12985463533324,
  ENSG00000103599 = 0.129716836362758, ENSG00000138411 = 0.129456729043801,
  ENSG00000134313 = 0.128975063030838, ENSG00000135862 = 0.128974960964788,
  ENSG00000180998 = 0.128211062433866, ENSG00000136371 = 0.12783945316602,
  ENSG00000196199 = 0.127711223805115, ENSG00000115159 = 0.126556250516573,
  ENSG00000110075 = 0.12592765060714, ENSG00000121964 = 0.125694075529491,
  ENSG00000105127 = 0.124978697481635, ENSG00000090863 = 0.124636544093549,
  ENSG00000150625 = 0.124264354741966, ENSG00000165916 = 0.12406982782681,
  ENSG00000168566 = 0.123508259962617, ENSG00000137871 = 0.123436042490291,
  ENSG00000141367 = 0.122204958240565, ENSG00000165959 = 0.121840207945883,
  ENSG00000173273 = 0.121664822891328, ENSG00000122728 = 0.121616459046497,
  ENSG00000147133 = 0.121616459046497, ENSG00000013441 = 0.121449415766411,
  ENSG00000061936 = 0.121076258936631, ENSG00000196950 = 0.121002859442903,
  ENSG00000170653 = 0.120985442819797, ENSG00000109381 = 0.120060798583636,
  ENSG00000119139 = 0.118429482022724, ENSG00000164830 = 0.118090191082179,
  ENSG00000170091 = 0.118057686065267, ENSG00000141441 = 0.117522146132424,
  ENSG00000197969 = 0.117408529318761, ENSG00000139910 = 0.116901015619249,
  ENSG00000155970 = 0.115807241860509, ENSG00000139364 = 0.115424266741432,
  ENSG00000198218 = 0.115082679860618, ENSG00000173692 = 0.113604825788585,
  ENSG00000073711 = 0.113555101468893, ENSG00000143653 = 0.11242636201738,
  ENSG00000143157 = 0.112326460760657, ENSG00000108848 = 0.111981590832234,
  ENSG00000104728 = 0.111860360833707, ENSG00000176533 = 0.11114245409883,
  ENSG00000067048 = 0.110988598149936, ENSG00000052126 = 0.110979904484501,
  ENSG00000117115 = 0.110924275447091, ENSG00000130449 = 0.110842844439581,
  ENSG00000008277 = 0.110770333946491, ENSG00000153339 = 0.110302862421468,
  ENSG00000134371 = 0.110229873393608, ENSG00000160551 = 0.109390117863523,
  ENSG00000158987 = 0.109177703009555, ENSG00000278311 = 0.108595596849355,
  ENSG00000149403 = 0.10820730400175, ENSG00000170017 = 0.107934313549394,
  ENSG00000085982 = 0.107547656992683, ENSG00000157985 = 0.107537302858054,
  ENSG00000130294 = 0.107398874085876, ENSG00000170236 = 0.107386075165893,
  ENSG00000126214 = 0.107083373868137, ENSG00000151532 = 0.106801874081967,
  ENSG00000170145 = 0.106380315190098, ENSG00000111860 = 0.10635350686223,
  ENSG00000090565 = 0.106094727768672, ENSG00000169057 = 0.105966341401961,
  ENSG00000107862 = 0.10567847825999, ENSG00000117523 = 0.105592155731182,
  ENSG00000152413 = 0.105564650521949, ENSG00000017797 = 0.104695100333688,
  ENSG00000047365 = 0.103359349394017, ENSG00000177058 = 0.103147047687244,
  ENSG00000000419 = 0.102676814255908, ENSG00000137409 = 0.101843477560053,
  ENSG00000113575 = 0.101586759743363, ENSG00000156113 = 0.101240540701071,
  ENSG00000116539 = 0.10104516502838, ENSG00000134153 = 0.100686736298143,
  ENSG00000159352 = 0.100147510542503, ENSG00000009307 = 0.100095697344973,
  ENSG00000029725 = -0.10026169183112, ENSG00000173706 = -0.10044863081355,
  ENSG00000104447 = -0.100965763263251, ENSG00000100815 = -0.101201617656741,
  ENSG00000205758 = -0.101665348482329, ENSG00000066933 = -0.101800095147231,
  ENSG00000198947 = -0.102042166816118, ENSG00000129292 = -0.102238784637728,
  ENSG00000142192 = -0.10268824385792, ENSG00000196220 = -0.102869984747685,
  ENSG00000072134 = -0.103138642646641, ENSG00000198793 = -0.103426948599825,
  ENSG00000114867 = -0.104028305424844, ENSG00000198932 = -0.104344933620478,
  ENSG00000064726 = -0.104419793746509, ENSG00000073614 = -0.10454870254611,
  ENSG00000140718 = -0.105664681510513, ENSG00000145715 = -0.10568635094939,
  ENSG00000168310 = -0.105695990328954, ENSG00000136828 = -0.106153122599131,
  ENSG00000118705 = -0.10661571522394, ENSG00000135720 = -0.10679674651075,
  ENSG00000169398 = -0.106927893124382, ENSG00000153827 = -0.107049240012958,
  ENSG00000148143 = -0.107083249510588, ENSG00000029363 = -0.10710117407845,
  ENSG00000172915 = -0.107148057505515, ENSG00000164796 = -0.107263292163665,
  ENSG00000108599 = -0.107320373233428, ENSG00000070759 = -0.107541007361452,
  ENSG00000109919 = -0.108294396257632, ENSG00000171109 = -0.108579930351308,
  ENSG00000198739 = -0.108783300807751, ENSG00000100796 = -0.108811502085962,
  ENSG00000141447 = -0.108916494007656, ENSG00000171132 = -0.109016015814545,
  ENSG00000107341 = -0.109124399069216, ENSG00000135926 = -0.10948885643704,
  ENSG00000158528 = -0.10951779197532, ENSG00000148498 = -0.109921012094287,
  ENSG00000169760 = -0.110541511967506, ENSG00000072364 = -0.110644509939463,
  ENSG00000044459 = -0.1107391579871, ENSG00000005483 = -0.11178136219791,
  ENSG00000143970 = -0.111825594539932, ENSG00000100364 = -0.112083147575872,
  ENSG00000146872 = -0.112407784847175, ENSG00000146416 = -0.11253586552069,
  ENSG00000135362 = -0.112544114074633, ENSG00000047849 = -0.112566488226264,
  ENSG00000112561 = -0.112688618805641, ENSG00000133226 = -0.112727195258752,
  ENSG00000009335 = -0.112853786399387, ENSG00000148200 = -0.112931130708665,
  ENSG00000108946 = -0.11300729815967, ENSG00000170471 = -0.113221125185004,
  ENSG00000103657 = -0.113311774560805, ENSG00000089053 = -0.113506813609185,
  ENSG00000094916 = -0.113550388243223, ENSG00000072803 = -0.113877520419823,
  ENSG00000138756 = -0.114106180292088, ENSG00000119844 = -0.114467838481673,
  ENSG00000075292 = -0.114635602215976, ENSG00000135913 = -0.114817103175986,
  ENSG00000171105 = -0.114898907745403, ENSG00000153291 = -0.115046259840506,
  ENSG00000009413 = -0.115093254625709, ENSG00000185813 = -0.115587836904708,
  ENSG00000101040 = -0.11580132072683, ENSG00000186094 = -0.115840762702163,
  ENSG00000060237 = -0.115875445148866, ENSG00000164684 = -0.116472506078211,
  ENSG00000155966 = -0.116489293397972, ENSG00000005156 = -0.11716760655498,
  ENSG00000142599 = -0.117282666395942, ENSG00000117713 = -0.117309727961311,
  ENSG00000133858 = -0.117524186382482, ENSG00000075539 = -0.117533134957505,
  ENSG00000088538 = -0.117733776005028, ENSG00000154153 = -0.1185052632009,
  ENSG00000108654 = -0.118672372278288, ENSG00000170035 = -0.118776891867291,
  ENSG00000184343 = -0.119130037659958, ENSG00000163728 = -0.119220748085451,
  ENSG00000156650 = -0.119286887089861, ENSG00000138032 = -0.11941539126496,
  ENSG00000205268 = -0.11948537757063, ENSG00000103342 = -0.120192683712262,
  ENSG00000118596 = -0.120197199450377, ENSG00000113742 = -0.120572295085839,
  ENSG00000178662 = -0.12097297245506, ENSG00000162599 = -0.121260841613169,
  ENSG00000085788 = -0.121569296602466, ENSG00000085382 = -0.12229974918038,
  ENSG00000126391 = -0.122329716171334, ENSG00000023171 = -0.12357077704596,
  ENSG00000115365 = -0.123816792985706, ENSG00000171877 = -0.124099247684774,
  ENSG00000144560 = -0.124140144125678, ENSG00000183735 = -0.124214677790671,
  ENSG00000154124 = -0.124633715667144, ENSG00000144619 = -0.124647796502085,
  ENSG00000151503 = -0.125312724083568, ENSG00000101966 = -0.125502793183049,
  ENSG00000132718 = -0.125703501897928, ENSG00000154310 = -0.125954725120697,
  ENSG00000177479 = -0.126159602185164, ENSG00000056277 = -0.126201912566486,
  ENSG00000109654 = -0.126696550143347, ENSG00000196569 = -0.127077732480358,
  ENSG00000169306 = -0.127890101790975, ENSG00000186591 = -0.12797194635237,
  ENSG00000033800 = -0.128185707701842, ENSG00000181894 = -0.128420867008653,
  ENSG00000158321 = -0.128511412793527, ENSG00000196628 = -0.12905954936258,
  ENSG00000164329 = -0.1292146094124, ENSG00000110422 = -0.129268608050263,
  ENSG00000214575 = -0.129553288326465, ENSG00000005810 = -0.129573506992818,
  ENSG00000204655 = -0.129906639790582, ENSG00000144445 = -0.130586911190307,
  ENSG00000106771 = -0.131020206522609, ENSG00000164627 = -0.131030307430247,
  ENSG00000067606 = -0.131058338330362, ENSG00000112249 = -0.131063312912833,
  ENSG00000167978 = -0.131170674401162, ENSG00000134909 = -0.131520582786714,
  ENSG00000128512 = -0.131754173614081, ENSG00000184863 = -0.13183848724441,
  ENSG00000104852 = -0.132162187022805, ENSG00000173786 = -0.13252865285139,
  ENSG00000176658 = -0.132612446712642, ENSG00000069329 = -0.133441863750145,
  ENSG00000204130 = -0.134379573572171, ENSG00000135365 = -0.134951956980047,
  ENSG00000159086 = -0.134966803463426, ENSG00000142197 = -0.135030207485447,
  ENSG00000177200 = -0.13530138724736, ENSG00000114770 = -0.135301544592184,
  ENSG00000198822 = -0.135763097103982, ENSG00000196535 = -0.135930783387354,
  ENSG00000178568 = -0.13599326494281, ENSG00000138443 = -0.136021376007523,
  ENSG00000110713 = -0.136704864259347, ENSG00000156011 = -0.136884191581637,
  ENSG00000112701 = -0.137457948083538, ENSG00000197959 = -0.137665616273114,
  ENSG00000178691 = -0.137985479748326, ENSG00000066084 = -0.138115418729391,
  ENSG00000154122 = -0.139044584320001, ENSG00000103415 = -0.139122806706912,
  ENSG00000161547 = -0.139317899721527, ENSG00000124788 = -0.139366953907428,
  ENSG00000136531 = -0.139601303269286, ENSG00000137710 = -0.139642306001956,
  ENSG00000108219 = -0.140295542332997, ENSG00000065609 = -0.140443346074747,
  ENSG00000196776 = -0.140615400055884, ENSG00000160584 = -0.140696075783342,
  ENSG00000111142 = -0.141032123275819, ENSG00000197892 = -0.141038201994064,
  ENSG00000106701 = -0.141149718034564, ENSG00000122591 = -0.141179055446349,
  ENSG00000103671 = -0.141509559043558, ENSG00000100650 = -0.1415791684524,
  ENSG00000121774 = -0.141606928900544, ENSG00000006125 = -0.142176508875647,
  ENSG00000111912 = -0.143359933899409, ENSG00000205981 = -0.143703196543738,
  ENSG00000005020 = -0.143741068786185, ENSG00000152520 = -0.143759248698086,
  ENSG00000145675 = -0.143982302076512, ENSG00000147488 = -0.144042563095743,
  ENSG00000061273 = -0.144093144063332, ENSG00000134278 = -0.144197430404841,
  ENSG00000103184 = -0.145070509880594, ENSG00000148985 = -0.145073590999377,
  ENSG00000130638 = -0.145138042982131, ENSG00000144036 = -0.145244820343579,
  ENSG00000168702 = -0.14543550376596, ENSG00000114933 = -0.145522358125947,
  ENSG00000133083 = -0.145832371631282, ENSG00000172878 = -0.145943013912828,
  ENSG00000196663 = -0.146105330716196, ENSG00000005513 = -0.146649660057665,
  ENSG00000075413 = -0.147018439700824, ENSG00000178177 = -0.147147083043256,
  ENSG00000165209 = -0.147203849105961, ENSG00000121022 = -0.147229554396891,
  ENSG00000170606 = -0.148279560296718, ENSG00000115827 = -0.148856037348168,
  ENSG00000078043 = -0.149023720658465, ENSG00000023228 = -0.1491059006435,
  ENSG00000104885 = -0.149360722187477, ENSG00000112305 = -0.149656646023044,
  ENSG00000105404 = -0.149690890996172, ENSG00000174652 = -0.149868660700284,
  ENSG00000108349 = -0.150001610336539, ENSG00000221914 = -0.150388059613686,
  ENSG00000091157 = -0.150400704150418, ENSG00000111144 = -0.150407823005932,
  ENSG00000060339 = -0.15046312312916, ENSG00000168137 = -0.150618379686818,
  ENSG00000139915 = -0.150657412576505, ENSG00000275183 = -0.151240774345224,
  ENSG00000163872 = -0.151544916631485, ENSG00000135870 = -0.151615557235549,
  ENSG00000160679 = -0.152119907222279, ENSG00000206560 = -0.1521727691238,
  ENSG00000147044 = -0.152194848671965, ENSG00000155886 = -0.152245240541211,
  ENSG00000136542 = -0.152264474917017, ENSG00000110497 = -0.152456999212659,
  ENSG00000174485 = -0.152649880519915, ENSG00000095637 = -0.153205032976483,
  ENSG00000115504 = -0.153548091780574, ENSG00000104228 = -0.153556684672903,
  ENSG00000139613 = -0.153758294588172, ENSG00000169855 = -0.153909920088235,
  ENSG00000185246 = -0.154621328419298, ENSG00000172264 = -0.154629430987184,
  ENSG00000124198 = -0.155051420129697, ENSG00000138468 = -0.155368940175692,
  ENSG00000188559 = -0.155578048726782, ENSG00000085832 = -0.156842011758782,
  ENSG00000131558 = -0.157928396950466, ENSG00000132424 = -0.158179371142356,
  ENSG00000134243 = -0.158257312025467, ENSG00000140479 = -0.158393653238218,
  ENSG00000115091 = -0.158400324830275, ENSG00000152578 = -0.158547314902742,
  ENSG00000139793 = -0.158586828326868, ENSG00000107625 = -0.160237460425799,
  ENSG00000083290 = -0.160612000339217, ENSG00000092978 = -0.160736262478903,
  ENSG00000130338 = -0.160940958627649, ENSG00000036549 = -0.161152524331029,
  ENSG00000168481 = -0.161204398645897, ENSG00000048991 = -0.161354270026863,
  ENSG00000165195 = -0.161405657399847, ENSG00000092439 = -0.161440609274281,
  ENSG00000127124 = -0.161503971357674, ENSG00000152102 = -0.161758017719326,
  ENSG00000135336 = -0.162031533889845, ENSG00000004487 = -0.162350276067282,
  ENSG00000161011 = -0.162451793094787, ENSG00000023287 = -0.162491279169688,
  ENSG00000125676 = -0.162679773516204, ENSG00000007237 = -0.162770528271216,
  ENSG00000165392 = -0.163131105435949, ENSG00000164190 = -0.163281553494605,
  ENSG00000116128 = -0.163365155519688, ENSG00000113391 = -0.163420697919841,
  ENSG00000106554 = -0.163864312332898, ENSG00000106078 = -0.163899311128383,
  ENSG00000174469 = -0.164333077848156, ENSG00000149599 = -0.164402626650265,
  ENSG00000066468 = -0.164789049570016, ENSG00000103404 = -0.164806377066524,
  ENSG00000149571 = -0.165050751853458, ENSG00000115310 = -0.165418557161869,
  ENSG00000069849 = -0.165450941939726, ENSG00000135945 = -0.165497556436098,
  ENSG00000137145 = -0.165596353351607, ENSG00000171100 = -0.165883167115723,
  ENSG00000083312 = -0.166862627518069, ENSG00000147852 = -0.167023841552934,
  ENSG00000052795 = -0.167850579468677, ENSG00000054690 = -0.16798510570352,
  ENSG00000105695 = -0.168113163913197, ENSG00000182247 = -0.168472457645747,
  ENSG00000176148 = -0.16861678064768, ENSG00000124177 = -0.169019556534324,
  ENSG00000176402 = -0.169355062404951, ENSG00000086205 = -0.169428464479193,
  ENSG00000184672 = -0.16959142390756, ENSG00000140443 = -0.169794249786118,
  ENSG00000175785 = -0.16985207514878, ENSG00000158467 = -0.169928223076448,
  ENSG00000185129 = -0.170153587209895, ENSG00000097007 = -0.17052803082967,
  ENSG00000119522 = -0.171032029453085, ENSG00000172733 = -0.171833551480143,
  ENSG00000166004 = -0.171908458426119, ENSG00000114279 = -0.171933412325205,
  ENSG00000079785 = -0.172475816032523, ENSG00000145375 = -0.172536573095088,
  ENSG00000143199 = -0.172816748065725, ENSG00000176102 = -0.17300069806851,
  ENSG00000153956 = -0.173226167122326, ENSG00000071794 = -0.17336770708955,
  ENSG00000118946 = -0.173676436431987, ENSG00000125351 = -0.174380587216433,
  ENSG00000115548 = -0.175249249868219, ENSG00000001497 = -0.176020451056662,
  ENSG00000065361 = -0.176154074411137, ENSG00000152795 = -0.176359842705441,
  ENSG00000107263 = -0.17647524632251, ENSG00000137941 = -0.17691109030443,
  ENSG00000107897 = -0.176929962544515, ENSG00000136936 = -0.177071535495207,
  ENSG00000157764 = -0.177285871426178, ENSG00000179364 = -0.177820997579481,
  ENSG00000147862 = -0.177827706490989, ENSG00000084733 = -0.178023227409134,
  ENSG00000131018 = -0.17836857597161, ENSG00000100241 = -0.178439748482968,
  ENSG00000168904 = -0.178631164221262, ENSG00000119547 = -0.178650541840417,
  ENSG00000118985 = -0.180002592542483, ENSG00000125755 = -0.180660950954858,
  ENSG00000106459 = -0.180730272972077, ENSG00000108669 = -0.181081666777896,
  ENSG00000099822 = -0.181084383582334, ENSG00000094975 = -0.181456058333566,
  ENSG00000197121 = -0.181467134890363, ENSG00000164970 = -0.181888084483887,
  ENSG00000100888 = -0.182438878087367, ENSG00000196517 = -0.182564068781962,
  ENSG00000019144 = -0.182803916978677, ENSG00000038532 = -0.182834401431774,
  ENSG00000116754 = -0.182989393276348, ENSG00000115760 = -0.183148986218592,
  ENSG00000125944 = -0.183175987326859, ENSG00000091129 = -0.183205426629105,
  ENSG00000104369 = -0.183341723085876, ENSG00000176407 = -0.183711234364249,
  ENSG00000078246 = -0.184151717093172, ENSG00000078618 = -0.184504623343374,
  ENSG00000122779 = -0.184673231370763, ENSG00000083535 = -0.184754699012919,
  ENSG00000137692 = -0.18481689936692, ENSG00000163635 = -0.184967458108826,
  ENSG00000214595 = -0.185190130108382, ENSG00000187323 = -0.185308231213654,
  ENSG00000197386 = -0.185834287659114, ENSG00000141337 = -0.186178192485526,
  ENSG00000187446 = -0.186503989170742, ENSG00000198909 = -0.187084955256267,
  ENSG00000170873 = -0.187141457681995, ENSG00000169862 = -0.187792855798878,
  ENSG00000147548 = -0.187950734754377, ENSG00000120159 = -0.188549036197878,
  ENSG00000165476 = -0.188822129159411, ENSG00000196305 = -0.188954865759095,
  ENSG00000175048 = -0.189413625124162, ENSG00000197111 = -0.189437501530294,
  ENSG00000132522 = -0.18956774522501, ENSG00000187240 = -0.18974526240487,
  ENSG00000104067 = -0.19045812992552, ENSG00000181409 = -0.190772271651247,
  ENSG00000151923 = -0.191170289269153, ENSG00000048471 = -0.191313169201897,
  ENSG00000047056 = -0.191679145216602, ENSG00000005108 = -0.191981511455638,
  ENSG00000117020 = -0.192155115735112, ENSG00000073712 = -0.19306233778872,
  ENSG00000131375 = -0.193668578869099, ENSG00000109111 = -0.193951253602215,
  ENSG00000182944 = -0.194454928250915, ENSG00000168175 = -0.194593675815844,
  ENSG00000146963 = -0.19471221405573, ENSG00000203485 = -0.194778934307825,
  ENSG00000164588 = -0.195112592807574, ENSG00000147854 = -0.19539455331789,
  ENSG00000133961 = -0.195646475358486, ENSG00000065534 = -0.195797135892825,
  ENSG00000128594 = -0.196133007722804, ENSG00000115825 = -0.196426403834464,
  ENSG00000067715 = -0.197221246965563, ENSG00000109606 = -0.197767135470106,
  ENSG00000078269 = -0.198066931808871, ENSG00000084628 = -0.198080360302764,
  ENSG00000154928 = -0.198175414699254, ENSG00000155324 = -0.198269795680166,
  ENSG00000177565 = -0.198382905812639, ENSG00000162613 = -0.198465025342628,
  ENSG00000012983 = -0.199012115727457, ENSG00000152208 = -0.199289060882108,
  ENSG00000011295 = -0.199405478717296, ENSG00000021574 = -0.199617664628993,
  ENSG00000187098 = -0.19973982756259, ENSG00000165323 = -0.199852891598956,
  ENSG00000130962 = -0.200307349505289, ENSG00000114796 = -0.201001261361197,
  ENSG00000126822 = -0.201021295569494, ENSG00000206527 = -0.201324621531503,
  ENSG00000165675 = -0.201538330106431, ENSG00000007341 = -0.201795412436785,
  ENSG00000165671 = -0.20185640702902, ENSG00000204842 = -0.201997705616809,
  ENSG00000092201 = -0.202137232567423, ENSG00000152601 = -0.203684376773805,
  ENSG00000169967 = -0.203908161581872, ENSG00000133706 = -0.204000916612512,
  ENSG00000188385 = -0.204020927704254, ENSG00000118263 = -0.204198467084385,
  ENSG00000149308 = -0.204801874198832, ENSG00000102189 = -0.204823164487399,
  ENSG00000169519 = -0.204862412069511, ENSG00000176406 = -0.205284136615163,
  ENSG00000087206 = -0.205302844936388, ENSG00000166833 = -0.205656699555716,
  ENSG00000057704 = -0.205866387757039, ENSG00000164494 = -0.206159319297981,
  ENSG00000165494 = -0.207000413707298, ENSG00000116001 = -0.207115622435567,
  ENSG00000134769 = -0.207659547228036, ENSG00000198911 = -0.207699797046762,
  ENSG00000164161 = -0.207887122120383, ENSG00000107560 = -0.20812012812297,
  ENSG00000163660 = -0.20813202916432, ENSG00000141867 = -0.208160318207811,
  ENSG00000169554 = -0.209064079816379, ENSG00000139737 = -0.209095204143908,
  ENSG00000107077 = -0.209209299071015, ENSG00000198836 = -0.210012407034303,
  ENSG00000131089 = -0.210018608897028, ENSG00000135823 = -0.210027877408422,
  ENSG00000064787 = -0.21047021839816, ENSG00000157483 = -0.210604407799633,
  ENSG00000169902 = -0.21088353891526, ENSG00000183354 = -0.210975841095258,
  ENSG00000068400 = -0.21104647708379, ENSG00000078304 = -0.211401852076847,
  ENSG00000147010 = -0.211650989411109, ENSG00000166503 = -0.211717717178801,
  ENSG00000102053 = -0.212307820653705, ENSG00000135298 = -0.21263437430237,
  ENSG00000101489 = -0.213285018097317, ENSG00000011258 = -0.21388916318284,
  ENSG00000151914 = -0.214302211318326, ENSG00000003756 = -0.214549112791046,
  ENSG00000160633 = -0.214822508639359, ENSG00000108256 = -0.215458926812397,
  ENSG00000065613 = -0.215761557833326, ENSG00000135185 = -0.217548761052787,
  ENSG00000105357 = -0.217859278653763, ENSG00000154642 = -0.217861834563602,
  ENSG00000168273 = -0.218467698390961, ENSG00000273079 = -0.218545581584519,
  ENSG00000119906 = -0.21864007574607, ENSG00000136717 = -0.219652838640194,
  ENSG00000115966 = -0.219744983495881, ENSG00000165632 = -0.220304521049449,
  ENSG00000006025 = -0.220580770439421, ENSG00000125746 = -0.220657464079481,
  ENSG00000133030 = -0.221516380801074, ENSG00000145982 = -0.222270276890273,
  ENSG00000143624 = -0.222317324824144, ENSG00000182985 = -0.222630213778174,
  ENSG00000164327 = -0.223251354525503, ENSG00000147459 = -0.22355609292563,
  ENSG00000174607 = -0.223880262671908, ENSG00000148481 = -0.22438681681063,
  ENSG00000104177 = -0.225109677597623, ENSG00000172318 = -0.22525299157429,
  ENSG00000162236 = -0.226203226948545, ENSG00000136960 = -0.227110639109195,
  ENSG00000168575 = -0.227159451059609, ENSG00000104343 = -0.228213112547396,
  ENSG00000164418 = -0.228883775957547, ENSG00000109339 = -0.229023220331323,
  ENSG00000165525 = -0.229071183802601, ENSG00000171634 = -0.229269277181714,
  ENSG00000144218 = -0.229742588868586, ENSG00000184588 = -0.229797629481318,
  ENSG00000105963 = -0.230205240798037, ENSG00000130226 = -0.23027545156232,
  ENSG00000187147 = -0.230300806246945, ENSG00000165322 = -0.230490527547238,
  ENSG00000198894 = -0.231056644016407, ENSG00000121741 = -0.231344987561104,
  ENSG00000134884 = -0.231492275580682, ENSG00000108582 = -0.232005499465443,
  ENSG00000107758 = -0.233174544821319, ENSG00000130856 = -0.233327015535044,
  ENSG00000172765 = -0.233470698616134, ENSG00000168216 = -0.233749177399485,
  ENSG00000088930 = -0.234260021334497, ENSG00000147642 = -0.235274326686047,
  ENSG00000165219 = -0.235386254610181, ENSG00000117707 = -0.235608221266035,
  ENSG00000011454 = -0.237149831286372, ENSG00000198825 = -0.237667387694265,
  ENSG00000104218 = -0.237675579175397, ENSG00000075568 = -0.237767418589885,
  ENSG00000077264 = -0.237999682531309, ENSG00000137266 = -0.238335216388528,
  ENSG00000088367 = -0.238404913929874, ENSG00000105856 = -0.238788492762643,
  ENSG00000217128 = -0.238807832077292, ENSG00000185630 = -0.238889325985401,
  ENSG00000090686 = -0.239904125886669, ENSG00000137845 = -0.240645324149152,
  ENSG00000108306 = -0.24095205102574, ENSG00000144339 = -0.241159908207535,
  ENSG00000135924 = -0.241370785595443, ENSG00000241973 = -0.241577146129555,
  ENSG00000105778 = -0.24175266495412, ENSG00000139174 = -0.242087690760522,
  ENSG00000102710 = -0.242577334282009, ENSG00000183878 = -0.24369378166247,
  ENSG00000188342 = -0.243712398120961, ENSG00000134852 = -0.24377212578897,
  ENSG00000154654 = -0.244777448814155, ENSG00000162923 = -0.24484040311071,
  ENSG00000160055 = -0.245066603829572, ENSG00000185305 = -0.245187820123896,
  ENSG00000197157 = -0.245276529377884, ENSG00000164180 = -0.245280950238424,
  ENSG00000112739 = -0.245308354825972, ENSG00000167004 = -0.24593863947321,
  ENSG00000185352 = -0.246701693501929, ENSG00000172508 = -0.247705143219015,
  ENSG00000151572 = -0.248059417136561, ENSG00000161671 = -0.248359273060046,
  ENSG00000181555 = -0.249154102061492, ENSG00000163625 = -0.249525919965504,
  ENSG00000197601 = -0.249563299393678, ENSG00000140199 = -0.250272747779865,
  ENSG00000198892 = -0.250774916307686, ENSG00000185053 = -0.250809994921449,
  ENSG00000180376 = -0.250832343957791, ENSG00000145016 = -0.250845683566763,
  ENSG00000134982 = -0.250888181728278, ENSG00000148090 = -0.251311043826604,
  ENSG00000183576 = -0.251321774950685, ENSG00000112699 = -0.251413345190326,
  ENSG00000137770 = -0.2514394439244, ENSG00000136527 = -0.251730221278222,
  ENSG00000118762 = -0.25240923427665, ENSG00000112851 = -0.252519223837863,
  ENSG00000078687 = -0.252583369221979, ENSG00000150471 = -0.253420427330874,
  ENSG00000182667 = -0.253878317099221, ENSG00000137497 = -0.254687437219264,
  ENSG00000055208 = -0.254921732026549, ENSG00000132153 = -0.255168750879169,
  ENSG00000100592 = -0.255868984922, ENSG00000163374 = -0.256623275346006,
  ENSG00000116580 = -0.256623275346006, ENSG00000109686 = -0.257928161285351,
  ENSG00000176623 = -0.258121686541794, ENSG00000103018 = -0.260762220310537,
  ENSG00000165113 = -0.261340704916485, ENSG00000162869 = -0.261702895641253,
  ENSG00000153187 = -0.261766937331097, ENSG00000076554 = -0.261818313022474,
  ENSG00000084070 = -0.261907975976044, ENSG00000183715 = -0.262077583506195,
  ENSG00000126858 = -0.262113754115968, ENSG00000058063 = -0.262319741048424,
  ENSG00000155313 = -0.264534437073685, ENSG00000142856 = -0.264842375847418,
  ENSG00000073417 = -0.265061373664896, ENSG00000109458 = -0.266343282212391,
  ENSG00000151552 = -0.266905549492439, ENSG00000086666 = -0.267455166020601,
  ENSG00000113580 = -0.267653171045083, ENSG00000184840 = -0.26789331158462,
  ENSG00000135999 = -0.268005784391985, ENSG00000017260 = -0.268145000691806,
  ENSG00000171492 = -0.269035931970755, ENSG00000100320 = -0.269279740029181,
  ENSG00000101191 = -0.269450178091825, ENSG00000171202 = -0.269635664561051,
  ENSG00000107290 = -0.269712383581725, ENSG00000165478 = -0.269999237801054,
  ENSG00000206579 = -0.270043004905732, ENSG00000152217 = -0.270856799887346,
  ENSG00000087095 = -0.2709689296056, ENSG00000153207 = -0.271087435855581,
  ENSG00000097033 = -0.271091505878962, ENSG00000131437 = -0.273988789196566,
  ENSG00000145241 = -0.274954132380493, ENSG00000162670 = -0.275365928380365,
  ENSG00000183454 = -0.275522547978918, ENSG00000132394 = -0.275827276148147,
  ENSG00000152527 = -0.276336800165456, ENSG00000140382 = -0.276596747296275,
  ENSG00000102543 = -0.276720613042566, ENSG00000103479 = -0.277056803272075,
  ENSG00000108381 = -0.277178916981506, ENSG00000198853 = -0.277457837230998,
  ENSG00000188177 = -0.278194020163257, ENSG00000120265 = -0.279231966403478,
  ENSG00000107669 = -0.280236416362343, ENSG00000166091 = -0.280416829994248,
  ENSG00000164944 = -0.281488414215658, ENSG00000048405 = -0.281690778187079,
  ENSG00000096746 = -0.28209613325647, ENSG00000127920 = -0.28217738922823,
  ENSG00000173575 = -0.282919825295913, ENSG00000114127 = -0.283059471178278,
  ENSG00000136068 = -0.283511718111275, ENSG00000114948 = -0.284401854081362,
  ENSG00000187164 = -0.286077794543717, ENSG00000215421 = -0.286421061908136,
  ENSG00000092421 = -0.286482806380292, ENSG00000166377 = -0.286808350484508,
  ENSG00000011275 = -0.28699698341028, ENSG00000053254 = -0.287290071413037,
  ENSG00000095203 = -0.28819203719322, ENSG00000162959 = -0.288195711242116,
  ENSG00000198794 = -0.288654843167458, ENSG00000091428 = -0.289183062547499,
  ENSG00000140694 = -0.289415245978773, ENSG00000147421 = -0.290019976342174,
  ENSG00000116584 = -0.290671599263638, ENSG00000151779 = -0.290693474599189,
  ENSG00000120756 = -0.29073937652183, ENSG00000184178 = -0.29081233721792,
  ENSG00000112137 = -0.291036192238907, ENSG00000105866 = -0.292291111957306,
  ENSG00000179292 = -0.293129188781867, ENSG00000133059 = -0.293389472460614,
  ENSG00000100139 = -0.294812931673981, ENSG00000143702 = -0.295207991828427,
  ENSG00000175155 = -0.295256779195564, ENSG00000198231 = -0.295580919872934,
  ENSG00000114062 = -0.296416269185338, ENSG00000118007 = -0.296423253039214,
  ENSG00000132694 = -0.297078804665787, ENSG00000033170 = -0.29814055989919,
  ENSG00000141458 = -0.298258759396099, ENSG00000151090 = -0.298621953603773,
  ENSG00000164975 = -0.298942270964299, ENSG00000130396 = -0.299616356215813,
  ENSG00000185737 = -0.300021314449514, ENSG00000167632 = -0.300263140775141,
  ENSG00000001631 = -0.300447459853933, ENSG00000164151 = -0.300472592008568,
  ENSG00000146950 = -0.300624586206562, ENSG00000106415 = -0.301600434967348,
  ENSG00000021645 = -0.302511413796964, ENSG00000137075 = -0.3025964573422,
  ENSG00000136709 = -0.303040210696787, ENSG00000100836 = -0.303665442117568,
  ENSG00000160305 = -0.303960529217058, ENSG00000203879 = -0.304137489709257,
  ENSG00000121864 = -0.304553092184096, ENSG00000077147 = -0.30499275557256,
  ENSG00000137504 = -0.305258516004489, ENSG00000100225 = -0.305267716043922,
  ENSG00000135837 = -0.306614080276024, ENSG00000173889 = -0.30760136182171,
  ENSG00000049618 = -0.307859082638791, ENSG00000171735 = -0.308023212326911,
  ENSG00000143569 = -0.308577872491963, ENSG00000196712 = -0.308809982941793,
  ENSG00000170832 = -0.309479529099368, ENSG00000129204 = -0.309479529099368,
  ENSG00000010270 = -0.310226729180564, ENSG00000151322 = -0.31058825232908,
  ENSG00000071054 = -0.311717180016919, ENSG00000165609 = -0.311800122233641,
  ENSG00000185420 = -0.312114980599268, ENSG00000031003 = -0.312989211337282,
  ENSG00000139629 = -0.313414426576296, ENSG00000129083 = -0.313887713946518,
  ENSG00000187239 = -0.315605221971166, ENSG00000152404 = -0.316213746322444,
  ENSG00000166012 = -0.317703654651134, ENSG00000065413 = -0.31909797992344,
  ENSG00000165410 = -0.319632486327488, ENSG00000114541 = -0.322845934893963,
  ENSG00000136541 = -0.323388792123722, ENSG00000123610 = -0.32354064216705,
  ENSG00000183060 = -0.323843022674993, ENSG00000196428 = -0.324145352268037,
  ENSG00000143382 = -0.324189159957266, ENSG00000188467 = -0.324239648553263,
  ENSG00000004897 = -0.324465780841826, ENSG00000189067 = -0.325002174183798,
  ENSG00000048052 = -0.325062961616952, ENSG00000129422 = -0.32511990790749,
  ENSG00000113448 = -0.32677386569068, ENSG00000184226 = -0.326914115932731,
  ENSG00000214413 = -0.327790272738384, ENSG00000147118 = -0.327805812247132,
  ENSG00000179603 = -0.328979303247608, ENSG00000145934 = -0.329307732769327,
  ENSG00000198646 = -0.329480308696464, ENSG00000198108 = -0.330947272890592,
  ENSG00000138190 = -0.331576447246511, ENSG00000153707 = -0.331702983388587,
  ENSG00000148019 = -0.331899373640445, ENSG00000082258 = -0.332097015536542,
  ENSG00000120251 = -0.333537731836134, ENSG00000049192 = -0.333824829720712,
  ENSG00000104833 = -0.335789593059769, ENSG00000163517 = -0.336205924761673,
  ENSG00000157510 = -0.336408113584544, ENSG00000110171 = -0.336515899103636,
  ENSG00000145794 = -0.336615345929311, ENSG00000148950 = -0.336866192965026,
  ENSG00000104375 = -0.337368402513734, ENSG00000156395 = -0.338319901362225,
  ENSG00000112308 = -0.339230266949374, ENSG00000104267 = -0.339523346727274,
  ENSG00000175161 = -0.339659434743532, ENSG00000136237 = -0.340053291613903,
  ENSG00000047188 = -0.340372447433835, ENSG00000164134 = -0.341197225574183,
  ENSG00000106028 = -0.341801819042348, ENSG00000198964 = -0.342428107627652,
  ENSG00000120616 = -0.342560378354048, ENSG00000169562 = -0.344614719525313,
  ENSG00000144290 = -0.344981663152958, ENSG00000182621 = -0.346809437551162,
  ENSG00000143952 = -0.347723453748913, ENSG00000179314 = -0.348277918554624,
  ENSG00000065675 = -0.348293856511122, ENSG00000170579 = -0.34885261110575,
  ENSG00000141564 = -0.349738277795744, ENSG00000120725 = -0.35121319633879,
  ENSG00000109685 = -0.352217492526236, ENSG00000106780 = -0.352800735703989,
  ENSG00000183801 = -0.353275802700433, ENSG00000136811 = -0.35335898521919,
  ENSG00000121390 = -0.354435664295558, ENSG00000083544 = -0.355130171057214,
  ENSG00000163683 = -0.356082793270792, ENSG00000119684 = -0.356894352315812,
  ENSG00000184014 = -0.357554693974813, ENSG00000198815 = -0.358183475759107,
  ENSG00000115677 = -0.358667774117298, ENSG00000139624 = -0.359230967232916,
  ENSG00000125703 = -0.360909255426426, ENSG00000128242 = -0.361249050577943,
  ENSG00000166326 = -0.361602195025372, ENSG00000171766 = -0.361829867940974,
  ENSG00000182901 = -0.362623536635171, ENSG00000157445 = -0.364028147702085,
  ENSG00000176049 = -0.366243356367013, ENSG00000135341 = -0.366557586166852,
  ENSG00000164181 = -0.368836866639075, ENSG00000138035 = -0.370500756275139,
  ENSG00000117868 = -0.371437226403496, ENSG00000172260 = -0.371620898289917,
  ENSG00000148484 = -0.372276268061029, ENSG00000173744 = -0.37348158011678,
  ENSG00000185189 = -0.374799276509808, ENSG00000165914 = -0.375333101500192,
  ENSG00000124159 = -0.37692351623357, ENSG00000106692 = -0.378387259668762,
  ENSG00000134138 = -0.379322648609527, ENSG00000108854 = -0.379487983518566,
  ENSG00000196419 = -0.380254719941584, ENSG00000168959 = -0.381058474083621,
  ENSG00000143514 = -0.381415489791927, ENSG00000173120 = -0.384548307551594,
  ENSG00000148120 = -0.389657988945421, ENSG00000080493 = -0.390156412942477,
  ENSG00000196104 = -0.390219974451731, ENSG00000111110 = -0.391775941217085,
  ENSG00000197147 = -0.392269700397202, ENSG00000185920 = -0.392664954911822,
  ENSG00000160145 = -0.39344062350162, ENSG00000002822 = -0.397228664255316,
  ENSG00000075391 = -0.397244774046713, ENSG00000171189 = -0.397686140847751,
  ENSG00000040341 = -0.399745361825683, ENSG00000101333 = -0.400336669817418,
  ENSG00000134186 = -0.400870553769092, ENSG00000081923 = -0.40173593318579,
  ENSG00000153944 = -0.402713915794859, ENSG00000036054 = -0.40367018472923,
  ENSG00000127838 = -0.403755658565838, ENSG00000141431 = -0.404612893006915,
  ENSG00000136842 = -0.408267114348842, ENSG00000167081 = -0.40844674824631,
  ENSG00000162664 = -0.408864635063292, ENSG00000165443 = -0.409374850071607,
  ENSG00000141699 = -0.409702402248913, ENSG00000182504 = -0.409931795601372,
  ENSG00000173320 = -0.410890760606092, ENSG00000083720 = -0.411288455472476,
  ENSG00000070540 = -0.411420683194145, ENSG00000116675 = -0.411859467436068,
  ENSG00000170558 = -0.412041759755792, ENSG00000118298 = -0.412230256306422,
  ENSG00000067798 = -0.415488331673951, ENSG00000185989 = -0.416493005939209,
  ENSG00000113649 = -0.417689750006998, ENSG00000040731 = -0.417839924870191,
  ENSG00000139154 = -0.418596023343565, ENSG00000218336 = -0.4192384706504,
  ENSG00000009694 = -0.419613493934364, ENSG00000107829 = -0.421757169634325,
  ENSG00000168916 = -0.421878425634192, ENSG00000204580 = -0.42423130433426,
  ENSG00000108947 = -0.424882113538608, ENSG00000141429 = -0.426315901843359,
  ENSG00000183621 = -0.427205227720547, ENSG00000171456 = -0.428000345133812,
  ENSG00000163995 = -0.428056754075252, ENSG00000100485 = -0.428065024703096,
  ENSG00000183662 = -0.428341972550451, ENSG00000153561 = -0.428913058455266,
  ENSG00000112062 = -0.429594909008559, ENSG00000158859 = -0.431827316860872,
  ENSG00000213799 = -0.432169101081317, ENSG00000198799 = -0.432621515966807,
  ENSG00000169504 = -0.433605535515417, ENSG00000172379 = -0.435168749444219,
  ENSG00000135541 = -0.436292346660353, ENSG00000179399 = -0.438381661483154,
  ENSG00000197563 = -0.438426653752466, ENSG00000167641 = -0.439106021915315,
  ENSG00000134864 = -0.440040955807768, ENSG00000196277 = -0.440086601893005,
  ENSG00000103540 = -0.443510441291113, ENSG00000152689 = -0.444341390770709,
  ENSG00000128487 = -0.444984859601238, ENSG00000148158 = -0.445627254403396,
  ENSG00000139218 = -0.446101639687458, ENSG00000054118 = -0.44955027582997,
  ENSG00000169933 = -0.45174397922538, ENSG00000109911 = -0.452019173807023,
  ENSG00000166173 = -0.452040157349198, ENSG00000137501 = -0.452901435950947,
  ENSG00000143418 = -0.453004629937672, ENSG00000146729 = -0.455295135073113,
  ENSG00000078053 = -0.455303397094991, ENSG00000136044 = -0.458831889431591,
  ENSG00000072736 = -0.460403930803022, ENSG00000054965 = -0.463857058384884,
  ENSG00000143951 = -0.467799215261152, ENSG00000196284 = -0.467979573512554,
  ENSG00000078328 = -0.468989742641192, ENSG00000158623 = -0.471199640867275,
  ENSG00000275342 = -0.471766711009376, ENSG00000166206 = -0.471902590348437,
  ENSG00000140937 = -0.4721903988478, ENSG00000159579 = -0.472682392618992,
  ENSG00000152242 = -0.47346145218357, ENSG00000041988 = -0.475279164906015,
  ENSG00000136715 = -0.475713381509226, ENSG00000155975 = -0.4771569192758,
  ENSG00000116106 = -0.477287945202063, ENSG00000154678 = -0.482541624243086,
  ENSG00000006042 = -0.484810862979963, ENSG00000176783 = -0.485084394907832,
  ENSG00000150394 = -0.486989432856731, ENSG00000122870 = -0.487003642294241,
  ENSG00000073670 = -0.487781778283873, ENSG00000148925 = -0.488105598328428,
  ENSG00000184305 = -0.489675382298228, ENSG00000132405 = -0.491355317948493,
  ENSG00000110066 = -0.492078806318991, ENSG00000185774 = -0.492601878895424,
  ENSG00000099956 = -0.493061376942343, ENSG00000102763 = -0.495111077511406,
  ENSG00000151247 = -0.496916193946835, ENSG00000168386 = -0.497918537759328,
  ENSG00000152315 = -0.498814343488346, ENSG00000256043 = -0.499950009738665,
  ENSG00000167106 = -0.502971959356638, ENSG00000112584 = -0.511125954807165,
  ENSG00000122335 = -0.511280937118999, ENSG00000021300 = -0.511407387846352,
  ENSG00000050344 = -0.513069544711629, ENSG00000066629 = -0.514237276714686,
  ENSG00000143379 = -0.515651799900432, ENSG00000178031 = -0.517582245337186,
  ENSG00000180332 = -0.517825252418405, ENSG00000122482 = -0.519809680941112,
  ENSG00000120690 = -0.526230118719475, ENSG00000146592 = -0.527739331699721,
  ENSG00000288701 = -0.530382361229085, ENSG00000156804 = -0.5324129105352,
  ENSG00000185008 = -0.53755902179662, ENSG00000147099 = -0.541976396028618,
  ENSG00000179915 = -0.542022075998656, ENSG00000188312 = -0.542423036787333,
  ENSG00000102466 = -0.542963094931076, ENSG00000010803 = -0.544422721917357,
  ENSG00000159173 = -0.54918222474759, ENSG00000159176 = -0.550587638909303,
  ENSG00000111266 = -0.552367628913316, ENSG00000175497 = -0.555219864293989,
  ENSG00000185046 = -0.558245897458501, ENSG00000020577 = -0.559995378113407,
  ENSG00000117419 = -0.562233658085045, ENSG00000163602 = -0.564290981283696,
  ENSG00000112530 = -0.564977908075043, ENSG00000167191 = -0.568132012403361,
  ENSG00000168066 = -0.568396558765492, ENSG00000184611 = -0.574150724559932,
  ENSG00000170522 = -0.575258978601968, ENSG00000154556 = -0.575717417683602,
  ENSG00000171368 = -0.579282370930093, ENSG00000102934 = -0.584833102599697,
  ENSG00000079841 = -0.587836294064084, ENSG00000149256 = -0.589147810562527,
  ENSG00000122786 = -0.594903771218554, ENSG00000198730 = -0.600090539311692,
  ENSG00000152503 = -0.602657118390102, ENSG00000198818 = -0.602754041521548,
  ENSG00000116786 = -0.607928759469623, ENSG00000185532 = -0.609808581039085,
  ENSG00000025796 = -0.61214293297084, ENSG00000151726 = -0.612269047114991,
  ENSG00000119541 = -0.613216759652249, ENSG00000114439 = -0.616460688779644,
  ENSG00000167615 = -0.617109701958306, ENSG00000174482 = -0.620865964471712,
  ENSG00000189091 = -0.621757437497883, ENSG00000188916 = -0.626743058492136,
  ENSG00000112541 = -0.627547672449847, ENSG00000160953 = -0.629911340095452,
  ENSG00000182050 = -0.634387462054359, ENSG00000183166 = -0.644994454861661,
  ENSG00000197430 = -0.650341040423225, ENSG00000033122 = -0.666477076592972,
  ENSG00000080224 = -0.666703305159127, ENSG00000048740 = -0.667550148994685,
  ENSG00000198216 = -0.669858844657036, ENSG00000112182 = -0.675130567895331,
  ENSG00000185009 = -0.675712712768828, ENSG00000188611 = -0.675757455473565,
  ENSG00000110315 = -0.676199329123156, ENSG00000100146 = -0.677205277140064,
  ENSG00000184408 = -0.68447260188777, ENSG00000162402 = -0.685865074417791,
  ENSG00000157168 = -0.689319066599012, ENSG00000286131 = -0.689319066599012,
  ENSG00000133424 = -0.693492694442594, ENSG00000189283 = -0.696598311426078,
  ENSG00000107518 = -0.704699941939212, ENSG00000185565 = -0.704768988094911,
  ENSG00000128513 = -0.705032192657134, ENSG00000151474 = -0.707020347615319,
  ENSG00000069667 = -0.715311685653985, ENSG00000131732 = -0.715616724004564,
  ENSG00000213186 = -0.734475972957825, ENSG00000132970 = -0.756238519490464,
  ENSG00000177570 = -0.758386557447893, ENSG00000174473 = -0.75960082695568,
  ENSG00000187672 = -0.761842696294704, ENSG00000151748 = -0.7883742494124,
  ENSG00000149972 = -0.799294149609726, ENSG00000185760 = -0.803163284937275,
  ENSG00000178149 = -0.804300958539496, ENSG00000136367 = -0.807162596361242,
  ENSG00000125851 = -0.813404529057154, ENSG00000152822 = -0.823663149399582,
  ENSG00000061987 = -0.839453436326677, ENSG00000150275 = -0.848903731299451,
  ENSG00000110025 = -0.862734268575983, ENSG00000171840 = -0.863380367102951,
  ENSG00000147481 = -0.865903791429416, ENSG00000173406 = -0.884100306813513,
  ENSG00000183117 = -0.89371486888786, ENSG00000165379 = -0.901028738885046,
  ENSG00000151952 = -0.920755922837254, ENSG00000148219 = -0.951371028837743,
  ENSG00000198626 = -0.984764932541634, ENSG00000083067 = -1.11330301909368,
  ENSG00000175471 = -1.11690380022367, ENSG00000152377 = -1.46190859487346,
  ENSG00000198673 = -1.54568356974478

enr <- gseGO(
  geneList = hgene_list, ont = 'all', keyType = 'ENSEMBL',
  OrgDb =,
  eps = 0, pvalueCutoff = 1, scoreType = 'std'

Copy link

guidohooiveld commented Apr 3, 2024

Using R-4.2.2 on my Windows machine I could reproduce your problem. That is, after an overnight the gseGO analysis wasn't finished, so I killed it.

Interestingly, when I changed minGSSize to 11 (default = 10), the analysis finished after ~35 seconds. Yet, when I reduce/set minGSSize to 10, the analysis still hasn't finished after 30 mins... I do not know what is the cause of this problem.

As a side note: an GSEA analysis is usually performed using all genes as input. In your case your input is only 1917 genes, so an overrepresentation analysis may be more appropriate? See ?enrichGO.

> library(clusterProfiler)
> library(
> ## copy/paste gene list from post above
> length(hgene_list)
[1] 1917
> system.time({
+ ego <- gseGO(geneList     = hgene_list,
+               eps          = 0,
+               OrgDb        =,
+               keyType      = 'ENSEMBL',
+               ont          = "ALL",
+               minGSSize    = 11,
+               maxGSSize    = 500,
+               pvalueCutoff = 1,
+               verbose      = FALSE)
+   })
   user  system elapsed 
  15.28    1.79   33.45 
Warning messages:
1: In preparePathwaysAndStats(pathways, stats, minSize, maxSize, gseaParam,  :
  There are ties in the preranked stats (1.93% of the list).
The order of those tied genes will be arbitrary, which may produce unexpected results.
2: In fgseaMultilevel(pathways = pathways, stats = stats, minSize = minSize,  :
  There were 15 pathways for which P-values were not calculated properly due to unbalanced (positive and negative) gene-level statistic values. For such pathways pval, padj, NES, log2err are set to NA. You can try to increase the value of the argument nPermSimple (for example set it nPermSimple = 10000)
3: In fgseaMultilevel(pathways = pathways, stats = stats, minSize = minSize,  :
  For some of the pathways the P-values were likely overestimated. For such pathways log2err is set to NA.
> ego
# Gene Set Enrichment Analysis
#...@organism    Homo sapiens 
#...@setType     GOALL 
#...@keytype     ENSEMBL 
#...@geneList    Named num [1:1917] 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.72 ...
 - attr(*, "names")= chr [1:1917] "ENSG00000205358" "ENSG00000125144" "ENSG00000198417" "ENSG00000187193" ...
#...pvalues adjusted by 'BH' with cutoff <1 
#...2606 enriched terms found
'data.frame':   2606 obs. of  12 variables:
 $ ONTOLOGY       : chr  "BP" "CC" "CC" "MF" ...
 $ ID             : chr  "GO:1901566" "GO:0044391" "GO:0005740" "GO:0003735" ...
 $ Description    : chr  "organonitrogen compound biosynthetic process" "ribosomal subunit" "mitochondrial envelope" "structural constituent of ribosome" ...
 $ setSize        : int  279 58 118 59 67 76 114 90 73 320 ...
 $ enrichmentScore: num  0.587 0.8 0.687 0.8 0.77 ...
 $ NES            : num  2.45 2.91 2.72 2.92 2.88 ...
 $ pvalue         : num  1.39e-27 2.02e-23 1.43e-23 5.40e-23 7.47e-23 ...
 $ p.adjust       : num  3.63e-24 1.76e-20 1.76e-20 3.43e-20 3.43e-20 ...
 $ qvalue         : num  3.16e-24 1.53e-20 1.53e-20 2.98e-20 2.98e-20 ...
 $ rank           : num  420 430 266 430 430 430 247 354 236 495 ...
 $ leading_edge   : chr  "tags=51%, list=22%, signal=47%" "tags=100%, list=22%, signal=80%" "tags=55%, list=14%, signal=51%" "tags=100%, list=22%, signal=80%" ...
 $ core_enrichment: chr  "ENSG00000124172/ENSG00000130770/ENSG00000145425/ENSG00000004799/ENSG00000267855/ENSG00000004779/ENSG00000241468"| __truncated__ "ENSG00000145425/ENSG00000118181/ENSG00000182774/ENSG00000142541/ENSG00000174748/ENSG00000131469/ENSG00000198242"| __truncated__ "ENSG00000124172/ENSG00000135940/ENSG00000267855/ENSG00000004779/ENSG00000241468/ENSG00000250479/ENSG00000131495"| __truncated__ "ENSG00000145425/ENSG00000267855/ENSG00000118181/ENSG00000182774/ENSG00000142541/ENSG00000174748/ENSG00000131469"| __truncated__ ...
 T Wu, E Hu, S Xu, M Chen, P Guo, Z Dai, T Feng, L Zhou, W Tang, L Zhan, X Fu, S Liu, X Bo, and G Yu.
 clusterProfiler 4.0: A universal enrichment tool for interpreting omics data.
 The Innovation. 2021, 2(3):100141 


> sessionInfo()
R version 4.2.2 (2022-10-31 ucrt)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 19042)

Matrix products: default

[1] LC_COLLATE=English_United States.utf8 
[2] LC_CTYPE=English_United States.utf8   
[3] LC_MONETARY=English_United States.utf8
[4] LC_NUMERIC=C                          
[5] LC_TIME=English_United States.utf8    

attached base packages:
[1] stats4    stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods  
[8] base     

other attached packages:
[1]   AnnotationDbi_1.60.2  IRanges_2.32.0       
[4] S4Vectors_0.36.2      Biobase_2.58.0        BiocGenerics_0.44.0  
[7] clusterProfiler_4.6.2

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] nlme_3.1-162           bitops_1.0-7           ggtree_3.6.2          
 [4] enrichplot_1.18.4      bit64_4.0.5            HDO.db_0.99.1         
 [7] RColorBrewer_1.1-3     httr_1.4.5             GenomeInfoDb_1.34.9   
[10] tools_4.2.2            utf8_1.2.3             R6_2.5.1              
[13] lazyeval_0.2.2         DBI_1.1.3              colorspace_2.1-0      
[16] withr_2.5.0            tidyselect_1.2.0       gridExtra_2.3         
[19] bit_4.0.5              compiler_4.2.2         cli_3.6.1             
[22] scatterpie_0.1.8       shadowtext_0.1.2       scales_1.2.1          
[25] stringr_1.5.0          digest_0.6.31          yulab.utils_0.0.6     
[28] gson_0.1.0             DOSE_3.24.2            XVector_0.38.0        
[31] pkgconfig_2.0.3        fastmap_1.1.1          rlang_1.1.0           
[34] RSQLite_2.3.1          gridGraphics_0.5-1     farver_2.1.1          
[37] generics_0.1.3         jsonlite_1.8.4         BiocParallel_1.32.6   
[40] GOSemSim_2.24.0        dplyr_1.1.1            RCurl_1.98-1.12       
[43] magrittr_2.0.3         ggplotify_0.1.0        GO.db_3.16.0          
[46] GenomeInfoDbData_1.2.9 patchwork_1.1.2        Matrix_1.5-4          
[49] Rcpp_1.0.12            munsell_0.5.0          fansi_1.0.4           
[52] ape_5.7-1              viridis_0.6.2          lifecycle_1.0.3       
[55] stringi_1.7.12         ggraph_2.1.0           MASS_7.3-58.3         
[58] zlibbioc_1.44.0        plyr_1.8.8             qvalue_2.30.0         
[61] grid_4.2.2             blob_1.2.4             parallel_4.2.2        
[64] ggrepel_0.9.3          crayon_1.5.2           lattice_0.21-8        
[67] graphlayouts_0.8.4     Biostrings_2.66.0      cowplot_1.1.1         
[70] splines_4.2.2          KEGGREST_1.38.0        pillar_1.9.0          
[73] fgsea_1.24.0           igraph_1.4.2           reshape2_1.4.4        
[76] codetools_0.2-19       fastmatch_1.1-3        glue_1.6.2            
[79] ggfun_0.0.9            downloader_0.4         data.table_1.14.8     
[82] treeio_1.22.0          png_0.1-8              vctrs_0.6.1           
[85] tweenr_2.0.2           gtable_0.3.3           purrr_1.0.1           
[88] polyclip_1.10-4        tidyr_1.3.0            cachem_1.0.7          
[91] ggplot2_3.4.2          ggforce_0.4.1          tidygraph_1.2.3       
[94] tidytree_0.4.2         viridisLite_0.4.1      snow_0.4-4            
[97] tibble_3.2.1           aplot_0.1.10           memoise_2.0.1         

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@guidohooiveld , it is a single cell dataset, so that is the full list of DE tested genes for that cell type.

Although that minGSSize perhaps gives a clue? The top 10 genes are all identical L2FC, so perhaps they form a group of 10 that somehow breaks the analysis. Prior to running gseGO I did a mouse to human conversion, and these 10 look to be many:many orthologs of the MT1 isoforms, which have their own gene ids instead of transcript ids (MT1A, MT1B, MT1E, MT1F, MT1G1, MT1G2, MT1H, MT1HL1, MT1M, and MT1X).

I can obviously run it on the mouse set to avoid it or just do 1:1 orths, though clearly it seems MT1 is important so it would be a shame to leave it out. The curse of ortholog resolution.

I am curious why the newer version is able to resolve it though.

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guidohooiveld commented Apr 4, 2024

I 'played' with your data set a little more, and I found that even when using up-to-date versions of R (and clusterProfiler / fgsea) with minGSSize=10 gseGO (still!) hangs on my Windows machine as well as my Linux machine.

Moreover, it seems that this is somehow caused by fgsea, so I posted this issue at the GitHub of fgsea as well.

See: ctlab/fgsea#151 (comment)

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lucygarner commented May 15, 2024

Hi all,

I am having this issue with gseGO where it just hangs for ages. However, it seems to be an intermittent error as sometimes it runs OK.

The command I am running is as follows:

gsea_GO <- gseGO(ranked_list, 
                 ont = "BP", 
                 OrgDb = "", 
                 minGSSize = 15, 
                 maxGSSize = 500, 
                 eps = 0, 
                 pvalueCutoff = 0.05)

The head of ranked_list looks as follows:

 10663     64332       940       868      4049      2308 
12.206197  4.805821  2.889004  1.810810  1.760752  1.195144 

I have also tried in multiple R environments, but I am having the same issue.


R version 4.4.0 (2024-04-24)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin20
Running under: macOS Sonoma 14.4.1

Matrix products: default
BLAS: /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/Versions/A/libBLAS.dylib
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.4-x86_64/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib; LAPACK version 3.12.0

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

time zone: Europe/London
tzcode source: internal

attached base packages:
[1] stats4 stats graphics grDevices datasets utils methods base

other attached packages:
[1] lubridate_1.9.3 forcats_1.0.0 stringr_1.5.1
[4] dplyr_1.1.4 purrr_1.0.2 readr_2.1.5
[7] tidyr_1.3.1 tibble_3.2.1 ggplot2_3.5.1
[10] tidyverse_2.0.0 AnnotationDbi_1.66.0
[13] IRanges_2.38.0 S4Vectors_0.42.0 Biobase_2.64.0
[16] BiocGenerics_0.50.0 clusterProfiler_4.12.0

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] DBI_1.2.2 gson_0.1.0 shadowtext_0.1.3
[4] gridExtra_2.3 rlang_1.1.3 magrittr_2.0.3
[7] DOSE_3.30.0 compiler_4.4.0 RSQLite_2.3.6
[10] png_0.1-8 vctrs_0.6.5 reshape2_1.4.4
[13] pkgconfig_2.0.3 crayon_1.5.2 fastmap_1.1.1
[16] XVector_0.44.0 ggraph_2.2.1 utf8_1.2.4
[19] HDO.db_0.99.1 tzdb_0.4.0 enrichplot_1.24.0
[22] UCSC.utils_1.0.0 bit_4.0.5 zlibbioc_1.50.0
[25] cachem_1.0.8 aplot_0.2.2 GenomeInfoDb_1.40.0
[28] jsonlite_1.8.8 blob_1.2.4 BiocParallel_1.38.0
[31] tweenr_2.0.3 parallel_4.4.0 R6_2.5.1
[34] stringi_1.8.4 RColorBrewer_1.1-3 GOSemSim_2.30.0
[37] Rcpp_1.0.12 timechange_0.3.0 Matrix_1.7-0
[40] splines_4.4.0 igraph_2.0.3 tidyselect_1.2.1
[43] qvalue_2.36.0 rstudioapi_0.16.0 viridis_0.6.5
[46] codetools_0.2-20 lattice_0.22-6 plyr_1.8.9
[49] treeio_1.28.0 withr_3.0.0 KEGGREST_1.44.0
[52] gridGraphics_0.5-1 scatterpie_0.2.2 polyclip_1.10-6
[55] Biostrings_2.72.0 pillar_1.9.0 ggtree_3.12.0
[58] renv_1.0.7 ggfun_0.1.4 generics_0.1.3
[61] vroom_1.6.5 hms_1.1.3 munsell_0.5.1
[64] scales_1.3.0 tidytree_0.4.6 glue_1.7.0
[67] lazyeval_0.2.2 tools_4.4.0 data.table_1.15.4
[70] fgsea_1.30.0 fs_1.6.4 graphlayouts_1.1.1
[73] fastmatch_1.1-4 tidygraph_1.3.1 cowplot_1.1.3
[76] grid_4.4.0 ape_5.8 colorspace_2.1-0
[79] nlme_3.1-164 GenomeInfoDbData_1.2.12 patchwork_1.2.0
[82] ggforce_0.4.2 cli_3.6.2 fansi_1.0.6
[85] viridisLite_0.4.2 gtable_0.3.5 yulab.utils_0.1.4
[88] digest_0.6.35 ggrepel_0.9.5 ggplotify_0.1.2
[91] farver_2.1.2 memoise_2.0.1 lifecycle_1.0.4
[94] httr_1.4.7 GO.db_3.19.1 bit64_4.0.5
[97] MASS_7.3-60.2

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best wishes,

Additional information
If I quit the analysis whilst running, I get the following warning message:

In fgseaMultilevel(pathways = pathways, stats = stats, minSize = minSize, :
There were 1 pathways for which P-values were not calculated properly due to unbalanced (positive and negative) gene-level statistic values. For such pathways pval, padj, NES, log2err are set to NA. You can try to increase the value of the argument nPermSimple (for example set it nPermSimple = 10000)

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I believe this post might help solve some problems ( Running calculations in parallel on a Windows system can be challenging, but using the code register(SerialParam()) can force the machine to run in Serial mode. On a Linux system, I tested the code without any issues and without needing any adjustments. I'm not familiar with the underlying operating mechanism, though.

Copy link

Hello, I believe this post might help solve some problems ( Running calculations in parallel on a Windows system can be challenging, but using the code register(SerialParam()) can force the machine to run in Serial mode. On a Linux system, I tested the code without any issues and without needing any adjustments. I'm not familiar with the underlying operating mechanism, though.


R version 4.3.1 (2023-06-16 ucrt)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows 11 x64 (build 22631)

Matrix products: default

[1] LC_COLLATE=Chinese (Simplified)_China.utf8  LC_CTYPE=Chinese (Simplified)_China.utf8   
[3] LC_MONETARY=Chinese (Simplified)_China.utf8 LC_NUMERIC=C                               
[5] LC_TIME=Chinese (Simplified)_China.utf8    

time zone: Asia/Shanghai
tzcode source: internal

attached base packages:
[1] stats4    stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
 [1] BiocParallel_1.34.2   AnnotationDbi_1.62.2  IRanges_2.34.1        S4Vectors_0.38.2     
 [6] Biobase_2.60.0        BiocGenerics_0.46.0   enrichplot_1.20.3     clusterProfiler_4.8.3 ggpubr_0.6.0         
[11] ggplot2_3.5.1         purrr_1.0.2           tibble_3.2.1          dplyr_1.1.4           tidyr_1.3.1          

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
  [1] DBI_1.2.3               bitops_1.0-8            gson_0.1.0              shadowtext_0.1.4        gridExtra_2.3          
  [6] rlang_1.1.4             magrittr_2.0.3          DOSE_3.26.2             compiler_4.3.1          RSQLite_2.3.7          
 [11] png_0.1-8               vctrs_0.6.5             reshape2_1.4.4          stringr_1.5.1           pkgconfig_2.0.3        
 [16] crayon_1.5.3            fastmap_1.2.0           backports_1.5.0         XVector_0.40.0          ggraph_2.2.1           
 [21] utf8_1.2.4              HDO.db_0.99.1           bit_4.0.5               zlibbioc_1.46.0         cachem_1.1.0           
 [26] aplot_0.2.3             jsonlite_1.8.8          GenomeInfoDb_1.36.4     blob_1.2.4              tweenr_2.0.3           
 [31] broom_1.0.6             parallel_4.3.1          R6_2.5.1                stringi_1.8.4           RColorBrewer_1.1-3     
 [36] car_3.1-2               GOSemSim_2.26.1         Rcpp_1.0.13             snow_0.4-4              downloader_0.4         
 [41] pacman_0.5.1            Matrix_1.5-4.1          splines_4.3.1           igraph_2.0.3            tidyselect_1.2.1       
 [46] qvalue_2.32.0           abind_1.4-5             viridis_0.6.5           codetools_0.2-20        lattice_0.22-6         
 [51] plyr_1.8.9              treeio_1.24.3           withr_3.0.1             KEGGREST_1.40.1         gridGraphics_0.5-1     
 [56] scatterpie_0.2.4        polyclip_1.10-7         Biostrings_2.68.1       ggtree_3.8.2            pillar_1.9.0           
 [61] carData_3.0-5           ggfun_0.1.6             generics_0.1.3          RCurl_1.98-1.16         tidytree_0.4.6         
 [66] munsell_0.5.1           scales_1.3.0            glue_1.7.0              lazyeval_0.2.2          tools_4.3.1            
 [71] data.table_1.16.0       fgsea_1.26.0            ggsignif_0.6.4          fs_1.6.4                graphlayouts_1.1.1     
 [76] fastmatch_1.1-4         tidygraph_1.3.1         cowplot_1.1.3           grid_4.3.1              ape_5.8                
 [81] colorspace_2.1-1        nlme_3.1-166            patchwork_1.2.0         GenomeInfoDbData_1.2.10 ggforce_0.4.2          
 [86] cli_3.6.3               fansi_1.0.6             viridisLite_0.4.2       gtable_0.3.5            rstatix_0.7.2          
 [91] yulab.utils_0.1.7       digest_0.6.37           ggrepel_0.9.5           ggplotify_0.1.2         farver_2.1.2           
 [96] memoise_2.0.1           lifecycle_1.0.4         httr_1.4.7              GO.db_3.17.0            bit64_4.0.5            
[101] MASS_7.3-60 

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