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EyeFormer: Predicting Scanpaths in Free-Viewing Tasks with Transformer-Guided Reinforcement Learning

Open In Colab

The implementation of the model in the submission EyeFormer: Predicting Scanpaths in Free-Viewing Tasks with Transformer-Guided Reinforcement Learning.


conda create -n your_env python=3.6.13
conda activate your_env
conda install pytorch==1.7.1 torchvision==0.8.2 torchaudio==0.7.2 cudatoolkit=11.0 -c pytorch
pip install transformers==4.8.1
pip install timm==0.4.9
conda install ruamel_yaml
pip install opencv-python
pip install --upgrade Pillow
pip install einops
pip install multimatch-gaze

The requirement is also uploaded as requirements.txt. Please use this file to make sure that some of the packages you have installed are the same. Please don't configure your environment with this file.

Data Preparing

The dataset has the following file layout:

|–– full/
|   |–– dataset/
|   |   |   |–– train/
|   |   |   |   |–– block 0/
|   |   |   |   |–– block 1/
|   |   |   |   |–– block 2/
|   |   |   |–– test/
|   |   |   |   |–– block 53/
|   |   |   |   |–– block 54/
|   |   |   |   |–– block 55/
|   |–– new_logs/
|   |   |–– kh000/
|   |   |–– kh001/
|   |   |–– kh002/
|   |–– saliency_maps
|   |   |–– block_0
|   |   |–– block_1
|   |   |–– block_2

You can download them here.

How to reproduce

Experiments are reproduced on one NVIDIA V100. The random seed is fixed to a value of 42 in two stages.

NOTE: Although the code uses torch.distributed, running with multiple GPUs has not been tested.

Stage One: Pretraining

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=1 --use_env --master_port=xxxx \ \
--output_dir output/scanpath_prediction_population_pretrain \

The model will be saved in output/scanpath_prediction_population_pretrain. Before running it, please change your data path in configs/Pretrain_tracking.yaml.

train_file is the root path to store csv of fixation points

image_root is the training image root path

eval_image_root is the testing image root path

Stage Two: Reinforcement Learning

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=1 --use_env --master_port=xxxx \ \
--output_dir output/scanpath_prediction_population_rl \
--checkpoint output/scanpath_prediction_population_pretrain/checkpoint_29.pth \

The models will be saved in output/scanpath_prediction_population_rl. Before running it, please change your data path in configs/Tracking.yaml.


python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=1 --use_env --master_port=xxxx \ \
--output_dir output/scanpath_prediction_population_rl \
--checkpoint output/scanpath_prediction_population_rl/checkpoint_18.pth \

The predicted results predicted_result.csv will be saved in output/scanpath_prediction_population_rl. To reproduce our results, you could use the checkpoint from the 19th epoch.


We have already preprocessed the testing fixation points in evaluation/testing_ground_truth.csv. You can check it and compare it with the raw data.

DTW, TDE, and Eyenalysis

python evaluation/ --scanpaths \
--ref_files evaluation/testing_ground_truth.csv \
--pred_files output/scanpath_prediction_population_rl/predicted_result.csv \


python evaluation/ --scanpaths \
--ref_files evaluation/testing_ground_truth.csv \
--pred_files output/scanpath_prediction_population_rl/predicted_result.csv \


cd evaluation/eval_multipath

python \
--pred_file your_path/output/scanpath_prediction_population_rl/predicted_result.csv \
--gt_file your_path/evaluation/testing_ground_truth.csv \

Pretrained Model Weights

You can download all the model's weights here.

Logging Files

You can now check the two logging files in running_logs

Effects of batch size on model performance

The following experiments are run on one NVIDIA V100.

Batch Size Seed DTW TDE Eye
8 42 4.2347 0.1218 0.0370
16 42 4.2624 0.1220 0.0327
32 42 4.1607 0.1244 0.0371
64 42 4.1711 0.1216 0.0361
64 80 4.0689 0.1222 0.0357