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User Stories & Mockups

Zeynep Deniz Yilmaz edited this page Nov 6, 2021 · 2 revisions

Landing page - services page


Events page



Abby is a conservatory piano student in the accompaniment class. In order to get some practice, she wants to offer accompanying services to other musicians on Akita. She doesn't have an account yet, so first she needs to register.

The system asks her to enter her name, a password and email address. She selects her interests among existing tags. She can't find any tag named "piano accompaniment", so she clicks on "create tag" button. The link opens a new tab where she can create a new tag. Back on the sign-up page, she select the piano accompaniment tag as her strong suit. She's also interested in hiking, so she selects the "nature" and "hiking" tag as her interests. She uploads her profile picture and finds her location on the map. The system displays "Kadıköy, İstanbul" automatically.

After she registers, the system directs her to her profile page.

  • signup page

sign-up page

  • profile page


  • "Edit profile" button is visible only to Abby.
  • The timeline is only visible to the members who follow Abby.
  • The "follow" and "block" buttons are only visible to Abby.

Offering a service

After signing up, she goes to the Services section of her profile page and clicks the "Offer New Service" button. There, she enters "Piano accompaniment" as the name of her service, a short description, an estimated time of an hour, the place of the service. She can only offer her service on the weekends, so she selects 13.00 on saturdays and as the time of her service. She enters 1 as te maximum number of receivers, selects the "music" and "piano" tags. She can't find a tag named "accompaniment" so she created one. She sets the cancellation deadline to 1 week.

  • creating a service


  • creating a tag


  • services page form profile


  • "New service button is only visible to Abby."
  • Members other than Abby will see "go to service" button instead of "manage service".

Selecting attendees for a service

Toby is a paleontology professor in Istanbul University. In his free time he likes to go around the beaches in Istanbul to collect fossils. He thought that he could do this activity with other people, and teach them a bit about fossils and paleontology in the meanwhile.

He is new to the platform, so he signs up to Akita and create the service. He selects 5 people as maximum number of participants.

A few days before the service, he logs on to the system and goes to the "manage service" page of his service. He selects a slot to see who applied to join and select attendees.

  • service management screen


Getting a service

Abby sees Toby's "fossil searching" service and decides to apply. A few days later she receives an email that Toby approved of her attending the service.

  • service page + sign-up


  • ongoing service page


Requesting a service

Hanny is a seasoned user of Platform who has the "regular". She is middle-aged and lives alone and just had back surgery. She can do her daily tasks but won't be able to look after her little vegetable garden in her backyard. She is searching for someone that can come once or twice a week and check on her vegetables. She logs on to the platform and searches for any service for simple gardening tasks but can't find it.

In the end, she decides to request a service. She clicks on the "request service" button on the empty search result screen. A request form appears. She enters the title for her request, a short description, the location and the estimated length of the service. She enters that she needs this service every friday between 4-5 PM and sets the frequency to weekly. After she clicks the "Done" button below the form, the request is published in the "Requests" page of the Platform.

A few days later, she receives a message that a user named Toby is now offering her service, so she follows the link on the notification to sign up for that service.

  • requesting a service


Giving a requested service

Jack has finally graduated from his masters program that he was doing aside of his work. Now he has so much more free time, and he wants to get back to his old hobby gardening. He logs on to the Platform and searches the requested services to find if there's any about gardening.

He sees Hanny's request, and clicks "Offer this service" button. He is directed to the service creation page where the fields are already filled by default. He enters 2 days as the deadline for cancellation.

Feedback after a service

After Jack gives his service to Hanny, they both go to the service's page and click "end service". Hanny loses 1 hour while Toby gains 1 hour. They both get a notification about this transaction.

They are directed to the "feedback" page where they can rate each other from 0 to 5 and write a small comment.

Toby loved Hanny and the cookies that she gave him on his way back. So he rates her 5 and writes a heartwarming comment. Hanny gains 5 reputation points, and Toby gains 1.


Creating an event

  • Event creation page
