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I'm a second-year Master student in Industrial Engineering at University of Illinois (ISE @ Illinois), with concentration in Advanced Analytics and Computational Science & Engineering. I worked with Prof. Justin A. Sirignano on Deep Learning with High-Frequency Finacial Data. I am currently working with Prof. Bob Norris on Autonomous Vehicles. My research interest lies in Artificial Intelligence (AI). Within AI, I am interested in problems related to probabilistic modeling, machine learning and recently, self-driving cars. I obtained my Bachelor Degree in Dalian University of Technology, majoring in Harbor, Waterway and Coastal Engineering under the supervision of Prof. Tingguo Chen. I worked with Prof. Meng Jiang on my thesis topic being "The Structure Design of a Gravity Quay Wall of Ocean Fishery Group in Dalian".
M.S. in Advanced Analytics
University of Illinois Urbana - Champaign, 2017 to present
B.E. in Harbor, Waterway and Coastal Engineering
Dalian University of Technology, 2013 to 2017
Thesis: The Structure Design of a Gravity Quay Wall of Ocean Fishery Group in Dalian.
- February, 2019. Independent Study, topics being "Self-Driving Vehicles Simulation using Machine Learning". Project details
- December 23, 2018. Started participating kaggle competition - Humpback Whale Identification. Concluded as Top 20% solution using Siamese Net and DenseNet-156 architecture with Data Augmentation, Bounding Boxes prediction and Ensemble methods.
- December 15, 2018. Finished our Deep Learning group project "Deep Reinforcement Learning - Flappy Bird Hack using Double Q Learning". Check this project out!
- Summer 2018. Participated in Youtube-8M Challange.