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Action Definitions
In AJAN, MMUs are executed using the action nodes described in chapter AJAN Actions. For this purpose, two Action Definitions were created as PluginActions and presented below.
To be able to execute a MMU in MOSIM, so-called MInstructions are required. To be able to execute an MInstruction three data are needed in general: a name and a generated ID of this instruction; and to know which MMU is to be executed, the motion type or the ID of the MMU to be used.
But in most cases a MMU needs more context information to create an animation. For this a MInstruction has two more fields or lists. The MInstruction.Properties list contains string-based key-value pairs with required or optional properties. The second list MInstruction.Constraints contains MConstraints. Below is an example shown of the of Locomotion/Walk MMU with its listed properties or parameters and how to create and execute an MInstruction for that MMU in C#:
MInstruction walkInstruction = new MInstruction(MInstructionFactory.GenerateID(), "Walk", "Locomotion/Walk")
Properties = PropertiesCreator.Create("TargetID", UnitySceneAccess.Instance.GetSceneObjectByName("WalkTarget").ID)
this.CoSimulator.AssignInstruction(walkInstruction, currentState);
As can be seen, the Locomotion/Walk MMU needs a defined TargetID or TargetName as property to know to which target the avatar should walk through this MMU. In the shown C# example a MSceneObject with the name "WalkTarget" is read and its ID is passed to the MMU.
In order for AJAN to create and execute an MInstruction with said properties and constraints, the required information must be read out via an SBT Action node as Action Input and is used by an Action Definition to send the CoSimulator the Thrift based MInstruction instruction.
To execute a MMU synchronously in AJAN this Action Definition is needed. The Pose/Idle could be seen as an example for a synchronous execution of a MMU.
To execute an AJAN action, whether ServiceAction or PluginAction based, with an Action Definition, an Action Input with said information is required. What information is needed is specified with a Consumable. In the case of this action definition, the following Consumable is used:
actn:consumes [
a actn:Consumable ;
actn:sparql """
PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
PREFIX mosim: <http://www.dfki.de/mosim-ns#>
PREFIX actn: <http://www.ajan.de/actn#>
?instruction rdf:type mosim:MInstruction .
?instruction mosim:mmu ?mmu .
?instruction mosim:mmuProperty ?property .
?instruction mosim:actionName ?actionName .
?instruction mosim:constraint ?constraint .
?instruction mosim:startCondition ?startCond .
?instruction mosim:endCondition ?endCond .
?cosim rdf:type mosim:CoSimulator .
?cosim mosim:host ?host .
?cosim mosim:port ?port .
}"""^^xsd:string ;
] ;
As shown in the Consumable, basically two pieces of information are needed to execute an MMU with AJAN: (1) a instruction resource ?instruction
with a the Motion Type mosim:mmu
(xsd:sting); (2) information about the CoSimulator mosim:CoSimulator
with its host address mosim:host
(<xsd:sting>) and port mosim:port
(<xsd:integer>) to be used. Optionally, MInstruction properties mosim:mmuProperty
(<URI> whith whole resource description), constraints mosim:constraint
(<URI> whith whole resource description), start mosim:startCondition
(<xsd:sting>) and end mosim:endCondition
(<xsd:sting>) conditions, and an action name mosim:actionName
(<xsd:sting>) can be specified. If and which of these data must be defined depends on the MMU to be used.
Basically, the needed CoSimulator resource (represented in the example with ?cosim
) from RDF type mosim:CoSimulator
(where mosim:
is the @prefix of http://www.ajan.de/mosim-ns#) has the following parameters:
<URI> (mosim:CoSimulator
) -
<xsd:string> (e.g. "http://localhost") -
<xsd:integer> (e.g. 9011)
@prefix mosim: <http://www.dfki.de/mosim-ns#> .
@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
_:cosim rdf:type mosim:CoSimulator .
_:cosim mosim:host "http://localhost" .
_:cosim mosim:port 9011 .
Basically, the needed MInstruction resource (represented in the example with ?instruction
) from RDF type mosim:MInstruction
(where mosim:
is the @prefix of http://www.ajan.de/mosim-ns#) has the following parameters:
<URI> (mosim:MInstruction
) -
<xsd:string> (e.g. "Locomotion/Walk")
Optional Action Name:
<xsd:string> (e.g. "WalkX")
Optional MInstruction.Properties<string,string>:
<URI_Pr> (single Property<string,string>; multiple properties can be defined) - <URI_Pr>
<URI> (mosim:MProperty
) - <URI_Pr>
<xsd:string> (e.g. "TargetID") - <URI_Pr>
<xsd:string> (e.g. "1")
Optional MInstruction.Constraints:
<URI_Cs> (single MConstraint; multiple constraints can be defined) - <URI_Cs>
<URI> (mosim:MConstraint
) - <URI_Cs>
<xsd:string> (Base64 data, e.g. "fsdfsdf845njksnfi2348hjsdv...")
Optional Conditions:
<xsd:string> -
@prefix mosim: <http://www.dfki.de/mosim-ns#> .
@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
test:Instruction mosim:mmu "Locomotion/Walk" .
test:Instruction mosim:actionName "Walk" .
test:Instruction mosim:mmuProperty test:TargetProperty .
test:Instruction mosim:constraint test:Constraint .
test:TargetProperty rdf:type mosim:MProperty .
test:TargetProperty mosim:key "TargetID" .
test:TargetProperty mosim:value 12 .
test:Constraint rdf:type mosim:MConstraint .
test:Constraint mosim:object ?object .
actn:produces [
a actn:Producible ;
actn:sparql """
?s ?p ?o .
}"""^^xsd:string ;
] ;
@prefix mosim: <http://www.dfki.de/mosim-ns#> .
@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
@prefix test: <http://test/> .
test:Instruction mosim:mmu "Locomotion/Walk" .
test:Instruction mosim:actionName "Walk" .
test:Instruction mosim:mmuProperty test:TargetProperty .
test:TargetProperty mosim:key "TargetID" .
test:TargetProperty mosim:value 12 .
_:cosim rdf:type mosim:CoSimulator .
_:cosim mosim:host "http://localhost" .
_:cosim mosim:port 9011 .
actn:consumes [
a actn:Consumable ;
actn:sparql """
PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
PREFIX mosim: <http://www.dfki.de/mosim-ns#>
PREFIX actn: <http://www.ajan.de/actn#>
?instruction mosim:mmu ?mmu .
?instruction mosim:mmuProperty ?property .
?instruction mosim:actionName ?actionName .
?instruction mosim:constraint ?constraint .
?instruction mosim:startCondition ?startCond .
?instruction mosim:endCondition ?endCond .
?cosim rdf:type mosim:CoSimulator .
?cosim mosim:host ?host .
?cosim mosim:port ?port .
}"""^^xsd:string ;
] ;
actn:produces [
a actn:Producible ;
actn:sparql """
?s ?p ?o .
}"""^^xsd:string ;
] ;