this python code simulate the data exchange between the sensor (client) and the server. for that we have to make a python code that simulate that connection.
first the client read the gyroscope data from the file and save it on it receptive variables. After that it will protocol brake the UDP protocol construct the packet using 7 packet:
- 0-5 mac
- 6 packet number 8-bit int
- 7 total number of packets 8-bit int
- 8-1388 gyroscope data as (ax,ay,az,gx,gy,gz)
- 1388-1389 humidity 16-bit int
- 1390-1391 temperate 16-bit int
- 1392-1393 case temperate 16-bit int
- 1394-1395 battery 16-bit int
- 1396-1397 sound 16-bit int
- 1398 -1402 Time Unix 32-bit int
- 0-5 mac
- 6 packet number 8-bit int
- 7 total number of packets 8-bit int
- 8-1400 gyroscope data as (ax,ay,az,gx,gy,gz)
after constructing the packets it sends it to the server using UDP protocol and python socket
import struct
import socket
import time
## read data from file
ax_file = open(r"data\dataset\train\signals\total_acc_x_train.txt", "r")
ay_file = open(r"data\dataset\train\signals\total_acc_y_train.txt", "r")
az_file = open(r"data\dataset\train\signals\total_acc_z_train.txt", "r")
gx_file = open(r"data\dataset\train\signals\body_gyro_x_train.txt", "r")
gy_file = open(r"data\dataset\train\signals\body_gyro_y_train.txt", "r")
gz_file = open(r"data\dataset\train\signals\body_gyro_z_train.txt", "r")
## read ax data full file
ax_lines = ax_file.readlines()
for x in range (len(ax_lines)):
z = ax_lines[x].replace('nan','0').strip().split(',')
for n in range (810):
ax_data.append(int(float(z[809]))) # repeat the last value
## read ay data full file
ay_lines = ay_file.readlines()
for x in range (len(ay_lines)):
z = ay_lines[x].replace('nan','0').strip().split(',')
for n in range (810):
ay_data.append(int(float(z[809]))) # repeat the last value
## read az data full file
az_lines = az_file.readlines()
for x in range (len(az_lines)):
z = az_lines[x].replace('nan','0').strip().split(',')
for n in range (810):
az_data.append(int(float(z[809]))) # repeat the last value
## read gx data full file
gx_lines = gx_file.readlines()
for x in range (len(gx_lines)):
z = gx_lines[x].replace('nan','0').strip().split(',')
for n in range (810):
gx_data.append(int(float(z[809]))) # repeat the last value
## read gy data full file
gy_lines = gy_file.readlines()
for x in range (len(gy_lines)):
z = gy_lines[x].replace('nan','0').strip().split(',')
for n in range (810):
gy_data.append(int(float(z[809]))) # repeat the last value
## read gz data full file
gz_lines = gz_file.readlines()
for x in range (len(gz_lines)):
z = gz_lines[x].replace('nan','0').strip().split(',')
for n in range (810):
gz_data.append(int(float(z[809]))) # repeat the last value
this massage have have the seven packets organized as shown before the date use is the fist line in data files (if you want to change it change the variable [line] in the code to the line you want)
Note : in the futter it will otumaticly send all the lines in diffrant massages now it is only one massage with the first line
# packet structer (big-endian) first packet
# cut the mac to bytes and sprate them
mac = "ffffffffffaf"
macSplit = []
full_pack = []
n = 0
for x in range(6):
tem = int(mac[n:n+2], 16)
#print (mac[i:i+2])
macSplit.append (tem)
n = n + 2
time_unix_int = int(round(time.time()))
#chouse the data line form the data file (frst line is zero)
line = 0
i = 811 * line
for mass in range (7):
mac = struct.pack('>BBBBBB', macSplit[0],macSplit[1],macSplit[2],macSplit[3],macSplit[4],macSplit[5]) #pack mac
pack_number = struct.pack('>B', mass + 1) # pack packet number
pack_total = struct.pack('>B', 7) # pack the total number of packets
## gyro data
ax = b''
ay = b''
az = b''
gx = b''
gy = b''
gz = b''
gyro_data= b''
# pack the data in the packets
for x in range (116):
if (mass < 1):
ax = struct.pack('>h', ax_data[i])
ay = struct.pack('>h', ay_data[i])
az = struct.pack('>h', az_data[i])
gx = struct.pack('>h', gx_data[i])
gy = struct.pack('>h', gy_data[i])
gz = struct.pack('>h', gz_data[i])
gyro_data += ax + ay + az + gx + gy + gz
temp = struct.pack('>H', 2)
hum = struct.pack('>H', 2)
case_temp = struct.pack('>H', 2)
batray = struct.pack('>H', 2)
sound = struct.pack('>H', 2)
time_unix = struct.pack('>I', time_unix_int) ## note which is better B of H
ax = struct.pack('>h', ax_data[i])
ay = struct.pack('>h', ay_data[i])
az = struct.pack('>h', az_data[i])
gx = struct.pack('>h', gx_data[i])
gy = struct.pack('>h', gy_data[i])
gz = struct.pack('>h', gz_data[i])
gyro_data += ax + ay + az + gx + gy + gz
# construct the full massge
if (mass<1):
full_pack.append( mac + pack_number + pack_total + gyro_data + hum + temp + case_temp + sound + batray + time_unix)
full_pack.append( mac + pack_number + pack_total + gyro_data )
this code only send one massage that was constructed on the code before it only the first line of data at the moment
the IPADDR is the IP for the server and the port must be the same in the server and client
PORTNUM = 2000
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, 0)
s.connect((IPADDR, PORTNUM))
print ("connected")
# send the sven packets
for x in range (7):
PACKETDATA = full_pack[x]
the server job is to receive the data form the client and deconstruct the packets. After that it graph the FFT for the gyro values
import struct
import socket
import numpy as np
from numpy import *
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from scipy.fft import *
Note : this code deconstruct one packet at a time and close the connection after that
the localIP is the IP for host device
# server
# to get the IP of the running devise
localIP = ""
#print (localIP)
localPort = 2000
# Create a datagram socket
UDPServerSocket = socket.socket(family=socket.AF_INET, type=socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
# Bind to address and ip
UDPServerSocket.bind((localIP, localPort))
print("UDP server up and listening")
## gyro data
ax = []
ay = []
az = []
gx = []
gy = []
gz = []
packet_list = []
running = 1
while running:
# for receving the packet
packet = UDPServerSocket.recv(10000)
#print (packet[1389])
pack_number = packet[6] # one-byte packet number
pack_total = packet[7] # one-byte packet total number
if (pack_number == 1): # first pack 1402 bytes
# get the mac addres and convet it back to string
mac_bytes = packet[:6]
mac_int = struct.unpack('>BBBBBB', mac_bytes)
mac = ""
for x in range(6):
tem = hex(mac_int[x])
mac += tem[2:]
print ("MAC address >> ", mac)
## get data for the fist packet
offcet = 8
for n in range (115):
# the gyro. data for the first packet (sined)
ax.append (struct.unpack('>h',packet[offcet + 0 + 6 * n * 2 : offcet + 0 + 6 * n * 2 + 2 ]))
ay.append (struct.unpack('>h',packet[offcet + 2 + 6 * n * 2 : offcet + 2 + 6 * n * 2 + 2]))
az.append (struct.unpack('>h',packet[offcet + 4 + 6 * n * 2 : offcet + 4 + 6 * n * 2 + 2 ]))
gx.append (struct.unpack('>h',packet[offcet + 6 + 6 * n * 2 : offcet + 6 + 6 * n * 2 + 2]))
gy.append (struct.unpack('>h',packet[offcet + 8 + 6 * n * 2 : offcet + 8 + 6 * n * 2 + 2]))
gz.append (struct.unpack('>h',packet[offcet + 10 + 6 * n * 2 : offcet + 10 + 6 * n * 2 + 2 ]))
# fist packet state data (unsined)
temp = struct.unpack('>H', packet[1388:1390])
hum = struct.unpack('>H', packet[1390:1392])
case_temp = struct.unpack('>H', packet[1392:1394])
batray = struct.unpack('>H', packet[1394:1396])
sound = struct.unpack('>H', packet[1396:1398])
time_unix = struct.unpack('>I', packet[1398:1402])
mac_bytes_check = packet[:6] # mac for the next packets
if (mac_bytes != mac_bytes_check):# detect packet enjection
print("packet with defrant MAC")
running = 0
## get the date for packet 2-7
for n in range (116):
ax.append (struct.unpack('>h',packet[offcet + 0 + 6 * n * 2 : offcet + 0 + 6 * n * 2 + 2 ]))
ay.append (struct.unpack('>h',packet[offcet + 2 + 6 * n * 2 : offcet + 2 + 6 * n * 2 + 2]))
az.append (struct.unpack('>h',packet[offcet + 4 + 6 * n * 2 : offcet + 4 + 6 * n * 2 + 2 ]))
gx.append (struct.unpack('>h',packet[offcet + 6 + 6 * n * 2 : offcet + 6 + 6 * n * 2 + 2]))
gy.append (struct.unpack('>h',packet[offcet + 8 + 6 * n * 2 : offcet + 8 + 6 * n * 2 + 2]))
gz.append (struct.unpack('>h',packet[offcet + 10 + 6 * n * 2 : offcet + 10 + 6 * n * 2 + 2 ]))
# got all the packets
if (pack_number == 7 ):
print ("successed")
# remove the tupels
ax = [item for t in ax for item in t]
ay = [item for t in ay for item in t]
az = [item for t in az for item in t]
gx = [item for t in gx for item in t]
gy = [item for t in gy for item in t]
gz = [item for t in gz for item in t]
temp = temp[0]
hum = hum[0]
case_temp = case_temp[0]
batray = batray[0]
sound = sound[0]
time_unix = time_unix[0]
running = 0
print (packet_list)
on this code we use Nyquist-theorem to show the data in frequency domain and form that data i can visually see the vibration on motor
N = 810
# sample spacing
T = 1.0 / 810.0
# Number of samplepoints(ax)
x = np.array(ax)
yf = fft(x)
xf = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0/(2.0*T), N//2)
fig, axx = plt.subplots()
axx.plot(xf[1:], 2.0/N * np.abs(yf[1:N//2]))
plt.xlabel("ax graph")
# Number of samplepoints(ay)
x = np.array(ay)
yf = fft(x)
xf = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0/(2.0*T), N//2)
fig, ayy = plt.subplots()
ayy.plot(xf[1:], 2.0/N * np.abs(yf[1:N//2]))
plt.xlabel ("ay graph")
# Number of samplepoints(az)
x = np.array(az)
yf = fft(x)
xf = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0/(2.0*T), N//2)
fig, azz = plt.subplots()
azz.plot(xf[1:], 2.0/N * np.abs(yf[1:N//2]))
plt.xlabel ("az graph")
# Number of samplepoints(gx)
x = np.array(gx)
yf = fft(x)
xf = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0/(2.0*T), N//2)
fig, gxx = plt.subplots()
gxx.plot(xf[1:], 2.0/N * np.abs(yf[1:N//2]))
plt.xlabel ("gx graph")
# Number of samplepoints(gy)
x = np.array(gy)
yf = fft(x)
xf = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0/(2.0*T), N//2)
fig, gyy = plt.subplots()
gyy.plot(xf[1:], 2.0/N * np.abs(yf[1:N//2]))
plt.xlabel ("gy graph")
# Number of samplepoints(gz)
x = np.array(gz)
yf = fft(x)
xf = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0/(2.0*T), N//2)
fig, gzz = plt.subplots()
gzz.plot(xf[1:], 2.0/N * np.abs(yf[1:N//2]))
plt.xlabel ("gz graph")