TizenRT provides the network performance measurement tool
to assist in successful porting of the network stack
such as LwIP, Wi-Fi Manager, and Wi-Fi driver.
In order to verify the stability and robustness,
please make sure to follow the procedures outlined below.
For ease of use and performance evaluation of the Wi-Fi Manager APIs, Wi-Fi Manager supports sample application, called wm_test. Please refer to How To Add TASH, to newly install TASH command.
The list of services provided by wm_test is as follows:
- starting and stopping of Wi-Fi Manager
- joining and leaving the network
- running SoftAP
- scanning
- getting connection information
To enable/disable Wi-Fi Manager sample application, do the following:
- Execute the dbuild.sh script with the menuconfig option.
cd $TIZENRT_BASEDIR cd os ./dbuild.sh menuconfig (or make menuconfig)
- Select Application Configuration -> Examples -> Wi-Fi Manager Sample.
- Please type wm_test as below to obtain how to use it,
TASH>> wm_test
- To initialize Wi-Fi Manager,
TASH>> wm_test start
- To connect the existing network,
The list of SECURITY is as follows:
TASH>> wm_test join <SSID> <SECURITY> <PASSWORD>
- open
- wep_shared
- wpa_aes
- wpa2_aes
- wpa2_mixed
Note Wi-Fi Manager runs DHCPC automatically.
- To disconnect the current connection,
TASH>> wm_test leave (or wm_test cancel)
- To scan the nearby APs,
TASH>> wm_test scan
- To obtain current Wi-Fi Manager's status,
TASH>> wm_test mode
- To save the AP configuration on the file system,
- To get/remove the saved AP configuration,
TASH>> wm_test get/reset
- To test all of the Wi-Fi Manager APIs,
- To obtain Wi-Fi Manager stats,
TASH>> wm_test stats
- To deinitialize Wi-Fi Manager,
TASH>> wm_test stop
wm_test utilizes stress test tool defined in stress_tool,
which provides recursive aging test modules.
To enable the stress test tool, do the following:
- Execute the dbuild.sh script with the menuconfig option.
cd $TIZENRT_BASEDIR cd os ./dbuild.sh menuconfig (or make menuconfig)
- Select External Libraries -> Enable Stress Tool.
- Select Application Configuration -> Enable Stress Tool For WiFi Manager.
- Type as below to run stress test:
Finally you can run stress test:
TASH>> wm_test stress
Note Please refer to 'Help' wherever necessary to fill in the configurations above in points 2 and 3.
To enable Wi-Fi Manager UTC, do the following:
- Execute the dbuild.sh script with the menuconfig option.
cd $TIZENRT_BASEDIR cd os ./dbuild.sh menuconfig (or make menuconfig)
- Select Application Configuration -> Examples -> TestCase Example.
- Select TestCase Example -> Wi-Fi Manager UTC TestCase Example.
- Type as below to tun Wi-Fi Manager UTC:
TASH>> wifi_manager_utc
Note Please refer to 'Help' wherever necessary to fill in the configurations above in points 2 and 3.
If all UTC are passed successfully, the results are shown as below.
############ WiFiManager UTC End [PASS : 25, FAIL : 0] ##############
Iperf3 is a tool for active measurments of the maximum achievable bandwidth on IP networks.
It supports tuning of various parameters related to timing, buffers and protocols.
Please refer to iperf for more details.
Assuming successful LwIP loading on the system, TCP/UDP throughput can be measured by using iperf3. To enable iperf, do the following:
- Execute the dbuild.sh script with the menuconfig option.
cd $TIZENRT_BASEDIR cd os ./dbuild.sh menuconfig (or make menuconfig)
- Select External Libraries -> cJSON library.
- Select Application Configuration -> System Libraries and Add-Ons -> iperf App.
- After a successful Wi-Fi connection, type the following:
- iperf server on the board
TASH>> iperf -s
- iperf client on the board
TCP: TASH>> iperf -c <SERVER_IPADDR> -t <TIME> UDP: TASH>> iperf -c <SERVER_IPADDR> -u -t <TIME>
- iperf server on the board