Task Monitor is a kernel thread which monitors the tasks/pthreads.
It checks whether registered tasks/pthreads are alive.
If any task/pthread does not update its active status within registered interval, then Task Monitor will reset the board.
Please find four steps to enable Task monitor as shown below:
In menuconfig, enable CONFIG_TASK_MONITOR.
Task Monitor -> Enable Task Monitor
In menuconfig, Set CONFIG_TASK_MONITOR_PRIORITY value which indicates priority of Task Monitor.
Task Monitor -> Priority of Task Monitor
We recommend setting the Task Monitor's priority higher than the registered task/pthread.
Otherwise, the Task Monitor may not work.
For example, if a task/pthread has a priority of 100 and a Task Monitor has a priority of 90, then the Task Monitor may not get scheduled and the deadlock can persist.
In menuconfig, Set CONFIG_TASK_MONITOR_INTERVAL value which indicates interval for checking alive(sec)
Task Monitor -> Interval for checking alive(sec) -> change a number over 0
Task Monitor checks the status of registered tasks/pthreads at every this interval.
For instance if user set CONFIG_TASK_MONITOR_INTERVAL to 5 seconds and registers a task/pthread with interval 7 seconds, then the Task Monitor checks the status of the registered task/pthread after 10 seconds instead of 7 seconds.
In menuconfig, Set CONFIG_TASK_MONITOR_MAX_INTERVAL value which indicates max interval for checking alive(sec)
Task Monitor -> Max interval for checking alive(sec) -> change a number over CONFIG_TASK_MONITOR_INTERVAL
It is maximum interval that a user can register and should be set to a multiple of TASK_MONITOR_INTERVAL.
If it is not a multiple of TASK_MONITOR_INTERVAL, it is set to the previous multiple.
For example, If TASK_MONITOR_INTERVAL set by 5 seconds and TASK_MONITOR_MAX_INTERVAL set by 17 seconds, then TASK_MONITOR_MAX_INTERVAL will be changed 15 seconds.
Please find an explanation of APIs to use Task Monitor as shown below:
A header file task_monitor.h provides following APIs which support to Task Monitor management as shown below:
int task_monitor_register(int interval);
void task_monitor_update_status(void);
There are two APIs that register with the Task Monitor and update the status of the task/pthread.
task_monitor_register(int interval) function registers current task/pthread with specific interval.
task_monitor_update_status(void) function updates the active status of the current task/pthread.
User can use task_monitor_register(INTERVAL) to register task/pthread and update its status using task_monitor_update_status() before the time interval expired.
#include <tinyara/task_monitor.h>
#define INTERVAL 5
int main