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File metadata and controls

39 lines (35 loc) · 11.3 KB

URL Parameters

Parameter Type Value Description
p string geographic, arctic or antarctic Selected projection.
v string minX,minY,maxX,maxY Extent of the map viewport in units based on the projection selected (degrees for geographic, meters for others).
l (l1 for B state) string layer_id1,layer_id2,..,layerIdN Active layer list where layer_id is the identifier of the layer as defined in the configuration file. Any number of baselayers or overlays may be specified (separated by a ,).
boolean layer_id(hidden) If present, this layer will appear in the layer list but not shown on the map.
string layer_id(opacity=value) If present, assigns an opacity value to a layer where layer_id is the identifier of the layer, as defined in the configuration file, and value is a real number in the range of 0 to 1 where 0 is fully transparent and 1 is fully opaque. Any number of layer to opacity value mappings may be specified.
string layer_id(palettes=value1,value2,..,valueN) If palettes is present, a custom palette will be assigned to a raster layer where layer_id is the identifier of the layer and value is the identifier of the palette, as defined in the configuration file. Any number of raster layer to palette mappings may be specified.
string layer_id(squash) If squash is present and a min or max value is set, the palette will start or end at the designated min/max values and the palette will adjust to these bounds.
string layer_id(min=value1,value2) If min is present, the raster layer palettes will start at the defined value. This value can be paired with max and squash to customize the entire palette range.
string layer_id(max=value1,value2) If max is present, the raster layer palettes will end at the defined value. This value can be paired with min and squash to customize the entire palette range.
string layer_id(style=value) If style is present, a custom vector style, will be assigned to a vector layer where layer_id is the identifier of the layer and value is the identifier of the vector style, as defined in the configuration file.
l date YYYY-MM-DD-Thh:mm:ssZ Selected UTC day and time.**
t (t1 for B state) date YYYY-MM-DD-Thh:mm:ssZ Selected UTC day and time.**
z number 1 to 5 The timescale axis zoom value from 1 to 5.*
i number 1 to 5 The timeline interval value from 1 to 5.*
ics boolean true or false If custom selected is true, a custom interval and custom delta will be active and allow custom intervals in time changes.
ici number 1 to 5 The custom interval value from 1 to 5* identifies which time unit is changed by the date change arrows and optionally animation. *Only active and saved in url if custom selected is true.
icd number 1 to 999 The custom delta value for how many custom interval time units are added or subtracted when using the date change arrows and optionally animation. *Only active and saved in url if custom selected is true.
e string,date event_id,yyyy-mm-dd If any value is present, the events tab will be activated. If the value is a valid event_id, the corresponding event will be highlighted in the event list. If a date (YYYY-MM-DD) is added to the event_id, then the selected event for the specified date will be shown.
ab boolean on If set to "on", the animation widget will be shown.
as date YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ The animation start day & time.**
ae date YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ The animation end day & time.**
av number 1 to 10 The animation speed value from 1 to 10. 1 = slowest, 10 = fastest.
al boolean true or false If any value is set, the animation loop will be turned on. Animation looping is disabled by default.
ca boolean true or false Determines if the A or B state is active. If this parameter exists at all, compare mode will be active. If ca=true, Compare mode will be active in the A state.
cm string swipe , spy or opacity If comparison mode is active (`ca=true
cv Number 0 to 100 If `ca='true
download string product_id If any value is set, the data download tab will be activated. If a product identifier is set, the corresponding will be selected.
r number -180.0000 to 180.0000 The degree of map rotation. Only applies when arctic or antarctic projection is selected.
tr string tour_id The id of the tour story to load. Stories will load from step 1.

* 1 = yearly, 2 = monthly, 3 = daily, 4 = hourly, and 5 = minutely. The subdaily zoom levels (4 & 5) will only be available when subdaily layers are active.

** Time fields will only be shown when subdaily layers are active.

For debugging with URL parameters, see: Testing / Debug Parameters