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IsoQuant changelog

IsoQuant 3.6.0, 13 September 2024

  • Fixed duplicated noninformative and intergenic reads assignments. As a results, fixed duplicated novel transcripts #236.

IsoQuant 3.5.2, 3 September 2024

  • Fixes exon counting algorithm #229.

IsoQuant 3.5.1, 26 August 2024

  • Fixed YAML support in visualization #222.

  • Fixed transcript naming when IsoQuant-generated GTF is provided as input #219.

  • Fixed exons attribute duplication #219.

  • Exon ids are now consistent between input and output annotations if present.

  • New --count_format option for setting desired grouped counts format (matrix/linear/both), fixes #223.

IsoQuant 3.5.0, 2 August 2024

  • New visualization software developed by @jackfreeman88. See more here.

  • Dramatically reduced RAM consumption for grouped counts, about 10-20x decrease on datasets with large number of groups. Important fix for single-cell data processing. Should fix #189.

  • Fixed #195: output GTF contained very similar isoforms and estimated their expression as 0.

  • New documentation is now available at

IsoQuant 3.4.2, 13 July 2024

  • Dramatically reduced RAM consumption. Should fix #209.

IsoQuant 3.4.2 was tested on a simulated ONT dataset with 30M reads using 12 threads. In the default mode RAM consumption decreased from 280GB to 12GB when using the reference annotation and from 230GB down to 6GB in the reference-free mode. Running time in the default mode increased by approximately 20-25%. When using --high_memory option, running time remains the same as in 3.4.1, RAM consumption in the reference-based mode is 46GB, and 36GB in the reference-free mode. Note, that in general RAM consumption depends on the particular data being used and the number of threads.

In brief, in 3.4.0 and 3.4.1 inadequate RAM consumption was caused by this commit. Apparently, adding a couple of int fields to the BasicReadAssignment class made the default pickle serialization not to clean used memory (possibly, a leak). Since some large lists of BasicReadAssignment were sent between processes, this caused the main process to consume unnecessary RAM. When later new processes were created for GTF construction, total RAM consumption exploded thanks to the way Python multiprocessing works. This release implements two ways fixing the issue: sending objects via disk (default) and using custom pickle serialization (when --high_memory is used).

  • Transcript and exon ids are now identical between runs, including ones with different number of threads.

IsoQuant 3.4.1, 9 May 2024

  • Fixed IndexError: list index out of range when --sqanti_output is set (#186).

  • Fixed IndexError: list index out of range in printing grouped transcript models TPMs (#187).

  • Reduced running time when --sqanti_output is set.

IsoQuant 3.4.0, 9 May 2024

Major novelties and improvements:

  • Significant speed-up on datasets containing regions with extremely high coverage, often encountered on mitochondrial chromosomes (#97).

  • Added support for Illumina reads for spliced alignment correction (thanks to @rkpfeil).

  • Added support YAML files (thanks to @rkpfeil). Old options --bam_list and --fastq_list are still availble, but deprecated since this version.

Transcript discovery and GTF processing:

  • Fixed missing genes in extended GTF (#140, #147, #151, #175).

  • Fixed strand detection and output of transcripts with . strand (#107).

  • Added --report_canonical and --polya_requirement options that allows to control level of filtering of output transcripts based on canonical splice sites and the presence of poly-A tails. (#128)

  • Added check for input GTFs (#155).

  • Extract CDS, other features and attributes from reference GTF to the output GTFs (#176).

  • Reworked novel gene merging procedure (#164).

  • Revamped algorithm for assigning reads to novel transcripts and their quantification (#127).

Read assignment and quantification:

  • Optimized read-to-isoform assignment algorithm.

  • Added gene_assignment_type attribute to read assignments.

  • Fixed duplicated records in read_assignments.tsv (#168).

  • Improved gene and transcript quantification. Only unique assignments are now used for transcript quantification. Added more options for quantification strategies (--gene_quantification and --transcript_quantification).

  • Improved consistency between trascript_counts.tsv and transcript_model_counts.tsv (#137).

  • Introduced mapping quality filtering: --min_mapq, --inconsistent_mapq_cutoff and --simple_alignments_mapq_cutoff (#110).

Minor fixes and improvements:

  • Added --bam_tags option to import additional information from BAM files to read assignments output.

  • Large output files are now gzipped by default, --no_gzip can be used to keep uncompressed output (#154).

  • BAM stats are now printed to the log (#139).

  • Various minor fixes and requests (#106, #141, #143, #146, #179).

Special acknowledgement to @almiheenko for testing and reviewing PRs, and to @alexandrutomescu for supporting the project.

IsoQuant 3.3.1, 26 July 2023

  • Fixed UnboundLocalError: local variable 'match' referenced before assignment error in SQANTI-like output.

IsoQuant 3.3, 13 June 2023

  • Fixed read to novel models assignment.

  • Improved command line options for providing multiple files, added --prefix option.

  • Additional checks for various unusual cases in input GTFs.

  • Do not output empty files when no GTF is provided.

IsoQuant 3.2, 27 March 2023

  • Unspliced novel transcripts are not reported by the default for ONT data, use --report_novel_unspliced to generate them.

  • When multiple BAM/FASTQ files are provided via --bam / --fastq, they are treated as different replicas/samples of the same experiment; a single GTF and per-sample counts are generated automatically.

  • 10-15 times lower RAM consumption with the same running time.

  • ~5 times lower disk consumption for temporary files.

  • --low_memory option has no effect (used by default); --high_memory mimics old behavior by storing alignments in RAM.

  • Read assignment reports transcript start and end (TSS/TES) matches.

  • --sqanti_output generates SQANTI-like output for novel vs reference transcripts.

  • Resulting annotation contains exon ids.

  • Supplementary gene attributes are copied from the reference annotation to the output annotations.

  • Improved --resume and --force behaviour.

  • --model_construction_strategy sensitive_pacbio is now more sensitive.

IsoQuant 3.1.2, 7 February 2023

  • Fixed strand detection that caused lower precision for novel transcripts.

  • Fixed known transcript filtering that caused lower recall.

  • Fixed duplicate transcript entries in the output annotation.

  • Fixed duplicate canonical attribute in extended annotation.

  • Fixed --resume option when relative paths were provided.

IsoQuant 3.1.1, 16 January 2023

  • Fixed error caused by introns of length 0 (strange corner case, but it does happen).

  • Fixed error when using a read grouping file.

IsoQuant 3.1.0, 3 January 2023

  • Implement --resume option for resuming failed runs.

  • Fix SQANTI-like output for raw reads.

  • Fix read strand detection, improves transcript discovery as well.

IsoQuant 3.0.3, 17 October 2022

  • Simplify transcript naming, IDs of known transcripts are preserved in the output.

  • More information about novel transcripts in GTF

IsoQuant 3.0.2, 10 October 2022

  • Fix GTF attributes, thanks to @rsalz.

IsoQuant 3.0.1, 31 August 2022

  • Fix --check_canonical option.

IsoQuant 3.0.0, 31 August 2022

  • Annotation-free mode for de novo transcript discovery.

  • Significant speed-up.

  • Extended annotation (all reference + novel transcripts) is now part of the output.

  • Intermediate BAM files have nicer names.

  • Proper single-thread mode without thread pool usage.

IsoQuant 2.3.0, 27 May 2022

  • New options for controlling quantification strategies. Default behaviour is changed as well.

  • New option --genedb_output for providing a separate folder for gene database in case the output directory is located on a shared disk.

  • Possibility to provide read group tables in gzipped format.

IsoQuant 2.2.2, 18 May 2022

  • Fixed --check_canonical option.

  • Improved running time for the read assignment step (noticeable only for genes with > 100 exons).

IsoQuant 2.2.1, 28 Apr 2022

  • Minor fixes and improvement in output files. Note, that GTFs and some other files have now multiline headers.

IsoQuant 2.2.0, 5 Mar 2022

  • Parallel processing of transcript model construction phase.

  • Minor improvements in quantification of reference transcripts.

IsoQuant 2.1.1, 7 Feb 2022

  • Fixed counts/TPM for novel transcript models.

  • Fixed processing of BAM records without sequence data (e.g. secondary alignment).

  • Fixed list index out of range bug in long read counter.

IsoQuant 2.1.0, 19 Jan 2022

  • Improved recall by introducing relative coverage cutoffs.

  • More careful handling of transcript terminal positions.

  • Fixed GTF to BED conversion.

IsoQuant 2.0.0, 7 Oct 2021

  • Completely new transcript discovery algorithm with significantly higher recall.

  • Algorithm for read alignment correction.

  • Support for technical replicas within a single sample.

IsoQuant 1.3.0, 19 Jun 2021

  • Significantly improved running time and RAM consumption;

  • Annotation is now fed into minimap2;

  • Extended output format.

IsoQuant 1.2.2, 21 May 2021

  • Support for GFF3 mRNA features.

IsoQuant 1.2.1, 21 Apr 2021

  • Support for BAM files with =/X in CIGAR strings;

  • Fixed canonical splice site detection.

IsoQuant 1.2.0, 28 Mar 2021

  • Multi-threading;

  • Intermediate results are saved to disc to enable quick restart via --read_assignments option;

  • Significantly improved precision for novel transcript detection;

  • Secondary alignments are now used by default;

  • Fixed several bugs in inconsistency detection algorithm;

  • Reworked polyA detection and reporting once again;

  • Slightly modified read assignment output format;

  • More informative GTF output;

  • Removed --has_polya option, --polya_trimmed is now used as the opposite;

  • Added --check_canonical option.

IsoQuant 1.1.0, 11 Dec 2020

  • Significantly reworked polyA detection and reporting;

  • Improved detection of inconsistencies, added several new event types;

  • Better recall and precision for read assignment algorithm;

  • Fixed several bug and flaws;

  • Added script for counting simple stats for GTF files (srt/

IsoQuant 1.0.0, 12 Jul 2020