A package to read/write GeoPackage Vector Data.
Use the GeoPackage library is easy as passing in a file path to the GeoPackage
class. This class contains the ability to manage, create, and modify spatial and attribute data. It is designed to work with for arcpy
and shapely
geometries, so no matter what you do or how you want to manage your data, you now can.
from geopackage import GeoPackage
fp = r"./data/geodata.gpkg"
with GeoPackage(fp) as gpkg:
# List all Tables
for table in gpkg.tables:
GeoPackages is designed to create a simple approach to data management. The context manager handles all the close
and save
fp = r"./data/geodata.gpkg"
with GeoPackage(fp) as gpkg:
# List all Tables
table = gpkg.get("census")
for row in table.rows():
When reading information, an optional where clause and field names can be given.
fp = r"./data/geodata.gpkg"
with GeoPackage(fp) as gpkg:
# List all Tables
table = gpkg.get("census")
for row in table.rows():