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neil edited this page Apr 21, 2016 · 30 revisions

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Here is the wiki page for

1. How to install

2. How to use in Proxmox ?

After installation,

  1. Issuer a cert:
/root/  --issue  --standalone  -d <DOMAIN>

After issuing, the cert will be automatically every 80 days.

  1. Install the cert to Proxmox:
/root/  --installcert  -d <DOMAIN>  --certpath /etc/pve/local/pveproxy-ssl.pem --keypath /etc/pve/local/pveproxy-ssl.key  --capath  /etc/pve/local/pveproxy-ssl.pem  --reloadcmd  "systemctl restart pveproxy"

Ok, it's done. Open the link: https://<DOMAIN>:8006

3. How to get pkcs12(pfx) format:

After you issue the cert, then you can use toPkcs command to convert the cert to pkcs12(pfx) format  --toPkcs  -d <domain>  [--password pfx-password]

4. How to run on Windows with Cygwin.

  1. Download cygwin installer: setup-x86.exe or setup-x86_64.exe from:

  2. In the installer, select: Net: curl, Net: nc and Admin: cron to install.

  3. After install finished, you can open Cygwin window and use curl to install le.shonline:

  4. In Cygwin, the cron job is not working by default. So, the issued cert will not be renew automatically. If you want the cron job to work, you must enable the cron job:

For short, just run:

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