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221 lines (157 loc) · 8.69 KB

Here are some tools for trying to detect multiple infection in samples (as represented by NGS reads) and trying to extract the (consensus) infecting genomes. This code is not a finished product that you can just run on a FASTQ file and get an answer. Rather it's a set of tools that can be used in such an investigation.

The problem is quite complicated and this is very much research-level code (e.g., there's a total lack of tests for the code in midtools/ and midtools/, which I find quite disturbing :-(

There are some simple controlled experiments in simulations that are designed to compare these tools with what you get from bcftools or (I hope, someday soon) others.


To run this code (or at least to run the simulations), you'll need to install at least

  • midtools. This is the code you are looking at right now. The easiest way to install it is via pip install midtools.
  • samtools
  • Bowtie2. Make sure you get version 2, not version 1.

To run the simulations you'll need to locally clone this repo (pip install doesn't get you the simulations directory).

Below are some rough high-level notes.


  • Reference - a genome that reads are aligned to.
  • Alignment (produced by BWA, Bowtie, BLAST, etc), often as a SAM/BAM file.
  • Sites - locations on the genome.
  • Significant sites - sites with significant variation in the alignment.

Be careful

  • Some aligners (e.g., bwa mem) only align each read to its best-matching reference.

What assumptions are you making?

  • In simulations, you're making independent reads from a single genome. So SNPs are completely uncorrelated. It won't be like that in a real infection.

Single infections

  • What does a single infection with zero mutation rate look like?
  • What does a single infection with a non-zero mutation rate look like?
  • What does a double infection (with two close viral genomes) mapped against one of the genomes look like?

Multiple Infection Detection

  • How can you tell when you have a double (or more) infection?
  • Must align against something - else we're reduced to assembly.

What problems are you trying to solve?

  1. When there is a multiple infection of two reasonably similar viruses, a matching algorithm will align reads from both to both genomes. A consensus made from such a matching is likely to be wrong (depends on the relative quantity of virions and how the sequencing process may alter the balance of reads in its output).

  2. Should be able to pull a clean genome out of mixed reads when only one reference is available. This is a bit like removing noise (e.g., due to damage).

  3. Given two references, should be able to extract two consensuses.

  4. Given a mixed infection (of genetically similar viruses) but only one reference genome, should be able to extract a first consensus based on and alignment to the reference but also a second consensus (hopefully) corresponding to the unknown genome.

  5. Why can't an algorithm like BWA or BLAST do this already? What are we adding? The subtraction of reads that don't match the consensus of the reads that do match (and then putting them together). It's not the same as throwing away reads that don't match the reference - that would be relatively easy: just make the matcher more strict.

  6. There is some ratio of virions from one virus to virions from the other. This is eventually reflected in some ratio of reads from one virus or the other. The two viruses may be very similar (or identical) in parts and different in others. For the identical regions it may not be possible (and of course it doesn't matter) to tell which virus a read came from.

The various Python scripts in this directory are as follows

Given a file of aligned reads, print the nucleotide frequencies at each location.

Find reads that agree with one another at a set of significant genome locations, makes (essentially) a graph with reads as nodes and edges between reads that agree with one another, then finds the connected components of that graph. The idea is to split the reads into mutually-consistent groups. Then find the consistent groups and put them together (guided by the reference). The consistent groups that were not chosen can be used to make a second (or more) consensus genome.

The above is a very poor description, needs updating!

Produces a simple plot showing Adjusted Rand Index (ARI) and Adjusted Mutual Information (AMI) numbers at a set of significant genome locations.

This is not particularly informative, I don't think.

Consider pairs from a set of significant genome locations. For each pair, get all reads that cover both locations in the pair. Each location splits the reads into 4 categories (ACGT). Compare the two splits using ARI and Normalized Information Distance (NID). The scores are plotted in a heatmap.

Also not very informative.

Produces two simple plots. Read coverage level across the genome and the position of the significant locations.

Creates data files used in the simulations.

Create reads, sampled from a given genome, optionally aligned and mutated.

Plot multiple sorted significant genome location nucleotide frequencies for a set of aligned reads.

This processes the JSON files containing the sorted location values produced using the --valuesFile option when running

Read a set of reads and mutate them with a given rate.

For each position in a set of significant genome locations, get the base frequencies at the position and sort them. Plot a vertical bar for each location. This looks like a stacked bar chart. It shows sorted base frequencies, not the actual bases. The idea is to be able to look to see if there are many locations that have more than one base present in significant numbers.

As above, but plots the result of multiple runs of using its --valuesFile option to save calculated values.

Print a random sequence of nucleotides.

Common parameters

To all methods:

--minReads (default=5) is the minimum number of reads that must cover a location for it to be considered significant.

--homogeneousCutoff (default=0.9). If the most common nucleotide at a location occurs more than this fraction of the time (i.e., amongst all reads that cover the location) then the location will be considered homogeneous and therefore uninteresting.

Cluster analysis parameters

maxClusterDist clustering is stopped once the minimum distance between the remaining clusters exceeds this value. The default value is in ClusterAnalysis.DEFAULT_MAX_CLUSTER_DIST and is currently 0.2. Can be set via --maxClusterDist on the command line to bin/

ReadCluster.MIN_COMMONEST_MULTIPLE is the ratio by which the count of most common nucleotide at a site in a cluster must exceed the count for the most common nucleotide at the same site in another cluster for the clusters to be considered a match. The clusters actually disagree, but the argument (for the most common nucleotide) coming from one cluster is so strong that we ignore the minor disagreement coming from the other. This parameter is used in ReadCluster.commonNucleotidesAgreementDistance and is currently a constant - its value cannot be given on the command line. The current value is 10.

ReadClusters.COMMON_OFFSETS_MAX_FRACTION_MIN is used when adjusting the distance between clusters given by commonNucleotidesAgreementDistance (above). The idea is that when merging clusters we want to give preferences to merges where the set of common sites between two clusters represents a high fraction of at least one cluter's overall sites. This makes it so we prefer to delay on matches where (say) all 10 common sites between two clusters match 100% but the 10 sites are just a small fraction of both cluster's overall sites. The current value is 0.9.

alternateNucleotideMinFreq is the (0.0 to 1.0) frequency that an alternative nucleotide (i.e., not the one chosen for a consensus) must have in order to be selected for the alternate consensus. Can be set via --alternateNucleotideMinFreq on the command line to bin/ The defaut value is in ClusterAnalysis.ALTERNATE_NUCLEOTIDE_MIN_FREQ_DEF and is currently 0.15.