The Mobile Awareness GEOINT Environment, or MAGE, provides mobile situational awareness capabilities. The MAGE web client can be accessed over the internet and is optimized for desktop and mobile web browsers. The MAGE web client allows you to create geotagged field reports that contain media such as photos, videos, and voice recordings and share them instantly with who you want. Using the HTML Geolocation API, MAGE can also track users locations in real time. Your locations can be automatically shared with the other members of your team.
MAGE is very customizable and can be tailored for your situation, including custom forms, avatars, and icons.
MAGE was developed at the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) in collaboration with BIT Systems. The government has "unlimited rights" and is releasing this software to increase the impact of government investments by providing developers with the opportunity to take things in new directions. The software use, modification, and distribution rights are stipulated within the Apache license.
The server supports the MAGE Android and MAGE iOS mobile clients.
MAGE is built using the MEAN stack. The components of the MEAN stack are as follows:
- MongoDB, a NoSQL database;
- Express.js, a web applications framework;
- Angular JS, a JavaScript MVC framework for web apps;
- Node.js, a software platform for scalable server-side and networking applications.
The MAGE RESTful API is documented using Swagger. MAGE swagger API docs are served out from /api/api-docs.
If you want to explore the interactive documentation there is a link from the About page in the MAGE web client. Your API token is automatically inserted into interactive docs. Have fun and remember that the documentation is hitting the server's API, so be careful with modifying requests such as POST/PUT/DELETE.
Want to use the API to build your own client? Swagger has many tools to generate method stubs based on the api. Swagger Codegen is a good place to start.
Opensource MAGE Android and iOS clients are available under the Apache License for anyone to use. Check them out if you are considering mobile platforms.
If you are considering building your own iOS or Android application based on the MAGE API, the Android SDK and iOS SDK are already built and tested around the MAGE API.
MAGE runs on most *nix operating systems, such as OSX, CentOS, and Ubuntu. Although not currently supported, MAGE will run on Windows systems with some minor configuration (mainly paths) work.
MAGE depends the following software:
- Node.js >= 0.12.0
- MongoDB >= 2.6.0
- Apache HTTP Server >= 2.2.15
- GraphicsMagick (optional, but recommended for image rotation and tumbnails) >= 1.3
Install Node Version Manager
This will make it simple to install a specific version of NodeJS as well as update to newer version.
$ curl -o- | bash
$ source ~/.bashrc
Install Node.js with Node Version Manager
$ nvm install v0.12.2
$ node --version
Install MongoDB using your favorite package manager.
$ brew install mongo
$ mongo --version
Configure mongo yum repository with your favorite editor
$ vi /etc/yum.repos.d/mongodb-org-3.4.repo
With contents:
name=MongoDB Repository
Install from newly created repo:
sudo yum install -y mongodb-org
Verify install:
$ mongo --version
$ sudo apt-get install mongodb
$ mongo --version && mongod --version
For more information check out the mongo CentOS/RHEL install page
The optional, but recommended, GraphicsMagick suite is used to rotate and thumbnail images on the MAGE server. Many web browsers and mobile devices will not render rotated images based on their exif data. By thumbnailing images, mobile clients can request smaller images, significantly increasing performance.
Install GraphicsMagick using your favorite package manager.
$ brew install graphicsmagick
$ gm version
$ yum install GraphicsMagick
$ gm version
$ sudo apt-get install graphicsmagick
$ gm version
You can install the MAGE server wherever you would like. In this example we will install it in /opt
Grab the latest release[]
$ mkdir /opt/mage
$ cd /opt/mage
$ curl | tar -xf - -C .
The rest of the installation steps assume you are in the MAGE server directory, eg /opt/mage
By default MAGE will store media attachments (video, images, etc) locally on the MAGE server. The default directory is '/var/lib/mage', lets make sure this directory exists. If you would like to change where MAGE is looking for media please see the attachmentBaseDirectory in MAGE Setup
$ mkdir /var/lib/mage
The migration patches live in the migrations folder. MAGE uses mongodb-migrations to support applying migrations. On initial setup, you will have to run the migrations to create the initial user and device used to log into the web.
To run the migrations:
$ npm run migrate
Initially you will need to pull down the web dependencies (via bower). Make sure you run this again if you add any new dependencies in bower.
$ npm run build
At this point you should be able to fire up your MAGE node server
$ node app.js
The node MAGE server runs on port 4242 by default. You can access MAGE on port 4242 in your web browser [localhost:4242] (http://localhost:4242).
The best way to handle critical errors in NodeJS is to let the node server crash immediately. Upon crash the server should be restarted. There are many tools to monitor your node process to ensure its running. We are currently using a simple node script called forever to accomplish this.
We will use npm (Node Package Manager) to install forever. The -g option will install globally in the /usr/bin directory.
$ npm install -g forever
To start forever run:
$ forever start app.js
For a full list of forever commands please refer to the forever docs.
MAGE configuration lies within the config.js file located at the servers root directory.
- api - configuration parsed by clients for information about this MAGE server, exposed in /api call
- name - Human readable MAGE server name
- version - Used by MAGE clients to determine compatibility
- major - Major server version. Updated when backwards breaking changes are implemented.
- minor - Minor server version. Updated when significant feature changes are added that do not break backwards compatibility.
- micro - Micro server version. Updated for bug fixes.
- authenticationStrategies - hash of all authentication strategies accepted by this server.
- local - local (username/password) authentication. Usernames and passwords stored and managed localy by this MAGE server
- passwordMinLength - minimum password length
- google - google oauth2 authentication strategy.
- callbackURL - google callback URL
- clientID - google client ID
- clientSecret - google client secret
- local - local (username/password) authentication. Usernames and passwords stored and managed localy by this MAGE server
- provison - device provisioning strategy
- strategy - provision strategy name. Provisioning strategy name maps to file name in provisioning directory
- server - Server based configuration. Not exposed to client
- locationServices
- userCollectionLocationLimit - user locations are stored in 2 different collections. This is the limit for the capped locations.
- locationServices
"api": {
"name": "MAGE (Mobile Awareness GEOINT Environment)",
"version": {
"major": 4,
"minor": 0,
"micro": 0
"authenticationStrategies": {
"local": {
"passwordMinLength": 14
"google": {
"callbackURL": " ",
"clientID": " ",
"clientSecret": " "
"provision": {
"strategy": "uid"
"server": {
"locationServices": {
"userCollectionLocationLimit": 100
MAGE local deployment configuration is located here: environment/local/env.js.
IMPORTANT, if you make changes to this file after you have installed mage dependencies with npm install, you will need to remove the environment and local-environment modules from the node modules folder and re-run 'npm install' to for your changes to take effect.
$ rm -rf node_modules/environment
$ rm -rf node_modules/local-environment
$ npm install
Configuration includes:
- port - port in which to run nodejs server
- address - the bound address of the server
- mongodb
- uri - full uri to mongo
- host - host in which mongodb is running
- port - port in which mongodb is running
- db - mongodb database name in which to store MAGE data
- ssl - flag used to specify whether ssl is on/off
- username - username to use to log into magedb
- password - password to use to log into magedb
- poolSize - mongodb connection pool size for this plugin
- server
- ssl - ssl on/off
- sslValidate - validate ssl connection. turn off for self signed certificates
- sslCA - ssl certificate authority file
- sslKey = ssl key file
- sslCert = ssl certificate
- userBaseDirectory - root directory in which to store user avatar media
- iconBaseDirectory - root directory in which to store user map icon media
- attachmentBaseDirectory - root directory in which to store attachment media, i.e. images, videos and voice
- tokenExpiration - token expiration in seconds. Time at which token will expire.
MAGE uses the cfenv node module to pull the configuration it needs directly from Cloud Foundry.
You can install all server and web dependencies by using npm from the mage-server directory:
$ npm install
NPM install will install all node (server) dependencies in the node_modules folder. There is a postinstall section in the package.json file that will also install all bower (web) dependencies to the public/bower_components directory.
To start the mongo daemon type the following:
$ mongod --config <filename>
The mongodb configuation file will live in a different place depending on your system:
- homebrew: /usr/local/etc/mongod.conf
- yum: /etc/mongod.conf
- apt: /etc/mongodb.conf
MAGE will run with the provided configuration defaults, but feel free to modified these settings for your particular deployment.
MAGE plugins are seperate node scripts located in the plugins folder. For more information about MAGE plugins please see the MAGE Plugins README.
The MAGE web application is built using AngularJS. The application resides in the public directory. See the MAGE Web Application README for more information.
If you'd like to contribute to this project, please make a pull request. We'll review the pull request and discuss the changes. All pull request contributions to this project will be released under the Apache license.
Software source code previously released under an open source license and then modified by NGA staff is considered a "joint work" (see 17 USC § 101); it is partially copyrighted, partially public domain, and as a whole is protected by the copyrights of the non-government authors and must be released according to the terms of the original open source license.
Copyright 2015 BIT Systems
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.