This project responds to the need to monitore your blockchain. Nowadays, getting feedback about a certain transaction outside your wallet application doesn't exit.
PoCorn offers you the possibility to notify the user by discord about an action on the blockchain. There is also a version for Berty, but it's still in progress.
For this project, we use ReactJS for the Front using Chakra UI and for the Back a discord bot using PyBot and an API using fastAPI. The biggest technical challenge was to decentralized Aleph VM and link differents service in it.
There is no installation this is in production
You need to invite our discord bot to your server with this link. The configuration will be automatically done.
After invite the bot, go to this Website and generate the configuration you want your bot.
Aleph VM - We tried to use it for run the application and discord bot on it but this is not working well, even Aleph Developper doesn't know why it doesn't work.
Starton Notify - It's use to be notified the new information in the blockchain to our discord bot
During this hackaton we learn how to use Starton API. Also we learn more about channels bot and we plan for the future to implement this in others app like Berthy.
Léa Guillemard |
Ismaël Fall |
Amoz Pay |
Yoël Edery |
Adrien Fort |
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Made with ❤️ by PoC