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299 lines (239 loc) · 8.33 KB

Day 16: Make this code immutable.

  • If we make the Article immutable that means its contract will look like this
    • addComment: String -> String -> LocalDate -> Article

Article future structure

  • Comment is immutable by design because it is a record
public record Comment(String text, String author, LocalDate creationDate) {

🔴 Let's describe this in a test

  • We do not use the when, then DSL to adapt it later on
void should_add_comment_in_an_article_immutable() throws CommentAlreadyExistException {
    var newArticle = anArticle()
            .addComment(COMMENT_TEXT, AUTHOR);

    assertComment(newArticle.getComments().get(0), COMMENT_TEXT, AUTHOR);
  • Of course, we can not compile anymore

Test a driver for refactoring

🟢 We go to green as fast as possible

  • By simply returning this like in a Fluent API (ArticleBuilder for example 😉)

Fluent API

🔵 Refactor to immutability

  • We adapt the private method to instantiate a new Article
    • Based on the current one
private Article addComment(
        String text,
        String author,
        LocalDate creationDate) throws CommentAlreadyExistException {
    var comment = new Comment(text, author, creationDate);

    if (comments.contains(comment)) {
        throw new CommentAlreadyExistException();
    return new Article(name, content, List.of(comments, comment));
  • We need to create a new constructor from here

Create private constructor

  • Natively in java, it is not that easy to use an immutable List...
    • The proposal above does not work
    • We can adapt the code as below...
private Article addComment(
        String text,
        String author,
        LocalDate creationDate) throws CommentAlreadyExistException {
    var comment = new Comment(text, author, creationDate);

    if (comments.contains(comment)) {
        throw new CommentAlreadyExistException();

    var newComments = new ArrayList<>(comments);
    // Not really immutable...

    return new Article(name, content, unmodifiableList(newComments));

🔴 😱 This refactoring impacted the tests...

  • We now have to adapt the tests to go back to a safe state
  • We fix the test dsl
private void when(ArticleBuilder articleBuilder, Function<Article, Article> act) throws CommentAlreadyExistException {
    article = act.apply(

private void when(Function<Article, Article> act) throws CommentAlreadyExistException {
    when(anArticle(), act);

private void when(Function<ArticleBuilder, ArticleBuilder> options, Function<Article, Article> act) throws Throwable {
    when(options.apply(anArticle()), act);

private void then(ThrowingConsumer<Article> act) {
  • The CommentAlreadyException is a real pain in the ass...
    • Making our test and code hardly readable...
  void should_add_comment_in_an_article_containing_already_a_comment() throws Throwable {
      final var newComment = create(String.class);
      final var newAuthor = create(String.class);

      when(ArticleBuilder::commented, article -> {
          try {
              return article.addComment(newComment, newAuthor);
          } catch (CommentAlreadyExistException e) {
              throw new RuntimeException(e);
      then(article -> {
          assertComment(article.getComments().getLast(), newComment, newAuthor);
  • Why is it not a RuntimeException?
    • Let's remove the pain by doing it...
public class CommentAlreadyExistException extends RuntimeException {
  • Tests are still failing... Tests are still failing

  • We need to adapt our Test Data Builder

public Article build() throws CommentAlreadyExistException {
    var article = new Article(
            "Lorem Ipsum",
            "consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore"

    // Adapt the call to addComment
    for (Map.Entry<String, String> comment : comments.entrySet()) {
        article.addComment(comment.getKey(), comment.getValue());
    return article;
  • We use a reducer
public Article build() {
    return comments.entrySet()
            .reduce(new Article(
            ), (a, e) -> a.addComment(e.getKey(), e.getValue()), (p, n) -> p);
  • We clean the tests
    • Remove duplicated test case
    • Adapt the DSL to end up with
class ArticleTests {
    private Article article;

    void should_add_comment_in_an_article() {
        when(article -> article.addComment(COMMENT_TEXT, AUTHOR));
        then(article -> {
            assertComment(article.getComments().get(0), COMMENT_TEXT, AUTHOR);

    void should_add_comment_in_an_article_containing_already_a_comment() {
        final var newComment = create(String.class);
        final var newAuthor = create(String.class);

        when(ArticleBuilder::commented, article -> article.addComment(newComment, newAuthor));
        then(article -> {
            assertComment(article.getComments().getLast(), newComment, newAuthor);

    private static void assertComment(Comment comment, String commentText, String author) {

    private void when(ArticleBuilder articleBuilder, Function<Article, Article> act) throws CommentAlreadyExistException {
        article = act.apply(

    private void when(Function<Article, Article> act) {
        when(anArticle(), act);

    private void when(Function<ArticleBuilder, ArticleBuilder> options, Function<Article, Article> act) {
        when(options.apply(anArticle()), act);

    private void then(ThrowingConsumer<Article> act) {

    class Fail {
        void when__adding_an_existing_comment() {
            var article = anArticle()

            assertThatThrownBy(() -> {
                article.addComment(article.getComments().get(0).text(), article.getComments().get(0).author());

Use Immutable List

🔵 Let's refactor the internal of Article to use an immutable collection

  • We use vavr collection to do so

  • We adapt the Article to end up with
public class Article {
    private final String name;
    private final String content;
    // Immutable by design
    private final Seq<Comment> comments;

    public Article(String name, String content) {
        this(name, content, of());

    private Article(String name, String content, Seq<Comment> comments) { = name;
        this.content = content;
        this.comments = comments;

    private Article addComment(
            String text,
            String author,
            LocalDate creationDate) throws CommentAlreadyExistException {
        var comment = new Comment(text, author, creationDate);

        if (comments.contains(comment)) {
            throw new CommentAlreadyExistException();
        // any mutation creates a new instance
        return new Article(name, content, comments.append(comment));

    public Article addComment(String text, String author) {
        return addComment(text, author,;

    public Seq<Comment> getComments() {
        return comments;