- Should be run on Fuel Master under root
- Supports only MOS versions: 6.x, 7.0, 8.0 and 9.x.
- Supports only Ubuntu
- Doesn't start puppet which means that doesn't apply fixes which are in puppet manifests
- Doesn't change configuration files
- Needs separate restart for some non OpenStack services (RabbitMQ, MySQL, CEPH and etc)
- Patches should have absolute target path
Local repos mirrors (If nodes don't have access to http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/)
If nodes don't have access to http://mirror.fuel-infra.org/ you can create and sync local mirrors on Fuel if it has:
ansible-playbook playbooks/create_mirrors.yml -e '{"env_id":<env_id>}'
Then for the using them you to add fuel_url external variable:
ansible-playbook playbooks/apply_mu.yml -e '{"env_id":<env_id>,"fuel_url":"http://<FUEL_IP>:8080"}'
First of all we would recommend to gather current customizations:
ansible-playbook playbooks/gather_customizations.yml -e '{"env_id":<env_id>}'
to skip the health checks task"apt_update":true
to repeat the generation of APT files"gather_customizations":true
to repeat gathering of customizations"md5_check":true
to repeat MD5 hash verification
ansible-playbook playbooks/gather_customizations.yml -e '{"env_id":<env_id>,"gather_customizations":true}'
The output contains:
List of upgradable packages for each node:
TASK [Show upgradable packages] *********************** ok: [node-5.domain.tld] => { "msg": [ "Reading package lists...", "Building dependency tree...", "Reading state information...", "The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:", " cloud-guest-utils eatmydata python-oauth python-serial python3-pycurl", " python3-software-properties software-properties-common unattended-upgrades", "Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.", "The following packages will be upgraded:", " ceph ceph-common dh-python fuel-ha-utils fuel-misc hpsa-dkms i40e-dkms", " libcephfs1 librados2 librbd1 libvirt-bin libvirt-clients libvirt-daemon", " libvirt-daemon-system libvirt0 nailgun-agent nailgun-mcagents neutron-common", " neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent nova-common nova-compute nova-compute-qemu", " puppet puppet-common python-cephfs python-cinderclient python-glanceclient", " python-keystoneclient python-keystonemiddleware python-neutron", " python-neutronclient python-nova python-novaclient python-oslo.concurrency", " python-oslo.config python-oslo.context python-oslo.db python-oslo.log", " python-oslo.messaging python-oslo.middleware python-oslo.reports", " python-oslo.serialization python-oslo.service python-oslo.utils", " python-oslo.versionedobjects python-pycadf python-rados python-rbd", "48 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded." ] }
Current MU of each node:
TASK [Show current MU] ****************************** ok: [node-5.domain.tld] => { "msg": [ "fuel" ] }
MD5 verification of all packages on each node:
[Show verification results] ************************* ok: [node-1.domain.tld] => { "msg": [ "[REINSTALL] Unknown upgradable package 'dh-python' (1.20140128-1ubuntu8.2) will be reinstalled on the new available version.", "neutron-common", "nova-common" ] }
Please read the whole output and make sure that everything looks good and nothing strange is there.
Then check that all customizations are applied on new versions:
ansible-playbook playbooks/verify_patches.yml -e '{"env_id":<env_id>}'
to skip handling gathered customizations from "customizaions" folder and use only patches that are already present in folder "patches""ignore_applied_patches": true
to ignore if patches already contains in new package. Please go on one node and double checked that this pached already contains to avoid any issues.
The output contains:
The consistency verification of the OpenStack packages. The customization for same package should be the same on all nodes. For example, the
package should have the same0
patch ID on every node:TASK [Show results of customizations consistency Verification] ****** ok: [node-3.test.domain.local] => { "msg": [ "Legenda:", " '-' - no patch (customization) for the package on this node", " 'x' - ID of patch", "", "nodes/packages python-nova", "node-1 0", "node-2 0", "node-3 0" ] }
The result of the customizations applied to the updated versions of the OpenStack packages:
TASK [Show results of Patches Verification] ******* ok: [node-1.domain.tld] => { "msg": [ "", "-------- ./00-customizations/python-neutron_customization.patch", "patching file usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/neutron/__init__.py", "[OK] python-neutron is customized successfully", "", "-------- ./00-customizations/python-nova_customization.patch", "patching file usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/__init__.py", "[OK] python-nova is customized successfully" ] }
Sometimes playbooks can stop with failing and recommend to use some flags for the solving the situation, for example, when different patches are applied on different nodes.
It is also strongly recommended to identify and copy original patches to patches folder on Fuel and disable use_current_customization flag and manage patches to successfully execute previous verify_patches.yml step.
After that please go to the nodes /root/mos_mu/verification/ and make sure that all patches are applied correctly.
Update Fuel node (skip for MOS6.0):
ansible-playbook playbooks/update_fuel.yml
Make a back up of MySQL:
ansible-playbook playbooks/backup_mysql.yml -e '{"env_id":<env_id>}'
Apply MU:
This playbook contains gathering and verifying steps which are already described above and then it upgrades all packages, applies patches and finaly restarts services.
ansible-playbook playbooks/apply_mu.yml -e '{"env_id":<env_id>}'
Verify current version:
ansible-playbook playbooks/get_version.yml -e '{"env_id":<env_id>}'
The current MU should be the latest on all nodes.
TASK [Show current MU] ******************************** ok: [node-5.domain.tld] => { "msg": [ "mu-8" ] }
Apply the customizations of your existing environment to the new node
ansible-playbook playbooks/apply_patches.yml -e '{"env_id":<env_id>}' --limit <node_fqdn>
This task restarts the OpenStack services on the node to apply customizations.
Rollback (actually pseudo rollback) playbook can return your cluster on any specified release and apply only gathered customizations on the current node:
ansible-playbook playbooks/rollback.yml -e '{"env_id":<env_id>,"rollback":"<release_name>"}'