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Valheim - Toggle Movement Mod (ToMoMo)

Works with Ashlands Update!

Have you ever played so much Valheim that you injured yourself? Well, I did. When Mistlands released, I bounded over the new and difficult terrain for so many hours mashing my Shift key that I experienced what I can only describe as "Valheim pinkie." Basically, I suffered an RSI that forced me to take a break. That's when I knew I needed to make this mod!


  • Sprint (Run) functions as a toggle
    • Can be overridden to alternatively use assigned key (default is T) to toggle on/off sprinting
  • Auto-sneak is now possible
  • Auto-run/sneak now follows look direction by default
    • Can be overridden to detach look direction when assigned key is held (default is CapsLock)
  • Auto-run while sprinting safeguards stamina regen at threshold (20% by default)
  • Auto-sneak while crouching safeguards stamina regen at threshold (20% by default)
  • Seamlessly auto-run directly into auto-sneak (and vice versa)
  • Jumping doesn't cancel auto-run
  • Regain manual control of auto-run/sneak at any time by using directional input (or Back key/button if AutorunStrafe enabled)
  • Sprinting will temporarily and automatically pause while Arbalest is reloading
  • Auto-run sprinting will temporarily and automatically pause to allow equipping/switching weapons
  • Sprint will detoggle automatically if health less than threshold (30% by default)
  • Sprint will detoggle automatically if stamina at zero for elapsed time (5 seconds by default)
    • This can happen if forward key/button is held, overriding other stamina safeguards
  • Weapons will auto-reequip on exiting swim state if stowed while swimming
  • Auto-jump can optionally function as a toggle
  • Auto-primary-attack can optionally function as a toggle
  • Fully configurable

QOL Detail

Run toggle

No more holding that Run button for hours!

Mistlands requires sprint jumping to effectively scale the jagged terrain. Gorging on high-stamina foods is essentially a requirement, and you need to almost constantly hold your Run key/button in order to get around.

Stock Valheim still hasn't introduced a Run toggle setting, so this mod fixes that by turning your Run key/button into a toggle.

Seamless auto-run/sneak

This mod allows you to auto-sneak!

Sweating bullets trying to sneak back through the Prairie biome to recover your grave is a unique experience. As you creep forward toward the map marker, frantically attempting to spot nearby enemies, your stamina eventually depletes to zero. And just like that, your character pops out of stealth to attract the receiving end of a Deathsquito's sting. You ruefully hope your "no skill drain" effect lasts a lil longer, right?

And when you do manage to recover your belongings, you'll have more than ample motivation to maximize your corpse run ability and snap immediately into a full on auto-run.

Stock Valheim auto-run doesn't work while sneaking. If you're crouching and activate auto-run, you pop right up into a walk by default. Similarly auto-running and crouching into sneak will simply disable auto-run.

This mod fixes all that seamlessly, and installs stamina safeguards while auto-running/sneaking.

  • The default stamina safeguard is 20%
  • When auto-running, you will transition to a walk until stamina fully regenerates
    • Stamina regen can be overridden if needed by holding your Run key/button or Forward key/button
  • When auto-sneaking, you will simply stop while crouched until stamina fully regenerates
    • Stamina regen can be overridden if needed by holding your directional input keys while crouching

Safeguard Stamina on Low Health

With sprint enabled, especially with manual directional input, your stamina can quickly dwindle to 0 without you noticing. Sometimes this is a really bad situation to be in!

That's especially true if your health is so low that you can't run away or fight back, and strafing to evade more blows is keeping your stamina from recharging. It's easy to forget that you've toggled on sprint when your character is plodding around. This is likely one of the reasons that the developers didn't include a toggle in the first place.

So v0.0.3 introduces a safety valve that toggles off Sprint if your health drops below a target threshold (30% by default).

Safeguard Stamina Regen on Zero Stamina

Growths will mess you up! Spraying their tarry liquid death-punches just before leaping through the air tests even the best equipped and fed Viking adventurer. It's typically right around them tarring you and bounding to cut off your path that you run out of stamina completely. You're then left mashing your forward key in terror as you attempt to down whatever mead you can to help you escape. It's easy in those moments to forget that your sprint is toggled on, and holding the forward key to keep moving will keep your stamina at zero... indefinitely.

So v0.0.7 introduces a configurable safety valve to detoggle sprint after an elapsed time (5 seconds by default) at zero stamina. This allows stamina to regenerate even if you are overriding stamina safeguards by holding down your Forward key/button.

Auto-run Sprint Enable/Switch Weapons

v0.0.3 introduced the ability to equip/switch weapons during auto-run while sprinting. Sometimes you know you're getting close to a battle, and want to arrive prepared. Stock Valheim won't let you equip/switch weapons while sprinting, but now you can!


Configuration allows:

  • Enable, Enable the mod, default: true
  • SprintToggle, Sprint works like a toggle, default: true
  • OnlyToggleWhenAutorunning, Sprint only works like a toggle when auto-running, default: false
  • SprintToggleAlternate, Sprint is toggled through use of another key/button, default: false
  • SprintToggleAlternateKey, Used in conjunction with SprintToggleAlternate. This is the key used to toggle sprint on/off, default: T
  • SprintTogglePersistsOnHalt, Sprint stays toggled even after character halts, default: false
  • AutoJumpToggle, Enables character jump input to function as a toggle with stamina safeguards, default: false
  • AutoPrimaryAttackToggle, Enables character primary attack input to function as a toggle with stamina safeguards, default: false
  • AutorunToggle, Fixes auto-run to follow look, default: true
  • AutorunFreelookKey, Overrides look direction in auto-run while pressed, default: CapsLock
  • AutorunStrafe, Enable strafing while in auto-run/crouch, default: true
  • AutorunStrafeForwardDisables, Disable autorun if Forward key/button pressed while AutorunStrafe enabled, default: true
  • AutorunSafeguardStamina, Enables stam safeguards that prevent stamina from running to zero, default: true
  • AutorunInMap, Keep running while viewing map, default: true
  • AutorunInInventory, Keep running while viewing inventory, default: false
  • AddAutorunMenuLabels, Adds helpful label to vanilla Auto-run toggle in both Gameplay and Accessibility settings menus, default: true
  • AutorunDisableOnEsc, Disable autorun if Esc key pressed, default: true
  • ReequipWeaponAfterSwimming, Any weapon stowed in order to swim will reequip once out of swimming state, default: true
  • RunToCrouchToggle, Go from run to crouch with the click of a button, default: true
  • StopSneakOnNoStam, Stops sneak movement if no stamina available, default: true
  • MinStamRefillPercentValue, Percentage to stop running/sneaking and let stamina refill, default: 20%
  • StopStamLimitOnManualInputToggle, Stops the wait for 100% stam fill to resume sprinting on manual Forward input, default: true
  • SafeguardStaminaOnLowHealthToggle", Allow stamina to recover on low health by automatically detoggling sprint, default: true
  • SprintHealthOverridePercentValue, Percentage of health to detoggle sprint so stamina can start to recover, default: 30%
  • TrackElapsedZeroStamToggle, Automatically toggle off sprint after elapsed time spent at zero stamina, default: true
  • TrackElapsedZeroStamTime, Seconds to wait at zero stamina before toggling off sprint, default: 5 seconds
  • ChangeStamColorOnSprint, Changes stamina bar color to orange when draining and sprint enabled, and blue when stam regenerating. Flashes empty bar if stam drained fully while sprinting, default: true
  • DetoggleSprintAtLowStamWhenAttacking, Detoggles sprint if attacking at low stamina, default: true
  • DetoggleSprintAtLowStamWhenAttackingThreshold, Threshold at which stamina will detoggle sprint if also attacking, default: 0.04f

Built with BepInEx



Releases in github repo are packaged for Thunderstore Mod Manager.

  • 1.4.2 Clean up debugging logging
  • 1.4.1 Fix auto-sneak bug that got stuck at the stam regen threshold
  • 1.4.0 Support The Bog Witch update. Add auto-attack feature. Optimize the main loop to prevent toggle lock in certain scenarios
  • 1.3.0 Add auto-jump feature and many improvements and tweaks
    • Add label to vanilla Auto-run setting in both Gameplay and Accessibility menus that concisely describes the hover text
    • Add config that allows character movement to continue even after Esc key is pressed
    • Add config that allows the mod sprint behavior to function like the vanilla auto-run, which detoggles when character comes to a halt or runs out of stamina
    • Add logic that allows the mod play nicely with the vanilla Auto-run setting (and vice versa)
    • Refactor config to reduce redundant/overlapping config setting. Removes OverrideGameAutorun, which can be achieved through combo of other config
    • Fix bug that prevented mod config keymappings changes (changing from defaults of T or CapsLock) from taking effect until the Reset Controls button was pressed in game settings
    • Fix bugs that triggered character movement or behavior while in chat, inventory, and/or build/repair menus
  • 1.2.0 Detoggle auto-run by default if at low stam when attacking, with configurable stam threshold
    • Ashlands combat proves challenging with mod enabled without this config option, as stamina gets pinned to zero indefinitely while attacking hordes of mobs
  • 1.1.0 Add config to only toggle sprinting when auto-running, and/or allow auto-running while in inventory
  • 1.0.0 Major version release adds color-coded stamina bar
    • Stamina bar will be orange when sprint toggled, else it will appear blue when regenerating, else it will be its normal yellow
    • Stamina bar will repeatedly flash while empty if sprint toggled and regen is overridden by directional input
    • Detoggling sprint while stamina is regenerating will cause stam regen to cancel as well. Stam regen otherwise reenables below the threshold as expected. This comes in handy while fighting without Rested buff, or with debuffs like Cold and Wet
    • Fixes bug that caused stam regen loop when holding directional keys while regenerating at stam regen threshold. The bug caused the character to stutter step
  • 0.1.4 Add config to override in-game auto-run toggle setting. This allows mod settings and behavior (like sneak to run) to work again
    • Adds new config that allows character to keep auto-running while in map
  • 0.1.3 Fix nil bomb caused by patch 0.217.38. Fixes broken menu translations when loading the game
  • 0.1.2 Fix bug that disabled vanilla autorun when AutorunToggle was disabled in config
  • 0.1.1 Fix bug that locked character movement after game patch 0.216.9
  • 0.1.0 Fix bug that prevented alternative Run toggle key from instantiating correctly
    • Fix regression bug caused by removing Esc key binding
  • 0.0.9 Allow for custom sprint toggle key to be assigned and used as an alternative to the Run key (T by default)
    • Config AutorunStrafe feature to disable sprinting if Forward key/button pressed
    • Fixes bug that caused a 30% increase in speed while strafing in auto-run
    • Fixes bug that caused null exception after logging back out to the game start screen
  • 0.0.8 Target latest BepInEx version 5.4.2105
  • 0.0.7 Safeguard stamina regen after configurable elapsed time at zero stamina
  • 0.0.6 Reequip weapon automatically upon exiting swim state if one stowed while swimming
  • 0.0.5 Strafe while auto-running/sneaking
  • 0.0.4 Unequip weapons while sprinting
  • 0.0.3 More QOL improvements. Bump build version number
    • Temporarily disables sprint toggle while Arbalest is reloading
    • Toggle sprint off if health reduces to less than threshold (30% by default)
    • Allow switching weapons while sprinting
    • Fixes issue preventing sprinting until 100% stam refill, even after manual intervention
  • 0.0.2 Fix README hero link
  • 0.0.1 Initial publication