addition of use_qmd_typst
update templates to use DCR-like branding
correct use_qmd_htmlrecruitment (it had previously downloaded the sample size report template)
addition of template R code for saving data as CSV addition of example code for using groundhog
addition of coloured_text
for using in quarto/RMarkdown documents to more easily colour particular pieces of text
functions now call quarto under the hood, rather than copying files from github. this fixes a bug with the previous version where the UNIBE logo was not shown.
fix bug with html-rec quarto template
fix bug with other quarto templates (figure not loading correctly due to incorrect path)
fix bug with html presentation (figure not loading correctly due to incorrect path)
addition of use_qmd_htmlrecruitment
and use_qmd_htmlsampsi
fix typo in use_qmd_pres
no issues an error pointing the user to SwissASR
streamline dependencies
use here
instead of setwd
and file.path
addition of use_qmd_html
and use_qmd_pres
functions to download and save CTUs html quarto templates
addition of add_ctu_header and RStudio addin
Reference to unibeCols
package for UNIBE corporate colours
Addition of administrative info, change log and reproducibility section to report template.
Markdown templates write output to reports folder by default.
Addition of vignette on baseline tables.
no longer exported. Use the SwissASR package instead!
Other changes: modification to tex template to make the second page have a header when there is no TOC.
The tex template is now based on pandoc template (more features). UNIBE document class still used to retain UNIBE formatting.
Removal of restricted figure height/width
Addition of use_ub_tex_template for allowing modifications to the tex file Addition of use_recreport_template for recruitment reports (template in dev.)
Easier handling of CLO files - no longer any need to create it prior to each run
More details added to the template report use_report_template dir param in templates is now autofilled example of parameterized reports
Addition of LaTeX template that can be used with Rmd
- use_report_template for examples
- use_ssreport_template for sample size reports (based on the word template)
Addition of OneStageSS for sample size for an exact binomial test Addition of redcap code for stata