A Helm chart for Kubernetes
Name | Url | |
AgileLab | http://agilelab.it |
To install the chart with the release name my-release
$ helm repo add foo-bar http://charts.foo-bar.com
$ helm install my-release foo-bar/terraform-specific-provisioner
Repository | Name | Version |
https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami | common | 2.x.x |
Key | Type | Default | Description |
configOverride | object | {} |
This configuration allows you to override the application.conf file |
dockerRegistrySecretName | string | "regcred" |
Docker Registry Secret name used to access a private repo |
extraEnvVars | list | [] |
define extra variables to add to the container(s) e.g: extraEnvVars: - name: FOO value: "10" |
extraVolumeMounts | list | [] |
define extra volume mounts |
extraVolumes | list | [] |
define extra volumes |
image.pullPolicy | string | "Always" |
The imagePullPolicy for a container and the tag of the image affect when the kubelet attempts to pull (download) the specified image. |
image.registry | string | "registry.gitlab.com/agilefactory/witboost.mesh/provisioning/terraform/witboost.mesh.provisioning.terraform.specificprovisioner" |
Image repository |
image.tag | string | "to-be-replaced" |
Image tag |
labels | object | {} |
Allows you to specify common labels |
livenessProbe | object | {} |
liveness probe spec |
logbackOverride | object | {} |
This configuration allows you to override the logback.xml file |
readinessProbe | object | {} |
readiness probe spec |
resources | object | {} |
resources spec |
securityContext | object | {"allowPrivilegeEscalation":false,"runAsNonRoot":true,"runAsUser":65535} |
security context spec |
serviceAccountName | string | nil |
serviceAccount |
Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.11.0