- component.value currently profile mapping only for sucs, geno not yet done
component.interpretation - mapped observation.code zu interpretation code value set
genotyping: present / absent (are the snomed codes right?) ttp://fhir.ch/ig/ch-elm/ValueSet/ch-elm-interpretation-codes-pre-abs
need to describe the requirements how to add component results for susc/geno
Study type | Pathogen | Code location | Description | Name |
All | all | composition.section.code | List of all the study types | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-elm/ValueSet/ch-elm-study-type |
Antibiogram | all | observation.code | List of antibiogram pathogens | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-elm/ValueSet/ch-elm-results-laboratory-observation-susc.html |
Antibiogram | TB | observation.component.code | List of TB antibiotics | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-elm/ValueSet/ch-elm-results-component-antibiotic-tb |
Antibiogram | CPE | observation.component.code | List of CPE antibiotics | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-elm/ValueSet/ch-elm-results-component-antibiotic-cpe |
Antibiogram | TB | observation.component.interpretation | List of TB interpretations (susceptible, resistent) | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-elm/ValueSet/ch-elm-interpretation-codes-res-sus |
Antibiogram | CPE | observation.component.interpretation | List of CPE interpretations (resistent) | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-elm/ValueSet/ch-elm-interpretation-codes-res |
Genotyping | all | observation.code | List of genotyping pathogens | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-elm/ValueSet/ch-elm-results-laboratory-observation-geno |
Genotyping | TB | observation.component.code | List of TB mutations | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-elm/ValueSet/ch-elm-results-component-gene-tb |
Genotyping | CPE | observation.component.code | List of CPE mutations | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-elm/ValueSet/ch-elm-results-component-gene-cpe |
Genotyping | TB | observation.component.interpretation | List of TB interpretation (present, absent, not performed) as HL7 codes | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-elm/ValueSet/ch-elm-interpretation-codes-pres-abs-np |
Genotyping | CPE | observation.component.interpretation | List of CPE interpretation (present, absent) as HL7 codes | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-elm/ValueSet/ch-elm-interpretation-codes-pres-abs |
All | all | observation.code | List of all observation codes for all study types | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-elm/ValueSet/ch-elm-results-laboratory-observation-complete |
Microbiology | TB | observation.interpretation | List of interpretation for "standard" TB report (we need "not performed" as further interpretation) as HL7 codes | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-elm/ValueSet/ch-elm-interpretation-codes-pos-neg-np |
Study type | Description | Source | Target | Name |
Overall | Which study type is it & therefore where should the leading code come from | composition.section.code | observation.code | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-elm/ConceptMap/study-type-to-results |
Antibiogram | which antibiotica can be used given the pathogen | observation.code | observation.component.code | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-elm/ConceptMap/ch-elm-results-susc-to-compoment-code |
Antibiogram | When should a valueQuantity be reported | observation.code | observation.component.value (profile) | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-elm/ConceptMap/ch-elm-results-susc-to-compoment-observation-profile |
Antibiogram | Which interpretation can be used, given the pathogen | observation.code | observation.component.interpretation | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-elm/ConceptMap/ch-elm-results-susc-to-compoment-interpretation-code |
Genotyping | Which mutations can be used given the pathogen | observation.code | observation.component.code | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-elm/ConceptMap/ch-elm-results-geno-to-component-code |
Genotyping | Which interpretation can be used, given the pathogen | observation.code | observation.component.interpretation | http://fhir.ch/ig/ch-elm/ConceptMap/ch-elm-results-geno-to-compoment-interpretation-code |