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Crypto Scraper

The scope of this project is to develop a script that eases the collection and data processing for a desired cryptocurrency.

It allows us to to automatically extract raw data coming from the Bitmex Order Book, process it and convert it into the desired timeframe (5min, 15min, 1H, 4H, 1D, 1W, etc.).

Hence, using this data we will be able to analyse, understand, forecast, etc., the behaviour of the desired crypto (or at least try 🤔).

Scrapped Raw Data

timestamp symbol side size price tickDirection trdMatchID grossValue homeNotional foreignNotional
0 2016-05-05D04:50:46.067956000 XBTUSD Buy 1377 447.43 ZeroPlusTick 07b3bf2e-b40f-7c24-6c51-3bd110fec715 307758123 3.0775810000000003 1377.0
1 2016-05-05D04:51:29.799042000 XBTUSD Buy 100 447.41 MinusTick b9a3094b-0aff-5745-179c-038b3c5758db 22350900 0.223509 100.0
2 2016-05-05D04:57:51.067311000 XBTUSD Buy 833 447.21 MinusTick 9243015e-bf0a-bb3b-3fa8-bae4a3d0fb91 186266297 1.862663 833.0
3 2016-05-05D04:59:25.038946000 XBTUSD Sell 1541 445.94 MinusTick 51b3b292-a973-0c57-108c-acc6c444a66d 345561545 3.4556150000000003 1541.0
4 2016-05-05D05:19:25.039453000 XBTUSD Sell 1395 446.01 PlusTick b2800914-b327-4983-497d-3ef4b7277c57 312772950 3.12773 1395.0

timestamp: When the trade happened.

symbol: Which is the contract belonging to this row.

side: Sell (short) vs Buy (long) position.

size: Amount of contracts traded.

price: Price at which the transaction was succeeded.

tickDirection: "MinusTick": The trade happened at a lower price than the previous one. "PlusTick" : This trade happened at a higher price than the previous one. "ZeroPlusTick" : The previous trade was PLUSTICK and this one has a price equal or lower than the previous one. "ZeroMinusTick" : The previous trade was MINUSTICK and this one has a price equal or higher than the previous one.

trdMatchID: Primary key of this trade.

grossValue: How many sathoshis the trade was worth.

homeNotional: How many BTC the trade was worth.

foreignNotional: How many USD the trade was worth.

Processed Data (4H timeframe sample)

timestamp Size GrossValue Total_BTC Total_USD ContractsTraded_Size ContractsTraded_GrossValue BearTransacts BullTransacts WarTransacts TotalTransacts Price_exp LogReturns High Low Open Close
2018-08-09 04:00:00 387010569 6142817347210 61428.2 3.87011e+08 2.17375e+07 3.44337e+11 36181 44281 8100 80462 6280.39 0 6329.5 6260 6273.5 6320
2018-08-09 08:00:00 438354040 6920371016908 69203.7 4.38354e+08 2.20478e+07 3.46379e+11 42131 46161 4030 88292 6302.3 0.00348287 6390 6290 6320 6316.5
2018-08-09 12:00:00 314733664 4981585266840 49815.9 3.14734e+08 -1.61104e+06 -2.70579e+10 35096 33561 -1535 68657 6312.82 0.00166856 6352 6273.5 6316 6320
2018-08-09 16:00:00 1403867727 22065437110463 220654 1.40387e+09 2.75257e+07 3.95259e+11 106490 110371 3881 216861 6314.68 0.000293317 6550 6182 6320 6493.5

Timestamp: Interval the data is grouped into and the timeframe it belongs.

Size: Amount of contracts traded during the selected frequency (absolute terms).

GrossValue: Amount of Satoshis the trades were worth during the selected frequency (absolute terms).

Total_BTC: Amount of BTC the trades were worth during the selected frequency (absolute terms).

Total_USD: Amount of USD the trades were worth during the selected frequency (absolute terms).

ContractsTraded_Size: Total value in dollars of the contracts traded during the selected frequency in USD (shorts vs longs).

ContractsTraded_GrossValue: Total value in satoshis of the contracts traded during the selected frequency in USD (shorts vs longs).

BearTransacts: Number of bearish (shorts) transactions during the period.

BullTransacts: Number of bullish (longs) transactions during the period.

WarTransacts: Bullish minus bearish transactions.

TotalTransacts: Total number of transactions done during the period (absolute terms.).

Price_exp: Price smoothed with an exponential moving average of 'i' periods. * Now is not active since it takes a lot of time to be executed on tick data.

LogReturns: Logarithmic returns from one period to another.

High: Highest price reached within the period.

Low: Lowest price reached within the period.

Open: Opening price for the selected period. s

Close: Closing price for the selected period.


Depending on the crypto, there might be a lot of data to collect (remember is data from the order book and it might need millions of rows to register all transactions taking place during a trading day). Therefore, the script will need time and you might run into memory issues that will stop the script.

Feel free to reach me in case you need some help. 💬


data: Where the collected/processed data will be stored. You will save one .csv file per date in the desired frequency. The path should be in the previous location from the script.

source: Folder containing the scripts.

mainCSV: Executable script to collect all the data from the orderbook starting at a specific date. We will carry on with some feature engineering and store it into a csv compressed as gzip file. When executing, we will only need to select the cryptocurrency we are interested and the date (by default is the first available.).

mainDB: Executable script to collect all raw data from the orderbook starting at a specific date and automatically store it in a mongoDB (in my case I named it "xbt". When executing, we will only need to follow the steps according to our intentions:

1. Update database.
2. Collect RAW data.
3. Collect PROCESSED data.
4. Delete collection.
5. Check warnings (empty files.).

Part II (WIP) 🌱

Here I am using the collected data to serve as input for different AI and Statistical approaches that help me to reach a more accurate forecast of the next movement the cryptocurrency will perform. 📈📉