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APIManager CRD reference

This resource is used to deploy a 3scale API Management solution.

One APIManager custom resource per project is allowed.

Table of Contents


Field json/yaml field Type Required Description
Spec spec APIManagerSpec Yes The specfication for APIManager custom resource
Status status APIManagerStatus No The status for the custom resource
MetaData metadata APIManagerMetaData No The meta data for APIManager custom resource


Field json/yaml field Type Required Default value Description
WildcardDomain wildcardDomain string Yes N/A Root domain for the wildcard routes. Eg. will generate
AppLabel appLabel string No 3scale-api-management The value of the app label that will be applied to the API management solution
TenantName tenantName string No 3scale Tenant name under the root that Admin UI will be available with -admin suffix.
ImageStreamTagImportInsecure imageStreamTagImportInsecure bool No false Set to true if the server may bypass certificate verification or connect directly over HTTP during image import
ImagePullSecrets imagePullSecrets []corev1.LocalObjectReference No [ { name: "threescale-registry-auth" } ] List of image pull secrets to be used on the managed DeploymentConfigs ServiceAccounts. See imagePullSecrets field in K8s ServiceAccount documentation for details on Image pull secrets. If not specified, threescale-registry-auth is used. Secret names that contain dockercfg- or token- anywhere in part of its name cannot be specified. If an update to this attribute is performed the corresponding DeploymentConfig pods have to be redeployed by the user to make the changes effective
ResourceRequirementsEnabled resourceRequirementsEnabled bool No true When true, 3Scale API management solution is deployed with the optimal resource requirements and limits. Setting this to false removes those resource requirements. Warning Only set it to false for development and evaluation environments. When set to true, default compute resources are set for the APIManager components. See Default APIManager components compute resources to see the default assigned values
ApicastSpec apicast *ApicastSpec No See ApicastSpec Spec of the Apicast part
BackendSpec backend *BackendSpec No See BackendSpec reference Spec of the Backend part
SystemSpec system *SystemSpec No See SystemSpec reference Spec of the System part
ZyncSpec zync *ZyncSpec No See ZyncSpec reference Spec of the Zync part
HighAvailabilitySpec highAvailability *HighAvailabilitySpec No [DEPRECATED] See ExternalComponentsSpec reference
ExternalComponentsSpec externalComponents *ExternalComponentsSpec No See ExternalComponentsSpec reference Spec of the ExternalComponentsSpec part
PodDisruptionBudgetSpec podDisruptionBudget *PodDisruptionBudgetSpec No See PodDisruptionBudgetSpec reference Spec of the PodDisruptionBudgetSpec part
MonitoringSpec monitoring *MonitoringSpec No Disabled MonitoringSpec reference


Annotations Name Default value Description disableApicastPortReconcile false Can be true or false - will disable apicast service port reconcile when true


Field json/yaml field Type Required Default value Description
ApicastManagementAPI managementAPI string No status Scope of the APIcast Management API. Can be disabled, status or debug. At least status required for health checks
OpenSSLVerify openSSLVerify bool No false Turn on/off the OpenSSL peer verification when downloading the configuration
IncludeResponseCodes responseCodes bool No true Enable logging response codes in APIcast
RegistryURL registryURL string No http://apicast-staging:8090/policies The URL to point to APIcast policies registry management
Image image string No nil Used to overwrite the desired container image for Apicast
ProductionSpec productionSpec *ApicastProductionSpec No See ApicastProductionSpec reference Spec of APIcast production part
StagingSpec stagingSpec *ApicastStagingSpec No See ApicastStagingSpec reference Spec of APIcast staging part


Field json/yaml field Type Required Default value Description
Replicas replicas integer No 1 Number of Pod replicas of the apicast-production deployment
Affinity affinity v1.Affinity No nil Affinity is a group of affinity scheduling rules
Tolerations tolerations []v1.Tolerations No nil Tolerations allow pods to schedule onto nodes with matching taints
Resources resources v1.ResourceRequirements No nil Resources describes the compute resource requirements. Takes precedence over spec.resourceRequirementsEnabled with replace behavior
Workers workers integer No Automatically computed. Check apicast doc for further info. Defines the number of worker processes
LogLevel logLevel string No N/A Log level for the OpenResty logs (see docs)
CustomPolicies customPolicies []CustomPolicySpec No N/A List of custom policies
OpenTracing openTracing APIcastOpenTracingSpec No N/A contains the OpenTracing integration configuration
CustomEnvironments customEnvironments []CustomEnvironmentSpec No N/A List of custom environments
HTTPSPort httpsPort int No 8443 only when httpsCertificateSecretRef is provided Controls on which port APIcast should start listening for HTTPS connections. Do not use 8080 as HTTPS port (see docs)
HTTPSVerifyDepth httpsVerifyDepth int No N/A Defines the maximum length of the client certificate chain. (see docs)
HTTPSCertificateSecretRef httpsCertificateSecretRef LocalObjectReference No APIcast has a default certificate used when httpsPort is provided References secret containing the X.509 certificate in the PEM format and the X.509 certificate secret key
AllProxy allProxy string No N/A Specifies a HTTP(S) proxy to be used for connecting to services if a protocol-specific proxy is not specified. Authentication is not supported. Format is: <scheme>://<host>:<port> (see docs)
HTTPProxy httpProxy string No N/A Specifies a HTTP(S) Proxy to be used for connecting to HTTP services. Authentication is not supported. Format is: <scheme>://<host>:<port> (see docs)
HTTPSProxy httpsProxy string No N/A Specifies a HTTP(S) Proxy to be used for connecting to HTTPS services. Authentication is not supported. Format is: <scheme>://<host>:<port> (see docs)
NoProxy noProxy string No N/A Specifies a comma-separated list of hostnames and domain names for which the requests should not be proxied. Setting to a single * character, which matches all hosts, effectively disables the proxy (see docs)
ServiceCacheSize serviceCacheSize int No N/A Specifies the number of services that APICast can store in the internal cache (see docs)


Field json/yaml field Type Required Default value Description
Replicas replicas integer No 1 Number of Pod replicas of the apicast-staging deployment
Affinity affinity v1.Affinity No nil Affinity is a group of affinity scheduling rules
Tolerations tolerations []v1.Tolerations No nil Tolerations allow pods to schedule onto nodes with matching taints
Resources resources v1.ResourceRequirements No nil Resources describes the compute resource requirements. Takes precedence over spec.resourceRequirementsEnabled with replace behavior
LogLevel logLevel string No N/A Log level for the OpenResty logs (see docs)
CustomPolicies customPolicies []CustomPolicySpec No N/A List of custom policies
OpenTracing openTracing APIcastOpenTracingSpec No N/A contains the OpenTracing integration configuration
CustomEnvironments customEnvironments []CustomEnvironmentSpec No N/A List of custom environments
HTTPSPort httpsPort int No 8443 only when httpsCertificateSecretRef is provided Controls on which port APIcast should start listening for HTTPS connections. Do not use 8080 as HTTPS port (see docs)
HTTPSVerifyDepth httpsVerifyDepth int No N/A Defines the maximum length of the client certificate chain. (see docs)
HTTPSCertificateSecretRef httpsCertificateSecretRef LocalObjectReference No APIcast has a default certificate used when httpsPort is provided References secret containing the X.509 certificate in the PEM format and the X.509 certificate secret key
AllProxy allProxy string No N/A Specifies a HTTP(S) proxy to be used for connecting to services if a protocol-specific proxy is not specified. Authentication is not supported. Format is: <scheme>://<host>:<port> (see docs)
HTTPProxy httpProxy string No N/A Specifies a HTTP(S) Proxy to be used for connecting to HTTP services. Authentication is not supported. Format is: <scheme>://<host>:<port> (see docs)
HTTPSProxy httpsProxy string No N/A Specifies a HTTP(S) Proxy to be used for connecting to HTTPS services. Authentication is not supported. Format is: <scheme>://<host>:<port> (see docs)
NoProxy noProxy string No N/A Specifies a comma-separated list of hostnames and domain names for which the requests should not be proxied. Setting to a single * character, which matches all hosts, effectively disables the proxy (see docs)
ServiceCacheSize serviceCacheSize int No N/A Specifies the number of services that APICast can store in the internal cache (see docs)


json/yaml field Type Required Default value Description
name string Yes N/A Name
version string Yes N/A Version
secretRef LocalObjectReference Yes N/A Secret reference with the policy content. See CustomPolicySecret for more information.


Contains custom policy specific content. Two files, init.lua and apicast-policy.json, are required, but more can be added optionally.

Some examples are available here

Field Description
init.lua Custom policy lua code entry point
apicast-policy.json Custom policy metadata


Field json/yaml field Type Required Default value Description
Enabled enabled bool No false Controls whether OpenTracing integration with APIcast is enabled. By default it is not enabled
TracingLibrary tracingLibrary string No jaeger Controls which OpenTracing library is loaded. At the moment the supported values are: jaeger. If not set, jaeger will be used
TracingConfigSecretRef tracingConfigSecretRef LocalObjectReference No tracing library-specific default Secret reference with the tracing library-specific configuration. Each supported tracing library provides a default configuration file which is used if tracingConfigSecretRef is not specified. See APIcastTracingConfigSecret for more information.


Field Description
config Tracing library-specific configuration

NOTE: Once apicast has been deployed, the content of the secret should not be updated externally. If the content of the secret is updated externally, after apicast has been deployed, the container can automatically see the changes. However, apicast has the environment already loaded and it does not change the behavior.

If the custom environment content needs to be changed, there are two options:

  • [recommended way] Create another secret with a different name and update the APIcast custom resource field spec.apicast.<apicast-environment> The operator will trigger a rolling update loading the new custom environment content.
  • Update the existing secret content and redeploy apicast turning spec.replicas to 0 and then back to the previous value.


json/yaml field Type Required Default value Description
secretRef LocalObjectReference Yes N/A Secret reference with the custom environment content. See CustomEnvironmentSecret for more information.


Generic (opaque) type secret holding one or more custom environments. The operator will load in the APIcast container all the files (keys) found in the secret.

Some examples are available here

Field Description
filename Custom environment lua code


Field json/yaml field Type Required Default value Description
Image image string No nil Used to overwrite the desired container image for Backend
RedisImage redisImage string No nil Used to overwrite the desired Redis image for the Redis used by backend. Only takes effect when redis is not managed externally
RedisAffinity redisAffinity v1.Affinity No nil Affinity is a group of affinity scheduling rules. Only takes effect when redis is not managed externally
RedisTolerations redisTolerations []v1.Tolerations No nil Tolerations allow pods to schedule onto nodes with matching taints. Only takes effect when redis is not managed externally
RedisResources redisResources v1.ResourceRequirements No nil RedisResources describes the compute resource requirements. Takes precedence over spec.resourceRequirementsEnabled with replace behavior
RedisPersistentVolumeClaimSpec redisPersistentVolumeClaim *BackendRedisPersistentVolumeClaimSpec No nil Backend's Redis PersistentVolumeClaim configuration options. Only takes effect when redis is not managed externally
ListenerSpec listenerSpec *BackendListenerSpec No See BackendListenerSpec reference Spec of Backend Listener part
WorkerSpec workerSpec *BackendWorkerSpec No See BackendWorkerSpec reference Spec of Backend Worker part
CronSpec cronSpec *BackendCronSpec No See BackendCronSpec reference Spec of Backend Cron part


Field json/yaml field Type Required Default value Description
StorageClassName storageClassName string No nil The Storage Class to be used by the PVC


Field json/yaml field Type Required Default value Description
Replicas replicas integer No 1 Number of Pod replicas of the backend-listener deployment
Affinity affinity v1.Affinity No nil Affinity is a group of affinity scheduling rules
Tolerations tolerations []v1.Tolerations No nil Tolerations allow pods to schedule onto nodes with matching taints
Resources resources v1.ResourceRequirements No nil Resources describes the compute resource requirements. Takes precedence over spec.resourceRequirementsEnabled with replace behavior


Field json/yaml field Type Required Default value Description
Replicas replicas integer No 1 Number of Pod replicas of the backend-worker deployment
Affinity affinity v1.Affinity No nil Affinity is a group of affinity scheduling rules
Tolerations tolerations []v1.Tolerations No nil Tolerations allow pods to schedule onto nodes with matching taints
Resources resources v1.ResourceRequirements No nil Resources describes the compute resource requirements. Takes precedence over spec.resourceRequirementsEnabled with replace behavior


Field json/yaml field Type Required Default value Description
Replicas replicas integer No 1 Number of Pod replicas of the backend-cron deployment
Affinity affinity v1.Affinity No nil Affinity is a group of affinity scheduling rules
Tolerations tolerations []v1.Tolerations No nil Tolerations allow pods to schedule onto nodes with matching taints
Resources resources v1.ResourceRequirements No nil Resources describes the compute resource requirements. Takes precedence over spec.resourceRequirementsEnabled with replace behavior


Field json/yaml field Type Required Default value Description
Image image string No nil Used to overwrite the desired container image for System
RedisImage redisImage string No nil Used to overwrite the desired Redis image for the Redis used by System. Only takes effect when redis is not managed externally
RedisPersistentVolumeClaimSpec redisPersistentVolumeClaim *SystemRedisPersistentVolumeClaimSpec No nil System's Redis PersistentVolumeClaim configuration options. Only takes effect when redis is not managed externally
RedisAffinity redisAffinity v1.Affinity No nil Affinity is a group of affinity scheduling rules. Only takes effect when redis is not managed externally
RedisTolerations redisTolerations []v1.Tolerations No nil Tolerations allow pods to schedule onto nodes with matching taints. Only takes effect when redis is not managed externally
RedisResources redisResources v1.ResourceRequirements No nil RedisResources describes the compute resource requirements. Takes precedence over spec.resourceRequirementsEnabled with replace behavior
MemcachedImage memcachedImage string No nil Used to overwrite the desired Memcached image for the Memcached used by System
MemcachedAffinity memcachedAffinity v1.Affinity No nil Affinity is a group of affinity scheduling rules
MemcachedTolerations memcachedTolerations []v1.Tolerations No nil Tolerations allow pods to schedule onto nodes with matching taints
MemcachedResources memcachedResources v1.ResourceRequirements No nil MemcachedResources describes the compute resource requirements. Takes precedence over spec.resourceRequirementsEnabled with replace behavior
FileStorageSpec fileStorage *SystemFileStorageSpec No See FileStorageSpec specification Spec of the System's File Storage part
DatabaseSpec database *SystemDatabaseSpec No See DatabaseSpec specification Spec of the System's Database part
AppSpec appSpec *SystemAppSpec No See SystemAppSpec reference Spec of System App part
SidekiqSpec sidekiqSpec *SystemSidekiqSpec No See SystemSidekiqSpec reference Spec of System Sidekiq part
SphinxSpec sphinxSpec *SystemSphinxSpex No DEPRECATED Use SearchdSpec instead. See SystemSphinxSpec reference Spec of System's Sphinx part
SearchdSpec searchdSpec SystemSearchdSpec No See SystemSearchdSpec reference Spec of System's Searchd component


Field json/yaml field Type Required Default value Description
StorageClassName storageClassName string No nil The Storage Class to be used by the PVC


Field json/yaml field Type Required Default value Description
PVC persistentVolumeClaim PVCGenericSpec No nil PersistentVolumeClaim spec for the System shared storage
DeprecatedS3 amazonSimpleStorageService *DeprecatedSystemS3Spec No nil DEPRECATED DeprecatedSystemS3Spec. Used to use S3 as the System's file storage. See SystemS3Spec
S3 simpleStorageService *SystemS3Spec No nil Used to use S3 as the System's file storage. See SystemS3Spec

Only one of the fields can be chosen. If no field is specified then PVC is used.


Field json/yaml field Type Required Default value Description
StorageClassName storageClassName string No nil The Storage Class to be used by the PVC
Resources resources PersistentVolumeClaimResourcesSpec No nil The minimum resources the volume should have. Resources will not take any effect when VolumeName is provided. This parameter is not updateable when the underlying PV is not resizable.
VolumeName volumeName string No nil The binding reference to the existing PersistentVolume backing this claim


Field json/yaml field Type Required Default value Description
Configuration configurationSecretRef corev1.LocalObjectReference Yes N/A Local object reference to the secret to be used where the AWS configuration is stored. See LocalObjectReference on how to specify the local object reference to the secret
STS sts STSSpec No IAM S3 authentication STS spec object

The secret name specified in the configurationSecretRef field must be pre-created by the user before creating the APIManager custom resource. Otherwise the operator will complain about it. See the fileStorage S3 credentials secret specification to see what fields the secret should have and the values that should be set on it.


yaml Field Type Required Default value Description
enabled bool No false Enable Secure Token Service for short-term, limited-privilege security credentials
audience string No openshift The ID the token is intended for. This field does not have any effect when STS is not enabled.


DEPRECATED Setting fields here has no effect. Use SystemS3Spec instead

Field json/yaml field Type Required Default value Description
AWSBucket awsBucket string Yes N/A DEPRECATED Use SystemS3Spec instead
AWSRegion awsRegion string Yes N/A DEPRECATED Use SystemS3Spec instead
AWSCredentials awsCredentialsSecret DEPRECATED Use SystemS3Spec instead


Note: Deploying databases internally with this section is meant for evaluation purposes. Check ExternalComponentsSpec for production ready recommended deployments.

Field json/yaml field Type Required Default value Description
MySQL mysql *SystemMySQLSpec No nil Enable MySQL database as System's database. Only takes effect when the instance is not managed externally. See MySQLSpec specification
PostgreSQL postgresql *SystemPostgreSQLSpec No nil Enable PostgreSQL database as System's database. Only takes effect when the instance is not managed externally. See PostgreSQLSpec


Field json/yaml field Type Required Default value Description
Image image string No nil Used to overwrite the desired container image for System's MySQL database
PersistentVolumeClaimSpec persistentVolumeClaim PVCGenericSpec No nil System's MySQL PersistentVolumeClaim configuration options
Affinity affinity v1.Affinity No nil Affinity is a group of affinity scheduling rules
Tolerations tolerations []v1.Tolerations No nil Tolerations allow pods to schedule onto nodes with matching taints
Resources resources v1.ResourceRequirements No nil Resources describes the compute resource requirements. Takes precedence over spec.resourceRequirementsEnabled with replace behavior


Field json/yaml field Type Required Default value Description
StorageClassName storageClassName string No nil The Storage Class to be used by the PVC
Resources resources PersistentVolumeClaimResourcesSpec No nil The minimum resources the volume should have. Resources will not take any effect when VolumeName is provided. This parameter is not updateable when the underlying PV is not resizable.
VolumeName volumeName string No nil The binding reference to the existing PersistentVolume backing this claim


Field json/yaml field Type Required Default value Description
Image image string No nil Used to overwrite the desired container image for System's PostgreSQL database
PersistentVolumeClaimSpec persistentVolumeClaim PVCGenericSpec No nil System's PostgreSQL PersistentVolumeClaim configuration options
Affinity affinity v1.Affinity No nil Affinity is a group of affinity scheduling rules
Tolerations tolerations []v1.Tolerations No nil Tolerations allow pods to schedule onto nodes with matching taints
Resources resources v1.ResourceRequirements No nil Resources describes the compute resource requirements. Takes precedence over spec.resourceRequirementsEnabled with replace behavior


Field json/yaml field Type Required Default value Description
StorageClassName storageClassName string No nil The Storage Class to be used by the PVC
Resources resources PersistentVolumeClaimResourcesSpec No nil The minimum resources the volume should have. Resources will not take any effect when VolumeName is provided. This parameter is not updateable when the underlying PV is not resizable.
VolumeName volumeName string No nil The binding reference to the existing PersistentVolume backing this claim


Field json/yaml field Type Required Default value Description
Replicas replicas integer No 1 Number of Pod replicas of the system-app deployment
Affinity affinity v1.Affinity No nil Affinity is a group of affinity scheduling rules
Tolerations tolerations []v1.Tolerations No nil Tolerations allow pods to schedule onto nodes with matching taints
MasterContainerResources masterContainerResources v1.ResourceRequirements No nil Resources describes the compute resource requirements. Takes precedence over spec.resourceRequirementsEnabled with replace behavior
ProviderContainerResources providerContainerResources v1.ResourceRequirements No nil Resources describes the compute resource requirements. Takes precedence over spec.resourceRequirementsEnabled with replace behavior
DeveloperContainerResources developerContainerResources v1.ResourceRequirements No nil Resources describes the compute resource requirements. Takes precedence over spec.resourceRequirementsEnabled with replace behavior


Field json/yaml field Type Required Default value Description
Replicas replicas integer No 1 Number of Pod replicas of the system-sidekiq deployment
Affinity affinity v1.Affinity No nil Affinity is a group of affinity scheduling rules
Tolerations tolerations []v1.Tolerations No nil Tolerations allow pods to schedule onto nodes with matching taints
Resources resources v1.ResourceRequirements No nil Resources describes the compute resource requirements. Takes precedence over spec.resourceRequirementsEnabled with replace behavior


Field json/yaml field Type Required Default value Description
Affinity affinity v1.Affinity No nil Affinity is a group of affinity scheduling rules
Tolerations tolerations []v1.Tolerations No nil Tolerations allow pods to schedule onto nodes with matching taints
Resources resources v1.ResourceRequirements No nil Resources describes the compute resource requirements. Takes precedence over spec.resourceRequirementsEnabled with replace behavior


Field json/yaml field Type Required Default value Description
Image image string No nil Used to overwrite the desired custom image for the Searchd server used by System
Affinity affinity v1.Affinity No nil Affinity is a group of affinity scheduling rules
Tolerations tolerations []v1.Tolerations No nil Tolerations allow pods to schedule onto nodes with matching taints
Resources resources v1.ResourceRequirements No nil Resources describes the compute resource requirements. Takes precedence over spec.resourceRequirementsEnabled with replace behavior
PVC persistentVolumeClaim PVCGenericSpec No nil PersistentVolumeClaim spec for the System Searchd component


Field json/yaml field Type Required Default value Description
StorageClassName storageClassName string No nil The Storage Class to be used by the PVC
Resources resources PersistentVolumeClaimResourcesSpec No nil The minimum resources the volume should have. Resources will not take any effect when VolumeName is provided. This parameter is not updateable when the underlying PV is not resizable.
VolumeName volumeName string No nil The binding reference to the existing PersistentVolume backing this claim


Field json/yaml field Type Required Default value Description
Image image string No nil Used to overwrite the desired container image for Zync
PostgreSQLImage postgreSQLImage string No nil Used to overwrite the desired PostgreSQL image for the PostgreSQL used by Zync. Does not take effect when the database is managed externally
AppSpec appSpec *ZyncAppSpec No See ZyncAppSpec reference Spec of Zync App part
QueSpec queSpec *ZyncQueSpec No See ZyncQueSpec reference Spec of Zync Que part
DatabaseAffinity databaseAffinity v1.Affinity No nil Affinity is a group of affinity scheduling rules. Does not take effect when the database is managed externally
DatabaseTolerations databaseTolerations []v1.Tolerations No nil Tolerations allow pods to schedule onto nodes with matching taints. Does not take effect when the database is managed externally
DatabaseResources databaseResources v1.ResourceRequirements No nil DatabaseResources describes the compute resource requirements. Takes precedence over spec.resourceRequirementsEnabled with replace behavior. Does not take effect when the database is managed externally


Field json/yaml field Type Required Default value Description
Replicas replicas integer No 1 Number of Pod replicas of the zync deployment
Affinity affinity v1.Affinity No nil Affinity is a group of affinity scheduling rules
Tolerations tolerations []v1.Tolerations No nil Tolerations allow pods to schedule onto nodes with matching taints
Resources resources v1.ResourceRequirements No nil Resources describes the compute resource requirements. Takes precedence over spec.resourceRequirementsEnabled with replace behavior


Field json/yaml field Type Required Default value Description
Replicas replicas integer No 1 Number of Pod replicas of the zync-que deployment
Affinity affinity v1.Affinity No nil Affinity is a group of affinity scheduling rules
Tolerations tolerations []v1.Tolerations No nil Tolerations allow pods to schedule onto nodes with matching taints
Resources resources v1.ResourceRequirements No nil Resources describes the compute resource requirements. Takes precedence over spec.resourceRequirementsEnabled with replace behavior


[DEPRECATED] See ExternalComponentsSpec reference

Field json/yaml field Type Required Default value Description
Enabled enabled bool No false Enable to use external system database, backend redis, and system redis databases
ExternalZyncDatabaseEnabled externalZyncDatabaseEnabled bool No false Enable to user external zync database. The value of this field only takes effect when spec.highAvailability.enabled is set to true

When HighAvailability is enabled the following secrets have to be pre-created by the user:

  • backend-redis with the REDIS_STORAGE_URL and REDIS_QUEUES_URL fields with values pointing to the desired external databases. The databases should be configured in high-availability mode
  • system-database with the URL field with the value pointing to the desired external database. The database should be configured in high-availability mode
  • system-redis with the URL field with the value pointing to the desired external database. The database should be configured in high-availability mode

Additionally, when HighAvailability is enabled, if the externalZyncDatabaseEnabled field is also enabled the user has to pre-create the following secret too:

  • zync with the DATABASE_URL and DATABASE_PASSWORD fields with the values pointing to the desired external database settings. The database should be configured in high-availability mode


json/yaml field Type Required Description
system *ExternalSystemComponents No Use external system databases
backend *ExternalBackendComponents No Use external backend databases
zync *ExternalZyncComponents No Use external zync databases


json/yaml field Type Required Description
redis bool No Use external redis databases. Defaults to false
database bool No Use external RDBMS database. Defaults to false

When system redis is enabled the following secret has to be pre-created by the user:

  • system-redis with the URL field with the value pointing to the desired external database.

When system database is enabled the following secret has to be pre-created by the user:

  • system-database with the URL field with the value pointing to the desired external database.


json/yaml field Type Required Description
redis bool No Use external redis databases. Defaults to false

When backend redis is enabled the following secret has to be pre-created by the user:

  • backend-redis with the REDIS_STORAGE_URL and REDIS_QUEUES_URL fields with values pointing to the desired external databases.


json/yaml field Type Required Description
database bool No Use external RDBMS database. Defaults to false

When zync database is enabled the following secret has to be pre-created by the user:

  • zync with the DATABASE_URL and DATABASE_PASSWORD fields with the values pointing to the desired external database settings.


Field json/yaml field Type Required Default value Description
Enabled enabled bool No false Enable to automatically create PodDisruptionBudgets for components that can scale. Not including any of the databases or redis services.


Field json/yaml field Type Required Default value Description
Enabled enabled bool No false Enable to automatically create monitoring resources
EnablePrometheusRules enablePrometheusRules bool No true Activate/Disable PrometheusRules deployment


Used by the Operator/Kubernetes to control the state of the APIManager. an APIManager status field should never be modified by the user.

Field json/yaml field Type Info
Available available v1.Condition Indicates whether the APIManager is in Available state. See ConditionSpec for a description on the meaning of Available


The status object has an array of Conditions through which the Product has or has not passed. Each element of the Condition array has the following fields:

  • The lastTransitionTime field provides a timestamp for when the entity last transitioned from one status to another.
  • The message field is a human-readable message indicating details about the transition.
  • The reason field is a unique, one-word, CamelCase reason for the condition’s last transition.
  • The status field is a string, with possible values True, False, and Unknown.
  • The type field is a string indicating the type of the condition. The types are:
    • Available: An APIManager is in Available state when all of the following scenarios are true:
      • All expected DeploymentConfigs to be deployed exist and have the Available condition set to true
      • All 3scale default OpenShift routes exist and have the Admitted condition set to true. The default routes are:
        • Master route
        • Backend Listener route
        • Default tenant admin route, developer route, APIcast staging and production routes beloinging to the default tenant
Field json field Type Info
Type type string Condition Type
Status status string Status: True, False, Unknown
Reason reason string Condition state reason
Message message string Condition state description
LastTransitionTime lastTransitionTime timestamp Last transition timestap


json/yaml field Type Required Default value Description
requests v1 Quantity Yes N/A Requested size of the PersistentVolumeClaim.

APIManager Secrets

Additionally, if desired, several sensitive APIManager configuration options can be controlled by pre-creating some Kubernetes secrets before deploying the APIManager Custom Resource.

The available configurable secrets are:


Field Description Default value
username Backend internal API username. Backend internal API is used by System 3scale_api_user
password Backend internal API password. Backend internal API is used by System Autogenerated value


Field Description Default value
service_endpoint Backend listener service endpoint. Used by System and Apicast http://backend-listener:3000
route_endpoint Backend listener route endpoint. Used by System https://backend-<tenantName>.<wildcardDomain>


Field Description Default value
REDIS_STORAGE_URL Backend's redis storage database URL. Mandatory when the instance is managed externally. Otherwise the default value is: redis://backend-redis:6379/0
REDIS_STORAGE_SENTINEL_ROLE Backend's redis storage sentinel role name. Used only when Redis sentinel is configured in the Redis database being used ""
REDIS_STORAGE_SENTINEL_HOSTS Backend's redis storage sentinel hosts name. Used only when Redis sentinel is configured in the Redis database being used ""
REDIS_QUEUES_URL Backend's redis queues database URL Mandatory when the instance is managed externally. Otherwise the default value is: redis://backend-redis:6379/1
REDIS_QUEUES_SENTINEL_ROLE Backend's redis queues sentinel role name. Used only when Redis sentinel is configured in the Redis database being used ""
REDIS_QUEUES_SENTINEL_HOSTS Backend's redis queues sentinel hosts name. Used only when Redis sentinel is configured in the Redis database being used ""


Field Description Default value
SECRET_KEY_BASE System application secret key base Autogenerated value
USER_SESSION_TTL System user's login session length (TTL) in seconds. The empty value means 2 weeks ""


Field Description Default value
URL URL of the Porta database. Mandatory when the instance is managed externally. The format of the URL must be: <DBScheme>://<AdminUser>:<AdminPassword>@<DatabaseHost>/<DatabaseName>, where <AdminUser> must be an already existing user in the external database with full permissions on the specified <DatabaseName> logical database and <DatabaseName> must be an already existing logical database in the external database.
When the database is managed internally, the <AdminPassword> part of the URL can be set instead of an autogenerated one. In order to do that (if desired) set URL as the value specified in the Default Value column with the <AutoGeneratedValue> placeholder replaced with the desired value.
A default is only set when database is managed internally. Otherwise it is a mandatory field.
When managed internally:
If MySQL is used as System's database (the default behavior): mysql2://root:<AutogeneratedValue>@system-mysql/mysql.
If PostgreSQL is used(when .spec.system.database.postgresql is set): postgresql://root:<AutoGeneratedValue>@system-postgresql/system.
DB_USER Non-administrative database username. Only used when the database is managed externally mysql
DB_PASSWORD Password of the non-administrative database user. Only used when the database is managed externally Autogenerated value
ORACLE_SYSTEM_PASSWORD Password of Oracle's SYSTEM administrative user. Required and only used when system's database provided in URL field is an external Oracle database N/A


Field Description Default value
URL The URL to System's event reports endpoint, used by Backend to report its events http://system-master:3000/master/events/import
PASSWORD Shared secret to import events from backend to system Autogenerated value


Field Description Default value
ACCESS_TOKEN Read only access token that APIcast uses to download its configuration from System Autogenerated value
BASE_URL URL of the 3scale portal admin endpoint with authentication part http://<ACCESS_TOKEN>@system-master:3000
PROXY_CONFIGS_ENDPOINT URL of the available configs for all System's services http://<ACCESS_TOKEN>@system-master:3000/master/api/proxy/configs


Field Description Default value
SERVERS System's Memcached URL system-memcache:11211


Field Description Default value
PUBLIC_KEY reCAPTCHA site key (used in spam protection) for System ""
PRIVATE_KEY reCAPTCHA secret key (used in spam protection) for System ""


Field Description Default value
URL System's Redis database URL Mandatory when instance is managed externally. Otherwise the default value is: redis://system-redis:6379/1
NAMESPACE Define the namespace to be used by System's Redis Database. The empty value means not namespaced ""
SENTINEL_HOSTS System's Redis sentinel hosts. Used only when Redis sentinel is configured ""
SENTINEL_ROLE System's Redis sentinel role name. Used only when Redis sentinel is configured ""


Field Description Default value
MASTER_USER System's master username master
MASTER_PASSWORD System's master password Autogenerated value
MASTER_ACCESS_TOKEN System's master access token Autogenerated value
MASTER_DOMAIN System's master domain name master
ADMIN_USER System's admin user of the tenant created by default admin
ADMIN_PASSWORD System's admin password of the tenant created by default Autogenerated value
ADMIN_ACCESS_TOKEN System's admin access token of the tenant created by default Autogenerated value
TENANT_NAME Tenant name under the root that Admin UI will be available with -admin suffix <tenantName>


Field Description Default value
DATABASE_URL PostgreSQL database used by Zync. Only used when the database is managed externally Format: postgresql://<zync-db-username>:<ZYNC_DATABASE_PASSWORD>@<zync-db-host>:<zync-db-port>/zync_production, where <zync-db-username> must be an already existing user in the external database with full permissions on the zync_production logical database, zync_production logical database must be an already existing logical database in the external database and the specified value of <ZYNC_DATABASE_PASSWORD> must be the same as the ZYNC_DATABASE_PASSWORD parameter in this secret. Otherwise it has a default value, which is postgresql://zync:<ZYNC_DATABASE_PASSWORD>@zync-database:5432/zync_production
ZYNC_DATABASE_PASSWORD Database password associated to the user specified in the DATABASE_URL parameter When the database is managed externally, this parameter is mandatory and must have the same value as the password part of the DATABASE_URL parameter in this secret. Otherwise the default value is an autogenerated value if not defined
SECRET_KEY_BASE Zync's application key generator to encrypt communications Autogenerated value
ZYNC_AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN Authentication token used to authenticate System when calling Zync Autogenerated value


The name of this secret can be any name as long as does not collide with other existing secret names.

Field Description Required for IAM Required for STS
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID AWS Access Key ID to use in S3 Storage for System's file storage Y N
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY AWS Access Key Secret to use in S3 Storage for System's file storage Y N
AWS_BUCKET S3 bucket to be used as System's FileStorage for assets Y Y
AWS_REGION Region of the S3 bucket to be used as System's FileStorage for assets Y Y
AWS_HOSTNAME Default: Amazon endpoints - AWS S3 compatible provider endpoint hostname N N
AWS_PROTOCOL Default: HTTPS - AWS S3 compatible provider endpoint protocol N N
AWS_PATH_STYLE Default: false - When set to true, the bucket name is always left in the request URI and never moved to the host as a sub-domain N N
AWS_ROLE_ARN ARN of the Role which has a policy attached to authenticate using AWS STS N Y
AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_FILE Path to mounted token file location e.g. /var/run/secrets/openshift/serviceaccount/token N Y


Field Description Default value
address Address (hostname or IP) of the remote mail server to use. If set to a value different than "" System will use the mail server to send mails related to events that happen in the API management solution ""
port Port of the remote mail server to use ""
domain In case the mail server requires a HELO domain ""
authentication In case the mail server requires authentication, set this setting to the authentication type here. plain to send the password in the clear, login to send password Base64 encoded, or cram_md5 to combine a Challenge/Response mechanism based on the HMAC-MD5 algorithm ""
username In case the mail server requires authentication and the authentication type requires it ""
password In case the mail server requires authentication and the authentication type requires it ""
openssl.verify.mode When using TLS, you can set how OpenSSL checks the certificate. This is really useful if you need to validate a self-signed and/or a wildcard certificate. You can use the name of an OpenSSL verify constant: none or peer ""
from_address from address value for the no-reply mail ""

Default APIManager components compute resources

When APIManager's spec.resourceRequirementsEnabled attribute is set to true, default compute resources are set for the APIManager components.

The specific compute resources default values that are set for the APIManager components are the following ones:

Component CPU Requests CPU Limits Memory Requests Memory Limits
system-app's system-master 50m 1000m 600Mi 800Mi
system-app's system-provider 50m 1000m 600Mi 800Mi
system-app's system-developer 50m 1000m 600Mi 800Mi
system-sidekiq 100m 1000m 500Mi 2Gi
system-sphinx 80m 1000m 250Mi 512Mi
system-redis 150m 500m 256Mi 32Gi
system-mysql 250m No limit 512Mi 2Gi
system-postgresql 250m No limit 512Mi 2Gi
backend-listener 500m 1000m 550Mi 700Mi
backend-worker 150m 1000m 50Mi 300Mi
backend-cron 100m 500m 100Mi 500Mi
backend-redis 1000m 2000m 1024Mi 32Gi
apicast-production 500m 1000m 64Mi 128Mi
apicast-staging 50m 100m 64Mi 128Mi
zync 150m 1 250M 512Mi
zync-que 250m 1 250M 512Mi
zync-database 50m 250m 250M 2G