The eWallet is an umbrella Elixir application containing the following sub-applications:
ewallet_api: Sub-application acting as a gateway to the World Wide Web through HTTP-RPC endpoints. These endpoints are used to interact with the eWallet. Check the Swagger spec for more details.
admin_api: Sub-application acting as a gateway to the World Wide Web through HTTP-RPC endpoints. These endpoints are used to manage the system. Check the Swagger spec for more details.
admin_panel: Sub-application containing the front-end that allows provider admins, such as staff at the headquarter, to perform system-wide actions such as managing tokens, accounts, API keys, users, and balances.
ewallet: Sub-application containing the business logic (minting process, transfer of value, etc.).
ewallet_db: Sub-application containing all the database schemas and migrations.
local_ledger: Sub-application containing the business logic.
local_ledger_db: Sub-application containing all the database schemas and migrations.
url_dispatcher: Sub-application dealing with dispatching each HTTP request to the appropriate sub-application.
: A React front-end used to manage an eWallet.request_logger
: A logging system allowing developers to debug an eWallet.blockchain_gateway
: An interface to the blockchain.