With the current pandemic, the rise of the dark kitchens have begun, and with them, the need of a software that allows an integrated management of their webpage, orders and stock management, delivery routes and business metrics all in one.
Dark Manager is a B2B service offered to dark kitchens around the world that will allow exactly all that.
404 - As a client I want to see a nice 404 page when I go to a page that doesn’t exist so that I know it was my fault
500 - As a client I want to see a nice error page when the super team screws it up so that I know that is not my fault
homepage - As a client I want to be able to access the homepage.
sign up - As a client I want to sign up on the web page so that I can order food.
login - As a client I want to be able to log into my account so that I can order food or check my profile.
logout - As a client I want to be able to log out from the web page so that I can make sure no one will access my account.
see and edit profile information - As a client I want to be able to access my profile information and edit it.
food list - As a client I want to see the list of food I can order.
buy - As a client I want to place an order.
checkout - As a client I want to see the cart and be redirected to payment page.
- 404 - As an employee I want to see a nice 404 page when I go to a page that doesn’t exist so that I know it was my fault
- 500 - As an employee I want to see a nice error page when the super team screws it up so that I know that is not my fault
- homepage - As an employee I want to be able to access the management homepage.
- login - As an employee I want to be able to log into my account so that I can manage the current orders and check the business information.
- logout - As an employee I want to be able to log out from the web page.
- Add new employee - As a employee I want to add new employee accounts.
- edit user - As an employee I want to be able to edit my profile.
- see all current orders - As an employee I want to see the list of orders and the different stages they are in.
- move orders between stages - As an employee I want to see what items i can purchase and click on them.
- delivery management - As an employee I want to see a map of the area I work, with all the orders placed in it.
- stock management - As an employee I want to see the stock levels of my ingredients and also get a shopping list of the ingredients I need to restock my kitchen to it's proper l
- evels.
- graphics and statistics - As an employee I want to see information, graphics and statistics of my business.
HTTP Method | URL | Request Body | Success Status | Error Status | Description |
POST | /auth/signup |
{userRole, username, password, email, image, aboutMe, address, Features(populate)} | 201 with user object | 404 | validation: fields not empty (422), user not exists (409), create user with encrypted password, store user in session |
POST | /auth/login |
{username, password} | 200 with user object | 404 | validation: fields not empty (422), user exists (404), password matches (404), store user in session |
POST | /auth/logout |
(empty) | 204 | 400 | Logout |
POST | /user-edit |
{ accessToken, userRole, username, password, email, image, aboutMe, address, Features(populate)} | 200 | 400 | Edit user details |
/private/create-recipe |
Private route. Each user can create a new recipe | |||
/private/create-ingredient |
Private route. Each user can create a new ingredient | |||
/private/create-order |
Private route. Each user can create a new order | |||
GET | /session/:accessToken |
{accessToken} | 200 | 404 | Validate session token Router |
GET | /get-orders |
(empty) | 200 | 404 | List all profiles |
GET | /get-orders/:id |
(empty) | 200 | 404 | List deatils specific profile |
GET | /get-recipes |
(empty) | 200 | 404 | List all profiles |
GET | /get-recipes/:id |
(empty) | 200 | 404 | List deatils specific profile |
GET | `/get-users | (empty) | 200 | 404 | List all profiles |
POST | /send-email/:receiver |
{bodyEmail, sender, receiver} | 200 | 404 | Send email |
role: type:{
type: String,
enum: [“client”, "employee"]
name {
firstName: String,
lastName: String
email: String,
password: String,
phone: Number,
address: {
street: string,
city: String,
postCode: Number
location: {
type: String,
enum: [“point”]
coordinates: {
type: [Number],
index: “2dsphere”
formattedAddress: String
currentOrder {},
profilePic: String
{timestamps: true}
name: String,
kitchen: { type: String, enum: [ "Andele", "Burgueso", "Pizza Lola", ] },
price: Number,
ingredients: [ ObjectId ],
recipePackaging: []
name: String,
currentStock: Number,
minimum: Number,
pricePerKg: Number
value: Number,
stage: { type: String, enum: [ "New", "Cooking", "Delivery", “Done”] , default: "New" },
user: objectId,
orderPackaging: [],
recipes: [objectId],
deliveredBy: objectId,
cookedBy: objectId
Url to repository and to deployed project
Url to the presentation slides