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Christian Cardone edited this page Dec 17, 2020 · 28 revisions

Some Pelican settings may not work properly.


Name What does it do?
SITETITLE Site title to show in the sidebar.
SITESUBTITLE Short description to show below subtitle.
SITELOGO Profile picture to show above author name (absolute URL).
SITEDESCRIPTION Site description to use in meta tags.
BROWSER_COLOR Browser color configuration, based on google developers reference.
OG_LOCALE language_TERRITORY for Open Graph. Default is en_US.
COPYRIGHT_NAME Copyright name to display on the footer.
COPYRIGHT_YEAR Copyright year to display on the footer.
CC_LICENSE Creative Commons License to show on the footer. More details in CC License.
ROBOTS Robots meta tag value.
REL_CANONICAL If True emit canonical links, based on google developers reference.
HOME_HIDE_TAGS Hide article tags in Home.
DISABLE_URL_HASH If True hide URL hash.
PAGES_SORT_ATTRIBUTE Allows specifying how page links will be sorted. 'title' by default.
MAIN_MENU If True show the main menu.
MENUITEMS A list of tuples (Title, URL) for additional menu items to appear on the main menu.
LINKS A list of tuples (Title, URL) for links to appear on the sidebar menu.
SOCIAL A list of tuples (name, URL) to appear in the "social" section.
CUSTOM_CSS Path to a CSS file. Need to be used with EXTRA_PATH_METADATA.
USE_LESS Use LESS files instead of CSS (avoid on production, it's for testing purpose)
FAVICON Path to favicon.ico
PYGMENTS_STYLE Code Highlight style. More info.
ARTICLE_HIDE_TRANSLATION Hide translation menu.
LINKS_IN_NEW_TAB Whether to open LINKS in a new window or not. If unset, True, None or all then all LINKS will open in a new window. If external only LINKS to external websites will open in a new window, internal links will open in the same window. With any other value (recommended False) all links will open in the same window.


Name What does it do?
ADD_THIS_ID AddThis public id.
DISQUS_SITENAME Disqus website's shortname to activate Disqus.
DUOSHUO_SITENAME duoshuo website's shortname to activate.
GOOGLE_ANALYTICS Activate Google Analytics.
GUAGES Activate analytics.
GOOGLE_TAG_MANAGER Activate Google Tag Manager.
GOOGLE_GLOBAL_SITE_TAG Activate Google Analytics 4.
STATUSCAKE Show StatusCake Uptime badge on the footer.
PIWIK_SITE_ID or MATOMO_SITE_ID ID for the monitored website.
PIWIK_URL or MATOMO_URL URL to your Piwik/Matomo server - without ‘https://‘ at the beginning.
ISSO_URL URL of your Isso comment server. See The Isso Docs for details.


Name What does it do?
GITHUB_CORNER_URL Link to a Github repo to be displayed in the right top corner (see Github Corners).