The backend test suite can be run outside the Docker container.
We need all but the main backend
service running. Since multiple backend
instances are allowed, we will simply start everything up
docker rm "/mysql"
docker rm "/frontend"
docker rm "/rabbitmq"
docker rm "/redis"
docker rm "/backend"
docker-compose down
docker volume rm treeherder_mysql_data
docker-compose up --build
Treeherder requires specific library versions that will likely interfere with what you have installed. It is best to setup a virtual environment to contain the quirks it introduces.
Be sure you are in the treeherder
main directory
python -m venv .venv # IMPORTANT: Notice the dot in the name
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install --no-deps -r requirements/dev.txt
pip install --no-deps -r requirements/common.txt
...or Windows...
python -m pip install virtualenv # venv is buggy on Windows
REM IMPORTANT: Notice the dot in `.venv`
python -m virtualenv .venv
pip install --no-deps -r requirements\dev.txt
pip install --no-deps -r requirements\common.txt
... or MacOS
python -m venv .venv # IMPORTANT: Notice the dot in the name
source .venv/bin/activate
export LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib #
pip install --no-deps -r requirements/dev.txt
pip install --no-deps -r requirements/common.txt
The pip install order is important: We want the
requirements to overwrite thedev
requirements (in the event there are conflicts)
For Windows, Treeherder requires a number of environment variables that point to the services. In our case, those services are in local docker containers.
If you plan to use an IDE, here is the same, as a very long line
Django can perform a number of checks to ensure you are configured correctly
./ check
Be sure docker-compose is up, you are in the treeherder
main directory, your virtual environment is activated, and your environment variables are set:
source .venv/bin/activate
Followed by either one of the two commands below.
pytest tests
Whenever code changes are detected within the project, command below will run only the associated tests. Test runs will be triggered for either application or tests code changes.
This workflow ensures a considerably faster feedback loop for those wanting to do test driven development.
ptw --runner "pytest --testmon" --clear
If you made some changes, and want to submit a pull request; run the ./
script (found in the main directory). It will run some linters to check your submission.
For Windows, you can run the checks in a container (see below)
After docker-compose up
, you may spin up any number of backend
containers. You may want to run ingestion tasks, go exploring, or run the tests.
docker-compose exec backend bash
docker-compose has three execution modes
- run just the service, and assume the others are runningrun
- run all the services, but do not open their portsup
- run all the services with ports open
More can be read here: docker-composes up vs run vs exec
Inside this container
pytest tests
Running checks locally will allow you to catch linting errors faster. We put the git pre-commit hook into the virtual environment to avoid polluting your dev machine
pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install