Releases: alexbol99/flatten-js
Releases · alexbol99/flatten-js
- [enhancement] does not handle inbetween multipolygons or holes with polygons #26
Bug Fixes:
- [bug] Bug in Polygon.contain method when used on segments #31
- [enhancement] Add ability to set tolerance #28
- [enhancement] Allow creation of Polygon from a Nested Array of Points #23
- [enhancement] Allow creation of face using Face() constructor #16
- [enhancement] provide typescript definition file #3
- [question] Can you please explain why norm of Line is 90 CCW from it vector? #40
- [question] What is the difference between Segment and Line? #37
- [help wanted] Example for Adding a Tooltip to the Polygon With Data #33
- [question] Create vector by ps and direction #21
- [question] Typescript error? #14
- [enhancement] intersect for box and line or segment doesn't exist #30
- [closed] Intersect between a line and polygon doesn't work #13
- [closed] Compile to ES5 before publish to npm #5
@earthiverse Fix typo b320c49
@alexbol99 Merge pull request #35 from earthiverse/patch-1 a873c55
@alexbol99 - Add new methods Face::shapes (getter function) and Face::toPolygon(… c131cab
@alexbol99 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' 5e97a78
@alexbol99 - Fix inheritance conflict by removing "edges" parameter from Face me… 7f77e4d
@alexbol99 - Allow creation of polygon using constructor without need for addFac… 81bf2fd
@alexbol99 - Added method Polygon::splitToIslands() to split polygon into array … a231b8d
@alexbol99 - Upgrade minor version to 1.1.0 1cb90a9
- [closed] comment is not right #27
- [closed] Allow other shapes to be passed into the function #25
- [closed] Add Holes Into Polygons #24
- [closed] Center of polygon #22