Materials have been developed and adapted by many contributors and were originally adapted from Software Carpentry materials.
The first workshop was run at NESCent on May 8-9, 2014 with the development and instruction of lessons by Karen Cranston, Hilmar Lapp, Tracy Teal and Ethan White and contributions from Deb Paul and Mike Smorul.
Data is from the paper S. K. Morgan Ernest, Thomas J. Valone, and James H. Brown. 2009. Long-term monitoring and experimental manipulation of a Chihuahuan Desert ecosystem near Portal, Arizona, USA. Ecology 90:1708.
Original materials adapted from SWC Python lessons by Sarah Supp. John Blischak led the continued development of materials with contributions from Gavin Simpson, Tracy Teal, Greg Wilson, Diego Barneche, Stephen Turner and Karthik Ram.