F# is a strict, statically, and strongly typed, multi-paradigm, language where types are inferred. It supports first-order functions and currying.
F# ≈ OCaml + C# |
- Single-line comments begin with
. - Multi-line comments are enclosed in
(* ⋯ *)
. - Here’s an example of explicit type annotations.
let x : int = 3 let first (x : 'a) (y: 'b) : 'a = x
- Being “strongly typed” means that F# does little to no coercions, casts, for you.
// 5 / 2.5 (* Crashes: 5 and 2.5 are different types *) float 5 / 2.5 ≈ 5.0 / 2.5 ≈ 2.0
F#’s conversion functions are named by the type they convert to; akin to C casts.
- E.g.,
int 23.1
andint "23"
both yield the integer23
. string
is then the traditional “to string” method.
- E.g.,
The F# REPL and compiler are named fsi/fsc
on Windows and fsharpi/fsharpc
on Mac/Linux.
( Running these in Emacs Shell stalls; use ansi-term
instead! )
Ubuntu | sudo apt install mono-complete fsharp |
Mac | brew install mono |
Emacs Setup
(use-package fsharp)
(use-package ob-fsharp)
The [<EntryPoint>]
is necessary for using fsharpc
Example Source File
module CheatSheet
let myInt = 1972;;
let main argv
= printfn "%s" (string myInt)
In a terminal, one runs fsharpi CheatSheet.fs
to load this script,
then open CheatSheet;;
to have unqualified access to all contents; otherwise
type in CheatSheet.myInt;;
to access items.
One may enter multiple lines in the REPL, then execute them by entering ;;
Use #quit;;
to leave the REPL.
Execute fsharpc CheatSheet.fs; mono CheatSheet.exe
to compile the file then run it.
clause by, say, passing another file that has the commands we want executed at the REPL.
The following with fsharpi --nologo CheatSheet.fs --use:"here.fs"
yields 1972
open CheatSheet
A function is declared with the let
—variables are functions of zero arguments.
Function & varaible names must begin with a lowercase letter, and may use _ or '
- Identifiers may have spaces and punctuation in them if they are enclosed in double-backticks;
but no unicode or dashes in-general.
let ``this & that`` = 2
- Functions are like variables, but with arguments, so the same syntax applies.
// Composition
let sum9 = f 4 >> f 5
// Threading: x |> f ≈ f x
1 |> f 4 |> fun x -> 2 //// ⇒ 2
Recursive definitions are marked with the rec
let rec fact n
= if n = 0
then 1
else n * fact (n - 1)
Here’s an example of a higher-order function & multiple local functions & an infix operator & an anonymous function & the main method is parametricly polymorphic.
let try_add (bop : 'a -> 'a -> 'a) (test : 'a -> bool)
(fallback : 'a) (x : 'a) (y : 'a)
= (* (/@/) x y = x /@/ y *)
let (/@/) x y = bop x y
let wrap a = if test a then a else fallback
wrap x /@/ wrap y
699 = try_add (+) (fun a -> a % 3 = 0) (666) (-1) 33
(* The anonymous function uses ‘=’ as Boolean equality. *)
-2 = -2 % 3 (* /Remainder/ after dividing out 3s *)
Top level and nested functions are declared in the same way; the final expression in a definition is the return value.
We also have the η-rule: (fun x -> f x) = f
F# has extension methods, like C#. That is, types are “open” —as in Ruby.
type System.String with
member this.IsCool = this.StartsWith "J"
// Try it out.
true = "Jasim".IsCool
Inequality is expressed with <>
(* false, true, false, true, false, true, true, 1 *)
let x , y = true , false
in x = y, x || y, x && y, x >= y, 12 < 2, "abc" <= "abd"
, 1 <> 2, if x then 1 elif y then 2 else 3
F# strings are not arrays, or lists, of characters as in C or Haskell.
"string catenation" = "string " ^ "catenation"
Seq.toList "woah" // ⇒ ['w'; 'o'; 'a'; 'h']
Printf.printf "%d %s" 1972 "taxi";;
let input = System.Console.ReadLine()
Records: Products with named, rather than positional, components.
type Person = {Name: string; Work: string}
(* Construction *)
let jasim = {Name = "Jasim"; Work = "Farm"}
(* Pattern matching for deconstruction *)
let {Name = who; Work = where} = jasim
// ⇒ who = "Jasim" && where = "Farm"
let {Name = woah} = jasim // ⇒ woah = "Jasim"
let go {Name = qx; Work = qy} = qx.Length + 2
(* Or we can use dot notation -- usual projections *)
let go' p = p.Name ^ p.Work
(* Or using explicit casing *)
let go'' x =
match x with
| {Name = n} -> n
| _ -> "Uknown"
(* “copy with update” *)
let qasim = {jasim with Name = "Qasim"}
Types are “open”, as in Ruby.
type Person with
member self.rank = self.Name.Length
qasim.rank // ⇒ 5
Sums, or “variants”: A unified way to combine different types into a single type;
- Essentially each case denotes a “state” along with some relevant “data”.
- Constructors must begin with a capital letter.
- We may parameterise using OCaml style,
, or/and C# style,<'a>
type 'a Expr = Undefined | Var of 'a | Const of int | Sum of Expr<'a> * 'a Expr
let that = Const 2 (* A value is one of the listed cases. *)
The tags allow us to extract components of a variant value as well as to case against values by inspecting their tags. This is pattern matching.
let’s us do case analysis; underscore matches anything.- Patterns may be guarded using
. - Abbreviation for functions defined by pattern matching:
function cs ≈ fun x -> match x with cs
let rec eval = function
| Undefined as u -> failwith "Evil" (* Throw exception *)
| Var x -> 0 + match x with "x" -> 999 | _ -> -1
| Const n when n <= 9 -> 9
| Sum (l, r) -> eval l + eval r
| _ -> 0 (* Default case *)
4 = eval that
-1 = (Var "nine" |> eval)
999 = eval (Var "x")
0 = eval (Const 10)
(* Type aliases can also be formed this way *)
type myints = int
let it : myints = 3
Note that we can give a pattern a name; above we mentioned u
but did not use it.
- Repeated & non-exhaustive patterns trigger a warning; e.g., remove the default case above.
- You can pattern match on numbers, characters, tuples, options, lists, and arrays.
- E.g.,
[| x ; y ; z|] -> y
- E.g.,
Builtins: Options and Choice —these are known as Maybe
and Either
in Haskell.
type 'a Option = None | Some of 'a
type ('a, 'b) Choice = Choice1Of2 of 'a | Choice2Of2 of 'b
See here for a complete reference on pattern matching.
Tuples: Parentheses are optional, comma is the main operator.
let mytuple : int * string * float = (3, "three", 3.0)
(* Pattern matching & projection *)
let (woah0, woah1, woah2) = mytuple
let add_1and4 (w, x, y, z) = w + z
let that = fst ("that", false)
(* A singelton list of one tuple !!!! *)
let zs = [ 1, "two", true ]
(* A List of pairs *)
['a',0 ; 'b',1 ; 'c', 2]
(* Lists: type 'a list = [] | (::) of 'a * 'a list *)
let xs = [1; 2; 3]
[1; 2; 3] = 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: [] (* Syntactic sugar *)
(* List catenation *)
[1;2;4;6] = [1;2] @ [4;6]
(* Pattern matching example; Only works on lists of length 3 *)
let go [x; y; z] = x + y + z
14 = go [2;5;7]
(* Crashes: Incomplete pattern matching *)
match [1; 2; 3] with
| [] -> 1
| [x; y] -> x
// | (x :: ys) -> x
- Syntax:
[x₀; ...; xₙ]
- Tuples are optionally enclosed in parens;
[x₀, ..., xₙ]
is a singleton list consisting of only one tuple!#
- Tuples are optionally enclosed in parens;
- Cons operation is denoted
Here is [0 ; 3 ; 6 ; 9 ; 12]
in a number of ways:
[0..3..14] (* Ranges, with a step *)
≈ [for i in 0..14 do if i % 3 = 0 then yield i] (* Guarded comprehensions *)
≈ [for i in 0..4 -> 3 * i] (* Simple comprehensions *)
≈ List.init 5 (fun i -> 3 * i)
(* First 5 items of an “unfold” starting at 0 *)
Expected: concat, map, filter, sort, max, min, etc.
starts from the left of the list, foldBack
starts from the right.
does not need an inital accumulator.
zs |> List.reduce (+) // ⇒ 9
(* Example of a simple “for loop”. *)
[1..10] |> List.iter (printfn "value is %A")
Arrays use [|⋯|]
syntax, and are efficient,
but otherwise are treated the same as lists;
Pattern matching & standard functions are nearly identical.
E.g., [| 1; 2 |]
is an array.
Lazy, and infinite, structures are obtained by ‘sequences’.
Option: Expressing whether a value is present or not.
(* type 'a option = None | Some of 'a *)
let divide x y = if y = 0 then None else Some (x / y)
None = divide 1 0
let getInt ox = match ox with None -> 0 | Some x -> x
2 = getInt (Some 2)
Side Effects —Unit Type
Operations whose use produces a side-effect return the unit
This’ akin to the role played by void
in C.
A function is a sequence of expressions; its return value
is the value of the final expression —all other expressions
are of unit type.
let my_io () = printfn "Hello!"
let first x y
= my_io ()
let _ = y
let res = first 1972 12
We may use the %A
to generically print something.
// ⇒ 1 2.000000 true ni x [1; 4]
printfn "%i %f %b %s %c %A" 1 2.0 true "ni" 'x' [1; 4]
Let’s use C#’s integer parsing and printing methods:
let x = System.Int32.Parse("3")
System.Console.WriteLine("hello " + string x)
- F# Meta-Tutorial
- Learn F# in ~60 minutes —https://learnxinyminutes.com/
- F# for Fun & for Profit! – EBook
- Why use F#? —A series of posts
- Microsoft’s .Net F# Guide
- Learn F# in One Video —Derek Banas’ “Learn in One Video” Series
- Real World OCaml —F# shares much syntax with OCaml
- F# Wikibook