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1964 lines (1566 loc) · 65.3 KB

Do-it-yourself Module Systems



The initial goal of this work was to explore how investigations into packaging-up-data —and language extension in general— could benefit from mechanising tedious patterns, thereby reinvigorating the position of universal algebra within computing. Towards that goal, we have decided to create an editor extension that can be used, for instance, to quickly introduce universal algebra constructions for the purposes of “getting things done” in a way that does not force users of an interface to depend on features they do not care about —the so-called Interface Segregation Principle. Moreover, we have repositioned the prototype from being an auxiliary editor extension to instead being an in-language library and have presented its key insights so that it can be implemented in other dependently-typed settings besides Agda.


In dependently-typed settings (DTS), it is common practice to operate on packages —by renaming them, hiding parts, adding new parts, etc.— and the frameworks presented in this thesis show that it is indeed possible to treat packages nearly as first-class citizens “after the fact” even when a language does not assign them such a status. The techniques presented show that this approach is feasible as an in-language library for DTS as well as for any highly customisable and extensible text editor.

Beamer Setup





What is the problem?


With a bit of reflection, we can obtain

  1. a uniform, and practical, syntax for both records (semantics) and termtypes (syntax)
  2. on-the-fly unbundling; and,
  3. mechanically obtain data structures from theories \pause
    ‘theory’ τ‘data structure’ termtype τ
    pointed set𝟙
    dynamic system
    monoidtree skeletons
    graphs(homogeneous) pairs
    actionsinfinite streams

What does a “module, package, context” look like?

record Monoid₂
         (Carrier : Set)
         (_⨾_     :  Carrier  Carrier  Carrier) : Set where
         Id      :  Carrier
         lid     :  {x}    Id ⨾ x  ≡  x
         rid     :  {x}    x ⨾ Id  ≡  x
         assoc   :  {x y z}   (x ⨾ y) ⨾ z  ≡  x ⨾ (y ⨾ z)


Monoids model unityped composition: Sticking words on a page, sequencing programs, following instructions.

What is in a monoid?

People work with monoids at various levels of exposure


  • “Let 𝑴 be a monoid, …” \vspace{1em}\pause
  • “Given a monoid over ℕ, …” \vspace{1em}\pause
  • “Consider /the/ monoid (ℕ, +), …”
    • (Unique viz proof irrelevance.) \vspace{1em}\pause
  • “Consider /the/ monoid (ℕ, +, 0), …”

“A monoid consists of a collection Carrier, an operation, …”?

record Monoid₀  : Set₁  where
  field  Carrier : Set
         _⨾_     :  Carrier  Carrier  Carrier
         Id      :  Carrier
         lid     :  {x}    Id ⨾ x  ≡  x
         rid     :  {x}    x ⨾ Id  ≡  x
         assoc   :  {x y z}   (x ⨾ y) ⨾ z  ≡  x ⨾ (y ⨾ z)
Use-case: The category of monoids.

“A monoid over a given collection Carrier and operation _⨾_ is given by ensuring there is a selected point …”?

record Monoid₁
         (Carrier : Set)   : Set  where
  field -- ⟵⟵⟵⟵⟵⟵⟵⟵⟵⟵⟵⟵ Change here
         _⨾_     :  Carrier  Carrier  Carrier
         Id      :  Carrier
         lid     :  {x}    Id ⨾ x  ≡  x
         rid     :  {x}    x ⨾ Id  ≡  x
         assoc   :  {x y z}   (x ⨾ y) ⨾ z  ≡  x ⨾ (y ⨾ z)
Use-case: Sharing the carrier type

Or … ?

record Monoid₂
         (Carrier : Set)
         (_⨾_     :  Carrier  Carrier  Carrier) : Set where
  field -- ⟵⟵⟵⟵⟵⟵⟵⟵⟵⟵⟵⟵ Change here
         Id      :  Carrier
         lid     :  {x}    Id ⨾ x  ≡  x
         rid     :  {x}    x ⨾ Id  ≡  x
         assoc   :  {x y z}   (x ⨾ y) ⨾ z  ≡  x ⨾ (y ⨾ z)
Use-case: The additive monoid on the ℕatural numbers

Or … ?

record Monoid₃
         (Carrier : Set)
         (_⨾_     :  Carrier  Carrier  Carrier)
         (Id      :  Carrier)      : Set  where
  field -- ⟵⟵⟵⟵⟵⟵⟵⟵⟵⟵⟵⟵ Change here
         lid     :  {x}    Id ⨾ x  ≡  x
         rid     :  {x}    x ⨾ Id  ≡  x
         assoc   :  {x y z}   (x ⨾ y) ⨾ z  ≡  x ⨾ (y ⨾ z)

Tom Hales —Kepler Conjecture / Flyspeck

Structures are meaninglessly parameterized from a mathematical perspective. […] That is, what is bundled cannot be later opened up as a parameter. […] This means that library designers are forced to take a conservative approach and expose as a parameter anything that any user might reasonably want exposed, because once it is bundled, it is not coming back.

\hfill —A Review of the Lean Theorem Prover, 2018-09-18

Where does this actually happen?

  • Agda’s Standard Library,
  • RATH-Agda,
  • agda-categories
  • Haskell’s Standard Library

What are the adjacent problems?

\alert{Maintenance of relationships} …


Monoid  Σ C : Set  MonoidC


MonoidC    Σ 𝑴 : Monoid Monoid.Carrier 𝑴  C


  • Termtypes?
  • Extensions?
  • Exclusions?
  • Pushouts: Name-relevant unions?

Roadmap —“PackageFormer ≈ Context ≈ JSON-Object”

  1. The src_emacs-lisp[:exports code]{PackageFormer} Prototype: A useful experimentation tool
  2. The src_haskell[:exports code]{Context} Library: Unbundling in Agda
  3. Algebraic data types as a semantics for contexts

The src_emacs-lisp[:exports code]{PackageFormer} Prototype: A useful experimentation tool

Evidence that the theory ‘actually works’

Prototype with an editor extension then incorporate lessons learned into a DTL library!

Generated code displayed on hover

A Language Feature to Unbundle Data at Will (GPCE ‘19)


The Definition of a Monoid

PackageFormer MonoidP : Setwhere
  Carrier : Set
  __     : Carrier  Carrier  Carrier
  Id      : Carrier
  assoc   :  {x y z}    (x  y)  z    x  (y  z)
  leftId  :  {x}    Id  x    x
  rightId :  {x}    x  Id    x



  Tree = MonoidP termtype-with-variables "Carrier"

  data Tree (Var : Set) : Set where
    inj : Var  Tree Var
    __   : Tree Var  Tree Var  Tree Var
    Id  : Tree Var


_Linear_ effort in number of variations


record : PackageFormer  PackageFormer
record = :kind record
         :alter-elements (λ es → (--map (map-qualifier (-const "field") it) es))

Pushout unions, intersections, extensions, views, …

(𝒱 union pf (renaming₁ "") (renaming₂ "")
            (adjoin-retract₁ t) (adjoin-retract₂ t)
 = :alter-elements (λ es →
     (let* ((p (symbol-name 'pf))
            (es₁ (alter-elements es renaming renaming₁ :adjoin-retract nil))
            (es₂ (alter-elements ($𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠-𝑜𝑓 p) renaming renaming₂ :adjoin-retract nil))
            (es′ (-concat es₁ es₂)))
   (-concat    ;; return value
       (when adjoin-retract₁ (list (element-retract $𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 es :new es₁ :name adjoin-retract₁)))
       (when adjoin-retract₂ (list (element-retract p     ($𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠-𝑜𝑓 p) :new es₂ :name adjoin-retract₂)))))))

Generated 200+ theories using the Lisp metaprogramming framework —the MathScheme library

AdditiveMagma            = Magma renaming "_*_ to _+_"
LeftDivisionMagma        = Magma renaming "_*_ to _╲_"
RightDivisionMagma       = Magma renaming "_*_ to _╱_"
LeftOperation            = MultiCarrier extended-by "_⟫_ : U → S → S"
RightOperation           = MultiCarrier extended-by "_⟪_ : S → U → S"
IdempotentMagma          = Magma extended-by "*-idempotent : ∀ (x : U) → (x * x) ≡ x"
IdempotentAdditiveMagma  = IdempotentMagma renaming "_*_ to _+_"
SelectiveMagma           = Magma extended-by "*-selective : ∀ (x y : U) → (x * y ≡ x) ⊎ (x * y ≡ y)"
SelectiveAdditiveMagma   = SelectiveMagma renaming "_*_ to _+_"
PointedMagma             = Magma union PointedCarrier
Pointed𝟘Magma            = PointedMagma renaming "e to 𝟘"
AdditivePointed1Magma    = PointedMagma renaming "_*_ to _+_; e to 𝟙"
LeftPointAction          = PointedMagma extended-by "pointactLeft  :  U → U; pointactLeft x = e * x"
RightPointAction         = PointedMagma extended-by "pointactRight  :  U → U; pointactRight x = x * e"
CommutativeMagma         = Magma extended-by "*-commutative  :  ∀ (x y : U) →  (x * y) ≡ (y * x)"
CommutativeAdditiveMagma = CommutativeMagma renaming "_*_ to _+_"
PointedCommutativeMagma  = PointedMagma union CommutativeMagma  :remark "over Magma"
AntiAbsorbent            = Magma extended-by "*-anti-self-absorbent  : ∀ (x y : U) → (x * (x * y)) ≡ y"
SteinerMagma             = CommutativeMagma union AntiAbsorbent  :remark "over Magma"
Squag                    = SteinerMagma union IdempotentMagma  :remark "over Magma"
PointedSteinerMagma      = PointedMagma union SteinerMagma  :remark "over Magma"
UnipotentPointedMagma    = PointedMagma extended-by "unipotent  : ∀ (x : U) →  (x * x) ≡ e"
Sloop                    = PointedSteinerMagma union UnipotentPointedMagma

Primary Lessons Learned

  1. Waist
  2. Termtypes
  3. Pragmatic

User-defined variational: Drop definitions when lifting fields into parameters.

(𝒱 unbundling n
 = "Turn the first N elements into parameters to the PackageFormer.

    Any elements above the waist line have their equations dropped."
   :waist n
   :alter-elements (λ es →
     (-let [i 0]
       (--graph-map (progn (incf i) (<= i n))
                    (map-equations (-const nil) it)

The Unbundling Problem —in Agda

What is “the” monoid on the natural numbers?

Some types can be viewed as a monoid in more than one way, e.g. both addition and multiplication on numbers. In such cases we often define newtypes and make those instances of Monoid, e.g. Sum and Product. —Hackage Data.Monoid

Sum α  α  {- and -} Product α  α

Alternate Solution to Multiple Monoid Instance Problem

Start with fully bundled src_haskell[:exports code]{Monoid} then expose fields as parameters on the fly.

\pause Reflection!

  • Unfortunately, current mechanism cannot touch src_haskell[:exports code]{record}-s directly.
  • But every record is a Σ-type…

Records as ΠʷΣ-types —Partitioned Contexts

  • Instead of the nice syntactic sugar
    record R (ε¹ : τ¹)  (εʷ : τʷ) : Set
          εʷ¹ : τʷ¹
          εʷ: τʷ


  • Use a rawer form —/eek!/
    R  : Π ε¹   : τ¹     Π εʷ   : τʷ  Set
    R    λ ε¹  : τ¹     λ εʷ   : τʷ
         Σ εʷ¹ : τʷ¹    Σ εʷ: τʷ 𝟙


A Pragmatic Notation —Contexts

Monoid : Context ℓ₁
Monoid = do Carrier  Set
            __      (Carrier  Carrier  Carrier)
            Id       Carrier
            leftId    (x : Carrier)  x  Id  x
            rightId   (x : Carrier)  Id  x  x
            assoc     (x y z)  (x  y)  z    x  (y  z)
            End {ℓ}

What is src_haskell[:exports code]{Context}?

  1. “Contexts” are exposure-indexed types
    Context = λ ℓ  (waist : )  Set
  2. The “empty context” is the unit type
    End :  {ℓ}  ContextEnd {ℓ} = λ _  𝟙 {ℓ}
  3. src_haskell[:exports code]{do}-notation!
    _>>=_ :  {a b}
           (Γ : Context a)
           ( {n}  Γ n  Context b)
           Context (a  b)
    (Γ >>= f) zero    = Σ γ  Γ 0  f γ 0
    (Γ >>= f) (suc n) = Π γ  Γ n  f γ n

Using Contexts —@@latex:\emph{re"{\i}fication}@@

Monoid : Context
Monoid = do C  Set; __ : C  C  C; Id  C; 

\vspace{1em} \pause

Πλ  Πʷ x  τ   =   λʷ x  τ


C :waist w   =   Πλ (C w)


Monoid : Context
Monoid = do C  Set; __ : C  C  C; Id  C; 


Monoid :waist 0  : SetMonoid :waist 0    Σ C : Set  Σ __ : C  C  C  Σ Id : C  


Monoid :waist 1  :  Π C : Set  Set
Monoid :waist 1  =  λ C : Set  Σ __ : C  C  C  Σ Id : C  


Monoid :waist 2  :  Π C : Set  Π __ : C  C  C  Set
Monoid :waist 2  =  λ C : Set  λ __ : C  C  C  Σ Id : C  

Example Instance —Additive Naturals

  : (Monoid ℓ₀ :waist 1) 
  =  _+_           -- _⨾_
      , 0             -- Id
      , +-identityˡ
      , +-identityʳ
      , +-assoc

Summary: Solve the unbundling problem

‘Unbundle’ module fields as if they were parameters ‘on the fly’

\pause \vspace{-1.2em}


𝒩: DynamicSystem :waist 0
𝒩=   , 0 , suc 

𝒩¹ : (DynamicSystem :waist 1) 
𝒩¹ =  0 , suc 

𝒩² : (DynamicSystem :waist 2)  0
𝒩² =  suc 

𝒩³ : (DynamicSystem :waist 3)  0 suc
𝒩³ = ⟨⟩

Without redefining src_haskell[:exports code]{DynamicSystem}, we are able to fix some of its fields by making them into parameters!

Datatypes for ASTs are also Contexts too!

From Contexts to Syntax Definitions

src_haskell[:exports code]{Monoid}

do C  Set; __ : C  C  C; Id : C; 

λ C : Set  Σ __ : C  C  C  Σ Id : C  

λ C : Set  Σ __ : C  C  C  Σ Id : C  𝟙

λ C : Set        C × C             C  𝟙

μ C : Set        C × C             C  𝟙


Monoids give rise to tree skeletons / Context

Monoid :  Context (ℓsuc ℓ)
Monoid= do Carrier  Set ℓ
              __      (Carrier  Carrier  Carrier)
              Id       Carrier
              leftId    {x : Carrier}  Id  x  x
              rightId   {x : Carrier}  x  Id  x
              assoc     {x y z}  (x  y)  z    x  (y  z)
              End {ℓ}

Monoids give rise to tree skeletons / Termtype

𝕄 : Set
𝕄 = termtype (Monoid ℓ₀ :waist 1)
that-is : 𝕄
              -- _⊕_, branch
              X × X × 𝟙
              -- Id, nil leaf
              -- invariant leftId
              -- invariant rightId
              -- invariant assoc
              --  the “End {ℓ}”
that-is = refl

Monoids give rise to tree skeletons / Readability

-- : 𝕄
pattern emptyM
    = μ (inj₂ (inj₁ tt))
-- : 𝕄 → 𝕄 → 𝕄
pattern branchM l r
    = μ (inj₁ (l , r , tt))
-- absurd 𝟘-values
pattern absurdM a
    = μ (inj₂ (inj₂ (inj₂ (inj₂ a))))

Monoids give rise to tree skeletons / termtype Monoid ≅ TreeSkeleton

data TreeSkeleton : Set where
  empty  : TreeSkeleton
  branch : TreeSkeleton  TreeSkeleton  TreeSkeleton
  • “doing nothing”
    to : 𝕄  TreeSkeleton
    to emptyM        = empty
    to (branchM l r) = branch (to l) (to r)
    to (absurdM (inj₁ ()))
    to (absurdM (inj₂ ()))
  • “doing nothing”
    from : TreeSkeleton  𝕄
    from empty        = emptyM
    from (branch l r) = branchM (from l) (from r)

Summary: Contexts ↦ {Records, Syntax}

Bring \alert{algebraic data types} under the umbrella of grouping mechanisms:




data 𝔻 : Set where
    startD : 𝔻
    nextD  : 𝔻  𝔻

\pause \vspace{-1.3em}


𝔻 = termtype (DynamicSystem :waist 1)

-- Pattern synonyms for more compact presentation
pattern startD  = μ (inj₁ tt)       -- : 𝔻
pattern nextD e = μ (inj₂ (inj₁ e)) -- : 𝔻 → 𝔻
trivial : 𝔻  

Summary: Common data-structures as free termtypes

‘theory’ τ‘data structure’ termtype τ
pointed set𝟙
dynamic system
monoidtree skeletons
graphs(homogeneous) pairs
actionsinfinite streams

Many more theories τ to explore and see what data structures arise!


“All” module constructions are born from Context

\pause \vspace{0.5em}

  • Context: “name-type pairs”
    do S  Set; s  S; n  (S  S); End
  • Record Type: “bundled-up data”
    Σ S  Set  Σ s  S  Σ n  S  S  𝟙


  • Function Type: “a type of functions”
    Π S  Σ s  S  Σ n  S  S  𝟙


  • Type constructor: “a function on types”
    λ S  Σ s  S  Σ n  S  S  𝟙


  • Algebraic datatype: “a descriptive syntax”
    data 𝔻 : Set where s : 𝔻; n : 𝔻  𝔻


  1. Identify the \alert{module design patterns} used by DTL practitioners
  2. Demonstrate that there is an expressive yet minimal set of primitives which allow common module constructions to be defined
  3. Bring \alert{algebraic data types} under the umbrella of grouping mechanisms
  4. The ability to ‘unbundle’ module fields as if they were parameters ‘on the fly’
  5. Show that common data-structures are \alert{mechanically the (free) termtypes} of common modules
  6. Demonstrate that there is a \alert{practical implementation} of such a framework
  7. Finally, the resulting framework is mostly \alert{type-theory agnostic}.