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Windows Snapshot Builds

natowi edited this page May 28, 2020 · 25 revisions

Note: At the moment the snapshot does not work properly. It will be fixed soon. In the meantime you can use this working snapshot from March 2020 This snapshot can directly be used from the cli, but does not work with latest Meshroom devbuild.

Building AliceVision on Windows can be complicated. If you need the most recent Alicevision build or want to test a new Pull Request / Commit, you can download pre-build snapshot binaries from the appveyor build Artifacts tab. The ZIP archive includes .exe, .dll, .lib, .exp files.

Note: Snapshot builds are intended for developers and testers and should be considered unstable. For this reason, Snapshots are not officially supported and subject to change. You can find the latest official, stable release here.

To get a snapshot build from a commit within a open Pull Request, click on the green check mark next to the commit id (continuous-integration/appveyor/pr — AppVeyor build succeeded .... Details), click on Details and go to the Artifacts tab. If you find bugs in a PR, please report them directly in the corresponding PR discussions.

To get the latest develop snapshot build go to the AliceVision develop repository and click on the green check mark and click on Details:


On the Appveyor page go to the Artifacts tab: appv2


Q: Why don´t you push Snapshot builds for AliceVision_develop to the Github Releases tab?

A: We don´t want to have hundreds of different releases with minor changes.

Q: Why is the Snapshot xy missing?

A: The build could be pending (yellow), failed (red) or has been deleted. Artifacts older than 6 months are automatically deleted

Q: Will there be Snapshot builds for Linux/OSX?

A: Linux: maybe OSX: unlikely (But you are welcome to contribute a travis/appveyor setup file)

Q: The Snapshot build does not work with Meshroom

A: You need a Meshroom build that is compatible with your AliceVision build. Use the latest develop builds from Alicevision, Meshroom, qtplugins,... If this does not work for you, please use the official release. We are working on snapshot builds for Meshroom and the plugins, too.

Q: SensorDatabase / VocTree is missing

A: These files are not included in Snapshot builds.

  • sensor database: a text database of sensor width per camera model. Provided in AliceVision source tree: {ALICEVISION_ROOT}/src/aliceVision/sensorDB/cameraSensors.db
  • voctree (optional): for larger datasets (>200 images), greatly improves image matching performances. It can be downloaded here.

Once there a snapshot builds available for all Meshroom components, they can be arranged into the following struture:

Meshroom standalone structure

  • Meshroom/

    • Meshroom # main executable

    • # Meshroom COPYING file

    • aliceVision/

      • bin/ # runtime bundled binaries (windows: exe + libs, unix: executables)
      • lib/ # runtime bundled libraries (unix: libs)
      • share/ # resource files
        • aliceVision/
          • # AliceVision COPYING file
          • cameraSensors.db # sensor database
          • vlfeat_K80L3.tree # voctree file
  • lib/ # Python lib folder

  • qtPlugins/

    • imageformats
      • QtOIIOPlugin dll/lib
    • qml
      • AlembicEntity
        • alembicEntityQmlPlugin dll/lib
      • AliceVision
        • qtAliceVisionPlugin dll/lib
      • DepthMapEntity
        • depthMapEntityQmlPlugin dll/lib
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