This is a simple interpreter for lambda calculus
You can use the interpreter in two modes :
- Interactive mode if you provide no arguments
- File mode if you provide the name of a file
You can define an abstraction over a variable this way : \x.x+1
This function takes a parameter and adds 1 to it.
To take multiple parameters, you can use currying : \x.\y.x+y
To apply a function, you can use the following syntax : (\x.x+1) 2
(returns 3)
The same goes for multiple arguments : (\x.\y.x+y) 1 2
(returns 3)
By using currying, you can create partial applications : (\x.\y.x+y) 1
is the same as \y.1+y
Arguments are evaluated before being passed in the function, even if the function doesn't use them
Example : in (\x.2) 1+2
, 1+2
is evaluated.
\f.\x.f x
takes two parameters : a function f and a value x, then applies f to x.
Example : (\f.\x.f x) (\x.x+1) 1
is equivalent to (\x.x+1) 1
which returns 2
You can make a conditional using the ternary operator syntax :
cond ? true_branch : false_branch
example : 8>5 ? 1 : 0
Expressions not are not evaluated if they are in the branch that doesn't correspond to the condition.
Despite all functions being lambdas (anonymous), you can create recursive functions by using a fixed point operator.
The interpreter being eager, you can use the eager version of the Y-combinator : \f.(\x.f (\.v.x x v)) (\x.f (\v.x x v))
Example for creating a recursive fibonacci function :
(\f.(\x.f (\v.x x v)) (\x.f (\v.x x v))) (\f.\x.x<2 ? 1 : (f x-1) + (f x-2))
Calculating fib(25):
(\f.(\x.f (\v.x x v)) (\x.f (\v.x x v))) (\f.\x.x<2 ? 1 : (f x-1) + (f x-2)) 25
(returns 121393)
Operator priority :
- parentheses
- Application
- Conditional
- Abstraction
Arithmetic and conditional operators of same priority are done from left to right, for example : a+b-c
will be executed as (a+b)-c
and a=b!=c
as (a=b)!=c
Applications are done left to right so for example a b c
is the same as (a b) c
Application have higher priority than conditionals so a?b:c d
is the same as a?b:(c d)
Applications have higher priority than abstractions so \f.\x.f x
is equivalent to \f.\x.(f x)
No type checking is done when parsing the program, so for example, 1+1 2
is valid code, but will throw a runtime error because 1+1
isn't a function.