CORS allow web application visit resources not belongs it's domain. OSS provide interface to help developer control the premissions.
With Client#bucket_enable_cors, you can set cors easily:
require 'aliyun/oss'
access_key, secret_key = "your id", "your secret"
host = ""
bucket = "bucket-name"
client =, secret_key, host: host, bucket: bucket)
rule = ['get'], allowed_origins: ['*'])
res = client.bucket_enable_cors([rule])
puts res.success?, res.headers
More about the rules, visit OSS API and Struct::Cors
To get current cors rules, you can use Client#bucket_get_cors:
require 'aliyun/oss'
access_key, secret_key = "your id", "your secret"
host = ""
bucket = "bucket-name"
client =, secret_key, host: host, bucket: bucket)
res = client.bucket_get_cors
puts res.success?, res.parsed_response
If you want to diable CORS, just like below:
require 'aliyun/oss'
access_key, secret_key = "your id", "your secret"
host = ""
bucket = "bucket-name"
client =, secret_key, host: host, bucket: bucket)
# create a private bucket on oss-cn-beijing
res = client.bucket_disable_cors
puts res.success?, res.headers
Note: disable CORS will remove all existing CORS Rules.
Now, Let's go to next section: LifeCycle