Releases: allista/hangar
Asteroid Hangars & More
To see all the changes since v1.3.0, please, read the notes for two previous beta releases
- Lowered drag of the Habitable Inline Hangar a little (rounded ends should count for something)
- Wrote a proper documentation
- Fixed mass calculation on resize of a hangar that has some vessels stored in editor.
- Corrected definition of resources: no need to install Extraplanetary Launchpads for converters to work.
- Fixed the bug that caused a part with configurable switchable tanks to lose tanks configuration on "Revert to VAB/SPH".
- Prefilled switchable tanks do not fill themselves on each resource switch anymore.
- Inflatable Hangars now allow to store only one vessel at a time.
- Rebalanced masses:
- Inline Hangars, Ground Hangars, Spaceport and Rover Lander are little lighter now,
- But Hangar Extensions are heavier due to the machinery that allows to transfer vessels between them.
- Mobile Smelter also became heavier as its hull is made of steel to withstand the heating.
- Reduced drag of the Procedural Adapter.
- Added more info for Passage, Storage and Hangars modules in part library.
- Parts with HangarStorage module now always reset their base mass to the value from part.cfg.
I has rewrote the core implementation of Hangar module to allow for new features to be added. It should not break any saves by itself, but there's so much new in the code that some nasty bugs are inevitably there at this point.
Three major features are added:
- Hangar Extensions
- Asteroid Hangars
- Switchable Resource Containers and Converters which are needed for the Asteroid Hangars
Hangar Extensions
These are parts that do not have docking space with doors to accept vessels, but they can store vessels inside and if you connect them to a hangar correctly, they extend its storage capabilities. The key thing is: each extension and some of the hangars (for now only the small inline hangar supports this) has their stack attach nodes marked as Hangar Passages (see part description in part library); a ship may only pass from one part to another through a connected pair of such nods, and only if their size allows. So by connecting extensions through Hangar Passages you may build an extensive and complex storage space with only a single hangar to accept and launch vessels. Provided Radial Adapters and Docking Ports (but not the Station Hub) also support this mode, so you may even add storage space by docking. Or directly transfer stored vessel from one carrier to another without launching it first.
Asteroid Hangars
Yes. This is what it sounds to be: you can now build a hangar inside an asteroid. But it is not an easy task to do. Aside from a big asteroid you need to:
- attach the Asteroid Hatch to the asteroid. The Hatch is a special grapple device that may be fixed to the asteroid permanently. It should also be equipped with the special docking port which is provided as well.
- dock to The Hatch with the Asteroid Drill and slowly burrow a hole in the asteroid large enough to hold ships
- undock the Drill and dock the Asteroid Gateway -- a part that enables you to accept vessels inside the asteroid and launch them back.
NOTE: this framework is not compatible with the USI Asteroid Recycling Technologies. Both mods may be installed at the same time, but you cannot use the same asteroid both as a hangar and by ART machinery. I've wrote some dirty protection code preventing this from happening and you are free to test it, but in the stable release I would encourage users to use an asteroid with one of the mods only. Besides, as I will explain below, an asteroid Hangar has more or less the capabilities as the ART-utilized asteroid.
Switchable Resource Containers and Converters
The challenge of creating a hangar inside an asteroid is even more complex, as digging produces grinded Rock resource which you should dispose of or convert: Rock->Ore+Silicates; Ore->Metal+Slag. And while Slag is a waste product and Silicates are only usable if you are playing with MKS/OKS, the Metal may be used to build resource containers inside the asteroid. Each container has a type that defines which resources it may hold. If a tank is empty its resource may be switched within the type. This functionality is available through the part menu of the Asteroid Hatch.
Also, several parts with the same capability are provided and may be used to build cargo vessels of broad specialization. In Editor these parts may also be partitioned into several sub-containers of different types.
Inflatable Ground Hangars
If you're upgrading from v1.1.1.1 or below, follow these instructions:
- If your savegame contains landed Rover Lander with opened doors,
- switch to it before upgrading and close the doors.
- Delete the old version of the mod before installing this one.
You may keep the config.xml to save positions of GUI windows. - Install the new version.
- If your savegame contains:
- Any ship that includes:
- S4-S3 or S4-S2 adapters
- small Inline Hangar
- small Ground Hangar:
- install the Deprecated Parts Addon, then recover these ships.
- Any ship that includes:
- After that, if you have installed the Deprecated Parts Addon, uninstall it.
Delete the old version of the mod before installing the new one.
You may keep the config.xml to save positions of GUI windows.
- Recompiled for KSP 0.25.0
- Added Inflatable Ground Hangars. They are very light, cheap and tough. You can drop them from orbit using smallest thrusters and parachutes, then fix them to the ground with the anchor, inflate them and store rovers inside. If they're not needed you may deflate them and pack again. The downside, though, is that you can't use resource or crew transfer inside of these.
- Added Small Square Heatshield for Inflatable Hangars.
- Added a solar panel on the roof of the Small Ground Hangar.
- Rearranged size limits, hangars and other parts on the Tech Tree. See the corresponding picture. Unfortunately, introduction of new hangars often requires this to maintain in-game balance.
- Added dummy parts to TechTree nodes corresponding to resize limits changes and RemoteTech upgrades (if you have it installed).
- Fixed entry costs of all parts. Now they cost, and cost a lot.
- Fixed Heavy Recycler not appearing on the TechTree.
- Heavily reworked mass and cost calculations. As a result, most hangars are much lighter now.
- Made some remodeling:
- Standard ground hangars now have much thinner walls and doors,
- Rover Lander has a better looking top node and additional set of reinforcement ribs on the side doors. These prevent the door from sometimes passing through the ground.
- The drag of cube-shaped hangars and heatshields was increased.
- The maximum temperatures of all parts were decreased drastically and are closer to the values from DeadlyReentry. Honestly, how can aluminum can endure 3400C when Al melts at 660C?!
- If you use DeadlyReentry: the amount of Ablative Shielding on heatshields is now increases only as area, ignoring aspect changes.
- Updated support of TAC LS to version 0.10. Note, that this version is not compatible with version 0.9.*, so you have to update TAC LS if you use it with the Hangar.
- Made all hangars Inactive by default.
- Fixed the strength of the stack nodes of resizable part not being updated on resize.
- Fixed one of the rare occurring bugs with Procedural Adapter which caused some attached parts to be missing and the whole ship-construct to break the game.
- See the list of changes and bugfixes and commit history for more...
Improved Functionality Update
- v1.2.1 - IF you are upgrading from v1.1.1.1 or below, READ THE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR v1.2.0 CAREFULLY
- Added an option to launch vessels from a hangar in orbit with a slight push. Launching small probes that don't have RCS is much simpler now.
- When a vessel is pushed out of the hangar or is stored at non-zero relative velocity, the hangar itself receives a push to conserve impulse of the system.
- Added +1 button to Hangar Contents Editor window to easily add multiple identical vessels in Editor.
- Changed center of mass of Inhabitable hangars so that it is closer to geometric center of the parts.
- Inline hangars and Spaceport (the hangars with non-box-shaped hangar space) now refuse to store vessels that fit by dimensions but may actually collide with hangar walls when launched.
- Active hangars and opening/closing hangar doors consume electric charge now.
- Opened hangar doors now increase Drag of hangars. In case of the Rover Lander this increase (as expected from its geometry) is considerable.
- Rebalanced parts' masses and costs. Inter alia: Rover Lander and Inline Hangars became lighter and Station Hub does not gain so much weight when resized.
- Reworked rover wheels friction workaround a little. It uses ModuleManager now, so without MM your rovers will slide on a hangar floor.
- Fixed Heavy Recycler cost. As well as cost calculations of all resizable parts that contain resources.
- Fixed problem with storing ships containing resizable parts in editor.
- Fixed problem with launching of ships containing several hangars with something stored in editor in more than one of them.
- See the full list of changes and bugfixes...
- Added an option to launch vessels from a hangar in orbit with a slight push. Launching small probes that don't have RCS is much simpler now.
Visual Quality and Usability Update
!!! v1.2.0 WARNING WARNING WARNING v1.2.0 !!!
This update may break your saves, BUT all breaks are easily fixable.
To safely install the update, do the following:
If your savegame contains landed Rover Lander with opened doors,
- switch to it before upgrading and close the doors.
Delete the old version of the mod before installing this one.
You may keep the config.xml to save positions of GUI windows, though. -
Install the new version.
If your savegame contains:
- Any ship that includes S4-S3 or S4-S2 adapters:
- install the Deprecated Parts Addon, then recover such ship and rebuild it in editor using new Universal Stack Adapter
- Any ship that includes small Inline Hangar or small Ground Hangar, you should either:
- install the Deprecated Parts Addon, then recover such ship and rebuild it in editor,
- or open the savegame file in any text editor, find the corresponding part (InlineHangar1 or Hangar1), find the HangarPartResizer module and multiply the value of the size parameter by 2 (see the HOWTO for details).
- Any ship that includes S4-S3 or S4-S2 adapters:
After that, if you have installed the Deprecated Parts Addon, uninstall it.
- ChangeLog
- Added resizable Radial-to-Stack Adapters and the 6-node Station Hub with elongated radial tubes to connect parts that are wider than their attach nodes.
- Added Procedural Adapter with separately resizable stack nodes to connect resized hangars with other parts seamlessly.
- Added resizable Heavy Recycler for those who have Extraplanetary Launchpads (the part will not appear if ExLP is not present). It is more powerful, has integrated lights and metal storage. Its model matches more or less the style of hangars and its trigger area is much smaller and is hidden between two arms that help to prevent accidental recycling and add a little bit of realism.
- REMOVED S4-S3 and S4-S2 adapters. If you used them in some ships that are currently in flight, install the DeprecatedParts addon, or it'll break your save.
- Reworked the model of the Small Inline Hangar. It is not rounded anymore and has size2 attach nodes. Textures for both Inline Hangars were improved a little.
- Changed the default size (as indicated in the tweakable of a resizable part) of small Inline Hangar and Ground Hangar. They are now considered to be size2 parts. This means they can only be scaled up to twice their original size and can never be as large as their Inhabitalbe counterparts. This gives some specialization to these parts and improves ingame balance.
- Rebalanced TechTree distribution of sizes and parts. See the corresponding picture.
- Corrected Mass, Cost and Entry Cost calculations for all parts. Some became a little heavier and more expensive, some lighter and cheaper; and for all of them the Entry Cost is increased to be more stock-alike. But the more expensive the part, the less its Entry Cost in percentage.
- Added side-walls to ramps of the Rover Lander, and made the ramps open 10 degrees more to be able to fit all low profile engines underneath, including Aerospike and Puddle.
- Added officially maintained DesaturatedTexturePack.
- See the full list of changes and bugfixes...
Hotfix for #42
- Rovers are now launched at the planet/moon where the launching hangar is landed. Sorry for that stupid bug ^_^'
- Improved DropDownList: ScrollView now takes all the space to the bottom of the window and the button is wide enough to contain the longest item from the list. Also numbering of items starts from 1 now.
v1.1.1: Bugfixes and Improvements
- v1.1.1
- Added support for the stock AppLauncher. The Toolbar is no longer required, but it takes priority over the AppLauncher if installed.
- Added option to show in Editor arrows indicating ship's forward and downward directions; such arrows are also shown for each hangar indicating orientation of a launched vessel. This should be especially helpful in rover construction, as rover's orientation often differs from the orientation of its control part.
- Added names to hangars and an option to rename a hangar through a context menu.
- Removed docking ports from the ground hangars. If you have something somehow docked to these ports, undock it prior to updating.
- Important bugfixes (see the full list):
- Fixed the problem with friction between rover wheels and hangar's floor.
- GUI Windows are now constrained to the screen boundaries.
- Hangar selector is now shown only if there're multiple hangars in the same vessel.
- A ship with launch clamps cannot be stored inside a hangar in Editor anymore.
v1.1.0: Rover Lander Release
- Added Rover Lander Hangar to easily land rovers on planetary bodies
- Added (proper) support for TAC Life Support, RemoteTech2 and DeadlyReentry (a heatshield for Rover Lander is included)
- Added recalculation of the amounts of resources on part resize, as well as several other properties of some modules. Unfortunately, I have to replicate some of TweakScale's functionality here; my part resizer is more specialized and TweakScale can't replace it, as much as want it to.
- Fixed issues: 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17