Given 2 arrays (one with the Teams in competition and the other with the results), return the most winning Team.
I have seen 2 implementations
of this challenge depending on the results
array represents the index of the winner
const gamesPlayed = [
['Team1', 'Team2'], // Team1 because the index is 0
['Team2', 'Team3'], // Team3 because the index is 1
['Team3', 'Team1'] // Team1 because the index is 1
const gamesResults = [0, 1, 1]
In this case, the winner would be: Team1
array represents if the first element of the Team arrays won (1) or lost(0)
const gamesPlayed = [
['Team1', 'Team2'], // Team2 because Team1 is 0
['Team2', 'Team3'], // Team2 because Team2 is 1
['Team3', 'Team1'] // Team3 because Team3 is 1
const gamesResults = [0, 1, 1]
In this case, the winner would be: Team2
Let's go with a possible solution for implementation 2
function winnerTeam(sets, results) {
const mapResult = {}
let result = ''
let currenSet = 0
for (let element of results) {
const winnerTeam = element > 0 ? sets[currenSet][0] : sets[currenSet][1]
if (!mapResult[winnerTeam]) mapResult[winnerTeam] = 3
else mapResult[winnerTeam] = mapResult[winnerTeam] + 3
if (Object.keys(mapResult).length === 0) result = winnerTeam
else result = mapResult[result] > mapResult[winnerTeam] ? result : winnerTeam
return result
const gamesPlayed = [
['Team1', 'Team2'],
['Team2', 'Team3'],
['Team3', 'Team1']
// If the first Team of the subarray won it would be 1 if not 0
const gamesResults = [0, 1, 1]
winnerTeam(gamesPlayed, gamesResults)