diff --git a/app/components/page_list_component/view.html.erb b/app/components/page_list_component/view.html.erb
index a6c8d2e01..76c3f160d 100644
--- a/app/components/page_list_component/view.html.erb
+++ b/app/components/page_list_component/view.html.erb
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<%if @pages.present? %>
- <%= form_with url: move_page_url(@form_id), method: :post, builder: GOVUKDesignSystemFormBuilder::FormBuilder do |f| %>
+ <%= form_with url: move_page_url(@form.id), method: :post, builder: GOVUKDesignSystemFormBuilder::FormBuilder do |f| %>
<% @pages.each_with_index do |page, index| %>
@@ -25,14 +25,14 @@
<% end %>
- <%= govuk_link_to edit_question_path(@form_id, page.id) do %>
+ <%= govuk_link_to edit_question_path(@form.id, page.id) do %>
<%= t("forms.form_overview.edit") %> <%= page.position %>
<% end %>
- <% conditions_for_page_with_index(page.id).each do |condition, _route_index| %>
+ <% page.routing_conditions.each do |condition| %>
<%= t("page_conditions.condition_name", question_number: condition_page_position(condition)) %>
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
- <%= govuk_link_to show_routes_path(form_id: @form_id, page_id: condition.check_page_id) do %>
+ <%= govuk_link_to show_routes_path(form_id: @form.id, page_id: condition.check_page_id) do %>
<%= t("forms.form_overview.edit_with_visually_hidden_text_html", visually_hidden_text: t("page_conditions.condition_name", question_number: page.position)) %>
<% end %>
diff --git a/app/components/page_list_component/view.rb b/app/components/page_list_component/view.rb
index 2c05f4667..b6f08ad17 100644
--- a/app/components/page_list_component/view.rb
+++ b/app/components/page_list_component/view.rb
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ module PageListComponent
class View < ViewComponent::Base
delegate :question_text_with_optional_suffix, to: :helpers
- def initialize(form_id:, pages: [])
+ def initialize(form:, pages: [])
+ @form = form
@pages = pages
- @form_id = form_id
def show_up_button(index)
@@ -62,35 +62,9 @@ def condition_page_position(condition)
- def conditions_for_page_with_index(page_id)
- routing_conditions_with_index.fetch(page_id, [])
- end
- def routing_conditions_with_index
- @routing_conditions_with_index ||= process_routing_conditions
- end
def skip_condition_route_page_text(condition)
routing_page = @pages.find { |page| page.id == condition.routing_page_id }
I18n.t("page_conditions.skip_condition_route_page_text", route_page_question_text: routing_page.question_text, route_page_question_number: routing_page.position)
- # Create hash of page_id => [condition, index]
- # where index is the index of the condition in the array of conditions for
- # the page referenced by check_page_id
- def process_routing_conditions
- all_form_conditions = @pages.flat_map(&:routing_conditions).compact_blank
- all_form_conditions
- .group_by(&:check_page_id)
- .values
- .flat_map { |conditions|
- conditions.map.with_index(1) do |condition, index|
- [condition.routing_page_id, [condition, index]] # inclde routing_page_id, so we can group by it
- end
- }
- .group_by(&:first)
- .transform_values { |pairs| pairs.map(&:last) } # drop routing_page_id from the value of the hash - it is now the key
- end
diff --git a/app/views/pages/index.html.erb b/app/views/pages/index.html.erb
index 27af6f3fa..ad259b176 100644
--- a/app/views/pages/index.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/pages/index.html.erb
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
<% if @pages.any? %>
<%= t("forms.form_overview.your_questions") %>
- <%= render PageListComponent::View.new(pages: @pages, form_id: current_form.id) %>
+ <%= render PageListComponent::View.new(form: current_form, pages: @pages) %>
<%= render MarkCompleteComponent::View.new(form_model: @mark_complete_input, path: form_pages_path(current_form.id), legend: t("pages.index.mark_complete.legend")) %>
<% end %>
diff --git a/spec/components/page_list_component/page_list_component_preview.rb b/spec/components/page_list_component/page_list_component_preview.rb
index d9b192bbe..99fc7e1c5 100644
--- a/spec/components/page_list_component/page_list_component_preview.rb
+++ b/spec/components/page_list_component/page_list_component_preview.rb
@@ -2,25 +2,29 @@ class PageListComponent::PageListComponentPreview < ViewComponent::Preview
include FactoryBot::Syntax::Methods
def default
- render(PageListComponent::View.new(pages: [], form_id: 0))
+ form = build(:form, id: 0)
+ render(PageListComponent::View.new(pages: [], form:))
def with_pages_and_no_conditions
+ form = build(:form, id: 0)
pages = [build(:page, id: 1, position: 1, question_text: "Enter your name", routing_conditions: []),
build(:page, id: 2, position: 2, question_text: "What is your pet's phone number?", routing_conditions: []),
build(:page, id: 3, position: 3, question_text: "How many pets do you own?", routing_conditions: [])]
- render(PageListComponent::View.new(pages:, form_id: 0))
+ render(PageListComponent::View.new(pages:, form:))
def with_pages_and_one_condition
+ form = build(:form, id: 0)
routing_conditions = [(build :condition, id: 1, routing_page_id: 1, check_page_id: 1, answer_value: "Wales", goto_page_id: 3)]
pages = [build(:page, id: 1, position: 1, question_text: "Enter your name", routing_conditions:),
build(:page, id: 2, position: 2, question_text: "What is your pet's phone number?", routing_conditions: []),
build(:page, id: 3, position: 3, question_text: "How many pets do you own?", routing_conditions: [])]
- render(PageListComponent::View.new(pages:, form_id: 0))
+ render(PageListComponent::View.new(pages:, form:))
def with_pages_and_multiple_conditions
+ form = build(:form, id: 0)
routing_conditions_1 = [(build :condition, id: 1, routing_page_id: 1, check_page_id: 1, answer_value: "Wales", goto_page_id: 3),
(build :condition, id: 2, routing_page_id: 1, check_page_id: 1, answer_value: "England", goto_page_id: 2)]
routing_conditions_2 = [(build :condition, id: 3, routing_page_id: 2, check_page_id: 2, answer_value: "Wales", goto_page_id: 3),
@@ -28,10 +32,11 @@ def with_pages_and_multiple_conditions
pages = [(build :page, id: 1, position: 1, question_text: "Enter your name", routing_conditions: routing_conditions_1),
(build :page, id: 2, position: 2, question_text: "What is your pet's phone number?", routing_conditions: routing_conditions_2),
(build :page, id: 3, position: 3, question_text: "How many pets do you own?", routing_conditions: [])]
- render(PageListComponent::View.new(pages:, form_id: 0))
+ render(PageListComponent::View.new(pages:, form:))
def with_pages_and_conditions_with_errors
+ form = build(:form, id: 0)
routing_conditions_1 = [(build :condition, :with_answer_value_missing, id: 1, routing_page_id: 1, check_page_id: 1, goto_page_id: 3),
(build :condition, :with_goto_page_missing, id: 2, routing_page_id: 1, check_page_id: 1, answer_value: "England"),
(build :condition, :with_answer_value_and_goto_page_missing, id: 3, routing_page_id: 1, check_page_id: 1),
@@ -40,6 +45,6 @@ def with_pages_and_conditions_with_errors
pages = [(build :page, id: 1, position: 1, question_text: "Enter your name", routing_conditions: routing_conditions_1),
(build :page, id: 2, position: 2, question_text: "What is your pet's phone number?", routing_conditions: routing_conditions_2),
(build :page, id: 3, position: 3, question_text: "How many pets do you own?", routing_conditions: [])]
- render(PageListComponent::View.new(pages:, form_id: 0))
+ render(PageListComponent::View.new(pages:, form:))
diff --git a/spec/components/page_list_component/view_spec.rb b/spec/components/page_list_component/view_spec.rb
index 8347c3d0c..8e49e5b8f 100644
--- a/spec/components/page_list_component/view_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/components/page_list_component/view_spec.rb
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
require "rails_helper"
RSpec.describe PageListComponent::View, type: :component do
+ let(:form) { build :form, id: 1 }
let(:pages) { [] }
let(:routing_conditions) { [] }
- let(:page_list_component) { described_class.new(pages:, form_id: 0) }
+ let(:page_list_component) { described_class.new(pages:, form:) }
describe "rendering component" do
before do
@@ -304,66 +305,5 @@
- describe "#conditions_for_page_with_index" do
- context "when there are no conditions" do
- let(:pages) do
- [(build :page, id: 1, position: 1, question_text: "What country do you live in?", routing_conditions:)]
- end
- let(:routing_conditions) { [] }
- it "returns an array of conditions for the page" do
- page_id = 1
- expect(page_list_component.conditions_for_page_with_index(page_id)).to eq([])
- end
- end
- context "when there is one page with one condition" do
- let(:pages) do
- [(build :page, id: 1, position: 1, question_text: "What country do you live in?", routing_conditions:)]
- end
- let(:routing_conditions) { [build(:condition, id: 1, routing_page_id: 1, check_page_id: 1, answer_value: "Wales", goto_page_id: 3)] }
- it "returns an array of conditions for the page" do
- page_id = 1
- expect(page_list_component.conditions_for_page_with_index(page_id)).to eq([[routing_conditions.first, 1]])
- end
- end
- context "when there is one page with multiple conditions" do
- let(:pages) do
- [(build :page, id: 1, position: 1, question_text: "What country do you live in?", routing_conditions:)]
- end
- let(:routing_conditions) do
- [
- build(:condition, id: 1, routing_page_id: 1, check_page_id: 1, answer_value: "Wales", goto_page_id: 3),
- build(:condition, id: 2, routing_page_id: 2, check_page_id: 1, answer_value: nil, goto_page_id: 4),
- ]
- end
- it "returns the correct condition with index" do
- page_id = 2
- expect(page_list_component.conditions_for_page_with_index(page_id)).to eq([[routing_conditions.second, 2]])
- end
- end
- context "when there is one page with one condition and a condition for another pages" do
- let(:pages) do
- [(build :page, id: 1, position: 1, question_text: "What country do you live in?", routing_conditions:)]
- end
- let(:routing_conditions) do
- [
- build(:condition, id: 1, routing_page_id: 1, check_page_id: 1, answer_value: "Wales", goto_page_id: 3),
- build(:condition, id: 1, routing_page_id: 2, check_page_id: 2, answer_value: "England", goto_page_id: 3),
- ]
- end
- it "returns an array of conditions for the page" do
- page_id = 1
- expect(page_list_component.conditions_for_page_with_index(page_id)).to eq([[routing_conditions.first, 1]])
- end
- end
- end