- htslib
- c++11 compliant compiler.
./varcount [options] <vcf> <sam>
<vcf>=STR [bv]cf file name (required)
<sam>=STR [bs]sam file name (required)
-s/--sample-name=STR sample name in VCF output
(default: sample)
-g/--genotype [likelihood, alt_sensitive, threshold]. 'predict' a genotype in the GT field
likelihood: use crude gt likelihood from counts
alt_sensitive: automatically call alleles with any alt evidence as alt/alt
threshold: use a manual threshold of the difference between alt and ref count to determine gt. Use -c parameter
to specifiy threshoold
-c int>=0 (default: 0). for use with '-g threshold'. estabilish threshold of ref-alt for determing genotype.
-a/--min-alt-count int>=0 (default: 0). filter loci by minimum depth of reads covering alt allele.
-r/--min-ref-count int>=0 (default: 0). filter loci by minimum depth of reads covering ref allele.
-m/--min-total-count int>=0 (default: 0). filter loci by minimum depth of total reads.
-k/--keep ignore filters, print all records regardless of coverage/genotype
-v/--verbose prints detailed logging information to stderr
-h/--help print this help message