Releases: altair-graphql/altair
Releases · altair-graphql/altair
- Added GA to docs.: a873d17
- Moved github files into .github folder. Added more track IDs. Updated README file with features.: 96d7d1c
- Updated link in README. Added ngx-pipe. Closes #216. Replaced objToArr() with values pipe.: 1f64993
- Added ngx-contextmenu. Added context menu to window titles. Closes #217. Added method to print SDL. #215.: e784e94
- Added window import and export functionality. Closes #217.: d0f795e
- Added Drag and drop support for AGQ files. Closes #219.: b432a06
- Fixed cursor style issue caused by dnd package. Updated README.: f6203cd
- Added accept option to openFile for .agq files only.: 67d5982
- Added export SDL functionality. Closes #215.: 628a470
- Updated docs meta tags.: 162a86a
- Added margin bottom to changelog button in docs updated page.: a0b1867
- Reordered deploy steps in readme.: 50ea3eb
- Added GA to docs.: f06482b
- I18n - Add es.json (Spanish): d973cff
- Add spanish to languages object.: a7915ba
- Add chinese to languages object.: 72ec0aa
- Used async operator where possible. Closes #199.: ef14db3
- Added actions and reducers for repositioning windows.: 2ed6422
- Added sortablejs package, adding window rearrangement functionality. Updated tslint configurations. Closes #146.: e2f1842
- Updated selectors to default to initial state. Updated window effects.: da77869
- Added backers and sponsors on the README: 4aba11a
- Added compress query functionality. Closes #197.: 8d115b1
- Updated dev dependencies.: a79dc28
- Updated rxjs, codemirror, core-js, graphql, zone.js and other libraries.: d15bc55
- Updated codemirror-graphql package.: a196cca
- Upgraded to angular 5 and ngrx 4.: 6401caa
- Upgraded angular/cli package.: 1818fbc
- Updated clarity UI packages.: 3e8b4a2
- Fixed double trigger issue in modals.: 9ee4381
- Updated specs.: 528a682
- Added selectors for window, headers, docs and query.: aa57202
- Added balloon css tooltip package. Closes #201.: b5d18a6
- Fixed failing specs.: edb499a
- Replaced npm install with yarn in travis.yml.: 558f932
- Added e2e test to travis.yml: 7fcf19f
- Updated dark theme styles.: 4752024
- Added app-wrapper to handle app wide styling.: 6552fe7
- Added settings dialog and implemented dark theme.: be9f25c
- Added update page in docs.: 9a4c629
- Fixed bug in travis.yml: 92cd698
- Added safe navigation operators in settings dialog component to fix: 2b2d7d4
- Updated to v1.6.1: 2f0b5ae