Releases: amahi/disk-wizard
Releases · amahi/disk-wizard
label improvements and deletion path
Merge pull request #5 from AhmedKamal1432/amahi-8 Delete partition path
multiple bug fixes, test release to see how it performs
multiple bug fixes, test release to see how it performs
Fix partition label input issue,detect tempory mounted devices,bug fix #1511
v0.4.1 fix issue#1511 , fix enter new label issue, fix give the option again…
Releases v0.4.0
Changes in 0.4.0:
Implement wrapper for 'which' command to check availability of a shell command
Show plugin in full screen (Thanks to agmps17)
Support multipath devices(with few exceptions)
v0.3.8 Fix typo
v0.3.7 release
Add pre check job and post checks to prevent interrupt
v0.3.6 release
Add UUID attribute to partitions,improve error reporting(Include back…
v0.3.5 release
Add probe_kernal method to update part-table changes to kernal,change…
v0.3.4 release
clear unsued libraries
v0.3.3 release
Change mkfs parameters,add switch for mkfs.{fstype} command