diff --git a/index.bs b/index.bs
index 8a56643..a10c122 100644
--- a/index.bs
+++ b/index.bs
@@ -53,6 +53,10 @@ spec: RFC6265; urlPrefix: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6265/
spec: RFC9111; urlPrefix: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc9111/
type: dfn
text: network cache; url: section-2
+spec: PARTITIONED-COOKIES; urlPrefix: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-cutler-httpbis-partitioned-cookies#
+ type: dfn
+ text: partitioned cookie; url: section-2.1
+ text: partition key; url: section-2.2
@@ -762,8 +766,15 @@ spec. It would be nice to unify these in the future.
To clear cookies for host given a [=host=] |host|, perform the
following steps:
-1. Let |cookieList| be the set of cookies from the [=cookie store=] whose
- domain attribute is a [=domain-match=] with |host|.
+1. [=Assert=]: |host|'s [=host/registrable domain=] is |host| or null.
+1. Let |cookieList| be a set of cookies, initially empty.
+1. [=list/For each=] cookie |cookie| in the [=cookie store=]:
+ 1. If |cookie| is not [=partitioned cookie|partitioned=]:
+ 1. If |cookie|'s [=domain attribute=] is a [=domain-match=] with |host|, add |cookie| to |cookieList|; otherwise, [=iteration/continue=].
+ 1. If |cookie| is [=partitioned cookie|partitioned=]:
+ 1. If the top-level [=site=] in |cookie|'s [=partition key=] is [=same site=] with the [=site=] ("http", |host|), add |cookie| to |cookieList|.
+ 1. If the top-level [=site=] in |cookie|'s [=partition key=] is [=same site=] with the [=site=] ("https", |host|), add |cookie| to |cookieList|.
+ 1. Otherwise, [=iteration/continue=].
1. [=list/For each=] |cookie| in |cookieList|:
1. Remove |cookie| from the [=cookie store=].
@@ -779,13 +790,18 @@ the following steps:
1. For each storage shed |shed| held by the user agent or a
[=traversable navigable=]:
1. [=map/For each=] |storageKey| -> |storageShelf| of |shed|:
- 1. If |storageKey|'s origin is an
- [=opaque origin=], then [=iteration/continue=].
- 1. If |storageKey|'s origin's
- [=origin/host=] does not equal |host|, then [=iteration/continue=].
+ 1. Let |topLevelSite| be |storageKey|'s top-level site.
+ 1. If |topLevelSite| is an [=opaque origin=], then [=iteration/continue=].
+ 1. If |topLevelSite|'s [=host=] does not equal |host|, then [=iteration/continue=].
1. Delete all data stored in |storageShelf|.
1. [=map/Remove=] |storageKey| from |shed|.
+Note: This algorithm is written assuming the implementation of the
+ [work-in-progress update](https://github.com/whatwg/storage/pull/144) to
+ the [Storage Standard](https://storage.spec.whatwg.org/) to
+ key storage on both an
+ origin and a top-level site.