diff --git a/controller-test.sh b/controller-test.sh
index 27e0ad8..deeef8a 100755
--- a/controller-test.sh
+++ b/controller-test.sh
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ check_dioscuri_log () {
 tear_down () {
+    echo -e "${GREEN}==>${NOCOLOR} Controller logs"
+    check_dioscuri_log
     echo -e "${GREEN}============= TEAR DOWN =============${NOCOLOR}"
     kind delete cluster --name ${KIND_NAME}
diff --git a/controllers/helpers.go b/controllers/helpers.go
index 586e3c9..9ef0b31 100644
--- a/controllers/helpers.go
+++ b/controllers/helpers.go
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 package controllers
 import (
+	"encoding/json"
 	dioscuriv1 "github.com/amazeeio/dioscuri/api/v1"
 	apierrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/errors"
@@ -72,3 +74,90 @@ func HostMigrationContainsStatus(slice []dioscuriv1.HostMigrationConditions, s d
 	return false
+// ProcessAnnotationRules will return new annotations based on a given ruleset and existing annotations
+func ProcessAnnotationRules(ruleset string, annotations *map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
+	var rules Rules
+	if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(ruleset), &rules); err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	newAnnos := *annotations
+	for _, rule := range rules {
+		ifOk := 0
+		for _, rif := range rule.If {
+			switch rif.Operator {
+			case "doesnotexist":
+				dne := true
+				for key := range *annotations {
+					if key == rif.Name {
+						dne = false
+					}
+				}
+				if dne {
+					ifOk++
+				}
+			case "equals":
+				for key, val := range *annotations {
+					if rif.Name == key && rif.Value == val {
+						ifOk++
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if ifOk == len(rule.If) {
+			for _, rthen := range rule.Then {
+				switch rthen.Operator {
+				case "source":
+					updateAnnotation(rthen.Name, &newAnnos, getAnnotationValue(rthen.Value, *annotations))
+				}
+			}
+			for _, rthen := range rule.Then {
+				switch rthen.Operator {
+				case "equals":
+					updateAnnotation(rthen.Name, &newAnnos, rthen.Value)
+				}
+			}
+			for _, rthen := range rule.Then {
+				switch rthen.Operator {
+				case "delete":
+					removeAnnotation(rthen.Name, &newAnnos)
+				}
+			}
+			break
+		}
+	}
+	return newAnnos, nil
+func removeAnnotation(annotation string, annotations *map[string]interface{}) {
+	// delete(*annotations, annotation)
+	(*annotations)[annotation] = nil
+func updateAnnotation(annotation string, annotations *map[string]interface{}, value string) {
+	(*annotations)[annotation] = value
+func getAnnotationValue(annotation string, annotations map[string]interface{}) string {
+	return annotations[annotation].(string)
+// Rules .
+type Rules []struct {
+	If   []RulesIf   `json:"if"`
+	Then []RulesThen `json:"then"`
+// RulesIf .
+type RulesIf struct {
+	Name     string `json:"name"`
+	Value    string `json:"value"`
+	Operator string `json:"operator"`
+// RulesThen .
+type RulesThen struct {
+	Name     string `json:"name"`
+	Value    string `json:"value"`
+	Operator string `json:"operator"`
diff --git a/controllers/helpers_test.go b/controllers/helpers_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73d842a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controllers/helpers_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+package controllers
+import (
+	"reflect"
+	"testing"
+func TestProcessAnnotationRules(t *testing.T) {
+	var testCases = map[string]struct {
+		input  *map[string]interface{}
+		rules  string
+		expect map[string]interface{}
+	}{
+		"pre-migrate": {
+			input: &map[string]interface{}{
+				"fastly.amazee.io/paused":     "false",
+				"fastly.amazee.io/watch":      "true",
+				"other.amazee.io/annotation1": "some-other-data",
+				"other.amazee.io/annotation2": "more-other-data",
+			},
+			rules: `[
+				{
+					"if": [
+						{"name": "fastly.amazee.io/paused", "value": "false", "operator": "equals"},
+						{"name": "fastly.amazee.io/watch", "value": "true", "operator": "equals"}
+					],
+					"then": [
+						{"name": "fastly.amazee.io/paused", "value": "true", "operator": "equals"},
+						{"name": "fastly.amazee.io/watch", "value": "false", "operator": "equals"},
+						{"name": "fastly.amazee.io/delete-external-resources", "value": "false", "operator": "equals"},
+						{"name": "fastly.amazee.io/backup-paused", "value": "fastly.amazee.io/paused", "operator": "source"},
+						{"name": "fastly.amazee.io/backup-watch", "value": "fastly.amazee.io/watch", "operator": "source"}
+					]
+				}
+			]`,
+			expect: map[string]interface{}{
+				"fastly.amazee.io/paused":                    "true",
+				"fastly.amazee.io/watch":                     "false",
+				"fastly.amazee.io/backup-paused":             "false",
+				"fastly.amazee.io/backup-watch":              "true",
+				"fastly.amazee.io/delete-external-resources": "false",
+				"other.amazee.io/annotation1":                "some-other-data",
+				"other.amazee.io/annotation2":                "more-other-data",
+			},
+		},
+		"post-migrate": {
+			input: &map[string]interface{}{
+				"fastly.amazee.io/paused":                    "true",
+				"fastly.amazee.io/watch":                     "false",
+				"fastly.amazee.io/backup-paused":             "false",
+				"fastly.amazee.io/backup-watch":              "true",
+				"fastly.amazee.io/delete-external-resources": "false",
+			},
+			rules: `[
+				{
+					"if": [
+					  {"name": "fastly.amazee.io/paused", "value": "true", "operator": "equals"},
+					  {"name": "fastly.amazee.io/watch", "value": "false", "operator": "equals"}
+					],
+					"then": [
+					  {"name": "fastly.amazee.io/delete-external-resources", "operator": "delete"},
+					  {"name": "fastly.amazee.io/backup-delete-external-resources", "operator": "delete"},
+					  {"name": "fastly.amazee.io/backup-paused", "operator": "delete"},
+					  {"name": "fastly.amazee.io/backup-watch", "operator": "delete"},
+					  {"name": "fastly.amazee.io/paused", "value": "fastly.amazee.io/backup-paused", "operator": "source"},
+					  {"name": "fastly.amazee.io/watch", "value": "fastly.amazee.io/backup-watch", "operator": "source"}
+					]
+				}
+			]`,
+			expect: map[string]interface{}{
+				"fastly.amazee.io/paused":                           "false",
+				"fastly.amazee.io/watch":                            "true",
+				"fastly.amazee.io/backup-paused":                    nil,
+				"fastly.amazee.io/backup-watch":                     nil,
+				"fastly.amazee.io/delete-external-resources":        nil,
+				"fastly.amazee.io/backup-delete-external-resources": nil,
+			},
+		},
+	}
+	for name, tc := range testCases {
+		t.Run(name, func(tt *testing.T) {
+			preAnnos, err := ProcessAnnotationRules(tc.rules, tc.input)
+			if err != nil {
+				tt.Fatal(err)
+			}
+			// fmt.Println(preAnnos)
+			// fmt.Println(tc.expect)
+			if !reflect.DeepEqual(preAnnos, tc.expect) {
+				tt.Fatalf("Does not equal expected")
+			}
+		})
+	}
diff --git a/controllers/ingress_handler.go b/controllers/ingress_handler.go
index 130a88f..1fb55d3 100644
--- a/controllers/ingress_handler.go
+++ b/controllers/ingress_handler.go
@@ -19,6 +19,39 @@ import (
+// var preMigrationRules = `[
+// 	{
+// 		"if": [
+// 			{"name": "fastly.amazee.io/paused", "value": "false", "operator": "equals"},
+// 			{"name": "fastly.amazee.io/watch", "value": "true", "operator": "equals"}
+// 		],
+// 		"then": [
+// 			{"name": "fastly.amazee.io/paused", "value": "true", "operator": "equals"},
+// 			{"name": "fastly.amazee.io/watch", "value": "false", "operator": "equals"},
+// 			{"name": "fastly.amazee.io/delete-external-resources", "value": "false", "operator": "equals"},
+// 			{"name": "fastly.amazee.io/backup-paused", "value": "fastly.amazee.io/paused", "operator": "source"},
+// 			{"name": "fastly.amazee.io/backup-watch", "value": "fastly.amazee.io/watch", "operator": "source"}
+// 		]
+// 	}
+// ]`
+// var postMigrationRules = `[
+// 	{
+// 		"if": [
+// 		  {"name": "fastly.amazee.io/paused", "value": "true", "operator": "equals"},
+// 		  {"name": "fastly.amazee.io/watch", "value": "false", "operator": "equals"}
+// 		],
+// 		"then": [
+// 		  {"name": "fastly.amazee.io/delete-external-resources", "operator": "delete"},
+// 		  {"name": "fastly.amazee.io/backup-delete-external-resources", "operator": "delete"},
+// 		  {"name": "fastly.amazee.io/backup-paused", "operator": "delete"},
+// 		  {"name": "fastly.amazee.io/backup-watch", "operator": "delete"},
+// 		  {"name": "fastly.amazee.io/paused", "value": "fastly.amazee.io/backup-paused", "operator": "source"},
+// 		  {"name": "fastly.amazee.io/watch", "value": "fastly.amazee.io/backup-watch", "operator": "source"}
+// 		]
+// 	}
+// ]`
 // KubernetesHandler handles doing ingress migrations in a kubernetes cluster
 func (r *HostMigrationReconciler) KubernetesHandler(ctx context.Context, opLog logr.Logger, dioscuri dioscuriv1.HostMigration) (ctrl.Result, error) {
 	var activeMigratedIngress []string
@@ -105,7 +138,8 @@ func (r *HostMigrationReconciler) KubernetesHandler(ctx context.Context, opLog l
 	migrateLabels := map[string]string{"dioscuri.amazee.io/migrate": "true"}
 	// get the ingress from the source namespace, these will get moved to the destination namespace
 	ingressSourceToDestination := &networkv1beta1.IngressList{}
-	if err := r.getIngressWithLabel(&dioscuri,
+	if err := r.getIngressWithLabel(ctx,
+		&dioscuri,
@@ -114,7 +148,8 @@ func (r *HostMigrationReconciler) KubernetesHandler(ctx context.Context, opLog l
 	// get the ingress from the destination namespace, these will get moved to the source namespace
 	ingressDestinationToSource := &networkv1beta1.IngressList{}
-	if err := r.getIngressWithLabel(&dioscuri,
+	if err := r.getIngressWithLabel(ctx,
+		&dioscuri,
@@ -200,17 +235,109 @@ func (r *HostMigrationReconciler) KubernetesHandler(ctx context.Context, opLog l
 	// actually start the migrations here
 	var migratedIngress []MigratedIngress
-	for _, ingress := range migrateSourceToDestination.Items {
-		// before we move anything we may need to modify some annotations
-		// patch all the annotations we are given in the `pre-migrate-resource-annotations`
-		// with the provided values
-		if err := r.migrateResourcePatch(ctx,
-			ingress,
-			dioscuri.ObjectMeta.Annotations["dioscuri.amazee.io/pre-migrate-resource-annotations"],
-		); err != nil {
-			return ctrl.Result{}, err
+	/*
+		do any pre-migration resource annotation adjustments with our rulesets
+		this allows us to define a ruleset that can modify annotations on resources
+		and only modifies if the conditions are met
+	*/
+	if _, ok := dioscuri.ObjectMeta.Annotations["dioscuri.amazee.io/pre-migrate-annotation-rules"]; ok {
+		opLog.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Pre-migration annotation ruleset exists, patching resources as required"))
+		for _, ingress := range migrateSourceToDestination.Items {
+			// before we move anything we may need to modify some annotations
+			// patch all the annotations we are given in the `pre-migrate-resource-annotations`
+			// with the provided values
+			if err := r.prePostMigrationRules(ctx,
+				ingress,
+				dioscuri.ObjectMeta.Annotations["dioscuri.amazee.io/pre-migrate-annotation-rules"],
+			); err != nil {
+				return ctrl.Result{}, err
+			}
+		for _, ingress := range migrateDestinationToSource.Items {
+			// before we move anything we may need to modify some annotations
+			// patch all the annotations we are given in the `pre-migrate-resource-annotations`
+			// with the provided values
+			if err := r.prePostMigrationRules(ctx,
+				ingress,
+				dioscuri.ObjectMeta.Annotations["dioscuri.amazee.io/pre-migrate-annotation-rules"],
+			); err != nil {
+				return ctrl.Result{}, err
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+		since the api was patched, all the resources will be old, collect them again
+	*/
+	time.Sleep(time.Duration(1) * time.Second)
+	ingressSourceToDestination = &networkv1beta1.IngressList{}
+	if err := r.getIngressWithLabel(ctx,
+		&dioscuri,
+		ingressSourceToDestination,
+		sourceNamespace,
+		migrateLabels,
+	); err != nil {
+		opLog.Info(fmt.Sprintf("%v", err))
+	}
+	// get the ingress from the destination namespace, these will get moved to the source namespace
+	ingressDestinationToSource = &networkv1beta1.IngressList{}
+	if err := r.getIngressWithLabel(ctx,
+		&dioscuri,
+		ingressDestinationToSource,
+		destinationNamespace,
+		migrateLabels,
+	); err != nil {
+		opLog.Info(fmt.Sprintf("%v", err))
+	}
+	migrateSourceToDestination = &networkv1beta1.IngressList{}
+	if err := r.checkKubernetesServices(ctx,
+		&dioscuri,
+		ingressSourceToDestination,
+		migrateSourceToDestination,
+		destinationNamespace,
+	); err != nil {
+		r.updateKubernetesStatusCondition(ctx,
+			&dioscuri,
+			dioscuriv1.HostMigrationConditions{
+				Status:    "True",
+				Type:      "failed",
+				Condition: fmt.Sprintf("%v", err),
+			},
+			activeMigratedIngress,
+			standbyMigratedIngress,
+		)
+		return ctrl.Result{}, nil
+	}
+	migrateDestinationToSource = &networkv1beta1.IngressList{}
+	if err := r.checkKubernetesServices(ctx,
+		&dioscuri,
+		ingressDestinationToSource,
+		migrateDestinationToSource,
+		sourceNamespace,
+	); err != nil {
+		r.updateKubernetesStatusCondition(ctx,
+			&dioscuri,
+			dioscuriv1.HostMigrationConditions{
+				Status:    "True",
+				Type:      "failed",
+				Condition: fmt.Sprintf("%v", err),
+			},
+			activeMigratedIngress,
+			standbyMigratedIngress,
+		)
+		return ctrl.Result{}, nil
+	}
+	// for _, ingress := range migrateSourceToDestination.Items {
+	// 	fmt.Println(ingress.ObjectMeta.Name, ingress.ObjectMeta.Annotations)
+	// }
+	// for _, ingress := range migrateDestinationToSource.Items {
+	// 	fmt.Println(ingress.ObjectMeta.Name, ingress.ObjectMeta.Annotations)
+	// }
+	/*
+		now do the actual migrations (deletion and re-creation)
+	*/
+	time.Sleep(time.Duration(1) * time.Second)
+	opLog.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Performing the migration of resources now"))
+	for _, ingress := range migrateSourceToDestination.Items {
 		// migrate these ingress
 		newIngress, err := r.individualIngressMigration(ctx,
@@ -246,15 +373,6 @@ func (r *HostMigrationReconciler) KubernetesHandler(ctx context.Context, opLog l
 	for _, ingress := range migrateDestinationToSource.Items {
-		// before we move anything we may need to modify some annotations
-		// patch all the annotations we are given in the `pre-migrate-resource-annotations`
-		// with the provided values
-		if err := r.migrateResourcePatch(ctx,
-			ingress,
-			dioscuri.ObjectMeta.Annotations["dioscuri.amazee.io/pre-migrate-resource-annotations"],
-		); err != nil {
-			return ctrl.Result{}, err
-		}
 		// migrate these ingress
 		newIngress, err := r.individualIngressMigration(ctx,
@@ -294,13 +412,17 @@ func (r *HostMigrationReconciler) KubernetesHandler(ctx context.Context, opLog l
 	time.Sleep(checkInterval * time.Second)
 	// once we move all the ingress, we have to go through and do a final update on them to make sure any `HostAlreadyClaimed` warning/errors go away
 	for _, migratedIngress := range migratedIngress {
-		// // we may need to move some resources after we move the ingress, we can define their annotations here
+		// we may need to move some resources after we move the ingress, we can define the rules for them in
+		// an annotation `dioscuri.amazee.io/pre-migrate-annotation-rules` and process them
+		var postMigrationRules string
+		if _, ok := dioscuri.ObjectMeta.Annotations["dioscuri.amazee.io/pre-migrate-annotation-rules"]; ok {
+			postMigrationRules = dioscuri.ObjectMeta.Annotations["dioscuri.amazee.io/post-migrate-annotation-rules"]
+		}
 		err := r.updateIngress(ctx,
-			dioscuri.ObjectMeta.Annotations["dioscuri.amazee.io/post-migrate-resource-annotations"],
+			postMigrationRules,
 		if err != nil {
 			r.updateKubernetesStatusCondition(ctx, &dioscuri, dioscuriv1.HostMigrationConditions{
@@ -311,7 +433,73 @@ func (r *HostMigrationReconciler) KubernetesHandler(ctx context.Context, opLog l
 			return ctrl.Result{}, err
+	/*
+		get the ingress objects again, since they've been updated
+	*/
+	// time.Sleep(time.Duration(1) * time.Second)
+	// ingressSourceToDestination = &networkv1beta1.IngressList{}
+	// if err := r.getIngressWithLabel(ctx,
+	// 	&dioscuri,
+	// 	ingressSourceToDestination,
+	// 	sourceNamespace,
+	// 	migrateLabels,
+	// ); err != nil {
+	// 	opLog.Info(fmt.Sprintf("%v", err))
+	// }
+	// // get the ingress from the destination namespace, these will get moved to the source namespace
+	// ingressDestinationToSource = &networkv1beta1.IngressList{}
+	// if err := r.getIngressWithLabel(ctx,
+	// 	&dioscuri,
+	// 	ingressDestinationToSource,
+	// 	destinationNamespace,
+	// 	migrateLabels,
+	// ); err != nil {
+	// 	opLog.Info(fmt.Sprintf("%v", err))
+	// }
+	// migrateSourceToDestination = &networkv1beta1.IngressList{}
+	// if err := r.checkKubernetesServices(ctx,
+	// 	&dioscuri,
+	// 	ingressSourceToDestination,
+	// 	migrateSourceToDestination,
+	// 	destinationNamespace,
+	// ); err != nil {
+	// 	r.updateKubernetesStatusCondition(ctx,
+	// 		&dioscuri,
+	// 		dioscuriv1.HostMigrationConditions{
+	// 			Status:    "True",
+	// 			Type:      "failed",
+	// 			Condition: fmt.Sprintf("%v", err),
+	// 		},
+	// 		activeMigratedIngress,
+	// 		standbyMigratedIngress,
+	// 	)
+	// 	return ctrl.Result{}, nil
+	// }
+	// migrateDestinationToSource = &networkv1beta1.IngressList{}
+	// if err := r.checkKubernetesServices(ctx,
+	// 	&dioscuri,
+	// 	ingressDestinationToSource,
+	// 	migrateDestinationToSource,
+	// 	sourceNamespace,
+	// ); err != nil {
+	// 	r.updateKubernetesStatusCondition(ctx,
+	// 		&dioscuri,
+	// 		dioscuriv1.HostMigrationConditions{
+	// 			Status:    "True",
+	// 			Type:      "failed",
+	// 			Condition: fmt.Sprintf("%v", err),
+	// 		},
+	// 		activeMigratedIngress,
+	// 		standbyMigratedIngress,
+	// 	)
+	// 	return ctrl.Result{}, nil
+	// }
+	// for _, ingress := range migrateSourceToDestination.Items {
+	// 	fmt.Println(ingress.ObjectMeta.Name, ingress.ObjectMeta.Annotations)
+	// }
+	// for _, ingress := range migrateDestinationToSource.Items {
+	// 	fmt.Println(ingress.ObjectMeta.Name, ingress.ObjectMeta.Annotations)
+	// }
 	r.updateKubernetesStatusCondition(ctx, &dioscuri, dioscuriv1.HostMigrationConditions{
 		Status:    "True",
 		Type:      "completed",
@@ -382,7 +570,7 @@ func (r *HostMigrationReconciler) checkSecrets(ctx context.Context,
 	return nil
-func (r *HostMigrationReconciler) getIngressWithLabel(dioscuri *dioscuriv1.HostMigration,
+func (r *HostMigrationReconciler) getIngressWithLabel(ctx context.Context, dioscuri *dioscuriv1.HostMigration,
 	ingress *networkv1beta1.IngressList,
 	namespace string,
 	labels map[string]string,
@@ -392,7 +580,7 @@ func (r *HostMigrationReconciler) getIngressWithLabel(dioscuri *dioscuriv1.HostM
-	if err := r.List(context.TODO(), ingress, listOption); err != nil {
+	if err := r.List(ctx, ingress, listOption); err != nil {
 		return fmt.Errorf("Unable to get any ingress: %v", err)
 	return nil
@@ -473,7 +661,11 @@ func (r *HostMigrationReconciler) migrateIngress(ctx context.Context,
 	return nil
-func (r *HostMigrationReconciler) updateIngress(ctx context.Context, dioscuri *dioscuriv1.HostMigration, newIngress *networkv1beta1.Ingress, oldIngressNamespace string, postMigrateResourcesJSON string) error {
+func (r *HostMigrationReconciler) updateIngress(ctx context.Context,
+	dioscuri *dioscuriv1.HostMigration,
+	newIngress *networkv1beta1.Ingress,
+	oldIngressNamespace string,
+	postMigrationRules string) error {
 	opLog := r.Log.WithValues("hostmigration", dioscuri.ObjectMeta.Namespace)
 	// check a few times to make sure the old ingress no longer exists
 	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
@@ -499,8 +691,15 @@ func (r *HostMigrationReconciler) updateIngress(ctx context.Context, dioscuri *d
 			if err := r.Patch(ctx, newIngress, client.ConstantPatch(types.MergePatchType, mergePatch)); err != nil {
 				return fmt.Errorf("Unable to patch ingress %s, error was: %v", newIngress.ObjectMeta.Name, err)
-			if err := r.migrateResourcePatch(ctx, *newIngress, postMigrateResourcesJSON); err != nil {
-				return err
+			// if there are any post migration rules, then handle them here
+			if postMigrationRules != "" {
+				opLog.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Post-migration annotation ruleset exists, patching resources as required"))
+				if err := r.prePostMigrationRules(ctx,
+					*newIngress,
+					postMigrationRules,
+				); err != nil {
+					return err
+				}
 			return nil
@@ -605,16 +804,42 @@ func (r *HostMigrationReconciler) updateKubernetesStatusCondition(ctx context.Co
 	return nil
-func (r *HostMigrationReconciler) migrateResourcePatch(ctx context.Context, ingress networkv1beta1.Ingress, migrateResourcesJSON string) error {
-	if migrateResourcesJSON != "" {
-		var migrateResources []map[string]interface{}
-		migrateResourcesAnnotations := make(map[string]interface{})
-		if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(migrateResourcesJSON), &migrateResources); err != nil {
-			panic(err)
+// patch ingresses with the rules we have for pre and post migration annotation changes
+func (r *HostMigrationReconciler) prePostMigrationRules(ctx context.Context, ingress networkv1beta1.Ingress, migrationRules string) error {
+	ingressAnnotations := make(map[string]interface{}, len(ingress.ObjectMeta.Annotations))
+	existingAnnotations := make(map[string]interface{}, len(ingress.ObjectMeta.Annotations))
+	for k, v := range ingress.ObjectMeta.Annotations {
+		ingressAnnotations[k] = v
+		existingAnnotations[k] = v
+	}
+	newAnnotations, err := ProcessAnnotationRules(migrationRules, &ingressAnnotations)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	patchAnnotations := make(map[string]interface{})
+	for k, v := range newAnnotations {
+		found := false
+		for ka, va := range existingAnnotations {
+			if ka == k {
+				found = true
+				if va != v {
+					patchAnnotations[k] = v
+				}
+			}
-		for _, resource := range migrateResources {
-			migrateResourcesAnnotations[fmt.Sprintf("%s", resource["name"])] = fmt.Sprintf("%s", resource["value"])
+		if !found {
+			patchAnnotations[k] = v
+	}
+	err = r.migrateResourcePatchAnnotations(ctx, ingress, patchAnnotations)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	return nil
+func (r *HostMigrationReconciler) migrateResourcePatchAnnotations(ctx context.Context, ingress networkv1beta1.Ingress, migrateResourcesAnnotations map[string]interface{}) error {
+	if len(migrateResourcesAnnotations) > 0 {
 		for _, tls := range ingress.Spec.TLS {
 			certificate := certv1alpha2.Certificate{}
 			err := r.Get(ctx, types.NamespacedName{Namespace: ingress.ObjectMeta.Namespace, Name: tls.SecretName}, &certificate)
@@ -642,11 +867,51 @@ func (r *HostMigrationReconciler) migrateResourcePatch(ctx context.Context, ingr
 			Name:      ingress.ObjectMeta.Name,
 			Namespace: ingress.ObjectMeta.Namespace,
 		}).Info(fmt.Sprintf("Patched ingress in namespace %s", ingress.ObjectMeta.Namespace))
-		// fmt.Println(migrateResourcesAnnotations)
 	return nil
+// func (r *HostMigrationReconciler) migrateResourcePatch(ctx context.Context, ingress networkv1beta1.Ingress, migrateResourcesJSON string) error {
+// 	if migrateResourcesJSON != "" {
+// 		var migrateResources []map[string]interface{}
+// 		migrateResourcesAnnotations := make(map[string]interface{})
+// 		if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(migrateResourcesJSON), &migrateResources); err != nil {
+// 			panic(err)
+// 		}
+// 		for _, resource := range migrateResources {
+// 			migrateResourcesAnnotations[fmt.Sprintf("%s", resource["name"])] = fmt.Sprintf("%s", resource["value"])
+// 		}
+// 		for _, tls := range ingress.Spec.TLS {
+// 			certificate := certv1alpha2.Certificate{}
+// 			err := r.Get(ctx, types.NamespacedName{Namespace: ingress.ObjectMeta.Namespace, Name: tls.SecretName}, &certificate)
+// 			if err != nil {
+// 				return fmt.Errorf("Unable to get certificate, error was: %v", err)
+// 			}
+// 			if err := r.patchCertificate(ctx, &certificate, migrateResourcesAnnotations); err != nil {
+// 				return fmt.Errorf("Unable to patch certificate, error was: %v", err)
+// 			}
+// 		}
+// 		for _, tls := range ingress.Spec.TLS {
+// 			secret := corev1.Secret{}
+// 			err := r.Get(ctx, types.NamespacedName{Namespace: ingress.ObjectMeta.Namespace, Name: tls.SecretName}, &secret)
+// 			if err != nil {
+// 				return fmt.Errorf("Unable to get secret, error was: %v", err)
+// 			}
+// 			if err := r.patchSecret(ctx, &secret, migrateResourcesAnnotations); err != nil {
+// 				return fmt.Errorf("Unable to patch secret, error was: %v", err)
+// 			}
+// 		}
+// 		if err := r.patchIngress(ctx, &ingress, migrateResourcesAnnotations); err != nil {
+// 			return fmt.Errorf("Unable to patch ingress, error was: %v", err)
+// 		}
+// 		r.Log.WithValues("ingress", types.NamespacedName{
+// 			Name:      ingress.ObjectMeta.Name,
+// 			Namespace: ingress.ObjectMeta.Namespace,
+// 		}).Info(fmt.Sprintf("Patched ingress in namespace %s", ingress.ObjectMeta.Namespace))
+// 	}
+// 	return nil
+// }
 func (r *HostMigrationReconciler) patchIngress(ctx context.Context, ingress *networkv1beta1.Ingress, annotations map[string]interface{}) error {
 	mergePatch, err := json.Marshal(map[string]interface{}{
 		"metadata": map[string]interface{}{
diff --git a/controllers/ingressmigrate_controller.go b/controllers/ingressmigrate_controller.go
index 36b2c9f..e0fec90 100644
--- a/controllers/ingressmigrate_controller.go
+++ b/controllers/ingressmigrate_controller.go
@@ -261,17 +261,61 @@ func (r *IngressMigrateReconciler) Reconcile(req ctrl.Request) (ctrl.Result, err
 			// actually start the migrations here
 			var migratedIngress []MigratedIngress
+			// do any pre-migration resource annotation adjustments with our rulesets
 			for _, ingress := range migrateSourceToDestination.Items {
 				// before we move anything we may need to modify some annotations
 				// patch all the annotations we are given in the `pre-migrate-resource-annotations`
 				// with the provided values
-				if err := r.migrateResourcePatch(ctx,
+				if err := r.prePostMigrationRules(ctx,
-					dioscuri.ObjectMeta.Annotations["dioscuri.amazee.io/pre-migrate-resource-annotations"],
+					`[
+						{
+							"if": [
+								{"name": "fastly.amazee.io/paused", "value": "false", "operator": "equals"},
+								{"name": "fastly.amazee.io/watch", "value": "true", "operator": "equals"}
+							],
+							"then": [
+								{"name": "fastly.amazee.io/paused", "value": "true", "operator": "equals"},
+								{"name": "fastly.amazee.io/watch", "value": "false", "operator": "equals"},
+								{"name": "fastly.amazee.io/delete-external-resources", "value": "false", "operator": "equals"},
+								{"name": "fastly.amazee.io/backup-paused", "value": "fastly.amazee.io/paused", "operator": "source"},
+								{"name": "fastly.amazee.io/backup-watch", "value": "fastly.amazee.io/watch", "operator": "source"}
+							]
+						}
+					]`,
 				); err != nil {
 					return ctrl.Result{}, err
+			}
+			for _, ingress := range migrateDestinationToSource.Items {
+				// before we move anything we may need to modify some annotations
+				// patch all the annotations we are given in the `pre-migrate-resource-annotations`
+				// with the provided values
+				if err := r.prePostMigrationRules(ctx,
+					ingress,
+					`[
+						{
+							"if": [
+								{"name": "fastly.amazee.io/paused", "value": "false", "operator": "equals"},
+								{"name": "fastly.amazee.io/watch", "value": "true", "operator": "equals"}
+							],
+							"then": [
+								{"name": "fastly.amazee.io/paused", "value": "true", "operator": "equals"},
+								{"name": "fastly.amazee.io/watch", "value": "false", "operator": "equals"},
+								{"name": "fastly.amazee.io/delete-external-resources", "value": "false", "operator": "equals"},
+								{"name": "fastly.amazee.io/backup-paused", "value": "fastly.amazee.io/paused", "operator": "source"},
+								{"name": "fastly.amazee.io/backup-watch", "value": "fastly.amazee.io/watch", "operator": "source"}
+							]
+						}
+					]`,
+				); err != nil {
+					return ctrl.Result{}, err
+				}
+			}
+			// now do the migrations
+			for _, ingress := range migrateSourceToDestination.Items {
 				// migrate these ingress
 				newIngress, err := r.individualIngressMigration(ctx,
@@ -307,15 +351,6 @@ func (r *IngressMigrateReconciler) Reconcile(req ctrl.Request) (ctrl.Result, err
 			for _, ingress := range migrateDestinationToSource.Items {
-				// before we move anything we may need to modify some annotations
-				// patch all the annotations we are given in the `pre-migrate-resource-annotations`
-				// with the provided values
-				if err := r.migrateResourcePatch(ctx,
-					ingress,
-					dioscuri.ObjectMeta.Annotations["dioscuri.amazee.io/pre-migrate-resource-annotations"],
-				); err != nil {
-					return ctrl.Result{}, err
-				}
 				// migrate these ingress
 				newIngress, err := r.individualIngressMigration(ctx,
@@ -361,7 +396,7 @@ func (r *IngressMigrateReconciler) Reconcile(req ctrl.Request) (ctrl.Result, err
-					dioscuri.ObjectMeta.Annotations["dioscuri.amazee.io/post-migrate-resource-annotations"],
+					dioscuri.ObjectMeta.Annotations["dioscuri.amazee.io/post-migrate-annotation-rules"],
 				if err != nil {
 					r.updateStatusCondition(ctx, &dioscuri, dioscuriv1.IngressMigrateConditions{
@@ -713,6 +748,20 @@ func (r *IngressMigrateReconciler) updateStatusCondition(ctx context.Context,
 	return nil
+// patch ingresses with the rules we have for pre and post migration annotation changes
+func (r *IngressMigrateReconciler) prePostMigrationRules(ctx context.Context, ingress networkv1beta1.Ingress, preMigrateRules string) error {
+	ingressAnnotations := make(map[string]interface{}, len(ingress.ObjectMeta.Annotations))
+	for k, v := range ingress.ObjectMeta.Annotations {
+		ingressAnnotations[k] = v
+	}
+	preAnnos, err := ProcessAnnotationRules(preMigrateRules, &ingressAnnotations)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	fmt.Println("PREANNOS", preAnnos)
+	return nil
 func (r *IngressMigrateReconciler) migrateResourcePatch(ctx context.Context, ingress networkv1beta1.Ingress, migrateResourcesJSON string) error {
 	if migrateResourcesJSON != "" {
 		var migrateResources []map[string]interface{}
diff --git a/test-resources/hostmigration-ns1.yaml b/test-resources/hostmigration-ns1.yaml
index 02c6cd3..f567603 100644
--- a/test-resources/hostmigration-ns1.yaml
+++ b/test-resources/hostmigration-ns1.yaml
@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ metadata:
   namespace: test-ns1
     dioscuri.amazee.io/migrate: 'true'
-    # dioscuri.amazee.io/post-migrate-resource-annotations: >-
-    #   [{"name":"fastly.amazee.io/delete-external-resources","value":"true"},{"name":"fastly.amazee.io/watch","value":"true"},{"name":"fastly.amazee.io/paused","value":"false"}]
-    # dioscuri.amazee.io/pre-migrate-resource-annotations: >-
-    #   [{"name":"fastly.amazee.io/delete-external-resources","value":"false"},{"name":"fastly.amazee.io/watch","value":"false"},{"name":"fastly.amazee.io/paused","value":"true"}]
+    dioscuri.amazee.io/pre-migrate-annotation-rules: >-
+      [{"if":[{"name":"fastly.amazee.io/paused","value":"false","operator":"equals"},{"name":"fastly.amazee.io/watch","value":"true","operator":"equals"}],"then":[{"name":"fastly.amazee.io/paused","value":"true","operator":"equals"},{"name":"fastly.amazee.io/watch","value":"false","operator":"equals"},{"name":"fastly.amazee.io/delete-external-resources","value":"false","operator":"equals"},{"name":"fastly.amazee.io/backup-paused","value":"fastly.amazee.io/paused","operator":"source"},{"name":"fastly.amazee.io/backup-watch","value":"fastly.amazee.io/watch","operator":"source"}]}]
+    dioscuri.amazee.io/post-migrate-annotation-rules: >-
+      [{"if":[{"name":"fastly.amazee.io/paused","value":"true","operator":"equals"},{"name":"fastly.amazee.io/watch","value":"false","operator":"equals"}],"then":[{"name":"fastly.amazee.io/delete-external-resources","operator":"delete"},{"name":"fastly.amazee.io/backup-delete-external-resources","operator":"delete"},{"name":"fastly.amazee.io/backup-paused","operator":"delete"},{"name":"fastly.amazee.io/backup-watch","operator":"delete"},{"name":"fastly.amazee.io/paused","value":"fastly.amazee.io/backup-paused","operator":"source"},{"name":"fastly.amazee.io/watch","value":"fastly.amazee.io/backup-watch","operator":"source"}]}]
   destinationNamespace: test-ns2
diff --git a/test-resources/test-ns1.yaml b/test-resources/test-ns1.yaml
index ad84f0f..38d6e2f 100644
--- a/test-resources/test-ns1.yaml
+++ b/test-resources/test-ns1.yaml
@@ -46,6 +46,9 @@ metadata:
   namespace: test-ns1
     dioscuri.amazee.io/migrate: 'true'
+  annotations:
+    fastly.amazee.io/paused: "false"
+    fastly.amazee.io/watch: "true"
   - host: test1.localhost
@@ -54,131 +57,131 @@ spec:
       - backend:
           serviceName: example-nginx-svc
           servicePort: 80
-apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1
-kind: Ingress
-  name: test2.localhost
-  namespace: test-ns1
-  labels:
-    dioscuri.amazee.io/migrate: 'true'
-  rules:
-  - host: test2.localhost
-    http:
-      paths:
-      - backend:
-          serviceName: example-nginx-svc
-          servicePort: 80
-apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1
-kind: Ingress
-  name: test3.localhost
-  namespace: test-ns1
-  labels:
-    dioscuri.amazee.io/migrate: 'true'
-  rules:
-  - host: test3.localhost
-    http:
-      paths:
-      - backend:
-          serviceName: example-nginx-svc
-          servicePort: 80
-apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1
-kind: Ingress
-  name: test4.localhost
-  namespace: test-ns1
-  labels:
-    dioscuri.amazee.io/migrate: 'true'
-  rules:
-  - host: test4.localhost
-    http:
-      paths:
-      - backend:
-          serviceName: example-nginx-svc
-          servicePort: 80
-apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1
-kind: Ingress
-  name: test5.localhost
-  namespace: test-ns1
-  labels:
-    dioscuri.amazee.io/migrate: 'true'
-  rules:
-  - host: test5.localhost
-    http:
-      paths:
-      - backend:
-          serviceName: example-nginx-svc
-          servicePort: 80
-apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1
-kind: Ingress
-  name: test6.localhost
-  namespace: test-ns1
-  labels:
-    dioscuri.amazee.io/migrate: 'true'
-  rules:
-  - host: test6.localhost
-    http:
-      paths:
-      - backend:
-          serviceName: example-nginx-svc
-          servicePort: 80
-apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1
-kind: Ingress
-  name: test7.localhost
-  namespace: test-ns1
-  labels:
-    dioscuri.amazee.io/migrate: 'true'
-  rules:
-  - host: test7.localhost
-    http:
-      paths:
-      - backend:
-          serviceName: example-nginx-svc
-          servicePort: 80
-apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1
-kind: Ingress
-  name: test8.localhost
-  namespace: test-ns1
-  labels:
-    dioscuri.amazee.io/migrate: 'true'
-  rules:
-  - host: test8.localhost
-    http:
-      paths:
-      - backend:
-          serviceName: example-nginx-svc
-          servicePort: 80
-apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1
-kind: Ingress
-  name: test9.localhost
-  namespace: test-ns1
-  labels:
-    dioscuri.amazee.io/migrate: 'true'
-  rules:
-  - host: test9.localhost
-    http:
-      paths:
-      - backend:
-          serviceName: example-nginx-svc
-          servicePort: 80
\ No newline at end of file
+# ---
+# apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1
+# kind: Ingress
+# metadata:
+#   name: test2.localhost
+#   namespace: test-ns1
+#   labels:
+#     dioscuri.amazee.io/migrate: 'true'
+# spec:
+#   rules:
+#   - host: test2.localhost
+#     http:
+#       paths:
+#       - backend:
+#           serviceName: example-nginx-svc
+#           servicePort: 80
+# ---
+# apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1
+# kind: Ingress
+# metadata:
+#   name: test3.localhost
+#   namespace: test-ns1
+#   labels:
+#     dioscuri.amazee.io/migrate: 'true'
+# spec:
+#   rules:
+#   - host: test3.localhost
+#     http:
+#       paths:
+#       - backend:
+#           serviceName: example-nginx-svc
+#           servicePort: 80
+# ---
+# apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1
+# kind: Ingress
+# metadata:
+#   name: test4.localhost
+#   namespace: test-ns1
+#   labels:
+#     dioscuri.amazee.io/migrate: 'true'
+# spec:
+#   rules:
+#   - host: test4.localhost
+#     http:
+#       paths:
+#       - backend:
+#           serviceName: example-nginx-svc
+#           servicePort: 80
+# ---
+# apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1
+# kind: Ingress
+# metadata:
+#   name: test5.localhost
+#   namespace: test-ns1
+#   labels:
+#     dioscuri.amazee.io/migrate: 'true'
+# spec:
+#   rules:
+#   - host: test5.localhost
+#     http:
+#       paths:
+#       - backend:
+#           serviceName: example-nginx-svc
+#           servicePort: 80
+# ---
+# apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1
+# kind: Ingress
+# metadata:
+#   name: test6.localhost
+#   namespace: test-ns1
+#   labels:
+#     dioscuri.amazee.io/migrate: 'true'
+# spec:
+#   rules:
+#   - host: test6.localhost
+#     http:
+#       paths:
+#       - backend:
+#           serviceName: example-nginx-svc
+#           servicePort: 80
+# ---
+# apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1
+# kind: Ingress
+# metadata:
+#   name: test7.localhost
+#   namespace: test-ns1
+#   labels:
+#     dioscuri.amazee.io/migrate: 'true'
+# spec:
+#   rules:
+#   - host: test7.localhost
+#     http:
+#       paths:
+#       - backend:
+#           serviceName: example-nginx-svc
+#           servicePort: 80
+# ---
+# apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1
+# kind: Ingress
+# metadata:
+#   name: test8.localhost
+#   namespace: test-ns1
+#   labels:
+#     dioscuri.amazee.io/migrate: 'true'
+# spec:
+#   rules:
+#   - host: test8.localhost
+#     http:
+#       paths:
+#       - backend:
+#           serviceName: example-nginx-svc
+#           servicePort: 80
+# ---
+# apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1
+# kind: Ingress
+# metadata:
+#   name: test9.localhost
+#   namespace: test-ns1
+#   labels:
+#     dioscuri.amazee.io/migrate: 'true'
+# spec:
+#   rules:
+#   - host: test9.localhost
+#     http:
+#       paths:
+#       - backend:
+#           serviceName: example-nginx-svc
+#           servicePort: 80
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test-resources/test-ns2.yaml b/test-resources/test-ns2.yaml
index 0c5b132..e3178ed 100644
--- a/test-resources/test-ns2.yaml
+++ b/test-resources/test-ns2.yaml
@@ -54,131 +54,131 @@ spec:
       - backend:
           serviceName: example-nginx-svc
           servicePort: 80
-apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1
-kind: Ingress
-  name: test2-standby.localhost
-  namespace: test-ns2
-  labels:
-    dioscuri.amazee.io/migrate: 'true'
-  rules:
-  - host: test2-standby.localhost
-    http:
-      paths:
-      - backend:
-          serviceName: example-nginx-svc
-          servicePort: 80
-apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1
-kind: Ingress
-  name: test3-standby.localhost
-  namespace: test-ns2
-  labels:
-    dioscuri.amazee.io/migrate: 'true'
-  rules:
-  - host: test3-standby.localhost
-    http:
-      paths:
-      - backend:
-          serviceName: example-nginx-svc
-          servicePort: 80
-apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1
-kind: Ingress
-  name: test4-standby.localhost
-  namespace: test-ns2
-  labels:
-    dioscuri.amazee.io/migrate: 'true'
-  rules:
-  - host: test4-standby.localhost
-    http:
-      paths:
-      - backend:
-          serviceName: example-nginx-svc
-          servicePort: 80
-apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1
-kind: Ingress
-  name: test5-standby.localhost
-  namespace: test-ns2
-  labels:
-    dioscuri.amazee.io/migrate: 'true'
-  rules:
-  - host: test5-standby.localhost
-    http:
-      paths:
-      - backend:
-          serviceName: example-nginx-svc
-          servicePort: 80
-apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1
-kind: Ingress
-  name: test6-standby.localhost
-  namespace: test-ns2
-  labels:
-    dioscuri.amazee.io/migrate: 'true'
-  rules:
-  - host: test6-standby.localhost
-    http:
-      paths:
-      - backend:
-          serviceName: example-nginx-svc
-          servicePort: 80
-apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1
-kind: Ingress
-  name: test7-standby.localhost
-  namespace: test-ns2
-  labels:
-    dioscuri.amazee.io/migrate: 'true'
-  rules:
-  - host: test7-standby.localhost
-    http:
-      paths:
-      - backend:
-          serviceName: example-nginx-svc
-          servicePort: 80
-apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1
-kind: Ingress
-  name: test8-standby.localhost
-  namespace: test-ns2
-  labels:
-    dioscuri.amazee.io/migrate: 'true'
-  rules:
-  - host: test8-standby.localhost
-    http:
-      paths:
-      - backend:
-          serviceName: example-nginx-svc
-          servicePort: 80
-apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1
-kind: Ingress
-  name: test9-standby.localhost
-  namespace: test-ns2
-  labels:
-    dioscuri.amazee.io/migrate: 'true'
-  rules:
-  - host: test9-standby.localhost
-    http:
-      paths:
-      - backend:
-          serviceName: example-nginx-svc
-          servicePort: 80
\ No newline at end of file
+# ---
+# apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1
+# kind: Ingress
+# metadata:
+#   name: test2-standby.localhost
+#   namespace: test-ns2
+#   labels:
+#     dioscuri.amazee.io/migrate: 'true'
+# spec:
+#   rules:
+#   - host: test2-standby.localhost
+#     http:
+#       paths:
+#       - backend:
+#           serviceName: example-nginx-svc
+#           servicePort: 80
+# ---
+# apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1
+# kind: Ingress
+# metadata:
+#   name: test3-standby.localhost
+#   namespace: test-ns2
+#   labels:
+#     dioscuri.amazee.io/migrate: 'true'
+# spec:
+#   rules:
+#   - host: test3-standby.localhost
+#     http:
+#       paths:
+#       - backend:
+#           serviceName: example-nginx-svc
+#           servicePort: 80
+# ---
+# apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1
+# kind: Ingress
+# metadata:
+#   name: test4-standby.localhost
+#   namespace: test-ns2
+#   labels:
+#     dioscuri.amazee.io/migrate: 'true'
+# spec:
+#   rules:
+#   - host: test4-standby.localhost
+#     http:
+#       paths:
+#       - backend:
+#           serviceName: example-nginx-svc
+#           servicePort: 80
+# ---
+# apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1
+# kind: Ingress
+# metadata:
+#   name: test5-standby.localhost
+#   namespace: test-ns2
+#   labels:
+#     dioscuri.amazee.io/migrate: 'true'
+# spec:
+#   rules:
+#   - host: test5-standby.localhost
+#     http:
+#       paths:
+#       - backend:
+#           serviceName: example-nginx-svc
+#           servicePort: 80
+# ---
+# apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1
+# kind: Ingress
+# metadata:
+#   name: test6-standby.localhost
+#   namespace: test-ns2
+#   labels:
+#     dioscuri.amazee.io/migrate: 'true'
+# spec:
+#   rules:
+#   - host: test6-standby.localhost
+#     http:
+#       paths:
+#       - backend:
+#           serviceName: example-nginx-svc
+#           servicePort: 80
+# ---
+# apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1
+# kind: Ingress
+# metadata:
+#   name: test7-standby.localhost
+#   namespace: test-ns2
+#   labels:
+#     dioscuri.amazee.io/migrate: 'true'
+# spec:
+#   rules:
+#   - host: test7-standby.localhost
+#     http:
+#       paths:
+#       - backend:
+#           serviceName: example-nginx-svc
+#           servicePort: 80
+# ---
+# apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1
+# kind: Ingress
+# metadata:
+#   name: test8-standby.localhost
+#   namespace: test-ns2
+#   labels:
+#     dioscuri.amazee.io/migrate: 'true'
+# spec:
+#   rules:
+#   - host: test8-standby.localhost
+#     http:
+#       paths:
+#       - backend:
+#           serviceName: example-nginx-svc
+#           servicePort: 80
+# ---
+# apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1
+# kind: Ingress
+# metadata:
+#   name: test9-standby.localhost
+#   namespace: test-ns2
+#   labels:
+#     dioscuri.amazee.io/migrate: 'true'
+# spec:
+#   rules:
+#   - host: test9-standby.localhost
+#     http:
+#       paths:
+#       - backend:
+#           serviceName: example-nginx-svc
+#           servicePort: 80
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