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Releases: ampere-openbmc/openbmc

Ampere OpenBMC v1.16.100

03 May 00:40
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What's New in v1.16.100

Warning: due to SPI NOR layout change, follow the "Steps to update BMC firmware" below to update from pre-1.12 previous version to THIS version.

  • Change to use smpro-hwmon/misc/errmon Linux driver from code to upstream v7 and update /sys paths in related application to work with the new drivers.
  • Correct smpro-hwmon’s power sensor to use 10-bit data per specification.
  • Update FANs to set speed to 100% duty when missing TS4, SoC_Temp.

Steps to update BMC firmware

  1. Reboot BMC from its console. Type quickly to keep BMC stop at u-boot.
  2. From u-boot command prompt:
    1. Update ethact and set BMC MAC address (if not available)
      # setenv ethact FTGMAC100#1
      # setenv eth1addr xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
    2. Run DHCP to get IP
      # dhcp
    3. Set TFTP server IP and download the firmware image (in the raw *.img format)
      # setenv serverip tftp-server-ip-address
      # tftp 0x80000000 bmc-image
  3. Flash the firmware image into the main SPI-NOR
    # protect off 0x20000000 +${filesize}; erase 0x20000000 +${filesize}; cp.b 0x80000000 0x20000000 ${filesize};protect on all
  4. Reboot to boot to new OpenBMC

If you don't have access to BMC console, an alternative is as follows:

  • Copy BMC raw image (static.mtd) to BMC at /run/initramfs/image-bmc
    e.g. scp build/tmp/deploy/images/mtjade/obmc-phosphor-image-mtjade.static.mtd root@${BMC_IP}:/run/initramfs/image-bmc
  • Reboot BMC to flash the new firmware.

Ampere OpenBMC v1.15.100

06 Apr 03:57
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What's New in v1.15.100

Warning: due to SPI NOR layout change, follow the "Steps to update BMC firmware" below to update from pre-1.12 previous version to THIS version.

  • Combine driver-binder to host-check service to ensure hwmon is bound before changing HostState to Running (that dbus-sensor starts scan for sensors).
  • Prevent error-monitor application to check for RAS error when the Host is OFF.
  • Fix power restriction does not work correctly
  • Fix OCP AER from Host Linux when power off/soft
  • Use RebootCause to prevent power policy on BMC reboots. This helps remove the need of u-boot patch to detect if BMC boots from A/C or reboots.
  • Update OpenOCD to revision v1.3.0
  • Update FAN control table

Steps to update BMC firmware

  1. Reboot BMC from its console. Type quickly to keep BMC stop at u-boot.
  2. From u-boot command prompt:
    1. Update ethact and set BMC MAC address (if not available)
      # setenv ethact FTGMAC100#1
      # setenv eth1addr xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
    2. Run DHCP to get IP
      # dhcp
    3. Set TFTP server IP and download the firmware image (in the raw *.img format)
      # setenv serverip tftp-server-ip-address
      # tftp 0x80000000 bmc-image
  3. Flash the firmware image into the main SPI-NOR
    # protect off 0x20000000 +${filesize}; erase 0x20000000 +${filesize}; cp.b 0x80000000 0x20000000 ${filesize};protect on all
  4. Reboot to boot to new OpenBMC

If you don't have access to BMC console, an alternative is as follows:

  • Copy BMC raw image (static.mtd) to BMC at /run/initramfs/image-bmc
    e.g. scp build/tmp/deploy/images/mtjade/obmc-phosphor-image-mtjade.static.mtd root@${BMC_IP}:/run/initramfs/image-bmc
  • Reboot BMC to flash the new firmware.

Ampere OpenBMC v1.14.100

28 Jan 09:51
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What's New in v1.14.100

Warning: due to SPI NOR layout change, follow the "Steps to update BMC firmware using u-boot" below to update from pre-1.12 previous version to THIS version.
• Move patches to meta-ampere/meta-common so that they can be used across platforms.
• Add missing DNS and Gateway in WebUI -> Network
• Fix Redfish EventLog not being able to load more than 1000 entries.
• Remove SoCPowerLimit Rest API as they can be done via IPIM OEM Set/Get SCP Register Values.
• Remove redundant phosphor-hwmon configs.
• Change Sx_CPU_VCORE UC threshold to 2.00V.
• Remove redundant dimm0/1 and cpu0/1 in ipmitool fru print command.
• Fix failure to subscribe events to EventService Redfish schema.
• Fix NCSI not being able to acquire IP address in case of A/C power.
• Fix Mellanox OCP display crash message from Host Linux when BMC is rebooted while the Host is ON.
• Remove redundant u-boot patches.
• Change to use phosphor-multi-gpio-monitor for GPIO-based events: shutdown/reset ACK handling.
• Disable Chassis chassis instance (/redfish/v1/Chassis/chassis) which is redundant when switching to dbus-sensor/entity-manager.
• Remove PSU presence config and inventory as it conflicts to dbus-sensor’s psusensor. Having this config makes PSU sensors not work after hot unplug/replug.
• Change to use GPIO Host Interface to detect Host state when BMC boots, which align with upstream code at openbmc/phosphor-state-manager@ba2241c.
• Fix CPU Fault LED issue not turn off when the fault GPIO from Host deasserted.
• Update Ampere password policy in WebUI help message.
• Added support for SSIF NACK and long IPMI command (update to latest Linux source rev)

Steps to update BMC firmware using u-boot

  1. Reboot BMC from its console. Type quickly to keep BMC stop at u-boot.
  2. From u-boot command prompt:
    1. Update ethact and set BMC MAC address (if not available)
      # setenv ethact FTGMAC100#1
      # setenv eth1addr xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
    2. Run DHCP to get IP
      # dhcp
    3. Set TFTP server IP and download the firmware image (in the raw *.img format)
      # setenv serverip tftp-server-ip-address
      # tftp 0x80000000 bmc-image
  3. Flash the firmware image into the main SPI-NOR
    # protect off 0x20000000 +${filesize}; erase 0x20000000 +${filesize}; cp.b 0x80000000 0x20000000 ${filesize};protect on all
  4. Reboot to boot to new OpenBMC

Ampere OpenBMC v1.13.100

06 Dec 03:45
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What's New in v1.13.100

Warning: due to SPI NOR layout change, follow the "Steps to update BMC firmware using u-boot" below to update from pre-1.12 previous version to THIS version.

  • Fix OCP_Temp sensor reading not working.
  • Fix wrong LC threshold not work on sensors that have LC threshold without UC.
  • Add dbus-sensor’s AddAssoc option to remove some sensors from association.
  • Update Reset button pressing to do trigger Host hard reset instead of power cycle.
  • Fix unexpected Host State ON event logged when BMC is rebooted.
  • Limit the sha512 calculation round used for PAM authentication to 1000. This fixes out-of-band IPMI not responding after AC cycle.

Steps to update BMC firmware using u-boot

  1. Reboot BMC from its console. Type quickly to keep BMC stop at u-boot.
  2. From u-boot command prompt:
    1. Update ethact and set BMC MAC address (if not available)
      # setenv ethact FTGMAC100#1
      # setenv eth1addr xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
    2. Run DHCP to get IP
      # dhcp
    3. Set TFTP server IP and download the firmware image (in the raw *.img format)
      # setenv serverip tftp-server-ip-address
      # tftp 0x80000000 bmc-image
  3. Flash the firmware image into the main SPI-NOR
    # protect off 0x20000000 +${filesize}; erase 0x20000000 +${filesize}; cp.b 0x80000000 0x20000000 ${filesize};protect on all
  4. Reboot to boot to new OpenBMC

Ampere OpenBMC v1.12.100

08 Nov 22:40
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What's New in v1.12.100

Warning: due to SPI NOR layout change, follow the "Steps to update BMC firmware using u-boot" below to update from pre-1.12 previous version to THIS version.

  • Update the codebase to upstream commit f2b0452, along with update linux to kernel 5.14.6.
  • Add pnor-uefi partition to use for Host UEFI firmware update. This removes the offset support patch for the flashcp command.
  • Remove Redfish sensors from /redfish/v1/Chassis/chassis as by the use of dbus-sensor/entity-manager, sensors are displayed in /redfish/v1/Chassis/Mt_Jade.
  • Use fixed MAC address for USB virtual Ethernet, generated from the RGMII MAC address with first byte replaced by 02h and 06h, for Host and BMC MAC.
  • Support FRUDevice to read UUID from the FRU multi-record area.
  • Change to use IPMI dynamic sensor feature for ipmitool fru read/write/edit commands.
  • Support Ampere IPMI OEM “Set BMC MAC Address” command.
  • Change default power restore policy to "always-on"
  • Change to use GPIO interface for checking Host State when BMC is rebooted (as the [email protected] was removed from phosphor-state-manager)
  • Report bank, row, column in DIMM CE/UE errors to Redfish with MemoryExtendedECCCEData/MemoryExtendedECCUEData registry event.

Known Issue:

  • After running power control operations, out-of-band IPMI might not response in around 1minute.

Steps to update BMC firmware using u-boot

  1. Reboot BMC from its console. Type quickly to keep BMC stop at u-boot.
  2. From u-boot command prompt:
    1. Update ethact and set BMC MAC address (if not available)
      # setenv ethact FTGMAC100#1
      # setenv eth1addr xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
    2. Run DHCP to get IP
      # dhcp
    3. Set TFTP server IP and download the firmware image (in the raw *.img format)
      # setenv serverip tftp-server-ip-address
      # tftp 0x80000000 bmc-image
  3. Flash the firmware image into the main SPI-NOR
    # protect off 0x20000000 +${filesize}; erase 0x20000000 +${filesize}; cp.b 0x80000000 0x20000000 ${filesize};protect on all
  4. Reboot to boot to new OpenBMC

Ampere OpenBMC v1.11.100

30 Sep 10:17
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What's New in v1.11.100

Warning: due to SPI NOR layout change, follow the "Steps to update BMC firmware using u-boot" below to update from pre-1.07 previous version to THIS version. If you are upgrading from v1.07 then the regular upgrade procedure applies

  • Support IPMI SOL for CPU UART.
  • Fix IPMI chassis bootdev clear-cmos not taking affect.
  • Correct output response from the IPMI Get Bootstrap Account Credentials command
  • Fix BMC occasional crashed when doing Host CPU power cycle/reset/reboot stress test.

Steps to update BMC firmware using u-boot

  1. Reboot BMC from its console. Type quickly to keep BMC stop at u-boot.
  2. From u-boot command prompt:
    1. Update ethact and set BMC MAC address (if not available)
      # setenv ethact FTGMAC100#1
      # setenv eth1addr xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
    2. Run DHCP to get IP
      # dhcp
    3. Set TFTP server IP and download the firmware image (in the raw *.img format)
      # setenv serverip tftp-server-ip-address
      # tftp 0x80000000 bmc-image
  3. Flash the firmware image into the main SPI-NOR
    # protect off 0x20000000 +${filesize}; erase 0x20000000 +${filesize}; cp.b 0x80000000 0x20000000 ${filesize};protect on all
  4. Reboot to boot to new OpenBMC

Ampere OpenBMC v1.10.100

31 Aug 11:56
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What's New in v1.10.100

Warning: due to SPI NOR layout change, follow the "Steps to update BMC firmware using u-boot" below to update from pre-1.07 previous version to THIS version. If you are upgrading from v1.07 then the regular upgrade procedure applies

  • Update smpro-misc to read all boot stages from the boot stage register (0xB0).
  • Log DIMM 2X Refresh Rate events in IPMI SEL and Redfish
  • Log DIMM training fail (syndrome) information to IPMI and Redfish.
  • Add bank, row, column information for DIMM CE/UE errors in Redfish
  • Temporary disable IPMI mc reset warm as it causes issues with power operation afterward
  • Update new Fan Algorithm Table v6 ([Mt. Jade 2U]
  • Implement IPMI OEM Command to read write SCP register map.
    - Write a value to SCP register: ipmitool raw 0x3c 0x18 <socket > <offset> <byte0> <byte 1>
    - Read a value from SCP register: ipmitool raw 0x3c 0x17 <socket > <offset>
    Where: socket = 0 or 1.

Steps to update BMC firmware using u-boot

  1. Reboot BMC from its console. Type quickly to keep BMC stop at u-boot.
  2. From u-boot command prompt:
    1. Update ethact and set BMC MAC address (if not available)
      # setenv ethact FTGMAC100#1
      # setenv eth1addr xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
    2. Run DHCP to get IP
      # dhcp
    3. Set TFTP server IP and download the firmware image (in the raw *.img format)
      # setenv serverip tftp-server-ip-address
      # tftp 0x80000000 bmc-image
  3. Flash the firmware image into the main SPI-NOR
    # protect off 0x20000000 +${filesize}; erase 0x20000000 +${filesize}; cp.b 0x80000000 0x20000000 ${filesize};protect on all
  4. Reboot to boot to new OpenBMC

Ampere OpenBMC v1.09.100

31 Jul 10:52
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What's New in v1.09.100

Warning: due to SPI NOR layout change, follow the "Steps to update BMC firmware using u-boot" below to update from pre-1.07 previous version to THIS version. If you are upgrading from v1.07 then the regular upgrade procedure applies

  • Enable dbus-sensor/entity-manager by default.
  • Update IPMI fru report to use information from entity-manager's FruDevice.
  • Enable POSTCode support to log all detected boot progress to POSTCode.
  • Simplified boot-progress implementation by using shell script and logger-systemd. This eliminates the needs for inclusion of support for this feature in ampere-platform-mgmt repo.
  • Update Get Bootstrap Account Credentials IPMI command per latest Arm SBMR with more features:
    • Auto-delete bootstrap account when Host restart and BMC boot.
    • Restrict the Get Boot Strap Account IPMI command to SSIF interface only.
    • Disallow new Get Bootstrap Account after disabling (by sending command option different from 0xA5)
  • Support IPMI mc reset warm command. It will trigger "systemctl default" to reset all BMC services.
  • Support Ampere IPMI OEM "Sync RTC time" (raw 0x3c 0xf9). If receiving this command, BMC will update its system time from RTC.
  • Log Redfish events for power and reset buttons.
  • Fix IPMI sensor threshold not available if not all UC/LC/UNC/ULC thresholds defined.
  • Update Host power control to better match OpenBMC framework.
  • Update ssif_bmc kernel driver to support sending SSIF NACK to take care of IPMI commands that take long response time

Steps to update BMC firmware using u-boot

  1. Reboot BMC from its console. Type quickly to keep BMC stop at u-boot.
  2. From u-boot command prompt:
    1. Update ethact and set BMC MAC address (if not available)
      # setenv ethact FTGMAC100#1
      # setenv eth1addr xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
    2. Run DHCP to get IP
      # dhcp
    3. Set TFTP server IP and download the firmware image (in the raw *.img format)
      # setenv serverip tftp-server-ip-address
      # tftp 0x80000000 bmc-image
  3. Flash the firmware image into the main SPI-NOR
    # protect off 0x20000000 +${filesize}; erase 0x20000000 +${filesize}; cp.b 0x80000000 0x20000000 ${filesize};protect on all
  4. Reboot to boot to new OpenBMC

Ampere OpenBMC v1.08.100

30 Jun 14:11
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What's New in v1.08.100

Warning: due to SPI NOR layout change, follow the "Steps to update BMC firmware using u-boot" below to update to this version from pre-1.07 previous version. If you are upgrading from v1.07 then the regular upgrade procedure applies

  • Simplified scp-failover feature by changing to implement in shell script and logger-systemd. This eliminates the needs for inclusion of support for this feature in ampere-platform-mgmt repo.
  • Changed host-state update using shell script for simpler and easier to maintain. This eliminates the needs for inclusion of support for this in ampere-platform-mgmt repo.
  • Added Initial support for Get Bootstrap Account Credentials IPMI command per latest Arm SBMR.
    • Bootstrap account auto-delete has not been supported.
  • Added support for IPMI lan print 3 command for querying USB Ethernet information
  • Other bug fixes and improvements

Steps to update BMC firmware using u-boot

  1. Reboot BMC from its console. Type quickly to keep BMC stop at u-boot.
  2. From u-boot command prompt:
    1. Update ethact and set BMC MAC address (if not available)
      # setenv ethact FTGMAC100#1
      # setenv eth1addr xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
    2. Run DHCP to get IP
      # dhcp
    3. Set TFTP server IP and download the firmware image (in the raw *.img format)
      # setenv serverip tftp-server-ip-address
      # tftp 0x80000000 bmc-image
  3. Flash the firmware image into the main SPI-NOR
    # protect off 0x20000000 +${filesize}; erase 0x20000000 +${filesize}; cp.b 0x80000000 0x20000000 ${filesize};protect on all
  4. Reboot to boot to new OpenBMC

To enable entity-manager/dbus-sensor

  1. Delete meta-ampere/meta-jade/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon_%.bbappend file
  2. Update meta-ampere/meta-jade/recipes-phosphor/packagegroups/packagegroup-obmc-apps.bbappend as follows:
    1. Add dbus-sensor and entity-manager to RDEPENDS_${PN}-extras_append_mtjade
      RDEPENDS_${PN}-extras_append_mtjade = " \ ${POWER_SERVICE_PACKAGES} \ webui-vue \ phosphor-image-signing \ phosphor-virtual-sensor \ dbus-sensors \ entity-manager \ "
    2. Remove phosphor-hwmon and change sensors-hwmon to dbus-sensor:
      RDEPENDS_${PN}-extras_remove_mtjade = " phosphor-hwmon"
      VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_obmc-sensors-hwmon ?= "dbus-sensors"

Ampere OpenBMC v1.07.100

31 May 15:36
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What's New in v1.07.100

Warning: due to SPI NOR layout change, follow the steps below to update to this version from previous version

  • Change BMC SPI-NOR layout to use 64MB. Need to update from u-boot to flash 64MB firmware from 32 MB firmware, and vice versa.
  • Preliminary support for entity-manager/dbus-sensor. Note that the default build still use phosphor-hwmon.
    To configure to use entity-manager instead of phosphor-hwmon, refer to instructions below.
  • Update the "LastState" field in Boot Progress properties of Redfish schema redfish/v1/System/system.
  • Switch to use phosphor-nvme for NVMe temperature reading. Verified on the PM983 2.5" 960GB SSD drives.
  • Support the ‘ipmitool mc guid’ command to return System GUID.
  • Support CHICONY PSU in inventory.
  • Other bug fixes and improvements

Steps to update BMC firmware using u-boot

  1. Reboot BMC from its console. Type quickly to keep BMC stop at u-boot.
  2. From u-boot command prompt:
    1. Update ethact and set BMC MAC address (if not available)
      # setenv ethact FTGMAC100#1
      # setenv eth1addr xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
    2. Run DHCP to get IP
      # dhcp
    3. Set TFTP server IP and download the firmware image (in the raw *.img format)
      # setenv serverip tftp-server-ip-address
      # tftp 0x80000000 bmc-image
  3. Flash the firmware image into the main SPI-NOR
    # protect off 0x20000000 +${filesize}; erase 0x20000000 +${filesize}; cp.b 0x80000000 0x20000000 ${filesize};protect on all
  4. Reboot to boot to new OpenBMC

To enable entity-manager/dbus-sensor

  1. Delete meta-ampere/meta-jade/recipes-phosphor/sensors/phosphor-hwmon_%.bbappend file
  2. Update meta-ampere/meta-jade/recipes-phosphor/packagegroups/packagegroup-obmc-apps.bbappend as follows:
    1. Add dbus-sensor and entity-manager to RDEPENDS_${PN}-extras_append_mtjade
      RDEPENDS_${PN}-extras_append_mtjade = " \ ${POWER_SERVICE_PACKAGES} \ webui-vue \ phosphor-image-signing \ phosphor-virtual-sensor \ dbus-sensors \ entity-manager \ "
    2. Remove phosphor-hwmon and change sensors-hwmon to dbus-sensor:
      RDEPENDS_${PN}-extras_remove_mtjade = " phosphor-hwmon"
      VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_obmc-sensors-hwmon ?= "dbus-sensors"