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How to Encrypt Kubernetes Secrets Using Sealed Secrets


In this tutorial, you will learn how to deploy and encrypt generic Kubernetes Secrets using the Sealed Secrets Controller.

What Sealed Secrets allows you to do is:

Understanding How Sealed Secrets Work

The Sealed Secrets Controller creates generic (classic) Kubernetes secrets in your DOKS cluster, from sealed secrets manifests. Sealed secrets decryption happens server side only, so as long as the DOKS cluster is secured (etcd database, RBAC properly set), everything should be safe.

There are two components involved:

  1. A client side utility called kubeseal, used for encrypting generic Kubernetes secrets. The kubeseal CLI uses asymmetric crypto to encrypt secrets that only the Sealed Secrets Controller can decrypt.
  2. A server side component called Sealed Secrets Controller which runs on your DOKS cluster, and takes care of decrypting sealed secrets objects for applications to use.

The real benefit comes when you use Sealed Secrets in a GitOps flow. After you commit the sealed secret manifest to your applications Git repository, the Continuous Delivery system (e.g. Flux CD) is notified about the change, and creates a Sealed Secret resource in your DOKS cluster. Then the Sealed Secrets Controller kicks in, and decrypts your sealed secret object back to the original Kubernetes secret. Next, applications can consume the secret as usual.

Compared to other solutions like Vault, Sealed Secrets lacks the following features:

  • Multiple storage backend support (like Consul, S3, Filesystem, SQL databases, etc).
  • Dynamic Secrets: Sealed Secrets cannot create application credentials on demand for accessing other systems, like S3 compatible storage (e.g. DO Spaces), and automatically revoke credentials later on, when the lease expires.
  • Leasing and renewal of secrets: Sealed Secrets doesn't provide a client API for renewing leases, nor does it provide a lease associated to each secret.
  • Revoking old keys/secrets: Sealed Secrets can rotate the encryption key automatically, but it's quite limited in this regard. Old keys and secrets are not revoked automatically - you have to manually revoke the old key(s) and re-seal everything again.
  • Pluggable architecture which extends existing functionality like, setting ACLs via identity based access control plugins (Okta, AWS, etc).

Although Vault is more feature capable, it comes with a tradeoff: increased complexity and costs in terms of maintenance. Where Sealed Secrets really shines is: simplicity and low maintenance overhead and costs.

For enterprise grade production or HIPAA compliant systems, Vault is definitely one of the best candidates. For small projects and development environments, Sealed Secrets will suffice in most of the cases.

After finishing this tutorial, you will be able to:

  • Create and deploy sealed Kubernetes secrets to your DOKS cluster.
  • Manage and update sealed secrets.
  • Configure sealed secrets scope.

Sealed Secrets Controller Setup Overview

Sealed Secrets Controller Setup Overview

Table of Contents


To complete this tutorial, you will need:

  1. A Git client, to clone the Starter Kit repository.
  2. Kubeseal, for encrypting secrets and Sealed Secrets Controller interaction.
  3. Helm, for managing Sealed Secrets Controller releases and upgrades.
  4. Kubectl, for Kubernetes interaction.

Step 1 - Installing the Sealed Secrets Controller

In this step, you will learn how to deploy the Sealed Secrets Controller using Helm. The chart of interest is called sealed-secrets and it's provided by the bitnami-labs repository.

First, clone the Starter Kit Git repository, and change directory to your local copy:

git clone

cd Kubernetes-Starter-Kit-Developers

Then, add the sealed secrets bitnami-labs repository for Helm:

helm repo add sealed-secrets

Next, search the sealed-secrets repository for available charts to install:

helm search repo sealed-secrets

The output looks similar to:

NAME                            CHART VERSION   APP VERSION     DESCRIPTION                                  
sealed-secrets/sealed-secrets   1.16.1          v0.16.0         Helm chart for the sealed-secrets controller.

Now, open and inspect the 08-kubernetes-sealed-secrets/assets/manifests/sealed-secrets-values-v1.16.1.yaml file provided in the Starter kit repository, using an editor of your choice (preferably with YAML lint support). You can use VS Code, for example:

code 08-kubernetes-sealed-secrets/assets/manifests/sealed-secrets-values-v1.16.1.yaml

Next, install the sealed-secrets/sealed-secrets chart, using Helm (notice that a dedicated sealed-secrets namespace is created as well):

helm install sealed-secrets-controller sealed-secrets/sealed-secrets --version 1.16.1 \
  --namespace sealed-secrets \
  --create-namespace \
  -f 08-kubernetes-sealed-secrets/assets/manifests/sealed-secrets-values-v1.16.1.yaml


  • A specific version for the Helm chart is used. In this case 1.16.1 is picked, which maps to the 0.16.0 version of the application. It’s good practice in general, to lock on a specific version. This helps to have predictable results, and allows versioning control via Git.
  • You will want to restrict access to the sealed-secrets namespace for other users that have access to your DOKS cluster, to prevent unauthorized access to the private key (e.g. use RBAC policies).

Next, list the deployment status for Sealed Secrets controller (the STATUS column value should be deployed):

helm ls -n sealed-secrets

The output looks similar to:

NAME                            NAMESPACE       REVISION        UPDATED                                 STATUS          CHART                   APP VERSION
sealed-secrets-controller       sealed-secrets  1               2021-10-04 18:25:03.594564 +0300 EEST   deployed        sealed-secrets-1.16.1   v0.16.0

Finally, inspect the Kubernetes resources created by the Sealed Secrets Helm deployment:

kubectl get all -n sealed-secrets

The output looks similar to (notice the status of the sealed-secrets-controller pod and service - must be UP and Running):

NAME                                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/sealed-secrets-controller-7b649d967c-mrpqq   1/1     Running   0          2m19s

NAME                                TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
service/sealed-secrets-controller   ClusterIP   <none>        8080/TCP   2m20s

NAME                                        READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/sealed-secrets-controller   1/1     1            1           2m20s

NAME                                                   DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/sealed-secrets-controller-7b649d967c   1         1         1       2m20s

In the next step you will learn how to seal your secrets. Only your DOKS cluster can decrypt the sealed secrets, because it's the only one having the private key.

Step 2 - Encrypting a Kubernetes Secret

In this step, you will learn how to encrypt your generic Kubernetes secret, using kubeseal CLI. Then, you will deploy it to your DOKS cluster and see how the Sealed Secrets controller decrypts it for your applications to use.

Suppose that you need to seal a generic secret for your application, saved in the following file: your-app-secret.yaml. Notice the your-data field which is base64 encoded (it's vulnerable to attacks, because it can be very easily decoded using free tools):

apiVersion: v1
  your-data: ZXh0cmFFbnZWYXJzOgogICAgRElHSVRBTE9DRUFOX1RPS0VOOg== # base64 encoded application data
kind: Secret
  name: your-app

First, you need to fetch the public key from the Sealed Secrets Controller (performed only once per cluster, and on each fresh install):

kubeseal --fetch-cert --controller-namespace=sealed-secrets > pub-sealed-secrets.pem


  • If you deploy the Sealed Secrets controller to another namespace (defaults to kube-system), you need to specify to the kubeseal CLI the namespace, via the --controller-namespace flag.
  • The public key can be safely stored in a Git repository for example, or even given to the world. The encryption mechanism used by the Sealed Secrets controller cannot be reversed without the private key (stored in your DOKS cluster only).

Next, create a sealed file from the Kubernetes secret, using the pub-sealed-secrets.pem key:

kubeseal --format=yaml \
  --cert=pub-sealed-secrets.pem \
  --secret-file your-app-secret.yaml \
  --sealed-secret-file your-app-sealed.yaml

The file content looks similar to (notice the your-data field which is encrypted now, using a Bitnami SealedSecret object):

kind: SealedSecret
  creationTimestamp: null
  name: your-app
  namespace: default
    your-data: 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
    data: null
      creationTimestamp: null
      name: your-app
      namespace: default


If you don't specify a namespace, the default one is assumed (use kubeseal --namespace flag, to change targeted namespace). Default scope used by kubeseal is strict - please refer to scopes in Security Best Practices.

Next, you can delete the Kubernetes secret file, because it's not needed anymore:

rm -f your-app-secret.yaml

Finally, deploy the sealed secret to your cluster:

kubectl apply -f your-app-sealed.yaml

Check that the Sealed Secrets Controller decrypted your Kubernetes secret in the default namespace:

kubectl get secrets

The output looks similar to:

NAME                  TYPE                                  DATA   AGE
your-app              Opaque                                1      31s

Inspect the secret:

kubectl get secret your-app -o yaml

The output looks similar to (your-data key value should be decrypted to the original base64 encoded value):

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  creationTimestamp: "2021-10-05T08:34:07Z"
  name: your-app
  namespace: default
  - apiVersion:
    controller: true
    kind: SealedSecret
    name: your-app
    uid: f6475e74-78eb-4c6a-9f19-9d9ceee231d0
  resourceVersion: "235947"
  uid: 7b7d2fee-c48a-4b4c-8f16-2e58d25da804
type: Opaque

Step 3 - Managing Sealed Secrets

Managing Existing Secrets

If you want SealedSecret controller to take management of an existing Secret (i.e. overwrite it when unsealing a SealedSecret with the same name and namespace), then you have to annotate that Secret with the annotation "true" ahead applying Step 2 - Encrypting a Kubernetes Secret.

Updating Existing Secrets

If you want to add or update existing sealed secrets without having the cleartext for the other items, you can just copy&paste the new encrypted data items and merge it into an existing sealed secret.

You must take care of sealing the updated items with a compatible name and namespace (see note about scopes above).

You can use the --merge-into command to update an existing sealed secrets if you don't want to copy&paste:

echo -n bar | kubectl create secret generic mysecret --dry-run=client --from-file=foo=/dev/stdin -o json \
  | kubeseal > mysealedsecret.json

echo -n baz | kubectl create secret generic mysecret --dry-run=client --from-file=bar=/dev/stdin -o json \
  | kubeseal --merge-into mysealedsecret.json

If using VS Code there's an extension that allows you to use the GUI mode to perform the above operations - Kubeseal for vscode.

Step 4 - Sealed Secrets Controller Private Key Backup

If you want to perform a manual backup of the private and public keys, you can do so via:

kubectl get secret -n sealed-secrets -l -o yaml > master.key

Then, store the master.key file somewhere safe. To restore from a backup after some disaster, just put that secrets back before starting the controller - or if the controller was already started, replace the newly-created secrets and restart the controller:

kubectl apply -f master.key

kubectl delete pod -n sealed-secrets -l name=sealed-secrets-controller

Best approach is to perform regular backups via Velero for example, as you already learned in Section 6 - Backup Using Velero. Velero helps you to restore the Sealed Secrets controller state in case of a disaster as well (without the need to fetch the master key, and then inserting it back in the cluster).

Security Best Practices

In terms of security, Sealed Secrets allows you to restrict other users to decrypt your sealed secrets inside the cluster. There are three scopes that you can use (kubeseal CLI --scope flag):

  1. strict (default): the secret must be sealed with exactly the same name and namespace. These attributes become part of the encrypted data and thus changing name and/or namespace would lead to "decryption error".
  2. namespace-wide: you can freely rename the sealed secret within a given namespace.
  3. cluster-wide: the secret can be unsealed in any namespace and can be given any name.

Next, you can apply some of the best practices highlighted below:

  • Make sure to change periodically both secrets (like passwords, tokens, etc), and the private key used for encryption. This way, if the encryption key is ever leaked, sensitive data doesn't get exposed. And even if it is, the secrets are not valid anymore. You can read more on the topic by referring to the Secret Rotation chapter, from the official documentation.
  • You can leverage the power of RBAC for your Kubernetes cluster to restrict access to namespaces. So, if you store all your Kubernetes secrets in a specific namespace, then you can restrict access to unwanted users and applications for that specific namespace. This is important, because plain Kubernetes Secrets are base64 encoded and can be decoded very easy by anyone. Sealed Secrets provides an encryption layer on top of encoding, but in your DOKS cluster sealed secrets are transformed back to generic Kubernetes secrets.
  • To avoid private key leaks, please make sure that the namespace where you deployed the Sealed Secrets controller is protected as well, via corresponding RBAC rules.


In this tutorial, you learned how to use generic Kubernetes secrets in a secure way. You also learned that the encryption key is stored and secrets are decrypted in the cluster (the client doesn’t have access to the encryption key).

Then, you discovered how to use kubeseal CLI, to generate SealedSecret manifests that hold sensitive content encrypted. After applying the sealed secrets manifest file to your DOKS cluster, the Sealed Secrets Controller will recognize it as a new sealed secret resource, and decrypt it to generic Kubernetes Secret resource.


  • Lightweight, meaning implementation and management costs are low.
  • Transparent integration with Kubernetes Secrets.
  • Decryption happens server side (DOKS cluster).
  • Works very well in a GitOps setup (encrypted files can be stored using public Git repositories).


  • For each DOKS cluster a separate private and public key pair needs to be created and maintained.
  • Private keys must be backed up (e.g. using Velero) for disaster recovery.
  • Updating and re-sealing secrets, as well as adding or merging new key/values is not quite straightforward.

Even though there are some cons to using Sealed Secrets, the ease of management and transparent integration with Kubernetes and GitOps flows makes it a good candidate in practice.

Learn More

Go to Section 14 - Starter Kit Resource Usage.