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Andrés M edited this page Apr 14, 2016 · 27 revisions

Building SC-IM

Try building SC-IM linking to ncursesw library rather than ncurses library and setting the USELOCALE flag. This will prevent to have problems with special characters (extended ascii chars), whatever encoding you use.

Build instructions for NetBSD

Use gmake and bison. Make sure to have ncurses library or a symlink to it in the library directory. Setup NETBSD in Makefile and other variables, acording to the previous comments. Replace -lncurses with -lcurses in Makefile.

Build instructions for FreeBSD

Use gmake and bison for building. Setup FREEBSD in Makefile.

Build instructions for OSX

Setup MACOSX in Makefile.

Some OSX users report these to be necessary as well, for SC-IM to be built:

  • brew install ncurses
  • brew link ncurses

You should see a bunch of /usr/local/lib/libncursesw* file links needed by SC-IM.