##Sample Usage DirectDebit with Factory
use Digitick\Sepa\TransferFile\Factory\TransferFileFacadeFactory;
use Digitick\Sepa\PaymentInformation;
//Set the initial information
$directDebit = TransferFileFacadeFactory::createDirectDebit('test123', 'Me');
// create a payment, it's possible to create multiple payments,
// "firstPayment" is the identifier for the transactions
$directDebit->addPaymentInfo('firstPayment', array(
'id' => 'firstPayment',
'creditorName' => 'My Company',
'creditorAccountIBAN' => 'FI1350001540000056',
'creditorAgentBIC' => 'PSSTFRPPMON',
'seqType' => PaymentInformation::S_ONEOFF,
'creditorId' => 'DE21WVM1234567890'
// Add a Single Transaction to the named payment
$directDebit->addTransfer('firstPayment', array(
'amount' => '500',
'debtorIban' => 'FI1350001540000056',
'debtorBic' => 'OKOYFIHH',
'debtorName' => 'Their Company',
'debtorMandate' => 'AB12345',
'debtorMandateSignDate' => '13.10.2012',
'remittanceInformation' => 'Purpose of this direct debit'
// Retrieve the resulting XML
##Sample Usage DirectDebit with Factory and Custom Header
use Digitick\Sepa\TransferFile\Factory\TransferFileFacadeFactory;
use Digitick\Sepa\PaymentInformation;
use Digitick\Sepa\GroupHeader;
//Set the custom header (Spanish banks example) information
$header = new GroupHeader(date('Y-m-d-H-i-s'), 'Me');
$directDebit = TransferFileFacadeFactory::createDirectDebitWithGroupHeader($header, 'pain.008.001.02');
// create a payment, it's possible to create multiple payments,
// "firstPayment" is the identifier for the transactions
$directDebit->addPaymentInfo('firstPayment', array(
'id' => 'firstPayment',
'creditorName' => 'My Company',
'creditorAccountIBAN' => 'FI1350001540000056',
'creditorAgentBIC' => 'PSSTFRPPMON',
'seqType' => PaymentInformation::S_ONEOFF,
'creditorId' => 'DE21WVM1234567890'
// Add a Single Transaction to the named payment
$directDebit->addTransfer('firstPayment', array(
'amount' => '500',
'debtorIban' => 'FI1350001540000056',
'debtorBic' => 'OKOYFIHH',
'debtorName' => 'Their Company',
'debtorMandate' => 'AB12345',
'debtorMandateSignDate' => '13.10.2012',
'remittanceInformation' => 'Purpose of this direct debit'
// Retrieve the resulting XML