Welcome to TMPTSCH (use arrow keys to navigate)
TMPTSCH stands for Takahashi Method Presentation Tool Sent Clone HTML
Yeah, my naming sense is bad.
Takahashi Method Presentations Have a phrase per slide.
Now feature showcase!
Hit the H key
Hit the F key
There is a dark mode toggle
Here is a link Check if it works
Link to repo/help is in top right corner
Images also work
@https://picsum.photos/200/300.jpg ^ Look at this notation for images! // Only one image per slide, no text
Hit the E key and go back a slide
In the orange settings Click on QR Code dropdown and pick either option
All link will now show QR Codes! // Go back to the slide with the link
Now presenter's Notes
Checkmark the box on the top left // And hit R (refresh slides)
Now see the dev console: (rightclick > inspect > console) // Your notes will appear here // Lines starting with "//" will become presetner notes. // Now go to the next slides, the notes for them should appear. Check the editor to see the syntax. // (the notes on the previous slides are just for showcase)
Want to make your own presentation?
Well, the built-in editor is kinda bad // I may or may not go fix it
So you will have to write some plaintext files and click [Choose File] to import them // Not newbie friendly... yeah
Open WebApp Check repo for more instructions & info